InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When a Heart Melts part 2 ❯ The Battle Continues ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Fireash here! Betcha didn't think I'd be back huh? Well to tell you the truth I didn't want to but because a reviewer gave me more motivation I decided to write some more. I found out some information that may surprise some of you. I watched the third Inuyasha movie and it told how old Inuyasha is. He is 200 years old! Can you believe it. It didn't say how old Sesshoumaru is but kinda shot my theory to hell in my first story. Oh well. Anyway on with the story.

He stumbled into the clearing where his home lay weary from the battle. But instead of the warm welcome he was
he was met with silence. was everywhere. All around the bodies of his children and wife lay. Shot with a
purification arrow the wounds still bled. His body froze. 'They're all dead...all dead. It can't be!' A whimper caught his
and he ran towards the source with hope in his heart. "Daddy? It hurts..." his youngest pup whispered. He gently
the dying child into his arms. "It's alright little one. The pain will stop soon. And I swear the ones who did this to you
pay!" "Don't cry daddy, I won't leave you..." she smiled as the breathed her last. "Noooooooooooo-

Koryu sat up in his bed sweating from the nightmare. Every night he has nightmares that chill him to the bone but
never remember. 'I don't know if I want to remember these dreams. They leave me trembling with grief and rage.' He
up to trace the scar over his heart he got a year ago. 'I bet my dreams are connected to this. Ever since I got this I
had nightmares. I'd tell father but what could he do? It would only worry him or just make him ashamed that dreams
me afraid.' Koryu laid back down hoping that he could fall into a dreamless sleep.

He raced to the human village. The souls of his children crying for revenge. They possessed his sword giving him
beyond imagination. He decided that before he killed the man who lured him away from his family he would take away
he held dear so that he too would feel this horrible pain. The man's hut lay on the edge. He could feel his blood
with adrenaline as he smelled the man's wife inside. Yes, I will take his heart away first... The woman was with
and very far along. She sang a lullaby as she cooked supper. The young woman giggled and rubbed her stomach as
child within her moved. Her eyes filled with surprise and horror as she was spun around roughly and was stabbed in the
The baby within her ceased moving as her blood flowed down the blade. Before he could react she grabbed his
that still grasped the hilt and whispered something he didn't catch. Tears cascaded down her cheeks as she collapsed
the floor. 'Now he will feel what I feel. But still my children's souls do not rest. They cry for more blood!'

Tired so tired...he carefully opened his eyes and had to fight the bile that threatened to rise. Bodies...everywhere. He
on a battlefield as large as he could see. The sea of the dead coloring the scorched earth with crimson blood. Inu youkai
fighting legions of humans. They were all from different clans united to fight one cause...extinction. There were no healers
help the fallen. Whether dying or dead if they were in the path of fighting the were stepped upon. How did it get this far?
have I done...

Koryu awoke with a start. Swallowing his pride he ran down the hall where his parents slept. He knocked on the
His father got up first and opened the door. Seeing his son pale and sweating from fear he let him inside. "Can I sleep
you tonight? The bad dreams go away when I'm with you." "Alright, but don't wake your mother." Koryu carefully slid into the
He already knew not to bother her since she hadn't been getting enough sleep lately. Rin was pregnant again and it made her

Later that week Koryu and Ryuki were sent to Inuyasha and Kagome's to spend a month. The dreams never ceased. He never
it show how much it bothered him though. He always wore a smile and laughed as though he didn't have a care in the world.
since Kagome was in possession of the shikon jewel demons would regularly attack. Most were foolish low level
but a few were strong and very evil. A bear youkai and many of his underlings attacked during Koryu's visit. Inuyasha and his
son were doing most of the attacking while Kagome shot her arrows on the side. Shippo distracted them with his fox fire.
seemed to go well for a while but Inuyasha was loosing stamina and wasn't recovering from an attack fast enough. Koryu and
watched from behind Kyo. More youkai came out from the woods just as Sango, Miroku, and their son joined the fight. The bear youkai
surrounding them. Inuyasha tried to kill them with the wind scar but they were surrounded by a strong barrier.

