InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When a Heart Melts part 2 ❯ Fighting to remain oneself ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Fireash: Sorry I know it has been a while since I updated but it has been chaos here. Well I guess
it is time to move on with the story.

Kagomeresurrected: Thanks for understanding. Glad the last chapter wasn't too disappointing.

San17: Sorry don't know myself haha. It is a mixture of games. Chess, go, and any other war
game you can remember. Don't know the names though.

Light-sakura11: glad you liked this chapter. It was a filler but even my fillers have some roll
over all in the story.

Polaris: Hmmmm maybe... Glad you like both stories. Thanks for reviewing.

Lil'Inu: Well I will keep posting here. Hope you had fun in DC. Thanks for being a loyal

Iy lvr: Glad you like it. It is harder to write the sequel than it was to write the first one.

Mimi 86: Thanks for reviewing. Glad you like it so far.

Well every one I will keep posting on mediaminer just because it only takes a few minutes to do.
Hope everyone likes the new chapter.

Chapter 6 The fight to remain oneself

Five years had passed without incident. The children continued to train under the

watchful eye of their father. Koryu's transformation hadn't happened since but then again his

life hadn't been in danger since either. Ryuki now had grace in her swings that she lacked when

she was five and held promise to become a very skilled fighter. Koryu was good at surrounding

his enemy but still lacked the strength that his sister had, but he had improved a little.

It was a nice day outside so they were all outside in the training field when Koryu saw

something in the corner of his eye. ‘What was that?' Koryu slid to a halt in the middle of his

attack. "Ack!" he had left himself unguarded and Ryuki took advantage of his mistake. "Wait a

sec, sis! Did you see that?" he said after dusting himself off. "See what?" "There is something

in the forest." She looked in that direction and sniffed, "hmmm I don't smell or see anything.

Are you sure you saw something or are you just trying to distract me?" "How about you father?

Do you sense anything?" "No, there is nothing in the forest except for the animals." He raised

his sword to signal the fight to start again. Koryu tried to put the image out of his mind but it just

kept popping into his mind. Mid swing he heard laughter and he knew it wasn't his father or

sister and something once more moved in the corner of his eye just beyond the tree line. He

didn't stop running after the attack. He headed straight for the trees determined to find out what

was spying on them. Sesshoumaru and Ryuki didn't follow because they didn't hear or see

anything. They figured he would return in a few minutes.

Koryu slowed down as he neared the trees. He cautiously looked around. Suddenly a

transparent woman appeared before him and chains shot out from her robes. Although they too

were transparent once they wrapped around him he couldn't move. His voice refused to work as

well and so he stood helpless before an unknown enemy that his family couldn't sense. The

ghostly woman came closer. "Tsk tsk little one. You allowed yourself to be caught in my web. I

have been watching you since before you were born. It is time to complete my revenge. You

know, every time you are born there is another inside of you... a monster. Once he is set loose he

will drive you insane. Your soul cannot handle it and will break and so my revenge will end. If

it was up to me I would follow you around for eternity but alas I am about to be reborn myself

and this will be my last time." She started muttering in a strange language and he could only

watch with a morbid fascination. He must have really pissed her off in another lifetime if she has

spent so much time torturing his soul. Her figure started to glow and he felt a familiar snap as

everything went black. Memories that were not his started to swirl in his mind. Every fiber of

his being was filled with the most intense grief and rage. "Aaaaaaaaagggggghhhhhh!"

Sesshoumaru and Ryuki heard the scream and ran to see what happened. The saw only

Koryu on the ground holding his head and screaming as if in pain. "They're all dead. All dead.

Nooooooo it can't be! Aaaaaaaggggghhhhh!" And for the second time they smelled his youki

intensify exponentially. Suddenly it was quiet and Koryu stopped writhing. The ten year old

slowly rose and looked at them with no emotion. Ryuki once again had the feeling that the

person looking at her was not her brother and she became afraid.

"Koryu are you ok?" Sesshoumaru asked concerned by this strange behavior. "I am no

longer your Koryu. And I am afraid I may never be Koryu again. Let me explain...In my first life

I was just a common inu youkai. I was content with my family and my small land I called home.

I even tolerated the humans and stayed away from them. But one day, I was tricked. They feared

what they didn't understand and they lured me away from my family. While I was gone my

family was slaughtered down to the youngest pup. My rage and grief consumed me. I united the

inu youkai and led them in a war to annihilate the humans. My first victim was the wife of the

man who betrayed me. I killed her and her unborn child. I didn't realize she had powers. She

used them to bind her soul to mine so that every time I was incarnated she could find me and

unleash me. Usually I was in a body where the soul was too weak to support mine and they went

insane and their soul broke. Strangely enough your son's was strong enough but it seems it has

disappeared. I can't sense his soul any more. I am sorry for your loss." Ryuki ran up to him and

started hitting him in his chest, "No you're lying! Give him back! Please, ...give him back."

