InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When a door closes... ❯ The Weapon-Part 1 ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 6- The Weapon-part 1
Checking...nope, I don’t own Inuyasha or related characters.
Recap: My, my, Inuyasha’s not exactly smooth, is he? Kagome’s farther from him than ever, he’s frustrated, and hurt feelings abound!
They didn’t speak about the events in the woods, by unspoken agreement, it didn’t happen. That night passed miserably, and the next day they readied to leave at dawn. To Kagome’s surprise, Inuyasha showed up when they were nearly done packing, and wordlessly crouched for her to climb on his back to travel. After seeing his carefully bland face, she’d jumped on. Miroku and Sango had exchanged uncomfortable looks, the original plan had been for Kagome to travel under her own power as training, but the tension between the two hanyou left them silent. After two draining days, with Inuyasha going full speed and barely wanting them to rest, they finally reached the swordmaker’s workshop cavern with an air of collective relief.
“Totosai! Get out here, you lazy old fraud!” Inuyasha yelled, setting Kagome down.

“Hm? What? Who are you people?” the old youkai asked, peering at them as he tottered out, his gaze sharpening as he saw Kagome.

“What did he do?” Totosai jerked a thumb at Inuyasha. The hanyou went purple, and bellowed in outrage.

“Will people stop saying that!!”

“We need your help, master Totosai. Kagome desperately needs your talents to create something like the Tetsusaiga for her,” Miroku asked respectfully.

“I can see that, she can’t control the youkai,” Totosai commented, coming over to peer at her, his mask of confused oldster slipping as he ran a sharp eye over her. They were all surprised at his accuracy.

“Ah, well, can you help?” Miroku asked.

“I don’t make bows,” he said absently, making Kagome blink.
“Anything you could do would help, Totosai, please?” Kagome asked, hands clasped in front of her.

“Hm...don’t know...let’s eat something, I’m hungry. You have food?” Totosai asked with eagerness.

“We don’t have time for food, you old fraud! Help her, or I’ll-” Inuyasha grabbed Tetsusaiga’s hilt, only to be whacked in the hand with Totosai’s hammer with lightening speed.

“Probably haven’t been treating great Tetsusaiga right again!” Totosai barked. “Now...what...?” he mumbled, looking confused.After they ate, the old youkai feasting on most of it, and explaining what had happened, the old Smith took Kagome aside and measured her, mumbling to himself. Inuyasha realized the fraud was going to help, and went into watchful sulking mode outside as the others made camp.


“Kagome!” Inuyasha came running, to see her holding her mouth. A fang was in Totosai’s hands along with a pair of pliers.

“Oh-ow!” he yelped, as Totosai reached over and yanked one of Inuyasha’s fangs when he’d opened his mouth. “What’d you do that for??” He yelled.
“It’ll grow back in a day or so, Kagome,” Totosai said kindly, ignoring Inuyasha’s scowl.

“You could’ve said something!” Inuyasha growled.

“Heh, what was that? Where am I? You two go on, out!” the smith said, waving them away and turning to work. Kagome took a scowling Inuyasha’s arm and dragged him away to get some pain pills from her kit as the smith went to his supplies.

Damn. He didn’t have part of what he’d need. The weapon was already in his mind’s eye, something unlike anything he’d done before, but he lacked the right ingredient. His powers allowed him to know what disparate parts could become magical weapons, and nothing here was giving him that sense. None of what was on hand would do, even as he took a thin length of wood from a rack. The mighty youkai tree that the sheaths of Tetsusaiga and Tenseiga were made of had allowed him a small harvest long ago, he’d need to use this last piece...and something else.
Outside, as Totosai was rummaging to see if he’d missed it, the youkai blooded among them looked up as a scent crossed their noses, and Miroku lifted his staff a moment later when he sensed a powerful aura. Sango unlimbered her Hirakotsu and turned with them, she may not sense it yet, but her superb training let her react easily, Kirara transforming beside her.
“Who is that? I can smell someone’s coming,” Kagome asked.

“It’s Sesshomaru,” Inuyasha said harshly, drawing Tetsusaiga and it transformed in his hands as he stepped in front of Kagome. There was no telling what the bastard would do when he saw her now.

“Will he still honor the truce?” Sango asked, it had held for months while Naraku was brought down.

“I doubt we’ll wonder long,” Miroku commented, gripping his staff in preparation.
The powerful Inu Youkai was floating in, the two headed dragon behind him with Rin and Jaken astride. Rin waved as they touched down, but the two youkai she was with were silent. Jaken looked outraged, but that was normal, and wasn't any indicator of the intent of the powerful youkai he served.

“Inuyasha,” Sesshomaru said, looking at him coolly.

“That’s close enough!” his brother ordered, as Sango moved slightly to get a good shot.

“Hold your weapon, Tajiya. I am not here to fight,” Sesshomaru might as well have been talking about the weather rather than the possibility of battle for all the concern he showed.

“What do you want here, Sesshomaru?” Miroku asked, stepping forward, eyes watchful.

“It is true,” was all the answer he got as he approached Kagome, Inuyasha lifting Tetsusaiga in warning.

“Back off!” his younger brother snarled.

“Inuyasha, wait! What do you want?” Kagome asked as she looked at Sesshomaru and hid the fear she felt of the great youkai Lord. Or tried to. He hated hanyou and pretty much all humans, with the possible exception of Rin. But...

“If he wanted to fight, we’d be doing it already,” she added perceptively, and Sesshomaru almost smiled. Impressive. He beckoned with his hand, and looked at his brother intently.

