InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When a Heart Melts part 2 ❯ Present Day ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Fireash: Time for chapter two. I know it doesn't have a lot of plot now but I want everyone to
get to know the characters first. But there will be a plot. Hopefully it won't be as confusing as
the first. But I do like to make my readers think. I got InuYasha's kids names from other
mangas as well. Touki is the angel of water from Wish and Kyo is the character possessed by
the cat spirit in Fruits Baskets. Now for the responses...

KagomeResurrected: Yeah Koryu is gonna be a real heartbreaker. Glad u like the story so far.
Tryin not to let my loyal reviewers down.

Spirit demon: glad u reviewed! Thanks for reading my first. Hope u continue to read this one as

Black-Dragon2005: Thanks for reviewing. Glad u enjoyed my first fic and I hope u enjoy this
one just as much.

kijotenshi: thanks for reviewing both stories. Glad u like it so far. Hope u continue to read my

nonschool: thanks for the ratings. Don't worry there will be a plot soon. Just letting you get to
know the characters. Hope u like it.

Well that is all of the reviews for now. Thanks everyone. Here is the next chapter.

Disclaimer: forgot it last time...but in case u didn't know. I don't own InuYasha and Co.

Chapter 2 Present Day

Meanwhile in Kagome's time, they were visiting her mom. They had two sons so far.

Touki was thirteen and Kyo was ten. The two boys had been playing outside, when Kyo trying to

impersonate his dad, climbed the sacred tree. Overshooting the landing he fell wrong and broke

his leg.

"Umm...Kyo? Are you ok because I don't think your leg is supposed to be sticking out

that way," Touki nervously asked his little brother. "Aw man, I am going to be in so much

trouble when dad sees this. He will start yelling then mom will sit him, and then he will yell
some more. Maybe if you help me put it back in place they won't notice,"Kyo gritted out

between clenched teeth. "I don't think I should. That is what doctors are for." "You will get in

trouble too because you were supposed to be watching me remember. Now just pull. It can't be

too hard right?" Kyo pleaded with him. "Fine, brace yourself. This is gonna hurt." Touki


Touki gently grabbed Kyo's ankle and slowly moved it. "Aaahhh-!" Kyo slapped a hand

across his mouth to stop the scream. He nodded his head to continue. Once again blinding pain

shot up his body as his elder brother moved his leg. Kyo bit his hand to distract him from the

pain but accidently broke the skin. Smelling his son's blood InuYasha raced outside ready to


"What the hell is going on here?!" Inu Yasha yelled. Kagome ran out as well, eyes

widening at the scene before her. "Kyo! What happened?" Kyo blushed from shame and turned

his head away. ‘I can't believe I fell out of a tree. Dad's gonna think I am weak. Man this

sucks!' "Well!?" Inuyasha demanded. Touki stood up to face his father. "He fell wrong out of

the god tree. We were trying to put it back in place." "Did you think we wouldn't notice? Even

if you put it back in place it won't heal immediately no matter how much demon blood you

have," Inuyasha told him sternly. He acted gruff but was actually proud that Kyo wasn't crying.

He had to give them credit for that. He wished his oldest son Shippou would take a lesson from

them. Shippou was currently baby sitting for Sango and Miroku.

"Well I guess we will have to go to the hospital."Kagome sighed. "Aww mom! It will be

healed in a few days. I don't wanna go to the doctors," Kyo begged. "If the bone isn't set right it

will heal wrong. You don't wanna have a cripple leg for the rest of your life do you?" Kyo's

eyes widened at this thought. With that ending the argument, they headed to the hospital.

It all went well until the doctors came to set his leg. They didn't give anesthetic to

children in fear that it may cause an allergic reaction. Kyo's family was in the waiting room so

he didn't have anyone to be brave for. Kyo panicked. The strange doctors were trying to calm

him down but only made him more frightened. He started to struggle. More doctors came in to

put restraints on him. "Get Dr. Taisho. He will be able to take care of him," one of the doctors

yelled to the nurse. *paging Dr. Taisho...paging Dr. Taisho please report to room 212.*

A few minutes later a man with long white hair came in reading his chart. "So, who's our

trouble maker today?" he asked looking up. Both Kyo and Dr. Taisho froze. Dr. Taisho

recovered first placing an emotionless mask on his face. "Release him and leave. I will handle

his case." The doctors and nurses all scrambled out of the room. Kyo watched wide eyed as the

doctor walked towards him. "Are you Uncle Sesshoumaru?" Kyo asked. "No, I am not." "But

you are a demon right? You smell like one." "Yes, I am indeed a demon." "*sigh* I am only a

fourth. My dad is half and my mom is completely human." "You worry too much about blood.

There are strong humans just as there are weak demons. Don't let your blood be the chain that

binds you. Now how about we set that bone?" Kyo started to get nervous again. Dr. Taisho

gently placed his hand on his calf and pricked him with his claw. "Hey it stopped hurting! What

did you do?" Kyo asked curiously. "I merely put a little bit of my poison in. It was just enough

to numb your leg." Dr. Taisho then carefully set the bone in its proper position. "Now for the fun

part. What color cast would you like?"

Dr. Taisho told him he only had to wear it for a week since his bones would heal faster

than a humans, but to be careful until it was completely healed. Kyo called to him before he left,

"Hey doctor, don't you want to meet my parents? They're really cool! I'm sure they'd love to

meet you." "Maybe another time," he replied. When InuYasha and the others were allowed to

see him, InuYasha noticed the other demon's smell. ‘It smells so much like Sesshoumaru!'

Inuyasha raced out into the hallway and traced him down.

"Who are you and why do you smell like my brother!?" he demanded. "Hello uncle. It

has been a while. I smell like your brother because I am one of his many offspring.

Unfortunately I cannot tell you who I am because it would affect your future and my past. I

would love to catch up but I am due for surgery in ten minutes," Dr. Taisho replied calmly.

Inuyasha studied him. ‘His youkai is extremely powerful! Like he is a taiyoukai!'he thought.

"Are you the taiyoukai in this time?" Inuyasha asked. The doctor turned his head slowly, "No,

father is still alive and has not chosen to retire yet. And I am thankful for that. Goodbye Uncle

Inuyasha." For an instance Inuyasha saw through the illusion spell that made Dr. Taisho's

demon markings invisible. Along side the demon marks was a tattoo just below his jaw. That

tattoo made a shiver run down his spine. It was a mark of a general. They were rarely given and

only to those extremely loyal, strong, and cunning. ‘If he is that strong, how strong is

Sesshoumaru in this time?' Inuyasha wondered as he went back to his family.

Touki was signing Kyo's red cast. "Too bad I didn't get to see him," Touki said

wistfully. "He didn't even tell me he was my cousin!" Kyo complained. Kagome signed him out

and they headed back to the shrine. In the morning they would return to the past.

End of ch 2.
Hope you like the new characters. Still not to the plot but I'm working on it. You know the rules
R&R. Thanks!