InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When a door closes... ❯ The Weapon-Part 2 ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 7- The Weapon-Part 2Recap: Totosai needs a difficult to obtain item to help Kagome, Inuyasha’s tried to kill Sesshomaru without getting swatted in return, and the youkai Lord has something planned. Read on!
Inuyasha isn't mine, but the Hamayami is! That's an original one of a kind.
That night hadn’t been pleasant. Sesshomaru’s followers had stayed at their camp, across the way from the others. Inuyasha was on high alert, and had climbed a rock and glared for the entire evening until Kagome osuwari’d him when he refused to answer questions from everyone. Waiting till everyone was asleep or lost in the quiet of mid-watch, Totosai was scooping up his bag and sneaking out as a hand rested on his arm.
“Stop,” Sesshomaru ordered calmly.

“Lord Sesshomaru!” Totosai began.

“Play your usual games or attempt to flee, Totosai, and I shall kill you,” Sesshomaru informed him mildly.

“Must you be so rough?” the smith asked sadly.

“You will tell me about the hanyou woman and her commission,” Sesshomaru ordered. The old youkai winced, and sighed.

“Very well, Sesshomaru. But you won’t like it!” he snapped. It didn’t take long to tell the Lord what he wanted, until he got to the issue of teeth.

“She requires one of my fangs? Interesting. Why?” Sesshomaru demanded.

“I-I don’t know! I’ve never done anything like this! Inuyasha’s and her own should suffice, but it won’t. You know my powers. I don’t know why, but it must be there,” Totosai admitted. “It’s for nothing, isn’t it? And without it, she’s doomed,” he shook his head, sure Sesshomaru would never agree to help a hanyou.

“Perhaps. I will consider.” Totosai’s jaw dropped.

“What do you plan, Sesshomaru?” he asked, but the youkai was gone. Totosai set down his bag and wanted to weep for his sad fate. ‘It’s been a good life,’ he thought mournfully.


The next morning, Kagome rose and helped Sango prepare breakfast, they ate quietly, chatting of unimportant things, then she went to wash up the tin cups and pots as Sango sorted the camp out. Just the usual routine.

“We must speak,” Sesshomaru said behind her, making her jump. She spun to see the youkai Lord studying her, Jaken in the distance.

“Totosai cannot help you,” he informed her, settling his empty sleeve casually.

“What!? He said he could. What are you playing at? You and Inuyasha-” she began.

“Why should he concern you? What is he to you?” Sesshomaru asked. He had to know.

“He-he’s...important to me! That’s all you need to know. Why can’t Totosai help? Did you say something to him?” Kagome said, involuntarily baring her fangs.

“So you do love him. Yet you did not accept him when he wished to make you his mate-or wife, you would say.” The words made her gasp and her hand went to her neck. Was it that obvious? She blushed, and looked up as she slowly realized he didn’t mean a roll in the hay.

“You marriage? He wanted to make me his-mate?”

“Indeed. Walk with me,” he ordered coldly. Kagome shivered but did as he asked, walking quietly beside him. She put off thinking about what he’d claimed for the moment, she needed her wits about her now. If he was right, she knew she’d be unable to focus on anything else.
“Your fate lies in my hand. Totosai requires my assistance to help you. I can grant that request. But I require something in return. Can you honor my terms?” he asked suddenly, his cool, predatory manner was something she’d seen often, but bargaining with him...what help could it be?

“Your help? Totosai-he needs one of your fangs, doesn’t he?” Kagome guessed, her jaw still held a faint ache from the one removed from her mouth, and she was willing to bet that was it. Sesshomaru nodded slightly, watching her closely. She shivered again, but didn’t doubt it.

“What do you want from me?” She asked quietly.

“You will pledge yourself to me, and will become a member of my pack,” Sesshomaru informed her.

“WHAT? You’re joking! I can’t-”

“You will, or one day, you will lose control and they will die, or you shall at their hands,” he said flatly.

“I...why?” she tried, desperately trying to remember from history class what that meant. It didn’t sound like feudal fealty. Part of his pack? Like...adoption?
“That is my price, Kagome. It is not negotiable. I will have your answer,” Sesshomaru answered. He wasn’t going to waste time.

