InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When a door closes... ❯ The Duel-Part 2 ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 16- The Duel Part 2

Nope, Inuyasha isn’t mine! The Hamayami is. Also Lady Atae.

Recap: Inuyasha’s plan to win Kagome back has hit a snag, supposedly, Sango and Miroku have been captured, and Kagome plans to kill him for his assaults on her Clan. What happens? Why did they do this? Read on!

Three more hi-ya shot at Inuyasha as he dashed along the courtyard, dodging and twisting, shocked at the speed and skill she was displaying. He remembered...that bird youkai...she’d kept missing by miles...

“I just need to practice!”

“Don’t you mean learn?”

Kagome didn’t hesitate as she shot...he’d left her no choice...‘You bitch! Go to hell with him then, and see if I care!’

“Kaze no kizu!” he suddenly yelled, sending it, not at her, but close behind her...she was using Sango and Miroku as a shield! Like any good archer, she worked from behind protection to pick him off. He had to get her to come after him, force her into the open. To start being his Kagome...instead of the kind of person to use humans as nothing more than a way to fight him.

“Shoheki-ya!” It was-BLOCKED?? Oh, crap. Crap! The trails of the energy hit a wall...swirled up...and vanished in a burst of power! He dove suddenly, using her distraction from the blast to come right at her. Kagome gave ground, leaping away...and yes! She didn’t fire!! She wouldn’t risk the captives or Sesshomaru, even if she’d used their friends against him. Inuyasha closed on her as the Lord...stepped out of way.

This wasn’t his fight. Sesshomaru’s oath bound him, he could not fight Inuyasha. He was forced to watch, as he had when she’d fought for her place. Battles he’d expected her mate to have to undertake...his brother, his chosen packsecond. But she’d risen to the moment then in a way unexpected.

‘ is perhaps regrettable...’ he thought, even as he watched the pair go at it.

Kagome barely had time to land before Inuyasha was on her, blade in hand...he swung, even as everything in him said no...‘I’ll protect you!’ he’d said it so often, meant it...

She blocked with the Hamayami, holding it in both hands. Her feet slid across the paving under his rush, a sharp contact as two youkai weapons met again and again...a sword forged of a mighty Inu Lord, and the bow made to be it’s compliment by a romantic-minded old swordsmith...

Time flew as they clawed and shot and slashed...Miroku watched from his enforced post on the stones of the courtyard in growing horror.

Kagome had indeed changed. She fought with a grim determination and a surprising control that frankly frightened him, it so reminded him of Sesshomaru. It was combined with a willingness to take hurt to deal it that screamed Inuyasha. She apparently had leaned much, from both her teachers. Inuyasha’s firerat was scorched and blood flowed, her white and green robes were torn and bloody...she was so strong! Almost the hanyou’s equal...almost. She lacked two centuries of battle experience, but she was remarkable even now.

“Inuyasha!!” she’d yelled for help so there was only grief in her voice, his name a curse on her lips...


“I don’t need a protector anymore,” Kagome whispered as two pairs of eyes met. Their weapons were bound...her fang and his were in the bow she held...his love for her part of its shielding of her humanity. She felt it every time her youkai blood rose to possess her-like right now, it had made her hold on to her hope for so long...Midoriko’s parting words, ’such love, he loves you truly...’

“I know,” Inuyasha replied, making her eyes widen...and swung again-one handed. She had to block the powerful sword, using both hands to brace her bow...she was wide open, and knew it. Even as he struck she smiled sadly, and it almost killed him...“Sankontessou!”

He stopped, claws pressed against her belly. She gasped, and Sesshomaru froze. Inuyasha grabbed her, spinning her to face his brother with Tetsusaiga laid on her throat. She grabbed his arm and didn’t tremble as the blade’s keen edge rested against her throat. Kagome panted and felt the warmth of blood from her wounds...he’d do it, she knew that. He’d held nothing back and neither had she, this was his revenge on her Clan...her Lord...she closed her eyes. Inuyasha had given her this life as a hanyou, and now he would take it back. Perhaps it was fair enough after all.

As for her captor, he took a deep breath, and did it.

“I make force claim,” Inuyasha panted.

