InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When a door closes... ❯ The End of the Beginning ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
When a door closes...By Namiyo11
Chapter 1- The End of the Beginning
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

All around her, Kagome saw battle as she and the rest of this unlikely group battled the cause of so much pain. So much blood and loss. Three years of blood, sweat and tears just to be ambushed!

‘We could really use some help!’ she thought desperately as she fired a sacred arrow. Naraku had lured them deep into the woods, and they thought they’d been fortunate to find a small woodcutter’s hut for the night of the new moon. How wrong they were! It had only been luck that they’d managed to sense his presence while he waited to strike when they were weakest.
“Hiraikotsu!” Sango yelled, her giant boomerang flying at the tangled mass that was Naraku. Tears slid down the tajiya’s face as she fought, causing her poison mask to dimly gleam as they tracked through the blood and dirt that smeared her and the others. A crumpled form not far away was the cause of her agony. Her young brother would be Naraku’s last victim, she swore it to herself as she wept and threw. Naraku had forced Kohaku to tear the shard that held him to life from his own back in front of her bare moments before, just another ploy, another means of toying with his enemies. His last act had been to give it to the monster before falling to the ground, never to rise again. She was the last of her people now, and she would make him pay.
Kirara’s fangs and claws tore at his tentacles that wrapped around her, miasma boiling from the wounds to sting the lungs, blind the vision and draw the life from the great neko youkai. It’s poison caused her to growl in pain, but she held on, grimly finishing her task. She must protect Sango, and Naraku had to die. Her vision blurred, and a fleeting image of another person, a priestess warrior with flashing eyes and a brave smile danced before her. Midoriko, her friend and ally. It had to end, the priestess had waited so long to rest, and the jewel that held her soul could not be allowed to remain befouled. Kirara would fight until her strength failed for that, she had promised to save her one day, and here, at last, she would fulfill her own private vow.
A swarm of Samiyusho shot around Miroku. How well Naraku knew his powers. The poisonous insects moved with him, keeping his Kazaana closed. If only he could open it! But, it was nearly too late for Miroku, the hole had expanded, and one more use would kill him. He, like his father and grandfather before him, would be sucked into his own cursed hand. If he could take Naraku with him, it would be worth it. But he would never survive long enough to ensure the beast was swallowed and his friends weren’t with the demon insects involved. His staff swept out, blocking a seeking limb as another lashed out and struck the monk in the back almost playfully.

With a groan, he fell forward, seeing stars as a wet crack proclaimed something broken. Such was the confidence of Naraku, he wanted to enjoy this battle, let them live as long as possible. To wait until the new moon made them easier prey. Miroku saw another shoot towards him, and feebly tried lift his staff to try to block it. But his body was lying over it, and he realized with a certain detachment that he was not going to stop it in time as he slipped into unconsciousness.
“KAZE NO KIZU!” a cry and a blast of energy slashed the tentacle before it could impale the monk. “Miroku! Get up! Come on, lazy monk!” Inuyasha slashed with Tetsusaiga as he protected the man, jumping in front of the monk.

“DAMN IT!” the hanyou yelled, he was already hurt himself, and one look said they were being pushed back. There would be no retreat, they all knew it. Win or lose, this was their last stand. Kohaku was dead, Miroku soon would be, and the only shards not in Naraku’s hands were two Kagome held in a bottle around her neck. Two that had once belonged to the mangy wolf. They were out of time, and options. The new moon was tonight, and the sun was beginning to set. Naraku was counting on that, he knew it! Not knowing what else he could do, Inuyasha kept fighting.Kagome fired another arrow from her dwindling supply, all they could manage was to contain Naraku because his power had grown so over time. The tainted shards scattered throughout his amorphous body were making her ill and making aiming difficult, a sick, draining feeling that weariness wasn’t helping. She felt something move under her shirt, and yelped, seeing a thin glow through her uniform.

‘My jewel shards! Why are they glowing?’ she thought, trembling slightly as she reached for another arrow. A terrible feeling was washing over her, that they were doing exactly what Naraku wanted. There had to be something they were missing. At least Shippo was safe back with Kaede, the kit was too young for this, and by agreement, they had left him with the aged priestess. This time-they had somehow sensed this was going to be it.An arrow winged past her right ear. Kikyou looked coldly at Naraku as she drew back her own bow. The dead priestess had been following them, well out of range of their senses. She’d managed to tease Naraku out for them, and they were blowing it, the fools probably didn’t even realize that she, Kikyou, had saved them from their own stupidity. Typical.
Her expression was contemptuous as she saw her copy jump. She was clearly unworthy to protect the sacred jewel. All Kikyou had left was her pride, her hate, and the need to end her half-life, and she treasured those feelings, holding on to them as a bulwark as proximity to Kagome made the stored souls within her tremble. The girl unwittingly attempted to regain the fragment of Kagome’s soul that helped sustain her, and her eyes narrowed.