“I can’t fight Inuyasha, I’ll die first!” Kagome said, fear gripping her.

“My conflict with him will end with this. You have my word.”

Could she believe him? Why would it end...she rubbed her neck, and looked up at the tall youkai, eyes wide in realization.

“You want Inuyasha! Not me. If I do this, and we-he’ll be your family as well, won’t he?” she demanded.

“Not precisely. But he will be a member of the Clan in truth if you accept him as mate. I will be able to fulfill my duty to him in this way, and expunge his crime against you. Your answer!” he snapped. Kagome rocked back on her heels.

She tried to think, Sesshomaru had given his word that he would not fight with Inuyasha anymore. But he hated his brother for being the cause of his father’s death and for his human half. He had a duty to him now? What sort? It didn’t sound like Sesshomaru, but he was addicted to his lineage and-ahhhhh. Honor. Her marks. Her change. Inuyasha had wished on the jewel! He was responsible for her as Inuyasha’s brother! Could he finally be trying to mend things? Was this his way of adopting Inuyasha into the family that had denied him? What choice did she have? He was starting to turn away.
“If it doesn’t harm Inuyasha or my friends. I-I’ll do whatever you ask,” Kagome replied tremulously. She knew she didn’t have a chance otherwise, and she wanted to live. Deep down, Kagome wanted to live.

“You dare set terms? Impressive.” She looked at him as he turned, and realized he looked...pleased?

“That’s the deal,” Kagome managed.

“Jaken. Witness,” he said, as the little youkai bustled forward.

“You are more fortunate than you deserve, the great Lord Sesshomaru granting you the boon of a place in his-” he began.


“Y-yes, my Lord,” the youkai gripped his staff nervously.

“This is the Inu youkai way. Kneel and bare your throat to me,” he ordered.

She knelt in the thin grass uncertainly, looking up as Jaken scuttled up and pushed her hair back to show her neck, his hands warm and almost slick, inhuman, and she nearly fled.

“Do you, Kagome, hanyou of the family...”

“Higurashi,” she said softly.

“Higurashi, offer yourself to my pack and my clan, to serve both for the rest of your days?”

“I do,” as she spoke, she understood, Inuyasha could never do this. He could never show throat to Sesshomaru in submission to him as a superior. The Lord knew that. Though she didn’t know it, he’d realized it yesterday when he’d tested Inuyasha and himself. His own mixed feelings and his brother’s would never allow a true reconciliation anytime soon, but this would allow them to settle it at last.

So, she would do it for Inuyasha. Kagome told herself it was worth it if she could give him a place to belong. She’d seen the longing in his eyes when he’d been with her family. Inu youkai needed to belong, to be with someone. The instinct was in her as well now, she felt it with her friends, when she thought of her family beyond the well.

Sesshomaru suddenly gripped her throat and drove the thoughts away. She tried not to flinch and succeeded well enough though it was hard to breathe. Kagome felt helpless, he could crush her windpipe or drive his poison into her throat before she could pull away.
“I find you worthy of a place in my pack, my clan. Let it be known, you are of the clan Inu, Daughter of the House of Inutaisho, packmate and sister of Sesshomaru, Lord of the Inu youkai and the Western Lands,” Sesshomaru looked intently at her as he spoke the ritual words.

She heard Jaken gasp, and didn’t know why.

“I hold your life, and will use you wisely, long may you run with our pack,” he released her and held out his hand. Jaken handed him a pendant.

“In token of this, you wear our mark,” he lifted the chain, and managed to place it over her head one handed. It was a silver crescent moon on a chain, the workmanship exquisite. A delicate relief of a running Inu pack was barely visible, the pendant heavy for it’s size. The crescent moon, symbol of the house of the great dog demon. When he touched it, it glowed as did the crescent on his forehead, completing the bond.

“Rise, Lady Kagome,” he said, offering his hand. She took it, overcome by a sudden feeling of belonging. Sesshomaru felt it as well, she was of his clan and pack by the ritual, there was a bond between them now. It was...less unpleasant than he had expected.

“ Lord,” she didn’t plan to say it, but it felt oddly right as she rose.

“You will call me Sesshomaru. Nothing will change as far as my brother is concerned. You will not allow him to see that until it is time,” he reached into his mouth, and yanked without a blink and dropped a fang into her hand.

