InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wheelchairs, Low Tables And Wide Doors Of The Heart ❯ Unpacking And Getting A Friend For The First Time ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.
Wheelchairs, Low Tables And Wide Doors Of The Heart
Chapter 1: Unpacking And Getting A Friend For The First Time
College. The last stepping-stone before you get to leap into the real world. The great adventure that every teenager dreams of having.
Kagome had finished moving her boxes into her dorm room and decided to go wash her grimy hands before she unpacked her clothes. Her roommate hadn't arrived yet but that was okay, she could get most of her unpacking done and be able to help the other girl with hers. Leaving her dorm room and walking down the hall she brushed off her short sleeve shirt and shorts as she entered the bathroom. While washing her hands she thought about her choice of living arrangements. She had chosen to live in a Co-Ed dorm, that, she decided could prove to be a disaster. It had sounded fun when she registered and it still seemed to be exciting but she may have just agreed to live with a whole bunch of college guys who act just like she little brother Sota. That would be hell. Kagome came out of the bathroom and was on her way back to her room when she saw a guy in a wheelchair and a cardboard box in his lap disappear in to the handicap dorm room on this floor. He looked to be a decent person and he was very handsome looking young man. He had a very unique hair color, silver and if she was not mistaken he also had little dog-ears on the top of his head. Kagome decided to go and try to make her first friend in college. She walked up to the open door; it was much wider then the door of her room. Also on the front of the door was one of those blue and white handicapped symbols and below it was the room number 500. Her room number was 515. Kagome hadn't been standing in the doorway for five seconds before the young man spoke.
"What in the hell do you want?" He said rummaging through one of the cardboard boxes on his bed.
"I just wanted to say hi and see if you needed any help or anything." Kagome said in a friendly way.
"Listen wench," He said as he wheeled himself around to face her and glared. "I don't need your help or anyone else's and I certainly don't need your charity."
"Well excuse me for trying to be nice and trying to get to know you seeing as I don't know anyone here, my roommate hasn't arrived yet and I'm hundreds of miles away from home. I thought you looked like a nice person and that we might be able to be friends. And I'm sorry I offended you, I didn't mean to. Goodbye." She turned to start walking down the hallway to her room. 'This is great.' she thought. 'I haven't been here four hours and I'm already pissing people off.'
"Hey, wait." There was something about this girl. And there was something about her scent too. Damn it he liked her scent a lot. It was friendly and warm. `Shit.' He thought. `She's probably the only person who'll even try to be nice to me here and I had to go and fuck it up, shit.'
"Yes? I understand that you don't need my kindness or my 'charity' so I'll leave you alone now." She didn't really want to hear this guy yell at her again.
"No, wait. I'm sorry. I tend to be cynical, sarcastic, and think that everyone who is nice to me is going to try to screw me over." He felt like a real bastard, any dumb ass could see she wasn't the least bit two-faced. Kagome looked at the young man sitting in his wheelchair before her. The metal frame of his wheelchair was red and she noticed his gold eyes and how nice his bright red shirt looked on him. Yes, red was defiantly his color.
“That's okay.” She was now standing in his doorway again. What was she supposed to say now? She didn't even know the guy and they had already fought and made up and she didn't even know his name. This was a very weird start to college life, indeed. “Well, this is awkward isn't it?”
“Feh, tell me something I don't know.” He paused. “Why don't you come in instead of standing in the hallway.” He moved backward with ease, giving her plenty of space to enter the largish room, which, she did. She looked around for a moment before going to stand directly in front of him. She stuck her hand out towards the young man.
“I'm Kagome Higurashi.” She only had to wait a second or two for his response.
“Inuyasha Yamamoto. It's nice to meet you.” He smiled, taking Kagome's hand and shaking it. Kagome smiled back. She noticed his fangs peak out when he smiled and that his fingers were tipped with claws when she shook his hand.
“I like your ears Inuyasha.” Kagome nearly smacked herself in the head. Inuyasha ran a clawed hand through his jaw length, ever so slightly shaggy looking, and slightly punk rocker-ish, silver hair.
“Feh, they're standard issue for a dog hanyou.” Well, she obviously knew he was a hanyou before he had mentioned it and it was a good sign that she hadn't gone running and screaming when he had said the word `hanyou'. Was it actually possible that he had finally met some who didn't care he was hanyou or in a wheelchair?
“Still, I think they look good on you.” Yep, he finally had and she was standing right in front of him.
“Would you like to stay while I unpack?” Inuyasha offered.
“Sure.” She said but felt awkward, she didn't know whether to sit down somewhere or try to come up with a good topic of conversation. Inuyasha both saw and smelled her uneasiness in her scent.
“Feel free to look through my things but don't go into the top drawer of the dresser.” He pointed to the short dresser across from him. She gave him a questioning look. “It's my underwear. If you don't look through mine, I won't look through yours. Deal?” He smirked mischievously at her.
“Deal.” She agreed with a smile and shook her head at his smirk. Inuyasha went back to rummaging around in the cardboard boxes on his bed. Kagome looked around the room again this time paying attention to how the furniture in the room was arranged and the placement of doors. The door to the hall way was behind her and she was facing a wall with a desk and a small window. The bed was to her right and opposite the bed was the dresser. The dresser was on the left side of the room between two doors. One of which was closed obviously the closet and the other door was open, she could clearly see into the largish specially modified bathroom. Over all the room was large obviously so he could maneuver easily. “Not fair. You get your own bathroom.” Inuyasha looked up from his unpacking.
