InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When a door closes... ❯ The Wish ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 2- The wishInuyasha and related characters still aren’t mine. Really.Recap: The last battle’s won. Naraku’s dead, as are Kohaku and Kikyou. Miroku is wounded, and Kagome as well. Are they going to die? What about the hordes of youkai let free? Read on!
“Don’t you dare die on me!” Inuyasha yelled as he tore the head away from her and knelt, throwing his arms around her to support her. Her lips moved slightly, but it was clear Kagome didn’t have long. She lifted her hand, and pressed something into the hanyou’s hand where it clutched her. The jewel. Trying to smile, her eyes closed.
Guilt tore at Inuyasha. He had to keep her safe, but his youkai blood distracted him as he held her, it felt the reality of the jewel in his grasp. She had given it to him, and he knew she meant it as a final gift. He could become a full Youkai at last, without her interference. Without her. The human heart within him could not, would not accept that. Ignoring everything around him, he clutched the jewel in a blood soaked hand, it was hers and his intermingled, he could smell it, and without realizing it, made a wish as his eyes blurred with tears that stung his eyes. ‘why couldn’t it have been me? You can’t die from a stupid snake!’ he thought, grief ripping through him.
“Kagome... Stay. I don‘t care about how, just stay!” he choked, a white knuckled hand clutching the jewel. It glowed, as he, unwittingly, made his wish. A wish untainted by malice on a purified Jewel. It seemed to melt in his hands, slipping through his now clean fingers into Kagome. He gaped, as something seemed to drain him of strength.
“What have you done, Inuyasha?” Sango managed, leaning on her Hiraikotsu in exhaustion as she tried to make her way to Miroku, staring wide eyed at the jewel disappearing. Kirara mewed as she transformed into her smaller form, as surprised as the tajiya.
“Uh...” Inuyasha stared, as Kagome’s wounds faded, her breathing deepened, and she seemed to...fall asleep?

“Inuyasha, help me! We’ve got to see to Miroku too and set up camp. We‘ll get them to Kaede in the morning,” Sango said as she went for the monk, choking on her tears, hands shaking with exhaustion and reaction.
“Y-yeah, Sango,” Inuyasha replied numbly. ‘She’s alive...that’s all that matters,’ he decided, wiping his face on his sleeve before the Tajiya could see his own tears. Too late, of course.

“Damned moonless night,” he growled, it had to be his human emotions causing this as his youkai blood began to recede for the night.
The sun was going to set soon, and they were stuck here, with injured, surrounded by woods seething with youkai and Inuyasha about to lose his strength. With his wounds, he’d be unable to do anything once his strength became a mortal’s. It would be up to Sango and Kirara to protect them tonight.
Inuyasha carried Kagome inside the entrance of the old hut, sniffing for youkai as he did so. His senses were beginning to fade and he swore. Setting her down gently, he hurried to fetch the others in as Sango wearily grabbed some wood to start a fire and their supplies. Miroku groaned as Inuyasha lifted him carefully, a good sign. She would bandage everyone up, then burn an herbal powder outside used to repel minor youkai tonight and keep watch. It was all she could do.

Fortunately, Inuyasha’d set Miroku down and was helping get Kagome’s medical kit when he became human and promptly fell over with a gasp.

“Inuyasha! Here. Let me help you,” Sango hurried over as fast as she could and looped his arm over her shoulder to support him as he tried to get up.

“Thanks, Sango. Ah!” Inuyasha hissed in pain as he got his feet under him and they made their way into the beat up hut. It was some cover at least. Sango got him inside and helped seat him next to the unconscious Kagome.

“Can you stay awake and watch them while I finish up?” she asked, eyes dark with worry.

“Of course! I don’t sleep as a pathetic mortal,” he replied with some of his old bravura.

“Of course not,” Sango answered, with a look that said she wasn’t buying it. But she headed out for the supplies anyway while the exhausted Kirara took a position outside. The neko was hurt, but still mobile enough to help.

“Kagome,” Inuyasha murmured, reaching out to stroke her hair while they were alone, well, with everyone out of it, anyways. His other hand clutched his side. He kept a watchful eye on Miroku, lying on the other side of the hut. The monk was breathing at least.
Sango, outside, heard hoofbeats and froze, lifting her Hiraikotsu.

“WHO COMES?” she challenged, a brave front would have to do right now.
“Help, child,” Kaede called, Shippo behind the aged woman, her bow at the ready. Bursts of power not too far from her village had drawn her to investigate, and the kit had insisted on coming, knowing that Kagome and the others had to be involved.

“Is it true what I sensed? Is the jewel at last finished?” she asked as she reined in.

“Kaede! We need your help, Miroku’s hurt, and Kagome-”

“Kagome’s hurt? Where is she??” Shippo jumped off the horse and ran into the hut.

