InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When a Heart Melts part 2 ❯ Family Reunion ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Fireash: Well time to update again. Hmmm I may get slower at updating. I am writing on other
fics now. Anyway thanks to those who reviewed.

SakuyaTsuki: Glad you like it. Hope you read the first one as well even though it isn't
completely necessary to understand the sequel. I will try to update on a regular basis.

Rin Amaru: Hehe I have already responded to your review. Glad we cleared up the confusion. I
am glad you like it so far. Hope I don't disappoint you.

icyangelbmw: Thanks for the compliment. I do have a plot and it will come up soon. Just be
glad it hasn't gotten too confusing yet. Mwuahahahahah!

Lil'Inu: Ah my faithful reviewer has returned! Hehe don't worry about it. Glad you like it so far.
It will definitely be interesting with several twists. If I have time I will try to add a few scenes
with Sesshy in modern time!

Well that is all the review responses for chapter 2. It may not be a lot now but my previous story
didn't start getting a lot of reviews till the 6 or 7th chapter so I am happy. Hope everyone likes
the new chapter.

Disclaimer: I don't own them. Never will *sob!* Just give me Seshy and I'll be happy :D

Chapter 3 Family Reunion

Shortly after Inuyasha and his family got back to the past Sesshoumaru arrived. Seeing

Rin and one of their pups beside him he knew that Sesshoumaru wasn't looking for a fight.

"Inuyasha, I have come to introduce my family and to try to mend our broken relationship if you

would allow it." Inuyasha raised an eyebrow slightly wary of the peace offering, "Why now?

After all these years, I don't understand." "I have learned to love and it has showed me how I

have wronged you. I would have come sooner but I feared your rejection even though I deserve

it." Turmoil and conflict warred inside the hanyou. He had always been alone til he met

Kagome and even then he fought her love the whole time. Now his brother who had always

shunned him and fought him over their father's sword is trying to pick up the pieces.

Inuyasha continued to stare at the demon lord with a confused face for several minutes.

Finally Sesshoumaru stretched out a clawed hand towards Inuyasha, "Brother, can you forgive

me?" Slowly Inuyasha walked forward and slid his hand into his brother's, "I'm not dead am I?"

he said as he looked at their joined hands in amazement. Sesshoumaru smiled at this, "No little

brother, you are alive."

Seeing that the brothers were relaxed Rin stepped forward. "We were never properly

introduced, I'm Rin and this is Ryuki." Inuyasha knelt down to look at the 5 year old. Ryuki

looked at him blankly, "Uncle Inuyasha," she nodded. Inuyasha fought to keep from smiling,

‘Like father like daughter.' "It's nice to meet you kiddo." Ryuki frowned at the nickname.

"Now where did Koryu go?" Rin looked around. Suddenly a white blur ran towards Inuyasha,

"Uncle Inu!" The white blur was now hugging Inuyasha fiercely. "Hey you kinda smell like

daddy. I got you this flower cuz it's pretty. Did you really cut off dad's arm? Wow you must be

strong! Ooooh I want ears like yours!" he rambled on and on. Recovering from the shock he

grabbed the back of Koryu's shirt and pried the child off and held him in the air. "Oi! Slow

down." He wasn't sure what to think about Sesshoumaru's son. ‘Wait son?' *sniff sniff* ‘No he

smells different. Besides he's too cute and cuddly to be that scary demon from the future. And if

he is the same one I wonder what happened to make him the way he is.'

"Ummm, Uncle Inu?"he got the hanyou's attention again. "What?...Oh" he put the kid on

the ground. "Well let me introduce my family to you. This is Kagome, my mate. My oldest

Touki and my youngest Kyo." They all bowed to show respect. Koryu ran up to Kyo, "What's

that on your leg?" "It's called a cast. I broke my leg and it has to stay still long enough to heal

properly," he explained. Koryu sniffed it, "It smells kinda like daddy but not." "Yes, I noticed

this as well. Care to explain Inuyasha?" "The doctor who set his leg was one of your offspring.

Pretty damn powerful too. He was a general," he debated how much to tell him. Sesshoumaru's

eyes widened at this. All of the generals now were appointed by his father. He didn't trust

anyone enough to make one his general and why one of his sons? He decided to think about this

later. No use worrying about something that won't happen for a years.

Koryu and Kyo became fast friends despite their age difference. Ryuki sat beside Touki

and brooded. She didn't know how to act. She wasn't used to sharing her brother and so her

jealousy got the best of her. In a rare display of emotions she confronted Koryu. "Stop it!" she

screamed. The two boys covered their ears and winced. "Stop what?" he asked innocently.

"Everything! Stop picking flowers, stop giggling like a girl, stop being weak, stop embarrassing

daddy!"she wanted to hurt him so he would feel what she was feeling. "I thought you said you

would protect me?" he said as tears sprung to his eyes. "Don't start crying! You're a male. You

are supposed to protect me not the other way around. Do you like being weak?!" Choking on a

sob he ran into the forest. "Whatcha do that for? That was mean!"Kyo demanded. "It's none of

your business," she replied coldly.

Sesshoumaru, Rin, and everyone else had heard the argument. They decided to let Koryu

be alone for a while, but Sesshoumaru was going to have a word with Ryuki. "Ryuki, come

here," Sesshoumaru ordered. "Yes father?" "You shouldn't treat your brother that way just

because you are jealous. He cannot help that he isn't as strong as you. He is family. I have

learned the hard way. I regret how harshly I treated my little brother and I don't want you to

make the same mistake. When he comes back I want you to apologize," he told her sternly. She

nodded slowly unable to make eye contact.

Unfortunately the wind shifted and carried Koryu's scent downwind. They didn't smell

the danger that was creeping up on the young demon crying. It's prey was weak and all alone...

End of Chapter 3
Ooooh the suspense. Another of my famous Cliffies! Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Please
Review and let me know what you thought. The more reviews I get the more motivated I am to