“I'm just lucky I guess.” He joked. That's when Kagome noticed what was sitting on top of the desk, a nice, new, signatory white Apple computer. “Nice computer. I have an Apple too. I love them; they're so easy to use. But, yours is much fancier them mine and your screen has to be at least twice as big as the one my computer has.” She pressed a bottom to turn it on and found a folding chair in the corner to sit on. When she sat down she found the top of the desk was lower by a few inches then the two desks in her room. Inuyasha spoke as the computer booted up.
“My parents bought it for me. Computers are my thing. That's why I'm here to study computers, computer animation, creating software, everything involving computers pretty much. Computer Science's are my major. What about you?” Inuyasha asked.
“Me? I'm here to study to become a libratory scientist. You know, the people who do blood tests and try to come up with cures of AIDS and cancer and other diseases and infections, who work with DNA and chromosomes and all that stuff. And just to let you know, I am anti-animal testing with the exception of doing tests on animals to try to cure them of diseases and illnesses that effect them like hoof-and-mouth disease for example.” She looked at Inuyasha, waiting for him to comment.
“Interesting. But, I'm curious, why did you choose to study to go into that profession?” He asked honestly interested.
“Well, I have always been very good in science and I'm good with statistics, data and scientific analysis and I like doing experiments so I put two and two together and that's what I came up with.” It was true she had pulled all of the things that she was good at together and found something where she could use all of her strengths. Kagome turned to look at the computer screen just as it has finished booting up. A box popped up asking for a password to be entered. She turned her head towards Inuyasha. “Oh, I'm sorry.” She said realizing the purpose of the password was to keep nosy people from messing with Inuyasha's computer and that's what she was being, nosy. She blushed a little.
“That's okay,” He looked at her very closely for a second. Yea, it would be alright if… “the password is Tetsusaiga.” Kagome's eyes widened a little bit.
“Tetsusaiga?” She repeated in slight disbelief.
“Yea, it's from and old story my dad used to tell me when I was little. Tetsusaiga is the name of a rusty old sword but, when the man who was meant to use it uses it to protect his friends and loved ones it transforms into big powerful sword.” Inuyasha finished his extremely abbreviated version of the story.
“I know the story well. My Grandfather always told it over and over again along with many, many other old stories, to my little brother Sota and I. I just never thought anyone else had ever heard the story.” It was a weird; the strange things you could have in common with someone you just met.
“Really? It's been my favorite story since I was little.” Inuyasha told her trying to remember the very first time he had heard the story. He couldn't remember but he remembered the feeling he had had when every time he heard it, the feeling that he could be that strong too and do anything.
“You know, the story of Tetsusaiga is over five hundred and fifty years old.”
“I knew that.” Inuyasha said as he watched Kagome turn back to the computer and type in the password. There were a few folders on his desktop but she ignored those at the moment and looked at the programs on the toolbar at the bottom of the screen. Seeing the iTunes icon she clicked on it.
“Let's see what you listen to with those cute little ears of your hmm?” She commented as the program opened. She was the first person other then his parents to say something nice about his ears. If someone did say something about them it was to say how disgusting they were, they were the one definite physical feature to mark him as a hanyou. Inuyasha blushed some. Kagome looked through the long list of songs until she found one of her favorites; A Hard Day's Night by The Beatles. She clicked the play button and music started to come out of the speakers.
“You like this song?” Inuyasha asked tentatively.
“Yeah, it's one of my favorites. I love The Beatles.” Kagome turned in her seat to face him and smiled again, her head bobbing along to the music.
“Good because I've got a lot of Beatles music on there.” He told her. This girl just got better and better didn't she.
“I can see.” She said minimizing the iTunes window and opening Microsoft Word. She noticed there were a lot of useful changes to the program other then the ones that can be made but changing the preferences so she opened another program and once again there were those changes in the program it's self. “Why are there all these unusual changes to your programs?”
“Oh those? I did that.” Inuyasha had just emptied another box and he only had two left. He wheeled him self so he was sitting next to her at the long low desk.
“How? All of these programs are secure.” Kagome continued to sift through the things on Inuyasha's computer.
“Well I just happen to be pretty good at hacking into things.” He watched her look at all the changes he had made. “You know, I could make these changes on your computer if you'd like.”
“Really? I would like that.” Inuyasha was pleased with himself for offering to work on her computer. `At least it gives me a reason to see her again.' The thought made him smile. Usually he was never this happy, not that he was complaining. Before they knew it they had spend nearly two hours together. Kagome decided it was time for her to go see if her roommate had arrived yet.
“I'll see you around sometime.” Inuyasha said hopefully.
“Sure…” She paused. “Me and my roommate, whoever she is, will definitely be eating in the cafeteria for dinner, I'll find you and we'll all eat together okay?”
“Sounds great.” He couldn't wait.
“Terrific. Bye.” She waved to him.
“Bye.“ He waved back. And with that she headed back to her dorm room. Inuyasha couldn't believe how great the day had turned out to be. For the first time in his life he had a friend and her name was Kagome. College was definitely going to be much better then he had originally thought it would be.