InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When a Heart Melts part 2 ❯ Children ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Fireash: Hello my loyal fans. I have started to write the sequel. Sorry it wasn't out before. I
moved and didn't have internet since January. This is definitely au. It will mostly be about their
children with some rin/sess moments. Hope u all like it.

I got the twins names from the manga Wish. Ryuki is the girl. It was the name for the angel of
fire. Koryu was one of the demon's names. It meant garnet.

When a Heart Melts (part 2)

Chapter 1: Children

It has been 5 years since his pups were born. The two were complete opposites. The first

born, Ryuki, loved to fight. Her brother, Koryu, had a gentle spirit. He did try to learn how but

always came up short. He might be called the runt of the litter. Koryu was smaller and slower

than Ryuki. Sesshoumaru loved them equally, but it would seem that Ryuki may be the heir to

the Western lands. But still, he didn't plan on dying anytime soon so he wouldn't have to worry

about who would be heir for a while. The demon lord looked out the study's window into the

garden where they were playing. Ryuki was swinging around a wooden sword in a way that

reminded him of his little brother. Inuyasha still lacked grace with the tetsaiga. He smiled at the

memory of past battles. Koryu was currently sitting beside his mate picking flowers and

fashioning them into a crown. Sesshoumaru sighed ‘I do hope he grows out of this flower stage.

I love him, but he won't be scaring any demons away wearing a crown of flowers.'

"Come on Koryu! Fight with me! Don't you wanna be strong like daddy?" Ryuki

shouted at him between slashes. Koryu looked up from the circle of blooms in his hands. "Of

course I wanna be strong, but you're no fun to fight. You always beat me up. I am playing with

mommy now," he turned to smile at his mother. Rin smiled back and hugged him close. "Feh,

fine. Guess I will have to protect you then," Ryuki sighed. Suddenly she found herself on the

ground and Koryu was hugging her tightly. "Really, you will? Thank you thank you thank you.

I love you Ryuki!" he beamed with joy. "Eh?! Get off dummy! Stop all the lovey dovey stuff. I

just don't want you do embarrass daddy," mortified at his display of emotions. ‘I thought he was

slower than me. How did he get there that fast? I didn't even see him coming.'

Sesshoumaru called them in for their lessons. They were learning the basics of reading

and writing. Koryu proved to be the most efficient in this field. Sesshoumaru watched at

Koryu's eyes sharpened with intensity. The young demon was totally absorbed in his study. His

sister's eyes on the other hand glazed over with boredom. Unfortunately a demon lord needed to

be intelligent as well as strong to be a good leader. The qualities seemed to have been split

between the two. Sesshoumaru whacked the table in front of her with a stick. He smirked as she

jumped and blushed at being caught. "Next lesson will be in history. We will study the lineage

of taiyoukai from all regions starting with the first." Koryu leaned closer with anticipation and

Ryuki put a hand over her mouth to hide her yawn.

Later in the evening Rin convinced Sesshoumaru to have dinner outside. "Remind me

again why we are eating outside with the bugs?" he asked with feigned irritation. "Because the

pups love it outside. Plus if they use all of their energy playing then they won't disturb us at

night," she kissed his nose. Ryuki mimicked her father, eating slowly and quietly. She grimaced

when a piece of meat plopped on her plate. Koryu smiled, cheeks puffed out being stuffed with

as much food as possible, as she glared at him. "Are you sure you are not a pig youkai? You eat

like one," she snapped at him. Swallowing it all at once, he ignored her comment, picked up the

meat that hit her plate and popped it into his mouth. "Heh! Just makin' sure it doesn't rot away

before I get to eat it. You take too long!" he started picking up her pieces. "Hey, stop!" With

that they both began stuffing their faces. Rin coughed to cover her laugh. Koryu had Ryuki

wrapped around his finger and knew just how to get her to do what he wanted. Seeing Koryu eat
that way reminded Sesshoumaru of his brother. He felt guilty of the way he had treated his

brother in the past. Perhaps it was time he visited his brother and his pack. He discussed this

with Rin. "That would be a great idea! The twins could see their uncle and cousins. And I have

missed Kagome." "Well if it is settled then we shall go tomorrow," he told his mate. "Koryu,

Ryuki, time to go to bed. We are traveling early tomorrow to visit your uncle and his pack."

Sesshoumaru and Rin lead the children to their room. After they changed into their sleeping

attire, Ryuki said goodnight and slipped into her bed. Rin hugged Koryu. He was more

affectionate. Ryuki didn't want hugs. Sesshoumaru turned to leave but felt something grasp his

sleeve. He looked down into his son's face. Koryu let the sleeve go but opened his arms wide.

He wanted a hug from him too. Kneeling on one knee he embraced his son. Ryuki wasn't the

only one tied around Koryu's finger.

End of chapter one.

Fireash: So how did you like the first Chapter? I tried to be more detailed. Not sure if it worked.
The sequel has changed from what I originally thought up but I think for the better. Hope you
like it.