InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When a door closes... ❯ The Duel-Part 1 ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 15- The Duel Part 1
Nope. Inuyasha and company are not mine. The Hamayami and it’s arrows are.

Recap: Kagome’s as miserable as Inuyasha, even as her power increases. After a winter spent in hard fighting, she and Sango await spring, and unknowingly, visitors. Inuyasha has decided to get her back somehow, but how? Read on!
Three months ago..

Spring! Warmer weather, fewer youkai, and at last, some breathing room. Or so it seemed to Sango when she had been heading to her village. She wanted to visit the gravesites as spring broke, and was on Kirara when the neko suddenly mewed.

“What? Kirara! Get us down!” she’d spotted...Miroku! The neko had landed, and Sango scrambled off her, eyes wide as she saw her betrothed for the first time in months.

“Miroku?” she asked softly, just taking in the sight of him. He looked fit, but paler to her, as though he’d been working hard, and... he was definitely plotting something! She knew that look.

“It’s me!” The monk ran to her and caught her up in his arms, kissing her soundly. She clung to him like a drowning man to a spar, murmuring his name. Soft promises were exchanged, and Inuyasha just grinned at the sight from under a tree, arms folded.

“You!” Sango pulled away slightly when she saw the hanyou. How dare he smile! “Do you have any idea what she’s been through? How dare you come anywhere near her! You scum! Stay away from her!!” she yelled, furious.

“I know,” Inuyasha said, smile fading, and the tajiya got a good look at him. Thinner, sadder...older? Different. “Damn it, Sango! I’m here to fix it!” he told her, determination in his eyes as he faced her.

“How? They won’t let you!” Sango snapped. “I ought to know, I’ve been here. Where you should've been! Where have you been when we’ve been cleaning up after Naraku all winter?” she demanded, and the pair gaped at the name.

“Sango, what are you talking about? Naraku’s dead, his youkai should be well scattered now and minimal,” Miroku asked, tightening his hold as much in fear as to restrain her. He glanced at his right hand as he spoke. Myouga hadn’t gotten a chance to collect much information, and they’d discounted some of it because they knew Sango and Kagome weren’t crazy enough to take on half of what had been described!

“You really didn’t know?” Sango asked, stunned. “Where were you two, under a rock?” she filled them in on the winter’s events, the non rumor version, and Inuyasha slumped as Miroku’s jaw set. Damn.

“She’s gotten that strong?” Inuyasha asked, worried. If she was...this might not work. No! If she forgave him...she had’d be alright!

“Yes, no thanks to you,” Sango told him, unwilling to give an inch. That is, until Miroku told her about their winter...

“Hey! Don’t tell her that!”

“Never go drinking with a hanyou, Sango,” Miroku advised, he’d gleefully filled in all the details, leaving little out, save Inuyasha’s near breakdown and out of mercy, the embroidery. The binge, however...

“Thanks,” Inuyasha grumbled.

“So, you came to make up? I told you, it’s too late, Sesshomaru and she are true packmates now, and he’ll never forgive the insult! You know she can’t accept you without his agreement, even if she wants to and...I’m not sure she does,” Sango looked defeated as they sat together, the day sliding into evening.

“Actually, there is a plan. With you helping, it’ll be easier,” Miroku explained, and as she listened, she sat straighter, eyes wide. So all of them.

“You won’t mistreat her or leave her again?” Sango asked, pointing at Inuyasha.

“Never,” he promised solemnly, and she hesitated-before she nodded.

“Count me in,” she agreed.


They’d snuck back towards the village to spy as night fell. Inuyasha’s breath caught when he saw how different she looked, draped in an elegant white and green outfit he‘d never seen before. Kagome looked every inch a Lady of a powerful Clan, but so...sad. It was all he could do not to go to her at once, but he couldn’t, comforting himself with a silent promise to make it up to her.

Inuyasha sighed deeply as her scent lingered in the air, tasting it with rapture. His relief had been comical that she hadn't taken a lover. Shippo, they saw was asleep at Kaede‘s, and Kagome wasn‘t headed for the hut she shared with Sango. Seeing that, Sango led them to Sesshomaru’s favorite area to camp, and as evening came she had to stifle giggles at the monk and hanyou’s faces when they were treated to a bizarre sight as they watched from a distance in the trees...