“You fail. Seek the jewel. Your shards know, fool! You are supposedly the protector, call it to you!” she ordered, ignoring Kagome’s lack of training. Curse that fool of a sister of hers! Kaede had given this copy of her more respect than her own sister! She ought to have known this girl was not able to do what had to be done, or at least properly taught her so she would be a bit useful as a vessel for Kikyou‘s skills. But then Kaede was no match for Kikyou in spiritual power. No one was, to the undead’s mind.
“K-Kikyou??” Kagome stuttered, shocked as she whipped her head around. Inuyasha was obscured behind Naraku’s bulk, and her brown eyes were huge.
“We haven’t time!” Kikyou didn’t care what happened to the girl, only about her own purpose, and she reached out brutally with her own powers. The miko held power that was nearly equal to her own. Kikyou intended to use it, and far better and more effectively than Kagome could dream of. Kagome gasped and unconsciously fought back. The pair were suddenly surrounded by a soft glow.
“KAGOME!” Inuyasha screamed, seeing Kikyou come over, reach out and grab Kagome’s arm, seeing the girl pale and sway as the dead priestess attempted to control the miko. The fact that he didn’t yell ‘Kikyou’ didn’t even cross his mind.
“Give me your strength! You are incapable of doing this, but you can still be useful,” Kikyou snarled as knowledge flowed into Kagome’s mind when their powers began to mesh, the girl from the future’s eyes glazed as the others and Naraku realized the battle was at its tipping point. The rest swung in to protect her as Naraku attempted to kill the pair.
Kagome knew what to do now, and more, what Kikyou planned. To take her and use her powers, discarding her when done. She realized with a sinking heart that Kikyou herself was irrevocably tainted. The pure priestess who had lived so upright and honorable a life was dead, and had been for fifty years. The husk that was left was a perfumed mask over rot, fueled by bitterness and hatred. Something she herself would have been the first to cleanse from the land. They had done her no favor by letting her...exist.
Her time as an undead had twisted her, warped her perspective, and would irrevocably taint the shards should she be the one to ’purify’ them.
That which is corrupt cannot cleanse.
“NO!” she screamed, rejecting the dead woman’s command, pushing her away physically with a purifying blast from her body, sending Kikyou sliding in a sprawl.

“I AM KAGOME!” she reached out with a hand to Naraku. The other reached for the bottle around her neck, yanking out the two shards and holding them in a fist as her bow clattered to the grass.
“You are dead,” Naraku purred, and went after her. Kagome lifted her hands, and called. A sudden pop, and a black shard flew from Naraku’s body to her hand. She closed it a moment, and it was purified. Another. And another. Another. Another. She transferred the purified shards to one hand as she called and caught. Her eyes blurred, this was costing her effort, the shards were steeped in darkness and were difficult to purify, especially after using so much power in her arrows. But she hung on, seeking strength blindly. Kikyou moaned as she felt Kagome begin to draw on her in the same way she’d planned to use the girl. She was being reabsorbed. Part of her, a tiny fragment of the priestess that was, welcomed it. The rest, that which was the Kikyou of now, tried to fight.
“Inu...yasha...” Kikyou whispered, playing her last card as she felt herself fade. She was starting to disintegrate and souls began to escape.
“Kikyou...” the hanyou was stricken, torn as he saw Kagome drawing the shards from Naraku, and Kikyou crumpled and moaning. Who did he protect...? A blast from Naraku made him react as he blocked with Tetsusaiga. He made his choice as he scented the wind.

“I’ll save you!” he snarled. Naraku was beginning to panic. Just when everything was going perfectly, when the last shards had been delivered to him, this girl was drawing them out! He needed the jewel. The truth was, it was all that bound his body together now, most of the youkai he’d absorbed hadn’t gone willingly. When only the youkai he’d pacted with had made up his body, he could control them without the jewel, releasing and calling them back at will. Now, the jewel was his only chance to keep his soul from being devoured from within, to completely tame the youkai that made up his body. He felt them stirring, eager and hungry as they attempted to assert themselves as the jewel came free.
A bloodcurdling scream was heard as Kagome caught the last shard. Several things happened at once.
Naraku began to shudder and writhe, his body boiling up and swelling.
Kikyou faded into dust, at rest at last as her fragment vanished into its rightful owner.
And instead of one mighty youkai, they suddenly had thousands on their hands. All the creatures, great and small, that had been joined together to form Naraku. They poured out in a great wave, flying in all directions after devouring the soul promised long ago by a thief in a cave. He wasn’t coming back.
Kagome held the completed and restored Jewel and her legs gave way in exhaustion as she fell to her knees.
Miroku’s Kazaana, unnoticed, closed and vanished, the generational curse lifted with Naraku’s destruction.
In that crowded moment, Sango, Kirara, and Inuyasha, the only ones left on their feet, tried to hold them off, and realized most of them were fleeing away. Incredulous, they did their best to kill them as youkai fled from them. Although they tried, only a fraction were slain. Naraku had exhausted them.
Most of them fled, but not all. It was only a small one. A small serpent youkai, only a few feel long. It saw a tasty mortal, and lashed out with fangs.
Inuyasha slew it, but not fast enough. Kagome was impaled on the fangs, the serpent reflexively injecting it’s poison into the miko. She looked up at him dumbly and fell, eyes glazing.
(To be continued...)
Author’s notes-Ok, the formatting seems to be a bit off, I’m not sure why. I will be trying to fix it, so please overlook it for now. That said, this is actually an old story, at least this first section. The first fanfiction I ever wrote. So you’ll see some things that no longer match cannon. It’s complete, as is part two, ‘Another Opens’. The final section ‘Always’, isn’t, but will be.

A note about the terms used and the characterizations that will be very notable in later chapters. I was introduced to Inuyasha with the English dubbed anime, and only started reading the manga. I like the Japanese terms more, even if in some cases I've stuck to the English as it seemed to work for me. I’m not using the relational suffixes because I’m not familiar enough with them to be certain of doing it correctly, as in -chan, -sama, and such.
I’ve tried to stay with the characterizations based on the English dub, it’s what I’m familiar with, even though the manga is a bit different, at least to me as I read it. It’s been three years though, so they’ve grown a bit. BTW, I don’t hate Kikyou, I feel bad for her, she’s a tragic character at heart. Shippo, on the other hand...grrrr. (apologies to any Shippo fans, I just don‘t like him) I hope it will entertain you as much as I enjoyed writing it. Many thanks for reading!-Namiyo