InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When a Heart Melts part 2 ❯ War close to home ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Fireash: As promised the 2nd update of the week! I will try my best to make it worth your while
to read. Ugh...I just realized I made a little mistake with the time that passed in the first story. We
will just say the completed jewel made everyone age slower. 35 years passed in the first story
which would make Kagome and Sango very old parents oops.

Chapter 9: War close to home

More time had passed as it always does. Three years to be exact. Koryu's memory of his life as

the first taiyoukai had completely returned while still remaining who he is in this time. Both

children had nearly completed their growth into adulthood and would look the same for many

years to come until their next growth period. Reiji was doing well in his lessons and would make

a fine warrior when he grew up. Unfortunately not everything was going so well. The southern

dragon youkai were getting restless. On the last border patrol, scouts saw massive troops

organizing and training. War was at hand.

Due to the fierceness and difficult fights the dragon warriors would present Sesshomaru needed

every inu youkai of age to fight in the battle. This included his brother and his children.

Inuyasha's children would not join the fight. They were only a quarter demon and the dragons

were hard enough to fight being a full demon. Females with young would stay at home, this

included Rin for Reiji was too young to fight. He held a conference with the generals. They

were all once loyal to his father and so loyal to him, but he had yet to appoint one of his choosing.

They all brought a list of all eligible warriors from their area. Koryu and Ryuki were placed in

separate companies in order to even out the ranks. They couldn't stay together all the time.

The next night Sesshomaru's army headed south. The general in charge of Koryu's company was

Takara. He was an older youkai and yearned for the battle to come. He wanted to fight in a

glorious battle in which Sesshomaru would recognize him as his own general not just his father's.

His lust for power and blood drove him deep into enemy territory. Koryu obeyed his

commander's orders but was reluctant. He knew that they were heading for trouble going behind

enemy lines. He talked to the general in private one night to discuss his worries. "General, is it

wise to go so far into the dragons territory? We could be overwhelmed by their army without

anyone to back us up." The general narrowed his eyes. He had thought having one of the heirs in

his command would raise his status but he never figured the boy to be a coward. "What is this?

Are you underestimating your father's army? We are powerful and cannot be defeated. I will not

tolerate such cowardly talk!" the general stormed from the tent. "But what if you are leading us

into a trap?" Koryu whispered to himself.

Koryu no longer tried to reason with General Takara. He decided to get to know his fellow

comrades better. They all were wary of getting to know him. He was much too friendly for their

taste. The soldiers wondered what Sesshomaru could have been thinking by letting him fight. He

wasn't very strong, in fact he was the weakest in the company. But his friendly nature is hard to

ignore and so they all warmed up to him and talked with him along the journey south. He found

out what their strong points were, their weak points, their aspirations, and about their families

waiting for them back at home. Then one day the very thing Koryu feared came true. The

general led them straight into an enemy camp.

War cries filled the night air. All assumed their youkai form and rushed forward to meet their foe.

The inu youkai were outnumbered at least five to one. The ground was colored red as the sky

rained blood. The first to fall was their very own general who boasted of upcoming glory.

Although youkai don't need a lot of sleep, battling for days on end makes the body weak and the

soul weary. The inu demons were killing many dragon demons but that wouldn't decide who

won. It would be who had the most endurance. On the third day all hope for retreat was lost.

The dragon youkai had them completely surrounded. After their general was lost they had to find

a replacement. Someone had to lead these soldiers. That night there was a reprieve from the

battle and so they sat for a small council. All ideas were welcomed. To the surprise of everyone

it was Koryu who had the best one. It had very little chance of success but it was the only one

that just might work.

With renewed vigor they set out again. This time only half transformed while the other half

retained their humanoid form. Koryu set out to look for information that would help them survive

the battle and the war. All of the enemy were in their dragon form and so didn't expect anyone

prowling around their campsite looking through maps and letters. While he was searching he

found a table with figurines set upon it. It had all the positions of the enemy troops and the

known location of his father's troops. What he saw chilled him to the bone. To the south of his

father was an army so massive it could wipe out all of his father's troops and destroy their people.

He knew his company was somewhere behind enemy lines but didn't know how far back. But he

would do whatever it took to warn his father about the invasion. "Hey! What do you think you

are doing?! Someone stop him, he saw too much. KILL HIM!" a large dragon youkai spotted

him. As he turned to return to the others three dragons leapt for the kill.


"Lord Sesshomaru? I am sorry but still no word from General Takara's troops. Their last

correspondence three days ago had them heading southeast. If our calculations are right that

places them about here," he slid a figurine to a southern mark behind several enemy figurines,

"That would place them right in the middle of their army. It would be a slaughter my lord. It

would be a miracle if anyone got out alive. I don't know what the general was thinking leading

those soldiers there, especially with your son among his ranks. But we will cut them down sir.

And if anyone is living we will get them and bring them home," the inu youkai bowed low.

Sesshomaru was losing his control. He wanted to kill that general, the dragons, hell even the

poor youkai that delivered him the message. He looked again at the lone figurine surrounded by

enemies on the table. At first grief overwhelmed him, but a moment later rage as he transformed

into his youkai form and headed southeast to where his son was. The whole camp was in a panic

to gather their tents and weapons to follow their lord into battle. The war was no longer about a

land dispute, or even an invasion, they just made it personal.

Chapter 9 end
Well one more chapter done. Hope to get started on the next one by this weekend.
Unfortunately my teachers keep giving me a lot of homework. Bah they are no fun. But I will
still update 2 times a week even if it is short chapters. Thanks for reading.