“Give this to Totosai. We will leave here soon and you will remain with him,” she knew who he meant.

“Yes, Sesshomaru,” Kagome agreed, looking nervous. There was no going back now, and she slipped the pendant under her shirt as she spoke.

“Do not be alarmed. You are my kinswoman now, under my protection,” Sesshomaru looked impassive and austere, but she realized that in a weird way...he was amused as he began to leave. She didn’t know it but it was the pack bond, they’d understand each other’s body language and emotions more clearly now. But Kagome also realized-there was something more going on here than just Inuyasha. It wasn’t threatening, but Sesshomaru had plans for her, she knew it, and she worried. What if...

“My Lord?” Kagome asked. He turned and raised an eyebrow.

“Don’t I...well, won’t we have to ask permission? That is if we, well,” she began, beet red.

“He is my half brother.” Giving her a look saying ‘why else would I do this?’

“I still wanted to ask,” Kagome replied, steeling herself.
Sesshomaru nodded, and a slight smile crossed his face. “It is given. I see I was correct in my decision thus far. Do not make me regret it,” he warned, and left, Jaken in tow.

Kagome pocketed the fang, and washed before she returned. It wouldn’t do for her to smell of him. When she got back, she found out Sesshomaru had already left.

After delivering the fang, and his agreeing to not telling the others about it, it took Totosai three days to finish his piece. In those days, Kagome worked herself ragged to learn her abilities with the help of her friends, and she was making progress. The more she learned, the more Inuyasha scowled. Miroku and Sango seemed to be using her as an excuse for something, but with no real pools or streams near the empty, dry lands Totosai dwelt in, there was little chance to pry during a proper bath.

The fourth morning, and the old youkai finally called, “Kagome! Come here.” Totosai was finished, and he held something in worn fabric, beaming proudly. He drew himself up and expected their praise.

“You’re finished, master Totosai? Oh, let me see!” Kagome was excited as everyone came crowding in to look.

“I am! Behold!” he unwrapped the item, and there was silence.

“ it a bow?” Sango asked.

“I think so,” Inuyasha commented.

It looked like someone had taken a bow, beaten it savagely, dumped hot metal over it, tried to wipe it off while drunk, then strung it.

“It’s...very nice,” Kagome managed with a bright smile.

“NICE? This is the Hamayami! Perhaps the one of the most fearful weapons ever to be created! It rivals the great Swords of the Fang in power! And you say it’s nice,” Totosai looked disgusted.

“Hama yami? But those are bows used to drive away evil spirits,” Miroku commented, tapping his chin.

“Bah! Those are toys,” Totosai grumbled, thrusting it into Kagome’s hand. When she took it, she nearly dropped it as it suddenly pulsed. There was power here, even if she lost her miko gifts when she changed, she could feel-something from the odd bow. It belonged to her, and she suddenly felt more focused, more centered.

“Now go away! I’ve no more time to waste on ingrates!” Totosai ordered over his shoulder as he dismissed them, muttering about no one understanding his work.

“Master Totosai-what does it do?” Miroku called, to be met by silence.

“We’re done here, I guess,” Inuyasha grumbled. “That old fraud won’t help.”

“I suppose not. Where to now?” Miroku asked with a sigh.

“Kaede’s. We should check on the village. A lot of youkai were headed that way, and Shippo will be missing us,” Kagome suggested, and it was agreed.

They packed up camp, and left before noon. Kagome didn’t ride with Inuyasha, she ran alongside him as Sango and Miroku rode Kirara, the Hamayami settled over her shoulder. She kept losing herself in her own thoughts as the pendant bounced against her heart. What had she done? What had she bought with her submission? What did the bow do?

What would Inuyasha do when he found out?

Author’s notes-Ahhh, my baby bow is in the story at last. I love the Hamayami, it was a delight to make and work out how it would function and why. Also a lot of research. You’ll get to see it in action soon enough, promise! Interesting twist, I hope. Hama Yami is a real Japanese term for a bow used to drive away evil spirits. I wanted to use something real and that fit the weapon, rather than something cobbled together. All the loose ends will begin to be tied together next chapter, I promise. Or all hell breaks loose, if you will. :) Again, my thanks for reading.-Namiyo