Sesshomaru, terrifying youkai Lord, was intent as he faced his opponent. She was a familiar one, and they scowled across the length of the field of battle they‘d gone over many times these last months.

“You will lose,” he said gravely, shaking the small cup and letting the dice spill out.

“Will not,” Kagome studied the board, leaning over the travel backgammon set. The youkai hadn’t cared for cards, but had announced months ago he was ‘curious’ about her little used travel board games. It was a regular custom now, and they would talk-about the Clan, politics and problems, his history and hers...with a big, firerat clad exception. Kagome now knew him better than anyone alive, and was the Lead Female in truth, his trusted Packsecond and sister. Packsecond...the role Inuyasha would have served in...
Jaken now served her as well, if grumblingly, and Rin adored her as an aunt, as the human girl and the hanyou put it. The responsibilities worked on her, Kagome was changing, becoming someone harder, stronger, self-reliant and independent. In a few decades, she’d be truly remarkable by youkai standards...and as skilled and vicious a killer as Sesshomaru.

Sango didn’t know about some of the things she’d-helped her pack leader with when the tajiya was elsewhere, no matter how much she hated it. Sesshomaru had a very direct view of challenges to his rule and she had to as well, if she wanted to live. She was hanyou. You were strong, or you died. Inuyasha had always said so-and he was right in that.
“The strange food is almost ready, my Lord, my Lady,” Jaken announced as he poured hot water from a pot into something that made Inuyasha’s mouth water. Ramen! She was giving him-he didn’t eat human food!!

Kagome fussed, looking almost herself for a moment, and Sesshomaru chuckled indulgently-he chuckled?-as he won, closing up the board and turning to eat. Jaken handed three paper cups to Kagome and she stirred them, setting one before Sesshomaru and handing him chopsticks, then Rin, who‘d watched and clapped her hands at her Lord‘s victory. She took up her own and settled to eat.

The hanyou was stunned as she-oh come on!! She waited for him to take a bite first? Who did that? Where was her pride? She’d never showed that kind of respect to him! He watched and fumed as they ate with evident pleasure and perfect manners. Kagome had another ramen devotee on her hands when she’d introduced her packbrother to it that winter.

Inuyasha was speechless as they ate and were...chatting?? His half brother didn’t chat! They looked so easy together. Sesshomaru and Kagome talked, looking like close, affectionate sibs... and she looked so lovely by the firelight, he had to be having her!! No matter what Sango said! His nose had to be lying!! No one could be that close to her and not want her! He knew he couldn’t...even as he watched them with envy...of both of them. Packmates in truth. Family.
“I told you they aren’t. Watch,” Sango hissed, wanting to smack him for what he was obviously thinking. After they ate and talked, she rose and gave him a bow that he returned, taking her hand afterward. Inuyasha twitched and Miroku desperately tried not to laugh at his friend’s reaction as they watched an affectionate but entirely chaste kiss goodnight-on the cheek. She hugged Rin and left.

“He truly cares for her, doesn’t he?” Miroku commented in wonder. They waited as Kagome had waved and headed to her hut, and the trio then slipped back into the trees to plan.

“I told you, he treats her like a favorite sister. I can’t believe you thought otherwise, Inuyasha!” Sango giggled, but then she’d traveled extensively with both of them during the winter. But she sighed and looked at Miroku regretfully. It was time. Inuyasha had gotten a look at her again, that was all he could do for now. If he or Miroku stayed anywhere nearby, they’d be seen or scented. Sango now accepted he really was trying to repair what he’d done, but-it wouldn‘t be easy.

“You’re-very honorable to do this. Even if it is sneaky and underhanded and-well, wrong,” she told him fondly, giving her monk a kiss.

“I’m glad you noticed, my Sango,” he answered tenderly.

“Do you two mind? Some of us have things to do tonight,” Inuyasha asked sharply.

“Don’t mind him, Sango, he’s just jealous,” the monk said with glee.

“Fuck off!”

“Not till I marry Sango,” Miroku made a blessing with his hand as Sango hit him.

“Come on, you perverts. We have work to do.”


