InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When A Raven Meets A Blonde ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Okay…. Not much love on the first chapter but thank you to for our first ever review…. We had some spell check problems but you reviewed anyway and that's what matters…..Okay we were so proud of our…..Ohhh a kitten…..Sorry ADD. Anyway we were so proud of actually writing the first chapter we are now on chapter two, and we a double proud of ourselves. WOOP WOOP
DISCLAIMER: If we owned Harry Potter or Inyuasha we would have these things called `lives' hold on and we we'll check to see if we have `lives'…………….nope
PS we own Samantha no touchy
PSS we know how confusing these page and character breaks are getting. The start of the next chapter Kagome and Samantha will meet, so there will be allot less page breaks between them. Sesshoumaru and Krum will have some in the near future chapters so we hope it doesn't confuse you.
Chapter 2
Samantha groaned as the sun shone into her bedroom window “Ughhhh”
“Samantha get up you need to pack, we need to Apparate to the station so you can get to Hogwarts.” Her mother called from the other side of the door. “Oh and Todd is here”
“You know you boyfriend, John”
Victor mom, Victor!“ She jumped up as the door opened revealing a very smug looking Krum. He stared a Samantha for a moment before saying anything.
“So, you really are going then?”
Samantha thought to herself `Yes praise God Freedom' She sighed “Yeah, I just need to get up and pack, what exactly are you doing here?”
“I came to help you pack, is that such a big deal?”
`More like try to see if you can any evidence of a another boy' “Nope not a problem, at all” Samantha got up and walked over to the mirror, stretched her arms and yawned, she was amazed at how good she managed to look in the most stressful of times. She cocked her head to one side and she felt two arms snake around her waist pulling her tight. Krum whispered in her ear.
“I hope you know not to fool around with anyone over at that school.” Krum never liked to call it Hogwarts; He lost a triwizard tournament there…. He didn't really like to loose.
Samantha rolled her eyes “I am my own person, I can do what I want” She thought to her self
“Yeah I know” And slowly she began to pack.
Kagome stirred in her sleep, she wasn't sure if she really wanted to even wake up. Feeling the light from her window hit her face she slowly opened her eyes to see a very angry Sesshoumaru peeing over her. Kagome flipped off the bed and fell with a thump.
“Sweet Merlin, sess. What are you doing here.” She was scared she had run out on him last night, and she was sure to pay, witnesses or not.
Sesshoumaru glared before replying “I am the one who should be asking the question, your worthless waste of skin.” At soon as this was said Kagome's mother walked in the bedroom
“Hey Kagome hurry up you need to pack so we can get to the station s-. What's he doing here” She stopped dead ion her conversation with Kagome to pout at Sesshoumaru and glare evilly at him.
“M-m-mom, he was just about to leave weren't you Sesshoumaru?” Kagome questioned hopefully.
“No I am going to help you pack”… There was a mysterious glint in his eyes that told Kagome he was here for more than that. She got up off the floor and began to pull her trunk out of her closet.
Kagome's mother gave him one more glare and continued to talk to Kagome “We need to leave around 10:00, the train leaves in an hour and we have to teleport to get to England. SO hurry up” as she walked out she threw a nervous glance at her daughter who could only return it with a weak and unsure smile.
Samantha walked over to her dresser to pull out some cloths. She opened up her underwear drawer grabbed all she had to put in her trunk. She walked over and placed them in her trunk, She looked at victor and immediately unpacked it. She stomped her foot and started to yell, “How in hell am I supposed to pack if your going to keep un packing it over and over again?”
Krum turned to her ready for battle “I have decided you can't go.”
Samantha stared at him like he was stupid…. Which he was. “My parents said I have to go you can't over rule them”
Krum thought for a moment, “Okay but you don't need to pack these” and by theses he meant the thongs he was waving in the air.
“Why you're the one who bought them for me.” Samantha was fuming, she wanted to get packed get dressed and get gone from this fucking hellhole.