Kagome’s eyes flew open....and got very, very, big.

“You have no status!” Sesshomaru snapped. Toukijin was sliding free as he realized what his half brother had planned. The raids, the betrayals, all of it...had been aimed at this moment, and at a single maiden hanyou. To prove his strength to the Clan. To make her angry enough to fight the one she loved to the death if she’d had to. All so he could defeat her...and claim the right to court her.

“I hold an uncontested territory, I have vassals, and I’ve defeated your own damned packsecond in honorable combat! How’s that for fucking status?” Inuyasha growled as he pressed the blade against a shocked Kagome. She knew exactly what he meant...and felt like she’d been hit with a hammer.

“Packless outcast,” Kagome hissed, not daring to move. Shock filled her at the turn of events. He had a territory? When did that happen?? Lady Atae’s words came back to her...‘one with no pack or territory cannot hope to court you...’

“Vassals count if you’re strong enough, thank you! Miroku, Sango, and Myouga!” Inuyasha snarled, and looked like he’d been slapped at the insult.

Sesshomaru studied his brother in concealed admiration. A gambit worthy of their Father. But-could he actually do as required? If she did choose him...could he, Sesshomaru, accept it? Were his claims even possible? His eyes flicked to the shadows, to a tall, stately old Lady of the Clan, who nodded once in confirmation.

Lady Atae had wished to observe. She felt the truth of the outcast’s words, and her eyes were dark with interest. A mere hanyou! A territory, and vassals! Remarkable. Also proof of his devotion to the Lady, to be willing to risk all on a single throw. Should he fail to win her...even if he did, especially if he would be-fascinating.

‘Inutaisho, you would be proud of your son this day...a pity our own pride made us lose him,’ Atae thought.

“True. Your force claim to court the Lady accepted, Lord Inuyasha,” Lord Sesshomaru announced. For the first time, he used his brother’s lawful title, making a pair of golden eyes widen. So, the baka was not as confident as he’d seemed. “However, the final choice is hers.”

“I know,” Inuyasha released her with a shove and she staggered towards her Lord, speechless, to glare as she sprawled on the ground.

“No! It isn’t accepted! You can’t mean it, Sesshomaru! I have rights!” she yelled even as her Lord frowned, bringing her up short.

“He followed the forms, Kagome. He has defeated you and given you back your life, and you will in turn consider his suit. It is our law.” Was there-was that-amusement? Prideful little arrogant puppies, the pair of them! She sat up and scowled over her shoulder at Inuyasha, who sheathed his sword and panted as much as she did.

Kagome had learned much over the last months. Like many youkai, Inu mating customs existed to ensure the few females mated only to the strongest and most cunning to ensure only the best bred the next generation. A female chose usually by those criteria, or in some cases, could be wooed by a strong suitor. Even if she didn’t want to consider them as potential suitors, there was a method of getting around this. Inu called it a force claim.

It could only be made by a warrior who was stronger than she, was established, and had proven he could protect her and any future children by defeating her in a no holds barred duel. One that had to be witnessed by senior Packmembers or her Clan Lord, who then had to approve the suitor’s request after they determined he had sufficient resources and standing to provide for a family. Inuyasha’s actions and his half brother’s approval meant he now had the right to try and convince her to permit him to mate with her, without interference.

DARN HIM!! Now he decides he wants her back?

“Never!” she yelled.

“I will collect her two days from now at the gates,” Inuyasha said, ignoring her yells and straightening in spite of the wounds. He couldn’t show weakness now. She hadn’t held back, that fucking flameclaw of hers...the wench had damn near shredded him!

“Very well. We shall meet then. Your vassals shall remain as surety, and guide me to your territory in one month to complete the matter,” Lord Sesshomaru said. The two bowed to each other, and the sound of grinding teeth could be heard as Inuyasha left.

“ could you?” Kagome glared. The two humans looked at her sheepishly as Jaken freed their gags with a claw. They weren’t captives now...exactly. More-enforced guests. Surety for his honorable intentions. Yeah, right.

“Kagome, we just wanted to help,” Miroku said gently after spitting out the cloth.


