InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wheelchairs, Low Tables And Wide Doors Of The Heart ❯ Two Plus Two Equals Four ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.
Wheelchairs, Low Tables And Wide Doors Of The Heart
Chapter 2: Two Plus Two Equals Four
As Kagome approached the door of her dorm room she reached into the pocket of her shorts and pulled out her key. Her shiny new door key was already attached to her key ring along with her car key and house key. Before she had left home to start her journey to the college she had thought about giving the house key back to her parents but there was something just too final about that gesture. She opened the door to reveal boxes that were not hers and a tall young woman with long dark brown hair that was in a high ponytail. The young woman introduced herself.
“I'm Sango Hishida. I guess this means we'll be roommates for the next four years.” She smiled. Sango had nice brown eyes that had a tinge of pink to them. She also wore shorts, short sleeves and sandals like Kagome.
“Hello my name is Kagome Higurashi. I don't think it will be that bad living with me for the next four years.” They both laughed a bit. “Would you like some help unpacking your things?”
“I would appreciate that very much.” Sango answered. Over the next few hours they go to know each other, laughing and talking and they instantly became best friends. They talked about their families and where they were from and things like that. They also managed to put away all of Sango's things and Kagome's clothes.
It was about nine o'clock and most of the students had come to the cafeteria to eat. Inuyasha had already been through the line and was making his way over to one of the lower handicapped tables with his tray in his lap. People had already started staring, pointing and whispering; they had started the moment he had arrived at the college. But it didn't really matter because for the most part he had become numb to the hateful words and stares. He reached the table and shifted the tray from his lap to the tabletop. He picked up his chopsticks and began eating the ramen he had gotten. `What's that scent? Oh, it's that girl Kagome. Kagome! She wasn't lying to me when she said she'd come sit with me.' Kagome made her way through some people and set her tray on the table and sat directly across from Inuyasha. Kagome smiled and Inuyasha looked sort of surprised and happy.
“Mmm… ramen.” Kagome said using her own set of chopsticks to take a few of the long thin noodles from his bowl then put then in her mouth.
“Hey!” Inuyasha retorted reaching over and grabbing a piece of broccoli and sticking it into his mouth then chewing and swallowing it. Kagome shook her head and Sango finally got to the table. She set her tray down next to Kagome and stayed standing obviously a bit nervous.
“Hi I'm Kagome's roommate Sango. It's nice to meet you Inuyasha.” She said politely. Before Sango could sit down she turned around quickly to slap the young man who had just grabbed her ass. Luckily for him he had a good scene of balance and didn't drop his tray. Sango picked up the fork from her tray and held it threateningly. “Unless you want this fork to be put somewhere uncomfortable I suggest that you don't do that again, pervert.” She warned narrowing her eyes at him.
“But, you are so beautiful I couldn't help it.” The young man explained.
“I don't care.” Sango answered and glared at him before sitting down. The young man made his way to the empty seat next to Inuyasha but he did not make any move to sit or set his tray down.
“Do you mind if I sit here?” He asked Inuyasha. Inuyasha studied him a minute. The young man was fairly handsome and had blue eyes that were so dark they had a purplish quality to them. He also had what Inuyasha guessed to be shoulder length hair that was pulled in to a very short ponytail at the back of his neck. Inuyasha made his decision.
“No, go ahead.” Inuyasha answered and saw Sango's eye twitch ever so slightly.
“Thank you.” He said. There was a somewhat long pause. “I'm Miroku Omori.” Miroku introduced himself.
“You're a pervert.” Sango blurted.
“Sango…” Kagome whispered loudly in shock.
“I am, I admit it. I can't keep my hands off of a lovely female figure like yours, Sango.” Miroku said and Inuyasha noted that his scent when he said that was honest.
“Great, the pervert knows my name.” And Sango did not sound happy that: A. Miroku had admitted to being a pervert and B. he knew her name. Inuyasha spoke to Miroku.
“I haven't known Sango for more then five minutes and she hasn't said anything to me really but I have the feeling that unless you seriously do want all the utensils in this cafeteria to be shoved up your ass you should stop admiring her `lovely female figure'.” Sango spoke up instantly.
“Inuyasha you have to be the smartest person I have ever met.” Inuyasha didn't know what to say to that.
“Thanks.” He mumbled and went back to eating his ramen. Kagome suddenly smacked her forehead and the others looked at her.
“I'm so stupid Sango you're my roommate and I forgot to ask you what you're here to study.” Kagome felt really stupid, she had known the other girl a few hours and hadn't asked her was she was going to study. You would have thought that would have been one of the first questions she had asked Sango.
“Oh psychiatry and psychology because I want to become a psychiatrist. I want to figure out people and help them fight their inner demons so to speak. You?” Sango redirected the question back at Kagome.
“A scientist, one that works in a laboratory and does lots of experiments and things like that.” Kagome said and then looked at Miroku he hadn't really said anything. “What about you Miroku?” Miroku stopped eating and quickly swallowed what was in his mouth.
“Math, I'm like a living, breathing scientific calculator. You can give me what ever you think is that hardest problem to do and I can do it quickly in my head and come up with the right answer.”
“Wow, we're exact opposites, you're a living calculator and I hate Math with an undying passion.” Sango confessed. Miroku shrugged.
“It doesn't matter. Although I do think you should redirect that passion somewhere else.” He smirked at her and she glared at him. Miroku looked at Inuyasha. “Inuyasha could I ask you to stop inhaling your Ramen long enough to tell us what you're going to be studying?”
“I wasn't inhaling my Ramen. Kagome already knows but anything and everything that has to do with computers.” He told them.
“Kagome already knew?” Miroku asked.
“Yeah I met her while I was unpacking my stuff we talked for a while.” Inuyasha responded.
After everyone was finished eating they decided to go back to their dorm rooms. Inuyasha, Kagome and Sango were walking in the direction of their dorm and Miroku was following. Sango spun around.
“Miroku I understand that you like my ass but stop following us.” She started walking again and they all had reached the lobby/ common room of the dorm.
“I'm sorry to upset you but my room is down that hallway.” Miroku said pointing to down one of the two hallways that split off of the lobby/common room.
“Oh.” Sango whispered. She felt like a real bitch. “I'm sorry.”
“It's quite alright Sango. Well I'm going to go some sleep.” He said then turned to Inuyasha. “Nice meeting you Inuyasha I hope to see you again soon.” Miroku shook Inuyasha's hand and turned toward Kagome. “And you too Kagome.” He waved to her. And finally He said goodbye to Sango. “ Good night my sweet Sango.” He gave he a smile and began to walk down the hallway to his room. Sango stood there standing in disbelief she then shook her head.
“I'm going back to the room. “ She told Kagome and Inuyasha and started walking to her room down the opposite hallway then the one Miroku had walked down. Kagome and Inuyasha looked at each other. They started down the hallway after Sango. They reached Inuyasha's room.
“When do you want me to star modifying those computer problems for you?” He asked.
“How about tomorrow?” Kagome suggested.
“Fine with me just come here and get me when you're ready. See you later Kagome.” He was happy that he would get to spend time with her tomorrow and get to know her better.
“Bye Inuyasha.” Kagome said and leaned down and hugged him before she waved and hurried down the hallway to her dorm room. Inuyasha sat in his wheelchair blinking and his ears standing up as straight as they could. He blushed just a little. Kagome really didn't care is he was handicapped or a hanyou did she? It didn't seem that Sango or Miroku cared either.