InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When a Heart Melts part 2 ❯ The general ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Fireash: Sorry I meant to write more this week but it has been very stressful lately. I almost got
fired from work, the school is making schedule changes, and I have a headache. Sigh...

Chapter 10 The General

The inuyoukais who heard the commotion turned to help their young leader in hopes that they

would make it on time. What they saw made their blood run cold. Pieces of dragon youkai

where being thrown everywhere and blood sprayed on anything and everything nearby. Howls of

pain pierced the night air. The inu demons could only see a blur when they tried to see what was

tearing the youkai apart. Their leader was nowhere to be seen. The other dragons joined the

fight in order to save their fallen comrades, but when they got closer the immense energy

emanating from the center stopped them in their tracks. They decided that the tables had turned,

although they didn't know how or why, and it was time to get the hell out of there.

As soon as the original three dragons where ripped beyond recognition did the blur slow down

and was able to be seen. It was twenty or so small inu youkais. All of their eyes were glowing

red and blood dripped from their mouths. The made a small formation and the lead inu started

heading northward. The others followed, some went ahead to scout while others fell behind to

watch the rear. The soldiers didn't even know such a thing was possible. To turn oneself not into

one large demon but many smaller demons each with independent thought. Although they were

tired noone said a word as they followed the inu into the woods.

------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------
Sesshomaru had already made a path southward into enemy territory. He can't remember how

many enemies he has slain. He doesn't know if he is hurt or tired. He only has one thing on his

mind, his son. A few of his generals had caught up to him in order to help him push through the

front lines. Slowly the enemy fell one by one.

So tired...Sesshomaru could barely stand. There just was no end to them. His whole body shook

with fatigue and still no trace of his son or his company. The enemy was closing around him with

smirks on their faces. So the mighty Sesshomaru has finally fallen. But as they moved in for the

kill more youkai burst in from behind. They were now the ones surrounded. Attacked from the

front and behind, from above and below. How could this be? Where were their reinforcements?

They were so close...

Finally the last of the dragon youkai died. Sesshomaru finally became aware of his surroundings

and noticed the smell of his son. A strong inuyoukai, from the looks of it a captain, was carrying

his unconscious son to him. Koryu had a gash in his side and was bleeding badly, but it wasn't

fatal. As long as they got him to a doctor soon he would be just fine. He thanked the youkai and

began heading towards the camp that was a little behind them. He would ask questions later but

for now he wanted to bring his son home and have some rest.

Sesshomaru stayed in the medical tent until he was sure his son would stabilize. When he walked

outside he was shocked. Koryu's entire company (what was left after the trap) was sitting outside

staring worriedly at the tent. They were still cut up and bleeding from the battle, refusing

treatment until they knew Koryu would be alright. "He'll be fine. Go get treated by the doctors.

He wouldn't want you to get worse out here. Whoever is in charge report to me after you are

treated," he instructed them. All of them looked at each other with confused expressions, nodded

to the one that carried Koryu to Sesshomaru, and departed.

The demon lord was resting in his tent when the captain arrived. "Please be seated. You have

done well to have survived this war soldier. Pray tell me how you managed to push through the

enemy lines with so few men." "Well my lord, I am not exactly the one in charge. You see it was

your son that lead us. He was the one that learned all of our strengths and weaknesses. He is the

one that tried to warn the general not to head into a trap. He is the one who used our strengths to

lead us out. Koryu was the only one with a plan that would get us home. He found the enemy

plans and mobilized us northward to get to you in time to warn you of the enemy invasion. They

did give you the maps Koryu found didn't they my lord?" Sesshomaru was shocked, "Yes, I have

looked at them. But your positions were off. According to our calculations you pushed straight

through the invasion you were trying to warn us about. In doing so your company won us the

war! And you are saying that Koryu was the one to lead!?" Sesshomaru tried to absorb all the

information he was given. "He is a great leader my lord. He may be young but he has proved

himself among us. None of us would be here if not for him. He saved my life and I would gladly

die for him in order to repay him. That's not all. He has an ability never heard of among our

kind. I have seen him transform into a single inu form. But he is also able to transform himself

into many inus with independent thought." Sesshomaru thought this over. "Very well, when he

awakens I will talk with him about these things as well. Thank you for your truthfulness. You

may rest now. The war is over."

Sesshomaru slipped quietly into his son's tent. "Father?..." Koryu said weakly. "Shhhh..."

Sesshomaru sat beside his bed. "I have heard many things about you my son. It seems your men

would gladly follow you anywhere even in death. It is a great thing to earn the trust and loyalty

of your soldiers. I went to save you, but you came to me. Your strength surpasses all of my

expectations." "What are you saying father? I didn't want to let you down. So I had to be

strong. When I learned about the invasion, all I could think about was getting to you. I would do

anything for you father. I would kill myself if you asked it of me." Sesshomaru was shocked at

these words, "Never talk like that again. I would never ask you to do that. I have finally chosen

one strong enough, loyal enough, and wise enough to be one of my generals. The first and so the

highest ranking above all other generals. One who will stay by my side until I retire or die."

Koryu looked confused not quite understanding. "Really father? I am happy that you have found

someone you trust so. But I didn't think you wanted any generals of your own." "Well I just

had to open my eyes to what was right in front of me. So what do you say? Will you be my

general, the most trusted of all of my soldiers?" he smiled. Koryu didn't know what to say. This

was a great honor. His whole body, although tired and broken, filled with happiness. "Yes

father, it would be an honor to serve you." And so after a few days when everyone was mostly

healed they headed home. A celebration was held for winning the war, and in honor of the ones

most responsible for the win. During the celebration a ceremony was held in which Koryu was

made the first general. Everyone cheered and was excited. If there were any complaints you had

to take it up with his company. They were very protective of their new general that had led them

through so much. They may think of him as a little brother or son, but they love and respect him

as well.

End of Chapter 10 :D
Well hope you like it. A little bit more till it is done.