“Shippo, wait!” Sango called.

“Shippo!” Kaede called as well as she dismounted and grabbed her bag of herbs.

“Hold off, brat! Leave her be!” Inuyasha backhanded the fox when he tried to jump on the prone girl.

“OW! You’re supposed to protect her, baka!” the kit yelled, tears in his eyes.

“I am!” he yelled back, as the women entered, Kaede’s eyes wide at the sight of a black haired young man.

“Shouldn’t you be helping instead of gawking? We all could bleed to death while you keep staring, you know,” he barked in greeting, as yet another person learned his little secret.

“I see,” was all Kaede said. She knew the hanyou would turn human once a month, she simply hadn’t seen it before.
“Shippo, help get some water boiling. You should not bother Kagome now, child,” Kaede told the kit firmly, in spite of his methods, Inuyasha was right, she’d need quiet if she was...injured? There was nothing visibly wrong, but something felt different.

“Help Miroku!” Sango asked her, taking her arm.

“Kagome’s with me, old hag,” Inuyasha said in agreement.

“As you say,” Kaede began to attend to the monk, using Kagome’s kit with her marvelous medicines along with her own. The times she’d worked with the young miko meant she was familiar with them.

“Some cracked ribs and shock, help me Sango,” Kaede and the Tajiya got him bandaged, kneeling on either side of him, and suddenly the aged priestess turned a beet red. A masculine hand stroked her wide rear with practiced skill.

“He’ll live, I’ll wager,” Kaede managed, as Sango smacked him.

“Pervert!!” she snapped, looking into opened eyes.

“S-Sango...? Uh!” he removed his hand from Kaede, and smiled with embarrassment.“I’ll take it as a compliment, hoshi. It‘s been awhile since a young man did that.” She winked and smiled at him.

Miroku started considering that death might have been preferable to ever seeing Kaede look at him like that when Sango glared at him.

“Let’s see to the others, he’ll be fine,” Sango growled as Miroku smiled at her impishly, exhausted but relieved to see her on her feet.

It didn’t take long to bandage and tend to the rest, and soon, a pot of stew was cooking over the fire as Kaede knelt next to Kagome.
“What happened, Inuyasha?” she asked, extending her senses to examine the girl spiritually. Something was very different.

“I-I-” he started, face reddening slightly.

“Yes?” Kaede pressed, and between Sango and Inuyasha, the tale poured out under her prodding for detail.
“That’s all that happened, old hag! I just wanted her to stay’s all. Baka wench, we win and she tries to die on me!” Inuyasha finished. The Inu hanyou scowled to cover his worry. If she was better, she ought to be awake by now...right?
“Hm. The jewel heard it, Inuyasha, and it’s blended with her somehow. Her aura’s changed. Now, we must wait and see what nature it took healing her. She seems to be in trance now, I think she’ll awake in the morning. I’ll wait until she is up before I return home.”

“It’s safer to wait till morning in any case, Kaede, the woods are crawling with youkai,” Sango said tiredly from her seat, bowl in hand. She hardly touched it, her grief was too fresh for food, having buried Kohaku to keep his remains safe had hurt, and her eyes were red. She’d take him home with the rest soon.

“That’s why I must hurry back, child. They won’t remain in the woods long, and the village will need me. There will be many youkai preying on humans for some time now. Even in death, Naraku’s darkness will cover the lands.”

“There will be much to do stopping them,” the tajiya sighed. In honor, the only course was to help do what she did best, after Kohaku had been laid to rest with her family, she would help to exterminate the youkai. There was no choice. Most normal humans, untrained, would be easy prey.

“We’ll take care of them,” Inuyasha agreed absently as he covered a yawn, eyes only on Kagome. He felt completely wrung out. ‘Damn, I’m tired. Wake up soon...’ that was all he thought, before his eyes slid closed.
“So much for his not sleeping,” Sango said quietly, setting herself to keep watch, tears blurring her eyes again as she saw the small mound outside.

“Indeed. Sango child, rest now, I will raise a barrier to protect us tonight,” Kaede replied as she sought a place to sit.

“I’m-I’m not sure I could,” Sango said honestly.

“You should try,” Kaede urged, sleep would help the worn out Taijiya, as she saw Miroku had slipped off to sleep as well.

“Thank you, Kaede,” Sango murmured, as Kirara came to her and cuddled up to comfort her. In spite of her words, Sango’s eyes closed.
Author’s notes-For those of you who’ve read it, thanks much, please stick around, there’s more to come. You may have noticed Kaede has yet to say ‘ye’, it sounds odd to me, so she says ‘you’ in this story like a normal person. I know this isn’t a fast story, I want to keep it moving, but not rushing along.-Namiyo’