“Yeah I bought them for you to wear for me, no one else so your better off with these.” He wiped out his want and transfigured them in to Granny Panties. Samantha took one look at them and stuck up her nose. “You pompous fat head ” she said under her breath, she want saying anything else about it, she would never get done if she did. `Let him transfigure what he wants its not like I can't transfigure it back' she smirked to herself
Kagome flinched every time Sesshoumaru handed her something to pack. He was to pick out her outfits, books she would take, just everything. She stood silently waiting for him to hand her something else.
“What is this?” Sesshoumaru questioned, Kagome's eyes widened he had her diary.
“Uh-uh ” she couldn't lie “It is my diary.” She waited for him to read it; he simply tossed it at her for her to pack.
He started throwing cloths, shoes and underwear at her not letting up until he thought he had every thing unrevealing and un suspicious for her to take.
Seeing he was done she snapped up her trunk and went to the closet to find something to wear. She looked at him for approval to pick her own cloths, when he nodded she proceeded. Finding the black longsleeve shirt and jeans she was looking for she held them out for him to inspect. Again he nodded and she made her way out of the room to change when Sesshoumaru called out top her “No need to leave, You're to change in here.”
Sighing she made her way over to her bed. She was about to quickly undressed when Sesshoumaru spoke
“Take them off slowly.” To him a simple request to her more time to look at the beatings on her body. She slowly began to take her shirt off. She could feel Sesshoumaru's eyes on her as she slowly let down her shorts and under wear. She went to grab her clean pair of under wear when Sesshoumaru grabbed her hand
“Not yet”
Samantha sat on her bed “Finally,” she was done packing now all she had to do was get dressed and get her trunk to the porch. She felt the place on the bed beside her sink in, Krum had lain down next to her.
“So, What do you plan to do when you get there.” You could tell he was annoyed in his voice but he was trying his best to stay calm
Samantha wasn't sure what was meant by the question “Well I hope to make some new friends.” He propped up on one elbow so he was peering over her.
“Friends with boys or girls?”
“Well a little bit of both I guess. I hope to meet all kinds of people.” As she said this she got up to go to her closet, finding a longsleeve pink shirt and a blue jeans she tied on her shoes and walked back over to the bed.
Krum immediately tried to rid her of her cloths, but she put a stop to it, she really wasn't in the mood especially for him. though reluctantly she let him kiss her. He stood up and walked over to her trunk, “Should I carry this to the porch then?”
Kagome was dragging her trunk down stairs the best she could. She heard Sesshoumaru laugh at her inability to carry heavy things.
Kagome was amazed to find she had made it down the stairs. If only she could use magic outside of school, or either if she had a respecting boyfriend who would carry her trunk for her, it would have made it so much easier.
Her mother walked in the hallway. “Kagome, here let me help you get it to the porch so we can Apparate out of here..” She gave Sesshoumaru a look that would have made normal persons hair stand up on the back of their neck. Then again Sesshoumaru wasn't normal nor was he a whole person.
After about five minutes they got the trunk o the front porch. “Kagome, since you haven't had your apparition test, you'll have to hold my hand.” Kagome put her hand in to her mothers. “Hold on tight” Just as they Apparated Kagome felt her other hand inside of another.
Samantha waited outside on the front porch of her house for her parents. Krum was throwing her angry glances. She sat down on her trunk with her head in her hands.
She was trying her best in holding in her excitement of leaving, krum thought she was going to miss him dearly.
Samantha lifted her head up at the sound of the front door opening. Her parents stood there with smiles on their faces Mrs. Rose looked up at Krum. “Who are you?”
Samantha tried her best not to laugh at Victor's cocked eyebrow. “My name is Victor. Victor Krum, best quidditch seeker in the world.”
Samantha's mom shook her head, “Sorry doesn't ring a bell, as for best Quidditch player I hear Harry Potter can give you a run for your money.”
Samantha Rolled her eyes, Krum had seen Harry fly, and from what he described Harry Potter was pretty damn good, Krum hated that.