The raids began three days later. Inu packs were reporting a powerful youkai was attacking them, no injuries, merely thefts, vandalism, someone violating their borders and making fools of them in lightning fast and daring attacks, and by extension, the Clan Lord. Challenging, but not standing to fight, violating territory. The lesser pack leaders changed their defenses, and he got through them. They demanded Sesshomaru attend to the matter.

Sango came along to help as he and Kagome worked tirelessly, but they hadn’t been able to hunt down the perpetrator. The youkai apparently was a shapechanger, no two descriptions matched and he was always a step ahead as days slid into three months of raids.

“Why is he doing this? How is he doing this? What’s this youkai after?” Kagome asked her friend, who shrugged.

“I wish I knew,” Sango replied. Her feeding them information was helping a great deal, not to mention Miroku’s illusion casting youkai friends, but no need to mention that! It had to be done, for Kagome’s sake and Inuyasha’s.

The female hanyou held her tongue, but even a tajiya had trouble when reckoning with an inu hanyou‘s nose. Kagome was just waiting to see why Sango hadn‘t mentioned Miroku had been nearby awhile ago. Perhaps he’d really dumped her, poor thing. She assumed Inuyasha...had remained wherever he was.


Then Sango slipped up. It was bound to happen sooner or later. Dokueki and other youkai were still active, and she had to meet Miroku and Inuyasha regularly to keep giving them the vital information they needed to keep up their attacks. One night, she didn’t remember to remove every trace...of a very familiar pair of scents. Kagome said nothing, even as she watched the tajiya sleep and kept watch over the camp. She rose after a time, and knelt next to a napping Sesshomaru. He awoke instantly, and they went into the treeline and talked. Kagome had some unpleasant suspicions, the tajiya had been acting strange lately...

The next morning. Everything was as normal, and the tajiya smiled good morning at her friend as Kagome made breakfast, Jaken fussing and packing up as Sesshomaru watched, leaning against a tree. His packsister was clever indeed...this idea of hers was most-impressive. He watched to see if she’d actually go through with it.

“Good morning, Sango. Sleep well?” she asked quietly.

“Mm. Is the food done?” Sango asked, and they spent another day in fruitless searching...and the next day she heard a most interesting piece of news. A tempting target indeed, the biggest one yet. Lord Sesshomaru was holding a Clan meeting at his castle in three days to discuss the raids.


“Are you sure?” Miroku looked excited, and he grinned at her as Sango related the news, Inuyasha keeping watch. The meeting was in a small clearing far from the two Inu they were shadowing.

“I’m sure. I was there when Sesshomaru and Kagome talked about it,” she nodded.

“That’ll do it, then. One last raid, and we can go to the next step,” the hanyou said grimly. He had to get them into a corner, it was getting harder and harder to pull this shit off! Soon, though, he’d be able to face his brother, and do what had to be done to get her back.

“Finally! I’m getting tired,” Sango admitted, pulling her ponytail and gauging the moon. “I have to get back. They’ll miss me even with Kirara taking my watch, and I have to get your smell off,” she brushed a hand along Miroku’s arm and smiled.

“Sango-thanks,” Inuyasha said as the tajiya left.
No one saw a slim form in the trees...seething with anger as she slipped away, the seeds of bitterness planted in the winter blooming as she watched them. Kagome’s teeth bared as she saw and heard the scope of the betrayal. She’d given her a fair chance, after all they’d been through, she’d owed Sango that, but now, she did this! And Miroku! They had chosen him, her best friends had betrayed her to an outcast, one who’d hurt her, shamed her, and now threatened her Clan. And with him...they would pay.


Two days later, Sango was sitting and sipping tea with Kagome in an elegant set of rooms in Sesshomaru’s castle, Kagome’s promised apartments.

“These are lovely rooms,” she commented admiringly.
“Aren’t they? Better than some forest camp...or a clearing,” Kagome looked down as she sipped her tea.

Sango looked around in some surprise-everything from the hut was here! All of Kagome’s things...she blinked, her vision doubling a moment as she finished the cup. She was tired, the tajiya decided.
“Kagome? I know you were thinking of moving here after Miroku came back, but why...what...” Sango felt dizzy as she looked at the hanyou. What had-something had tasted different...Kagome had said it was a special tea...a treat from her time...