Two days later, a furious Kagome was walking alongside Miroku and Sango in the gardens, waiting. She still ached from the fight, but her body was healing fast. The irony of the hanyou strength Inuyasha’s wish had given her healing wounds he’d caused-wasn’t lost on her as she scowled.

“Kagome, I know you’re angry, but this was the only way.”

“Ohhhh. Sango, how could he be this dense? I already said yes once, I won’t make that mistake again! Why did you...darn it! You were the first one to say he was a jerk and I ought to get over him!” she’d forgiven her friends, well, mostly...she was more shocked at the fact that Sango and Miroku had agreed to take the oath of vassalage to Inuyasha! Kagome understood the power of such things now, so how could she truly blame them for doing as their Lord commanded? She’d done no less hurtful things for the same reason...“You two went to a lot of trouble for nothing.”

“Oh, I don’t know. You’ll have to name your first son after me, and a daughter after Sango. That is if you should take him back of course, Kagome. That seemed like a worthy reward for helping two dear friends,” Miroku said comfortingly. He’d done his best to help ease the road, sounding her out as they walked.

“How nice, he’s named the kids,” Kagome said sourly, glancing at the sun. Only a few hours left...her mind raced as she worked out how to handle this.


A figure, arms folded and looking like he was headed into battle, waited at the gates.

“Lord Sesshomaru, Lady Kagome,” Inuyasha greeted them with a bow.

“Lord Inuyasha,” Sesshomaru returned it, bemused. Most interesting.

“...lord Inuyasha,” Kagome ground out, stiffly returning the bow as well. Her pack was full, she slung it on, and Kagome turned and bowed to Sesshomaru. Inuyasha still found the whole thing extremely weird. If he’d known the word, he’d have said it was spooky, even. He returned it, and spoke too softly for any to hear, save her.

“Choose wisely.”

“Watch your back while I’m gone,” Kagome murmured, and Sesshomaru nodded gravely. The rest of them withdrew, and the Lord of the Clan and his Packsecond turned to face the hanyou standing there.

“It’s time,” Sesshomaru told her, and took her hand. They walked forward, and her pack leader placed her hand in Inuyasha’s. He held it gently, and smiled at her hesitantly. It was not returned by the pale faced former miko.

“Your time begins now. Up to one month from this day, then she has the right to return to her pack,” Sesshomaru informed him, reminding his brother of the forms and rules. Once Kagome had reviewed them, she’d been willing to come just to watch. No way he’d be able to stick to them! And once he broke them or his back was turned, she could leave. Perfect.

Escape or rules violation was a permissible no, making the claim invalid with no harm done. A good rule, one Kagome adored at the moment. If he couldn’t keep her or follow the ritual properly...he didn’t deserve her time.

So Lady Kagome squared her shoulders and allowed her suitor to escort her out the gate. All she had to do was escape before they got to wherever he planned to take her, or get him to snap at the right moment. Should be simple. Inuyasha hadn’t changed. Until he reached over and touched her ear! She closed her eyes and turned away...and there was a soft rattle as a small weight dropped around her neck.

Sesshomaru watched, and his eyes actually widened. Most impressive. Perhaps he would not have to snap his half brother’s neck in a month when Inuyasha would kneel before him to show throat. To either be adopted and accepted as her mate...or to be rejected and executed. He had no doubts that it would be successful once he had divined Inuyasha’s intentions. His packsister still loved him, and the baka would not be denied. Seeing this confirmed it.

There was more than one set of prayer beads in the world...and now it appeared the two hanyou wore a matched set.

Revised Author’s Notes-If there was one picture I’d love to have, it would be of a torn up hanyou Kagome fighting a battered Inuyasha with her Hamayami blocking his Tetsusaiga in Sesshomaru’s courtyard. If I were a better artist, I’d do it. Ah well. I did revise this a smidge, to explain what the heck Inuyasha was up to more clearly and what exactly a ‘force claim’ would be. Believe me, you will want to remember this in future.

The remembered exchange between Kagome and Inuyasha is from the episode ‘Seekers of the Sacred Jewel’. Sankontessou is Inuyasha’s claw attack, ‘Iron reaver soul stealer’ in the English dub. Thanks for reading!-Namiyo’