InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When fate takes over. ❯ betrayal ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter one
-The betrayal.
I don't own any characters from Inuyasha. Only the ones I create and such.
Please enjoy. Please review. (Flames are welcome, for constructive purposes of course.)
*- see bottom for meaning.
The moonlight shone on me making my skin glow and my hair appear navy. The fire had gone out leaving the wispy smoke tendrils swirl into the night. The crisp air filled her lungs as she stood taking a deep breathe. I scanned the camp; Inuyasha wasn't in the tree he had been in earlier. Maybe he went to get more firewood. I plopped back down snuggling closer to my warm sleeping bag wishing he would hurry back. I noticed after about ten minutes that miroku and sango were shivering in their sleep as well
Where is that baka, he should be back already. My curiosity peaked as I stood on wobbly legs and started off into the woods. Wondering aimlessly I lazily picked up smallish pieces of wood to bring back to camp; suddenly I heard a twig snap I quickly crouched down and calmed my breathing. I cursed at my own stupidity.
Oh god kagome you scatter brain, why in the heck did you leave camp without a weapon!? I heard hushed conversation in the near distance. Gently I placed the fire wood down, placing my feet mindfully as I snuck towards the source of the voices. Goosebumps covered my bare legs and I silently shivered. The tree canopy shaded the moonlight making it hard for me to be stealth, I cursed. I was only human after all. I shook gently as I pushed past a bush and stepped into a clearing. The grass was long; it swayed in union with the trees, like a slow and rhythmic dance of nature. The moonlight lite up the clearing like a spotlight on a stage. There, in the middle of the grass; lay Kikyo. Still as a statue, which was fitting because she wasn't to far off from being one. Her kimono was loose in the front showing of a silver of pale skin and her usually perfect hair was out of place. It almost seemed like she wasn't breathing, or moving at all. What the heck is Kikyo doing here? And what is she up to. It's like she has been rolling around on the ground or something. She was alone. Whoever she was with is now gone. But the feeling my stomach didn't disappear. The only guess I have as to why she is here... heat spread across my face as I thought about…sex.
I was about to turn around the leave when Kikyo gaze landed on directly on me. I froze like a doe caught in the head lights, my breath hitched. Kikyo's piercing gaze was extremely unsettling. I've been caught!!
I turned and bolted back the way I came, before I left earshot I could have sworn that I heard a soft chuckle from the clearing. But I was to busy jogging back from where I just witnessed Kikyo dirty her miko honor. The once forgotten cold came back with a vengeance. I shuddered as the wind picked up and blew my school skirt up, the cold stung my legs. I tripped over something small and yelped when I impacted the ground. It was cold and unforgiving on my tush. Slowly standing and cursing I began to pick up fire wood again. Thoughts of Kikyo and her mysterious lover loomed overhead.
Sneaking around now? How low will this miko stoop? Who would want to have her anyways? The thought came to her like a lighting bolt. Inuyasha…INUYASHA!? He wasn't at camp when I woke up, he wasn't out getting firewood, I don't think anyways. Oh kami no. Please not Inuyasha! Not with her. I…I love him. Tears poured from my eyes as realized the reason for Kikyo's stupid chuckle. That clay pot knows I love him!! If he is at camp and there is no firewood then it is true. It must be. The clearing is only a ten minute walk from our camp. Why would Kikyo choose the do her thing there? Unless it was a ploy to make him jealous…? Without realizing it I was just outside camp with the firewood bundled in my arms, the bark softly grated at my skin turning it blotchy red. I could feel that my eyes were puffy and red but I marched on towards the fire pit determined to keep quiet and sane. No more smoke winded it way from its ashy home. It was completely out and there was no new firewood. Inuyasha glared at me from his tree that he wasn't in twenty minutes ago. `Where the hell did you go kagome? You know for some girl who is from the future with school and all, your pretty dumb wondering off into the woods like that' he was looking at me, almost as if he was worried about me. This comforted me a bit. `What were you doing anyways?' He ventured. I piled the wood next to the pit and sat on my soft sleeping bag. The sun was rising; the sky became a light gray color. `I was getting firewood, the cold woke me up' he only nodded with a nervous look on his face. `Is that all?' He must be wondering if I saw him. Humph. So that's it then. He is guilty. He is sleeping with Kikyo in the middle of the night, when we are all sleeping… BASTARD!! STUPID INU-TURD!! Ugggh god I…I loved him. Without realizing it I began to cry. Big fat salty tears raced down my cheeks hitting the green material that made up my skirt, I couldn't feel more childish. Inuyasha looked guilty as he jumped from the tree. From the tears came sobs, these were loud and heaving sobs. At the moment the feeling of betrayal overwhelmed me. My heart ached in recognition of heart break. My love was lost, what was I kidding? It was always a lost cause to love someone who looked at me but only saw someone else. The camp began to stir; I hushed myself and pushed the inu demon away from me. He stood awkwardly to my side as more silent tears sprung forward. I curled up pettily on my sleeping bag completely ignoring Inuyasha and his stupid guilty expressions and fell asleep. I awoke to a warm fire next to her. He must have moved me closer so that the cold didn't get to me, so I would be warm. Oh kami let me die!!! Why bother being nice you stupid prick?? Ugggh he touched me! I pushed myself up onto my elbows and noticed everyone was packing up camp. I stood up and grabbed my huge yellow bag. Sango came to me and put a hand on my back in a attempt to sooth me. `What happened this morning? I heard you crying. I would have come to you then but you seemed very distraught …' she rubbed soothing circles on my back, I sniffed and sighed. I shouldn't tell her. She has enough going on with kohaku's death and miroku's proposal.