“I gave you a chance, Sango. I’d hoped I was wrong, but you betrayed me. I’ll do what I can for you, even now...but it has to be like this. I’m sorry, they’ll have to come at us without your help, traitor,” Kagome said grimly, standing up as Sango swayed, the cup knocking to the floor with a tinkle.

“K-kagome...?” Sango realized with horror that her friend had known, it was a trap! Her last sight was of a fading room...

“Don’t worry, it’s just going to make you sleep,” Kagome caught her as she fell over, and signaled for the castle guards. There was enough ground up herbs in Sango’s tea to knock her flat for a day.

“My lady?” Four armored Inu entered, as she laid the unconscious woman on the floor.

“Strip her of her clothes and weapons, give her something else to wear, and lock her up until we need her. She is to be well treated but securely contained, consider her to be as dangerous as a youkai and tie her up well. Inform my Lord Sesshomaru we are ready,” Lady Kagome ordered, as they dragged Sango away, and the hanyou shook her head sadly.

“Sorry, Sango. You were a good friend to me,” she said softly as she readied herself, and went to join her pack leader.


Inuyasha and Miroku slipped to the castle walls intending to sneak in, humiliate the leaders, and get out. He got in easily enough, sneaking past the guards as Miroku waited to cover their trail, a powerful youkai aura emanated from the castle, proof of the numbers of Inu that had to be there...he paused on the wall a moment. It was a magnificent place, graceful, yet strong and stable, commanding the land around it.

The place was ablaze in lights, music could be heard faintly...he could smell a glorious garden, one designed as a treat for an Inu’s senses, full of plants with only the most subtle scents, intoxicatingly delicate in this, late spring. It was no place for humans... Kagome’d smell amazing standing in those gardens, the wind in her hair...

Inuyasha pushed aside his feelings, looking at his father’s castle for the first time as he slipped in.


“Miroku. Drop the staff, and hold still. Or Sango dies,” a quiet, completely sincere voice said regretfully behind the monk...


His partner got as far as the main courtyard.
Inuyasha froze as he saw there were indeed Inu there. Well...two. Lord Sesshomaru looked at him, a tied up pair of humans at his feet. DAMN IT! Miroku, bound and gagged, next to an unconscious Sango.
It was a trap-and they’d walked right in.
“Welcome, little brother. We’ve been expecting you,” Lord Sesshomaru said with a nod. Regrettable. But there was no choice. Inuyasha looked for...he didn’t smell any of the packs he’d expected! But the aura?

“Sesshomaru! Let them go!” he looked desperately at Kagome, standing silently with her pack leader-she wouldn’t! How could she do this to them? They were their friends!! This wasn’t what he’d expected! loyalty...

“I think not. Looking for something?” his half brother asked, seeing the hanyou tremble. “Show him, Packsecond,” Sesshomaru ordered, and Kagome drew back her bow, pointed it upward as she twisted the string and released it with a whisper and a breath blown along the point where an arrow would be. An almost invisible bolt shot up, trailing a silvery veil of energy that spread over the castle. The youkai aura suddenly intensified! She could use the bow to manipulate youkai energies!

For the first time in months...she spoke to him.

“It’s called a seirei-ya, the spirit arrow. It’s one of my Hamayami’s better tricks. This one you remember, I think. My hi-ya, the fire arrow that kills,” Kagome drew again...and pointed it right at her beloved. Total loyalty.

“Why?” she asked softly-even as she fired. Sesshomaru had sworn never again to fight it would have to be her, but she would not use the beads of subjugation. He deserved to go down fighting. Inuyasha looked relieved even as he dodged. It was all going according to the master plan, mostly. The Tenseiga was at his brother’s waist.
He would have her back...if he had to kill her first.

Author’s notes-The blowing of a breath to activate the Seirei-ya is a nod to the eastern concept of chi, or life energy. Some philosophies discuss breath being used to manage and direct one’s chi, and I wanted to acknowledge that a bit since it essentially counterfeits a living being’s presence.
Surprised? I hope so! Enjoy. Part 2, where all this gets explained, is coming up!-Namiyo