“Humph” was the only sound that came from Krum”s mouth. Mr. Rose levitated the suitcase with his wand and grabbed his wife's hand. He turned to Smantha “Come on, lets Apparate so we can get you to the train.” Samantha grabbed his hand with out looking twice a Krum, just as they Apparated Smantha felt two arms snake around her waist.
Kagome hated the feeling of Apparating, it was like be squished into a small hole. She kept her eyes shut until they hit firm ground and her mother said, “We're here”
Kagome looked around her. So many happy faces, couples talking, couples kissing, there was love every where then she noticed Sesshoumaru had decided to come.
Sesshoumaru was watching avidly at Kagome. Seeing how she looked around at everything with hope, it was way too mushy for him. He looked towards her mother, who had also realized he was here, he narrowed his eyes.
Let's go through the barrier Kagome, not taking her eyes off Sesshoumaru. Kagome's mother levitated the trunk and began to walk her daughter through the barrier noticing Sesshoumaru following in their wake.
Samantha groaned as they Apparated to level land, Apparating made her sick, she swallowed hard and looked around. Apparently they were not at the Wizard train yet because every one she saw seemed to be a muggle. She looked at her parents for an explanation.
“We have to go through the barrier between platforms nine and ten” He dad stated noticing the confused looking Samantha.
She nodded as she followed her dad and her mother, her levitating trunk in t0o the platform, she felt Victor on her heels.
Kagome gasped at the burgundy engine in front of her, it was amazing. She looked at all the families who had come to wish their children good buy. She saw her mom smiling at her. Kagome smiled back.
Sesshoumaru watched as Kagome and her mother struggled top get the trunk to the train. They finally got it to the compartment chamber. They walked back over near where Sesshoumaru was standing.
“Now be careful, don't' do drugs, don't get pregnant and don't take candy from strange men in dresses.”
Kagome smiled uneasily as her mom chuckled; it had been awhile since Kagome had laughed.
Her mother gave her a long hug. It seemed she would never let go until she heard Sesshoumaru clear his throat. She glared at him and gave Kagome a quick kiss on the cheek. She stepped back allowing Sesshoumaru to get by her.
Sesshoumaru took one good look into Kagome eyes. He kissed her hard; Kagome noticed out of the corner of her eye, her mom look away disgusted. When he let up he spoke. “No fucking around, I want constant notification of you whereabouts, I want to know every where you go and everything you do.”
Kagome starred up in to those un loving eyes “Of course, you can trust me I won't screw around”
He nodded and followed her waving mother out of the barrier knowing he had future spying to do at Hogwarts,
Smantha starred wide eyed as they made their way out of the barrier. The train was a gorgeous burgundy. She noticed every now and then a girl or two would stare open mouthed at Krum.
Smantha dad levitated thee trunk over to the cargo chamber and quickly made his way back. He put his hand on her shoulders and brought her in for a bear hug. Kissing her lightly in the cheek it was her mothers turn.
“I want you to make us proud, meet some people make some new friends. Oh and don't forget to write.” She hugged her daughter tightly and kissed her good bye, she turned to Krum “Your turn Valentino”
Krum shot her a glare and proceeded to Samantha. As they kissed she heard several female groans. She rolled her eyes, if they wanted them they could have him.
Krum looked at her for a moment. “Let me know if any boys give you any trouble”, he cracked his knuckles “I can come quickly and take care of it.”
`I am sure you could' she thought sarcastically to her self she nodded and watched as her parents and Krum left.
Krum took one last look at Samantha as he went through the barrier, `looks like I will be spending allot of time at Hogwarts' he thought to himself.
HOLY SHIT we fucking did it. We finished the first and second damn chapters. -gives each other virtual hugs- Okay people chapter two is done. Like I said before the chapter, chappie 3 is when Kagome and Samantha meet. There will hopefully not be as many page breaks between them. Now we have a allot of awesome chapters we would like to add so if I was you I would review, and if you were me we wouldn't be having this discussion. SOOOOOO Review to find out what mysteries lie ahead.