InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When all is said and done ❯ Misunderstood ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Inuyasha or any of its characters! ...sadly...

A/N: This is my first fan-fic on Inuyasha, so be gentle with the flaming ^^; Of course, usually, the first chapter stinks because you have to explain all of what is going on...but believe me I'm not all that bad at writing!! No really I'm serious!!

Andrea: "Yeah right" *snicker*

-_- well anyway on with the story!

Chapter One: Misunderstood


It was another sitting spree that day and the gang was closer to finding the five remaining shards that were in the hands of Naraku. Kagome and Inuyasha were arguing about her returning home for a while and it seemed Kagome always won, when using the spell against Inuyasha of course.

"Damn that wench she left again!"

Inuyasha pouted up in his perch looking over the rest of the group as they started setting up camp for the night. Miroku looked up at Inuyasha, "I think she deserves to go back once in a while to her time, that IS where she lives.

" Inuyasha snorted, "Keh, I didn't ask for your opinion...I understand why she don't just stay here!" With that they all stay silent and soon they all were getting ready for sleep.

Shippo curled by Kirara and Sango since Kagome wasn't there for him to cuddle with. Miroku stayed dangerously close by Sango till he saw her bring her weapon closer to her, so he decided to retire for the night without any pain to come.

Inuyasha was still up in his tree thinking about how this all would end, "Will Kagome decide to stay after then journey?, "I mean...what about I still love her?? But' Kagome...." Inuyasha peered down at his companions, and when he was satisfied that they were fully asleep, he ran into the the old well....

**Back in Present Japan**

Kagome stepped out the shower and got dressed in her PJ's. She didn't feel like studying she cleaned up her room and lied down while reading a book.

Time had past and she had fallen asleep. Little did she know a certain dog demon had been watching her read from the tree outside her window. He jumped to the sill and made sure she wasn't awake and stepped inside. He went to her bed and watched her steady breathing and faint twitches here and there.

Inuyasha smiled at her sleeping form and brushed her bangs away from her face. "She is so beautiful when she sleeps...." He twisted his face, "What am I saying?!" He moved his hand away from her face when he heard her say his name.

"Inu...yasha?" She said sleepy as she rose, rubbing her eyes, "What are you doing here?" Inuyasha blushed "Keh! Just making sure you weren't getting your self in trouble, or the shards." Kagome frowned at this and turned her head away from his sight, for tears were forming in her eyes.

" always..." She whispered.

Inuyasha knew she was crying...she always did when he said something like that. **Damn why do I always say that when I know it's not true...gods Kagome if you only knew how much I about you. ** But his response was "Keh". Kagome glared at him "Well they are fine so why don't you leave!?" "FINE I WILL!" He snapped back.

With that he jumped out the window to go back to his time. Kagome then cried in her pillow for the rest of the night.

**If he only knew...


The next morning Kagome decided to go back early, so she packed and left. When she came from the well she was met with a hug from Shippo, who was excited that she had returned. Sango and Miroku greeted her, but Inuyasha was no where to be seen.

"Hey were is Inuyasha?"

Sango and Miroku looked at one another then frowned at Kagome, "Kagome-sama, I believe Inuyasha had some "business" to take care of..." Miroku answered. Kagome was at a loss but shrugged it off. Later that night everyone was asleep, except from Kagome.

**Where the hell is he, it's so late!!**

She rose from her sleeping bag and decided to go search for him. She walked around the forest with her bow an arrow till she heard some voices

"Inuyasha you have returned to me."

Kagome peered behind a tree to find Inuyasha and Kikyo talking. "Kikyo I came to tell you I cannot go to hell with you." Kikyo frowned at this statement, "Inuyasha you promised me you would".

Inuyasha looked down, "Yes but I cannot leave my friends...and I must destroy Naraku."

Kagome had no idea what they were talking about but stayed to see what was to happen. Kikyo smirked," It's the Kagome girl isn't it? "Well Inuyasha I will not loose you to another." Inuyasha frowned," Kagome cares about me Kikyo, and if you did you will let me go on with my life and let me avenge yours." "No I will not listen any longer..." With that she pressed her lips to Inuyasha's leaving him in pure shock. Kagome griped her bow and fought to keep the tears away. **I'm so stupid for falling in love with him...he never will love me...but her." Inuyasha pulled away from the kiss and backed away from Kikyo, "I'm sorry Kikyo I can't." She got angry at his words and pulled out her bow and arrow. "Fine, if I cant have you no one will." Kagome finally found her voice and jumped out in the open



A/N: I wonder what is to come O.o