InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When a Heart Melts ❯ The Choice ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Fireash: Well well well...I guess we have come to the end of our long journey. It was longer than
I thought it would be. Thanks to all of my reviewers in both mediaminer and fanfiction. This is
the last chapter of When a Heart Melts. I may write a sequel but it will be a while. Here are the
responses...I have a total of 42 reviews on mediaminer not including mine and 54 on not including the ones that appeared twice. A total of 96 reviews. Thanks

SessRin2003: Hope you like the ending. Thanks so much for all of your reviews. I really
appreciate it.

Kouga-fan: I will do a sequel I think but it may be a month or two from now. I am moving this
weekend and it will take a while to get adjusted.

anhimals: Don't you just hate choices like that? I hope I never have to make one. Was this
update soon enough??? Hope you like the ending.

New fan: I hope he makes the right one as well hehehe.

KagomeResurrected: Thank you very much for the complement!!! Hahaha I loved what you said
about Sesshy wanting to eat Inu! That made me laugh when I read it. Hope you love the ending.

RinO.o: Glad you reviewed and have me on your favorites! Of course everything will be oke
doke. I love happy ever afters!!!

snowecat: I know that was mean but I have to be dramatic to keep things interesting. Otherwise I
will get bored with my own story and not finish it. Thanks for pointing out my mistakes. I will
try to find them and correct them. Hope you like the ending.

Aurora_thorn: Sorry about that. I hope the ending makes up for the last chapter.

iy lvr: I hope you like the ending. Yeah I think almost everyone hates kikyo or at least the clay
version of her anyway. And both Rin's were pregnant.

Lil'Inu: Sorry...I think you will like the ending. It still may be a little confusing though.

BlueRose91: Thanks for pointing that out. I don't know many Japanese names and I accidently
used the same one. I revised it. It is now Akiro. Well thanks for changing it to 10s but why?
You shouldn't feel guilty for giving honest criticism. I know I didn't write a perfect story. At
least it wasn't a flame. Awww don't take it out on the puppy. Hope you like the ending and
thanks for reviewing.

Vampire Miyu: I know it isn't fair. I hope I never have a choice like that. Hehehe I like the way
you think. His torture stops here. I hope you like the ending.

(Oh in this chapter Sesshomaru has grown back his other arm now.)
Chapter 16
The Choice

"So which will it be?" The voice repeated. The possibilities ran through his head. He

could choose the demon Rin and have a full demon pup, but the human Rin would feel as if he

didn't love her and would be defenseless. If he chose the human Rin he would have a hanyou

pup that would suffer the same ridicule that Inu Yasha had to endure and the demon Rin would

live for hundreds of years never to mate another and die alone. His head began to ache as he

tried to decide. "Make your choice!" the voice shouted. "You cannot have both."

The demon lord growled furiously at the mysterious voice, "Damn you! Why did you do

this to me? I struggled with my heart to let Rin in, then you rip me away from her. You make

her human to taunt me. Once I come to love her, you again tear us apart and expect me to choose

between the two?" The anger in his voice turned to desperation. "I can't choose. I just want

Rin. I don't care what form she is. I love her with everything that I am. I c-can't choose, I'm

sorry." Sesshomaru knelt down and burried his face in his hands. His shoulders shook as he

held in his emotions.

Sesshomaru felt a light hand touch his shoulder tentatively. "Sesshomaru? Are you

hurt?" Rin asked. He tensed with shock and looked up. The demon lord winced when the light

of day glared in his eyes. All he could see was her outline in shadow. Finally his eyes adjusted

and he looked at his mate. Her white locks swayed in the breeze. She was a demon! He quickly

looked around and saw the dead bodies of many tiger youkai. It would seem as if he never left

this world. "Mate?" "No, Rin I am not hurt." he assured her. She fell to her knees and hugged

him and seemed to notice something different. "Sesshomaru, when did your arm grow back?"

"It is a long story. I will tell you when we get back to the castle."

As they traveled he couldn't help but think of what happened to the human Rin and their

pup. He did not make a choice but there would always be one pup that never had a chance to be

born. After they had cleaned up Sesshomaru comforted his mate. She had been through a lot.

The tigers had hurt her badly. And even though he had healed her, her mind still remembered the


Weeks later she was feeling better and wanted to know how he got his arm back. He told

her exactly what happened. Sesshomaru watched the many expressions on her face. When he

got to the end she looked stunned. "So you chose me?" "No mate, I couldn't choose. I loved

you both and didn't want either one to suffer. But after I said that, that is when I saw you. I still

worry about the human Rin and our pup we made together. The entire time I was with her I

mourned the loss of you and our pup and will do the same for them in this time."

A few months later moans of pain could be heard through the door of their bedroom.

Servants rushed about trying to get things for the delivery. The heir was about to be born!

Sesshomaru finally got tired of the servants hovering around his mate. His instincts were kicking

into high gear. As Rin whimpered again he snapped. "EVERYONE OUT NOW!"

Sesshomaru whispered to her to comfort her as the contraction passed. Finally the head

appeared. "One more push Rin, I know you can do it!" A few seconds passed and his pup was

born. "It's a girl!" he exclaimed proudly. The demon lord quickly cleaned the infant and

wrapped her in a blanket. Just as soon as he placed the pup beside his mate she let out a moan of

pain. "Oooooh it hurts! I thought it was over!"she winced. "The only thing left should be the

afterbirth. Come on last time! Push!" But what came out wasn't the afterbirth. It was another

pup! "It's a boy?!"he said confused and happy at the same time. "How can that be though? We

only heard one heart beat the whole time." she asked exhausted.

"I gave back that which I took away." the familiar mysterious voice said. "You didn't

lose a pup but gained one."
Fireash: The End. So now he doesn't have to worry about the human Rin. She kinda ceased to
be. She didn't die just isn't there anymore. The demon Rin then had both pups in her. They are
both full demon. One explanation about the heartbeats for the last few months of pregnancy was
that their heartbeats where insync. Thanks for all those who reviewed. It is what kept me
updating. I am glad everyone loved my story even if it was confusing. I will do a sequel maybe
in a month or two. I will email those who were signed in or left their email addresses when I do.
Love you all!!!

Thanks: Strikingfalcon, Corin, Angel86, animefluffyaddict, SESSHY-chan, sesshoumaruluver#1,
punkSESHOUMARU/Rin-rocker, ANIMEluverFREAK, HIEIdude411CHICK,
VampirePrincessMiyu, Aurora_thorn, Lil'Inu, New Fan, kaiyla yamuri, punkWolF, iy lvr,
Winter's Tears, Death Bringer, trainer01, BlueRose91 at

Thanks: keni p., RShield16, sugafaeriegurl, silverninja, Manslayer-of-Hades, Nikkler,
aNiMePeRfEcT, anhimals, RedN.BlackAngel, IYUltimateFangirl, cherryblossomstar,
Schizophrenic Pyromaniac, fairyfli, June, Touchi-chan, KagomeResurrected, SessRin2003,
marnika, TinckerBell, Miyu Yomano, ?, Christa, sesshoumaru 24, sesshoumaru 27, Kouga-fan,
Hinomi, anna, NoZoMi aNd HoTaRu, Rin-Pup, serena, New Fan, RinO.o, snowecat at