Just the other night sango rushed back to camp after a walk with miroku and gushed about his marriage proposal and how romantic it was. A pang hit me in the chest. I could never be with Inuyasha now. He betrayed me. He tells me that he cares for me and then he decides to go a sleep with Kikyo?! Fuck that!! No, I won't tell sango. Sango was waiting for my reply. Think kagome...Think! `Well it's my birthday tomorrow and I have a big huge calculus test the day after, I haven't even studied once!' Sango have me strange look then she started laughing. “That's why you were sobbing? I could have sworn your heart was broken or something!' That was so bloody ironic it hurt. You have no idea sango. Not broken, more like shattered. Sango stood up and hurried over to miroku who was just about to put out the fire. He doused it with a bottle of water and stomped on the wisps of smoke until there were none, yes; ironic indeed. It was nearing winter and it was unusually cold out. I slowly crawled over to my bag a picked out a full length kimono that keade had given me as a gift. It was a beautiful long white and silver kimono. Small silver cherry blossoms were scattered across the trim as if be blown by the wind. A few were sewn into the midsection area. The silver sash that came with the outfit had white vine like detail winding until the tip which was a blend going from sliver to white. All in all it was beautiful and she wondered how keade could afford such a fine silk kimono. Without much more thought I wondered into the forest in a secluded area to change into the kimono. It was the only thing that covered my legs. I hadn't realized how close winter was getting. Next time that I went home I would have to make sure to pack some warm clothes. Once I was all set and dressed warmly and snuggly in the kimono I walked back to the camp. Or what was left of it, everything was packed and ready to go. I sighed deeply and sorrowfully, bent down to picked up my hideous big yellow backpack. Determined to ignore Inuyasha guilty glances and comments I stomped off towards the west.
Every time Inuyasha attempted to talk to me the only response he would receive was a SIT command.
The meeting with Kikyo had been the best yet. She had let him take her right in the middle of the clearing. Without thinking while we were rutting I marked her. Kikyo was his mate now. Kagome has feelings for me. But I feel nothing but friendship and obligation towards her. And anything romantic is because of her close appearance to my Kikyo. However I can't lose kagome. I need her to stay so she can find me the jewel shards. I need them for my wish. For Kikyo to become a half demon like me! What can I do for her to stay?... she loves me. She's just mad st me right now, that's all. If I confess my `love' for her she will stay. I can tell this to Kikyo so she doesn't get mad. And we will all be happy. A smug smile plastered on Inuyasha face.
It was my 18th birthday today. Some birthday…I thought dryly and bitterly. The group had all banded together to buy me a gift.