thud* the blood

*thud thud* their all it can't be
thud* i have to do something

Koryu ran into the middle, images flooding his mind. Ryuki chased after him trying to stop him. The bears grinned evily at him. They never
what hit them. A stranger aura emitted from Koryu's body. It kept getting bigger and bigger. It exploded around him and took the form of a
of dogs. The spirits pushed the bears back tearing them piece by piece. Koryu lay on the ground and Ryuki held him. His breathing got more
by the second and his color was fading fast. Just as the spirits killed the last bear Koryu stopped breathing.

"Nooooooo! Koryu wake up! You can't die now, I won't let you." Ryuki wailed. Everyone gathered around the two children to see if they could
The wind blew and caused everyone to shiver as they heard eerie music float on the breeze. Inuyasha recognized it as the flute him and Kagome
when helping the ghost child many years ago. It was the demon that led children to heaven after they passed on. As they turned to look they
Koryu's ghost running towards them with his hands outstretched.

Just as he neared the demon opened his eyes wided and flung chains around his ghostly form stopping him. Inuyasha pulled out his tetsaiga,
aint taken my nephew today!" The demon lifted Koryu up by one leg and held him upside down and chuckled. "You always ruin my fun. I only
to say hi to my old friend. I have always had the priveledge to escort him to the underworld. Didn't expect to find his soul in child form though."
set Koryu down who relaxed once freed. The demon looked seriously into his eyes, "But unfortunately escaping death has its price. Now return to
body and I will see you again another time."

Koryu stirred in Ryuki's arms and opened his eyes pondering what price the demon had referred to. He found out soon enough that night when
dreams woke him once more. This time nothing could erase what horrors he had seen. Night after night the memories flooded his dreams. They
getting so bad as to where he forgot who he was. He feared for his family for it included humans that he had once hated and killed. He told his
one night to watch him and to protect everyone if he were to drastically change.

Near the end of his stay the change happened. He became lost in the memories and he changed once again into the ancient taiyoukai.
followed him to see what would happen. Koryu went outside and sat in front of the godtree that he had been sealed to for 50 years. Inuyasha
in shock as the child summoned a tree sprite.

"You summoned me little one? What is it that you seek?"she inquired. "You are older and wiser than ones I have summoned before. They helped
keep my past memories and personality asleep while I lived this new life. Since I escaped death I can no longer remember this life only the previous
Can you help me?"he looked pleadingly at her. "As much as I'd like to it is impossible. It is a price that must be paid for escaping death. But I can
the effects. The memories will trickle in rather than flood and overcome you. Perhaps one day you can merge and still be who you are in this life or
he will grow strong enough to be his own personality and stay separated. You could learn to take turns in the body if that were to happen but he
grow stronger. But either way it will not destroy him." "Is there anything I can do to repay you for this?" She smiled coyly. "Your uncle, call him
here. Perhaps he can do something for me." Inuyasha snapped out of his trance. Curious he went over to them. The beautiful tree sprite turned and
at him. "Don't look so nervous," she giggled, "I just want a hug. I once embraced you for fifty years. Trees do get lonely so I just want a small little
Inuyasha breathed a sigh of relief but was still wary. The sprite pranced over to him and hugged him. She smiled and sighed in bliss. "When you
first pinned to me I was angry about being struck with and arrow, but after a few years you kinda grew on me so I have watched you ever since."
a few moments she let him go and granted Koryu his favor. "Thank you."

With renewed hope and peaceful nights Koryu and Ryuki returned home. He now understood why he had the dreams for the part of him that was
ancient taiyoukai was awake. He told him what happened all those years ago and helped him cope. He didn't know if he was crazy talking to himself
he didn't care as long as it helped him through the memories.

of Chapter 7...Hope you liked it and it wasn't too boring. Sorry it took so long to update but you guys have to help me stay motivated. Anyway thanks for and let me know what you think.