“Come.” Without turning his head, he ordered, “make camp.”

“Hell no!” Inuyasha barked, as Sesshomaru looked almost amused.

“That, like other things, is not always your choice, Inuyasha. You would rather we spoke here?” his lips moved in a slight smile of derision, looking at the marks on Kagome’s neck that were still visible two days later.

“You bastard!” Inuyasha’s teeth bared at the jab, Sesshomaru knew he’d tried to claim her! Kagome didn’t know what it had meant, and he wasn’t about to tell her how much he’d screwed up.

“I’ll go,” he snarled.
“What’s going on?” Kagome asked, sensing there were undercurrents she was missing. The hanyou whipped his head around to glare at her.

“Stay here, Kagome.”

“Now,” the Lord said, as Inuyasha nodded to the monk and Tajiya.

“We’ll be here, Inuyasha,” Sango said carefully, a promise to come running if he needed them. He nodded in acknowledgement with a face that said he wouldn’t need it, and followed Sesshomaru as the others greeted Rin and Jaken set up camp.


The youkai walked some distance away silently, staring straight ahead. When they were well out of earshot and around a hillock, he sat on a rock and looked at his half brother impassively.

“Well? What is it you want?” Inuyasha snapped, seeing Sesshomaru didn’t look ready to fight. Sesshomaru stood and looked at him thoughtfully, and he sniffed carefully, tasting his scent, as Inuyasha growled. He frowned slightly, and sat back down.

“Calm yourself,” he ordered. “She rejected you. Why are you still traveling together?” he asked bluntly.

“It’s none of your business what happens with her!” Inuyasha barked.

“It is when you dishonor this noble house by acting like a rutting beast,” Sesshomaru said coldly.

“This noble house,” the sarcasm in Inuyasha’s voice could cut steel, “never wanted me in it. Since when have you ever given a damn what I do? What the fuck do you want?” he shot back, eyeing his brother suspiciously. Sesshomaru couldn’t blame him, it was true, he hadn’t cared before. He wouldn’t now, if he had the choice. Their father hadn’t left him with one, however. Damn him for it.
He’d acknowledged Inuyasha as his son when he’d appeared after the Sounga was sent to hell. It put obligation on Sesshomaru that he’d evaded before. He’d been able to claim that their father hadn’t done so before he died, in spite of Tetsusaiga being his brother‘s inheritance. It meant Inuyasha was now legitimate and true born by the laws of their people. Not an outcast rejected as an unfit member of the House and Clan who’d had no standing or rights, that he owed nothing to save to kill him.

As head of the house, he had to take the responsibility for Inuyasha now...and for his own actions towards the hanyou, leaving him an outcast as a child. It burned like a lash, but it was so. The truce between them had come about because of it. But now, when he’d investigated rumors of a strange female hanyou with his party, the girl was very much his concern when he saw the marks.

With rights and legitimacy came responsibilities and obligations on all parties.
“You cannot take a mate without my approval, Inuyasha. You would not dishonor her, so it had to be a proposal. One you had no business offering,” he ground out. The hanyou had a unique talent for making him furious, with his lack of respect for the ancient and mighty line that he descended from.

“Like you’d grant it. So what if two hanyou mate! We’re beneath you, remember?” Inuyasha scowled.

“Do you believe so?” Sesshomaru inquired, interested. “Her family...what would they think? What did you plan to tell her afterwards, when she would be bound to you?”

“Damn you,” Inuyasha said quietly after a moment.

“Hm. So, you did not think,” he poked, seeing Inuyasha slide to about a hairsbreadth away from attacking. Sesshomaru watched in silence as Inuyasha got himself under some semblance of control. Impressive, he was learning, he admitted to himself. But that made him more dangerous. Something would have to be done, but he was surprised by the fact that he took no pleasure in the thought of bringing his brother to heel.

“You will stop this shit?”
“No,” Sesshomaru answered firmly, resting his hand on one knee. “What do you offer her? You have no status, ” his voice turned silky, “and you have no pack to protect her, unless you were to breed one. Is that why she was...changed?” He jumped away as Inuyasha dove at him, but did not respond with a return blow. The hanyou twisted and landed on his feet where his brother had been, claws ready.

“How dare you threaten her! I will protect her! It was an accident, she’ll never suffer for it!”

“You think me an enemy? If I were, you would be dead, Inuyasha. If you think she does not suffer, you are blind,” Sesshomaru informed him, rising to leave. He’d seen what he needed to, his business was now with the female. She was the key.

“Where do you think you’re going? We aren’t done yet!”

“We are, for now. Lady Kagome will never come to harm from my hand, Inuyasha. Can you say the same?” he asked, Sesshomaru’s eyes thoughtful as the hanyou stared at him. The formal way he’d said that made Inuyasha pause, giving him time to move towards the others.

Inuyasha followed, more confused than ever. His half brother was adept at using any weapon.
Especially words.
In the meantime, Totosai sensed the remaining item he’d need for Kagome’s weapon...and he gulped. The poor child. Why him? He’d lived a long, full life by avoiding these situations. Why did he need one of Sesshomaru’s fangs? (To be Continued!)
Author’s notes-This is part one, as much will be happening! However, as I have been late in updating, both chapters are up! Sorry about both the delay and the two-parter, had to be done. I adore Sesshomaru, but he’s always had the lovely way of being cryptic. No worries, it gets covered next chapter. Thanks for reading and reviewing!Namiyo’