InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When dimensions collide ❯ Confusion ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

*Disclaimer: I don't own them! Well, I do own Mira! But I had to give back Sessy. He belongs to a cool little Japanese lady named Rumiko Takahashi! Not me!

A/N: Just like to let you guys know that the more reviews I get the more willing I will be to update as quickly as possible. Right now, I'm thinking that I might be able to update about every week or so, but they might not be full chapters, so, review and tell me if you want short chapters and have updates more often or update less often and longer chapters. Let me know! Rue is being impatient cuz he can't think. (stupid muse! *hits Rue in the head*) Okie now on to the chapter!

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`What the hell! Where did she come from?' Sesshomaru was stunned, although he kept his stoic expression.


`Where am I?' Mira looked at her surroundings with an expression on her face that was getting more confused by the second, then surprised when she spotted the man sitting against a boulder directly in front of her. Mira then noticed what he was wearing… nothing. She blushed furiously.

Sesshomaru found himself enjoying the blush on her cheeks and was amused at why she was blushing. He did not show it though.

"Woman, why do you disturb my bath?" He practically growled the words out, so as not to let on his amusement at her embarrassment.

"Your bath?! Oh my… sorry." Mira's words weren't frightened nor did they show any sort of weakness to the demon lord. It seemed that she was mocking him. Mira moved to get out of the hot spring but she found herself pulled back against his body as a sharp object was placed at her throat.

"You will not mock me, woman. So watch your tongue, or you may not be able to use it again." Sesshomaru emphasized his threat by pressing the claw he had at her throat down just enough to draw blood. `Why am I being so weak? Why did I warn her? Why did I not just kill her?'

Mira had not been frightened in a long time and she was caught off guard by this mesmerizing being. `What is he?' when she felt the pain from his claw Mira felt tears come to her eyes but she wouldn't let him see her cry.

There was a sudden scent of salt on the air. `Is she crying?' The mixture of the scent of her blood and her tears caused Sesshomaru's instincts to kick in and he suddenly felt the urge to soothe her. `That shouldn't happen until I have a mate…What is she?' The demon lord was confused, more so, even, than when he realized that his desires didn't include the Tetsusaiga. `This woman just appears in my bath, does not respect me and is weak. Why would I desire her? She is merely a pathetic ningen…'

"Oh but you're wrong." Little did he know, Mira could read is his thoughts.

"What did you say?" Once again this woman puzzled him.

"Your assumptions about me are wrong. I do respect you, because no male has been able to catch me off-guard as you have, for I am not weak. By the way….What is a ningen? Also, Where am I?"

The incessant confusion plagued him more and more each time she said something and he was beginning to show it. `How has this beautiful woman known what I was thinking? NANI?!'*more confusion* `What is wrong with me?'

Mira giggled quietly when she read his thoughts. But in doing so she was reminded of her wound as pain shot through her neck at the action.

Sesshomaru had felt her pain, and before he could stop himself, she was turned around in his arms and he lowered his mouth to the wound at her throat which he had caused. The thought pained him, yet, why? He gently ran his tongue over the cut, healing it and making the woman in his arms gasp at the contact. Trying to get his mind off of the things he could do to get her to make the enticing sound again, he remembered her questions.

"To answer your questions, you are in my bath house. And a ningen is what you are, a human. How is it that you do not know this? Where are you from?"

"Well, it actually isn't what I am." `Why did I tell him that?!' "And I am from the kingdom of Aerin." When she was finished talking Mira took her eyes off of his perfectly toned chest and looked into his ochre eyes. `Oh my, why am I feeling like this? What is he?' Then she remembered that this was his bath house, and he had been bathing before she dropped in on him. Mira blushed again, this time Sesshomaru smiled, deciding that he was enjoying his confusion.

`This may turn out to be amusing. Wait, did she just say she isn't human?' he pondered the for a moment. He couldn't smell any demon blood on her. In fact her blood had smelled unreal in a way. He was not sure how, though. It was a human scent and yet, it wasn't. `What is she?'

Mira loved the smile that just barely showed on his face. She pondered something and quickly came to a decision. `This is going to be fun!'

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A/N: Sorry about the cliffhanger. Just thought I would go ahead and post since that was a good stopping point. The next chapter should be up soon! Plz R/r! Rue gets angry when there's no reviews….which in turn makes him a very poor writer and makes me do all the work!