Well everyone except Inuyasha who had forgotten it was my birthday today. Figures .It came in a large wooden box with three holes on each side. It reminded me of a puppy box. Maybe it was a puppy. Excited for the first time since the incident, I quickly opened the box and squealed when I saw the tiny black fur ball. I picked it up and hugged it close. Then held it out for inspection, its fur was silky and soft, it had bright blue eyes and tiny fangs. It was the size of a puppy. But it was obvious that this was some type of youki. What type I couldn't be sure. `What kind of youki is this guy?' they looked at kilala then to the fur ball. `Well it's the same kind as kilala' I looked between the two demons. There were similarities but no fire on mine. `Mine has no fire though…' sango patted the sleeping demon. `He won't have any flame in his small form, but when he transforms he will. The store keeper says that this one is just a cub. He just barley hit transformation stage, so he is new at it' I beamed as I looked at the content demon in my arms. I shall name you nyoko.*
Nyoko uncurled himself and brushed his silky head against my hands, welcoming me as his owner.
Inuyasha had run off some time ago. Probably off to meet Kikyo… this turned my thoughts even more sour. He had been gone for an hour now. It was getting dark and sango started a fire and went to sit down beside miroku, they were chatting softly. They truly were a lovely couple. Odd, but perfect for each other, I couldn't envy there love any more than I do now. I was a woman scorned as jealous woman. What kind of miko am I?
A loud thumping noise brought me out of my terrible musings. Inuyasha stood there holding in one hand a bushel of beautiful pink and white camellia flowers. The other hand held a wooden box. He stepped close to me and held out the flowers with a blush. I glared and hesitantly took them and took a small sniff. They smelt lovely. Then he held out the box.
I took the box and lightly opened it. Inside was another kimono. This one was red. My brows furrowed and I dropped the gifts. He growled and stepped even closer. `HEY, what's wrong ya wench? I go through all this trouble for you and your going to be like that?!' he took a deep breathe in like he was diving into a cold lake and said the dreaded words. `I love you.' It was what she had always wished for when I first came to the feudal era. But now with what she knew the words sparked only anger and sorrow, not happiness. I was the one to step closer now. Inuyasha seemed please with this until I poked a skinny pale finger into his chest. ` YOU LISTEN HERE DOG BREATH! HOW DARE YOU SAY YOU LOVE ME WHEN YOU GO OFF SNEAKING WITH KIKYO IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT? YOU STUPID FUCKING ASSHOLE!! I HATE YOU!! I'M GOING HOME, AND IF YOU TRY AND STOP ME I WILL SIT YOU SO HARD YOU WILL END UP AND CANADA!!'
He didn't seem to understand the last part as I ran off; cursing the day I met him
. The others just looked on shocked and confused. Then they followed me, I could hear sango yelling at Inuyasha and him grumbling back. I could hear shippo crying, this tugged at my heart. I'm sorry shippo; I just can't do this anymore!!
I sprinted faster and faster. But my lungs began to burn and ache for more oxygen as I wheezed and slowed to a stop.
Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry, don't cry, don't cry, kami don't cry.
Once my lunges had there fill of wonderfully satisfying air I ran as fast as she could, tears blurring my vision. Nyoko ran by her side, graceful and beautiful, I had to stop to catch my breath again. I could hear the others coming. I didn't want to see them. I just wanted to get away from them…from him.
Nyoko rubbed against my leg soothingly, and then walked a distance away. His small body shuddered and shook fiercely as he burst into his fighting form, blue flames licked as all four of his ankles. A beautiful fiery mane danced around his broad muscular neck. His once innocent looking blue eyes become cold looking slits and his fangs seemed like daggers. He was beautiful and fierce looking. He lowered his body so I could climb aboard, I thanked him as I hopped on. He nodded his head and flew off into the night. My emotional pain was bad enough, but it was as if I hurt so badly I was beginning to feel real pain. Physical pain, my chest burned, my eyes burned; my skull burned. Something was wrong but she didn't have time to think. Everything was burning. I let loose a roar of a scream. My heart was beating like a race horse. My body felt like molten lava. The blood was burning through my veins. I faintly noticed through the pain that nyoko landed on the ground and was trying to soothe her by licking her hands. But she couldn't be soothed. This unknown pain ripped my body, burned it. My throat was soar from the screaming and my lungs couldn't get enough air. The world was collapsing around my withering form, imploding into pain inside my body. Then there was darkness.
How you like that??? I had a story called when fire turns into ice, which I decided not to finish. Instead I started this one. I like this one better. So if you have read that story you might see some of the same ideas. Just a much better plot and all that. PLEASE REVIEW!! THANK YOU. REMEMBER THAT A GOOD REVIEW MAKES THE WRITER HAPPY, WHICH MEANS MORE UPDATES!!!
*- Nyoko- in Japanese means `Gem'.