She collapsed onto the ground crying. Sesshoumaru's eyebrows arched in realization. "You

were the first tai youkai of the west. Although inu youkai's didn't have names back then we still

recorded you in our history texts. You nearly wiped out the humans from existence during your

reign." "Yes, that was my first life. My insanity nearly caused my death. When I regained my

senses it was too late to repair the damage. I tried to become a true leader after that and gain my

people's respect and loyalty. If it is within my power I will try to get your son's soul back where

it is supposed to be."

They went back to the castle to let Rin know of the new changes. She didn't take it very

well. Sesshoumaru held her and tried to calm her sobs. "I'm sorry my lady," he bowed and went

to his room. Dinner was very quiet that night. Rin kept crying, Sesshoumaru just stared at his

food, and Ryuki kept glaring daggers at him. "How can you just sit there in my little brother's

body? You can never replace him!" "Ryuki, this isn't anyone's fault," Sesshoumaru

admonished her. Koryu excused himself and left the table. For a moment his face lost its stoic

expression and was replaced by a saddened one. He quietly made his way outside.

With a dagger he started making strange marks in the ground in front of some wisteria

trees. He muttered something softly and the trees started glowing. He didn't bat an eye when

something come out of the trees. They were tree sprites. "Oh, and who are you? Did you

summon us little one? We thought everyone forgot how to do that," one spoke to him. "My soul

is that of the first tai youkai of the west. I have summoned you before and I require your help.

You and your kind are well versed in magic and with knowledge of the spirits. Will you help

me?" he inquired. "Of course, if it is within our power. You always were my favorite," she

smiled. "What is it you need from us?" "I have been forced to reincarnate many times. Each

time I was forced awake and the process drove my host's soul insane and causing a quick death.

This time is different. It doesn't seem like his soul is there at all anymore. My presence is

causing unnecessary pain. I never wished to be reborn. My soul is weary and I want to rest. If it

is possible I want you to find his soul and put it back. If it requires mine to be locked away or

killed do it." "Alright but it may take some time to prepare."

The tree sprites put up a powerful barrier to keep out intruders. One mistake and both

souls may be lost. Koryu lay on the ground quietly as they chanted and drew symbols on the

ground. His skin tingled at the close proximity to their magic. After 15 minutes the preparations

were finished. The most powerful tree sprite knelt beside him and rubbed a liquid substance on

his forhead. "Now let's find this young pup's soul," she said as she locked eyes with him. He

felt like he was drowning in her green eyes.

Sesshoumaru knew he shouldn't be worried about Koryu since he was more powerful at

the moment, but when he couldn't sense his presence anymore he became worried. As he walked

outside he was shocked to see a barrier glowing faintly. ‘How did I not notice this!?' He ran

while drawing his sword. When he got closer he was able to see inside. And what he saw made

his blood turn to ice. A tree sprite raised a dagger over his son's body. He tried to cut the barrier

frantically but to no avail. He could only scream his fury as he watched the dagger plunge into

the child's heart. With the help of tensaiga he was able to see a soul rise out of the boy's body.

The tree sprite's eyes widened with shock at what she saw. And she chanted more as wisps of

magic wrapped around the soul and was placed back into the body. The one that had performed

all of this walked over to where he stood on the other side of the barrier. She was trembling from

exhaustion. "My lord, the young one came to us for help tonight. He did this for you and your

family. He wanted us to find the boy's soul and bring it back. He was willing to sacrifice his

soul to do this. What I found was surprising."

He relaxed his grip and sheathed his sword. He gestured for her to continue. "In all of

his reincarnations he was always an extra soul. Two souls sharing one body. He slept until he

was released and after he was released the body died soon after. This time though he was the

only soul. It would seem that only a fragment of him was allowed to be awake. He had none of

his memories from his past life and none of his powers. When the woman's soul released him

his soul merely became whole once more. The innocent fragment was absorbed and forgot who

he was in this life. I managed to separate them once again and put the main part back to sleep.

Your son will be as he was but this is only temporary. He will eventually start to remember who

he was again. Maybe it will be slow enough that he will be able to remember who he is. It could

be 10, 15, or 100 years before this happens. But always remember, he is and always will be your

son. They have the same soul. Once me and my sisters return to our trees the barrier will fall

and you can get your son." She bowed to him and walked to her tree.

After the barrier fell he picked up his son. The information was a lot to grasp. His son

was the reincarnation of the first tai youkai. One day when his soul becomes whole again he will

be very powerful. Koryu's eyes fluttered open. "Father?" he winced and touched his chest

where the wound was. "How did this happen? I don't remember anything after I went into the

woods." "I will tell you when you are ready." He wasn't sure if he himself would be ready when

the time came. But for now he would tell his family that Koryu was back, he decided not to tell

them of this yet either.

End of Chapter 6
Ha! I made an extra long chapter. Well in my standards anyway. So you guys can't complain.
Sorry if this confuses everyone. But that is my specialty. Please read and review.