InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When a Heart Melts part 2 ❯ An Ancient Sword ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Fireash: Wow it has been way too long since I have updated. Please forgive me! I don't have any
excuses though. I just got burnt out and couldn't think of anything good to write. I definitely
expect a few flames for that. But when I saw how many have me as favorites and the few with me
still on author alert even though it has been over a year since I updated I decided to get off my
lazy butt and update it until it is completed. Thanks everyone who have stuck with me all this

Chapter 8: An old sword

Sesshomaru decided it was time that the children received their first weapons. The practice

swords were ok for learning but they needed to see what holding a real sword in their hands felt

like. ‘Totosai hasn't had much excitement in a while. Perhaps it is time for another visit.

Hehehehe.' The last time he saw Totosai he was trying to threaten him into making him a sword

as strong as the Tetsaiga. He couldn't wait to see the look on the old demon's face...

"Father are we really going to get real swords?! This is going to be so great. Is he going to make

us one or are we going to get one that he has already made?" Ryuki asked. "We will see when we

get there," Sesshomaru replied. Ryuki was nearly bouncing out of her skin with excitement.

Koryu was a little more subdued. He and his sister were now 15 and many things happened over

the few years. The memories still trickled in but they never overpowered him. It was like

watching a movie that his aunt brought from her time on one of those dvd thingies. You see

everything in vivid detail but it was like it happened to someone else. So although he remained

himself one can't help but be a little somber.

Both children advanced in their fighting skills and even Ryuki started taking her studies seriously

with a little tutoring from Koryu. Their little brother, Reiji, was four now and Koryu adored him.

Sesshomaru would often find him putting flower crowns on him. ‘Still hasn't grown out of the

flower stage,' Sesshomaru sighed. He was pulled from his thoughts as they neared Totosai's

dwelling. The old demon was already outside waiting for him.

"So you'll be wanting swords then?" Totosai raised an eyebrow. "For the children. They won't

be needing their practice swords anymore," he replied. "Well come inside. If none of the swords

choose them then I will make one for them. Be careful though children. These swords can be

very dangerous."

Ryuki looked around at all the weapons on display. Some were beautiful and others struck horror

just looking upon them. But none drew her to them. ‘Well that's ok. I'd rather have a pretty

new one anyway instead of a rusty used one.' "Master Totosai, I don't feel anything from them."

"Well little Ryuki, it seems I will have to make you one from your father's fang. It will take some

time. What about you Koryu?..." He looked over to the young inuyoukai and froze. The boy's

eye's were glazed over and he was reaching toward an ancient sword. "STOP! Don't touch it!"

he screamed. Koryu snapped out of his daze to look at the old man. "What?" "That sword is

dangerous. Everyone who has tried to wield it has went insane. Driven mad until they took their

own life," the sword maker explained. "But they were calling to me. They said they know me,"

Koryu looked confused. "They? The voices were probably those souls driven insane and wish for

you to follow them. Don't listen child. I will make you a sword to call your own."

Koryu wanted to listen to the man for his advice did seem wise, but the other him that was inside

him took over and grabbed the sword and ran out of the dwelling. Everyone chased after him

trying to stop him. Outside the wind picked up violently and the sword's power expanded

outward. Four glowing forms rose out of the ancient sword. No one could move or say anything

as the forms took shape as four inuyoukai children. Two boys and two girls dressed in clothes

not of this era. The youngest boy stepped forward addressing Koryu, "Father we have found you

at last, wield us again to slay the descendants of our murderers. I cry out for the blood of

humans!" Koryu now back to himself stared at the ghost child in wonder. The children were the

faces that haunted his dreams. He knew why the sword called out to him. He was their father in

his first life, but sadly he could not do as the child asked of him. "I'm sorry. I may have been

your father in another life, but no longer. I am Koryu now. Your deaths have been avenged

already and you should go to heaven now. I am sure your father wouldn't want you to continue

living in a sword used for drawing blood." The boy was not pleased. "You are right. How can

you be our father. Our father would avenge us until no human was left. You are weak and a

coward and should die like one," and with that the wind closed around Koryu and became like

shards of glass cutting his skin. Each second the wind intensified.

Sesshomaru tried to intervene but the youngest ghost girl raised her arms and created a barrier

between them and Koryu. The oldest male looked around and seemed to become alert. He

looked at Koryu with sadness then to his enraged brother. SMACK! The wind stopped abruptly

as it had began. "What did you hit me for brother?" "Can't you see? Father has been reborn.

We cried for blood and he avenged us. He killed so many innocence for us till it drove him

insane. Won't you ever be satisfied? He wishes our souls to be at peace. Don't hurt him

anymore." The oldest female went up to Koryu and placed her hands upon him. The stinging

pain disappeared and the cuts healed with no scars. "You are the sword...all of you," Totosai

exclaimed with wonder.

"Yes, we each have our purpose. My youngest sister places a barrier to protect my father from

long range attacks. The older one heals wounds my father receives. My little brother uses his

power for long range attacks. And I am the blade itself. Never breaking or going dull. I receive

the blunt of all close range attacks. After father died, we slept within the sword. Only waking

when one was foolish enough to think we would let anyone else wield us. We bombard them with

visions of our deaths and of the wars we fought. Most go insane but a few that withstood the

mental battle my brother would kill with his power. We will only allow father to wield us but if he

wishes our souls to go to heaven than we shall." The children gathered together and held hands.

"Daddy, I promised I would never leave you. I pray we will meet again," the youngest told him.

The children's form turned into many small glowing lights, spreading out and upward towards the


Koryu held the sword close and trembled with unshed tears. At least he knew their souls were

finally at peace. But to see them again and to watch them leave once more was almost too much

to bare. The sword still hummed with power for even though the children no longer gave it

power traces were left that were engraved over time that cannot be removed. Even before the

children's souls were attached the sword was forged from the first taiyoukai's fang and so held

untold powers. It would no longer be a sword for vengeance but a sword to protect.

Sesshomaru led his son back into the dwelling where he gave Totosai a fang to create Ryuki's

new sword. It seemed that the ancient sword would be sufficient for Koryu.

End of Chapter 8
Again sorry for the extremely long wait. I will try my best to create a good ending to this story. I
forgot how I was originally going to end it but I will stick to it this time. I promise I will update
quickly. At least 2 a week till it is done.