InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When a Heart Melts part 2 ❯ Chapter5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Fireash: Hmmm well I guess I will update this one too. I have considered whether or not to
continue posting on Mediaminer. Only a few have reviewed there. It will still be up on for those faithful few who want to continue reading. It all depends on how many
reviews I get for this chapter at Mediaminer whether or not it will stay up. Well on to the

SakuyaTsuki: Really you think so? Thank you! Hmmm maybe...hehe you will have to wait to
find out! Don't know how long it will be. I thought the first part would only have 5 or so ch.
But it ended up having 16!

Light-sakura11: Thanks for the reviews! I really appreciated that. Glad you love my story. This
chapter is dedicated to you because you reviewed almost all of my chapters for both stories.

Polaris: Glad u find the story interesting but hey I'm trying to make them longer. Have you
written any stories? You weren't signed in so I couldn't check.

KagomeResurrected: Thank you for appreciating my hard work at making them longer. *sniff
sniff* I will try to keep them at least 4 pages from now on. Thanks for the compliments!

Lil'Inu: Well I know it may be spelled wrong but I like spelling it hanyou instead of han nyo.
Hope it don't drive you too crazy. If I do stop posting at mediaminer please continue to read it at I have the same user name and same title.

Iy Lvr: Don't worry about it. At least you reviewed. Glad you like it so far. I don't know the
Japanese terms very well. As long as everyone know what the heck I am talking about I am
happy. Do you still need help with names? Boy you have angry reviewers!

Well that is all. Maybe I am asking to much...Well enough whining from the author. Story time.

Disclaimer: Don't own them. Wish I did but I don't. But it is a good thing I don't. Everyone
would be mad because the story would be too short hehehehe!

Chapter 5 Strategies

Koryu was under lock-down. Until he healed he wasn't allowed to leave his bed. Ryuki

brought him flowers to cheer him up. It didn't help. Koryu was bored out of his mind. Kyo

came in to talk to him, "Hey why don't we play a board game? I brought one back from

momma's time. It is kinda like war. We each position our men to gain as much territory as

possible. It helps you to learn strategy." Koryu perked up at this, "ok!" And so Kyo explained

the rules to his cousin.

A few hours later Kyo stepped out of the room and Koryu's protests could be heard.

"What happened Kyo? Did you crush him in the game? You should take it easy on him because

he is a beginner," Kagome asked him. Kyo blushed and looked at the floor, "Ummm, actually I

only won one game. It was his first one and he was still getting the hang of the rules. After that I

was the one being crushed. I decided to get another game where we had equal skills." "What

game is this," Sesshoumaru inquired. Kyo told him about the game.

"There is a similar game in this time. Lords use it to learn war strategies and teach it to

their children. I have yet to teach Koryu and Ryuki this, but I will test his strength using your

game." Kyo handed the board game to his uncle and followed him into the room, he wasn't

going to miss this. "Father?" Koryu wondered why his father had the game now. "We are going

to play this. I want to test your strength so don't hold back," Sesshoumaru informed him. "But

father, I don't want to fight you," he looked distressed at the idea. "While we play this I am not

your father. I am an enemy youkai lord threatening your boundaries." He began setting up the

board placing his pieces on his territory and moved some of his men into Koryu's boarders.

"Now what do you do?" the demon lord demanded. At first he hesitated, his hand trembled as he

grabbed his piece. He glanced up at Sesshoumaru as he was about to place it on the board and

nearly jumped. His father was right Sesshoumaru was no longer the kind father he had always

seen but a cold blooded killer bent on invading his land. He nearly dropped the piece as he gazed

into those fiery golden eyes.

‘This isn't a time to panic. Get it together. Now take a deep breath. *inhale...exhale*

Alright, if I put my men here it would secure this area.....' Koryu stopped trembling and placed

his men in a counter attack. No sooner than he lay his piece, Sesshoumaru swiftly moved his

piece in another area. ‘So fast! Well he has been in a lot of wars, but I haven't. How does he

expect me to win against him?' He bit his lip in concentration accidently drawing blood. Koryu

saw an opening. And so the game continued each destroying each others army and claiming

land. In the end Sesshoumaru won. His pieces surrounded Koryu's king and forced him to

surrender. ‘Crap!' "I have lost," he bowed his head. When he glanced back up he was relieved

to see his father was back to normal. The demon lord even had a small smile on his face.

"Congratulations. You did very well," he praised his son. "But, I lost." "Yes but it was a

very close game. It wasn't decided until the very end when you made a small mistake. I would

be angry with myself if I had lost. I have been in many wars and you have very little battle

experience much less a war," he explained, "You have very good instincts." "Yeah but these are

only pieces not real demons or humans. You can't win with just numbers and you have to have a

good leader too like the ones you told us about in our lessons. And each demon or human has

their own unique strengths and weaknesses, if the leader was dumb and didn't use them to his

disadvantage even a good position on the field will get him killed. So in the end it is just a board

game," Koryu sighed. Both Sesshoumaru and Kyo looked at him with shock. That was pretty

deep for a five year old. "You are right but even so it is good to learn how to position your

military in a war. Perhaps I should teach you and your sister this earlier than planned. But for

now get your rest. You should be well enough to travel tomorrow," Sesshoumaru ruffled his hair

and left the room.

The next day Sesshoumaru and his family left Inuyasha's home. Koryu's heart swelled as he

neared his home. He was very proud of his family and their home, even if he wasn't going to

inherit it he still loved living there.

Ignoring the soreness in his body he ran inside the castle. "Yea! We're home!" he

laughed swirling in circles in joy. Ryuki smiled, ‘He is finally back to normal. Even after he

turned back he has been very serious and kinda sad the last few days.'

Life returned to normal for a time. Koryu was his normal happy go lucky self and Ryuki

was quiet and reserved. Lessons were still held with an addition to strategy. But something hung

in the air...

In present time

"Your father has returned from his journey. Are you going to see him?" a beautiful lady

asked. "I will visit him tomorrow evening after my brothers and sisters have left," Dr. Taisho

replied. "What do you think he will say about your new job? His strongest and most loyal

general, a doctor helping humans no less! Hehehe I don't think he will object as strongly as you

think love." "It's not him I am worried about. My siblings barely tolerate the humans. I am

always forced to interfere with their transactions. I may be a general but I tire of war. And I am

sick of bickering over who is heir!" he growled. His mate looped her arms around his neck to try

to calm him. "I understand mate but it is our nature to want more power," she traced his tattoo

with a finger. "You'll just have to keep them in line."

"I will enjoy seeing father again though. I haven't had a real challenge lately. Sparring

partners are so hard to find these days," he shrugged his white lab coat off. "Take it easy on him

love," she smiled. "I don't know what you are talking about. He is in his prime and is stronger

than ever. You are going to be patching me up afterwards."
end of chapter 5.
Well it was a filler not really action filled but we can't have angst in every chapter now can we.
Man I am a little tired of the story. I already know how I want it to go but I am lacking
motivation to write it. That is why it is taking longer than usual to update. Well I have to go to
work now. I will update another day.