InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When fate takes over. ❯ Transformatons ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 2
Hello. Another update here, Please read and review. Oh and enjoy of course.
Also rated x for things a bit later on.
ALSO. A thank you to my first reviewer Animegirl1 *bows*
I slowly opened my eyes, pain shot through them and they felt like sand paper. I shut them immediately. Why is this happening? What's going on? Pain racked through my body vanishing my thoughts. A moan escaped my mouth. Then there was darkness.
All I knew was burning and whispering voices somewhere in the back of my head where the burning wasn't as bad. I would open my eyes sometimes. I could see silhouettes of people gliding around like ghosts. The tantalizing smells of something cooking had me longing for my stomach felt like it was eating itself. Everything was hazy and painful. I had no idea what was happening which made everything all the worse. I dug my nails into the wood grainy beneath my fingernails and screamed, as if my pain wasn't bad enough, something new ripped through me, torturing me until I wished for death. My heart was thudding against my chest and I was withering under the pressure and heat building inside of me.
It was as if my body was an elastic band being pulled from two different directions, pulling at her very soul, trying to split me into two. My silent sobs and whimpers turned into roars as the `elastic band' snapped, I was two but one person, two but one soul .Brilliant blue light filled where ever I was, it urged me to open my eyes and see the world. My heart beat slowed, the pain ebbed away and was replaced with great relief. Slowly I became aware of my surrounding. I was in a dimly lit room. Someone was sitting in the corner it was to dark to see the face. I tried to focus in but my eyes still stung and tears brimmed making everything all the more blurry. I sat up and arms from behind me steadied me as I stiffened in response.
`Inuyasha she is awake!' a familiar female voice boomed. Sango? Two figures ran into the room. My head was spinning and my vision was clearing itself. I saw sango and Inuyasha. As soon as she saw Inuyasha I felt the burning again, not as strong but strong enough for me to scream in pain and rage. I couldn't qualm it. It burned me; I didn't want to feel the pain of the burning again, for the more I fought the stronger the burn became. My eyes leaked red. Inuyasha glared at me at was yelling something but I didn't understand it was a blur of sound that was drowned out by my pumping blood. I leaped at him, He barley dodged the blow. Kami what's going on??
He jumped outside and stood in a defensive position. His sword was out and ready to strike.
It was like I was looking through someone else's eyes, like I was looking out through sheen of red in somebody else's body. This wasn't me. The `other' me let out a roar and ran at him. My steps were steady, faster then any human should be, my mind was blank and I ran only on the instinct that my body forced on me. My eyes were trained on him. He raised his sword, about to attack but I quickly dipped to the left and dodged the meek attack. I leaped and dug my nails into him. He cursed and swore as blood spilled out of his wound. I jumped away and positioned myself to pounce again. To my right somewhere behind me I could hear the tell tail whizzing of an arrow. The arrow stuck my left shoulder; I didn't notice the pain much, however I spun around and saw Kikyo standing there. Her eyes were dull except the surprise. I ran faster then Inuyasha could have imagined towards Kikyo, even Kikyo hadn't a clue as to how fast I could go.
I didn't have a clue. In one last attempt to defend against my feral attacks, Kikyo formed a ball of miko powers to protect herself. But the miko power didn't harm me; I went right through it and slammed my bloody fist so hard into the other woman chest that the clay in which she was made of shattered. With a huge hole where her chest once was, the stolen souls slipped from her body floating into the sky. I heard a fierce roar from behind me somewhere, Inuyasha eyes were turning red, his demon aura surged and purple jagged markings slowly stretched onto his face. I looked down at Kikyo broken and slowly dying, the red drained from my eyes as guilt flooded me. I looked back towards her friends and saw their shocked and revolted faces. And then I did the only thing I could think of. I ran through the woods, the trees whipped past me, scratched my face, and pulled her hair. I realized that during the burning, during the pain; something happened to me. I wasn't human anymore, her sick attack back there proved it. I wasn't kagome anymore. I looked back to when I was attacking Inuyasha. It was hazy and tinged in red but I could remember how deep my fingers…no claws dug into his soft warm flesh, how the blood spattered on my face and how I could hear his breathe stop and the gurgle of blood in his throat. My stomach flipped and twisted at the thought of harming him. I cried, I cried until the tears ran dry. My heart filled with a deep sorrow at the thought of losing my dear friends and killing a woman who for the most part was innocent. Bile filled my throat and I could no longer hold it the acidic mixture. I stopped and spewed my stomach content, which was nothing really, just water that had been poured down my throat when I was burning.
There was a river was just ahead, I couldn't see it but strangely I could smell the fresh and clean scent, I could hear the swirling and bubbling of the water; in fact she could hear the fish shift and change direction away from her. As if they knew that an evil and dangerous creature approached. I broke through the foliage and took one last step as I pushed with all my might on my left leg, not wanting to stop; and jumped. I held my breath waiting for the cold splash, but it never came. Instead the cold wind blew on her cheeks and whipped my hair behind me as I flew through the air. Opening my eyes and drove my face into nyoko's soft and warm hair. He flew higher into the gray sky. For a moment I thought they were going to the heavens. After they broke through the clouds there was nothing but a beautiful mix of bright oranges and gold's. The sun caressed my face as me and nyoko glided through the open sky. My simple days were gone. Now I was something else. I could feel the power course through myself; it was scary and accelerating all at once. I looked down at my hands, black blood still damp smeared on them. They were the same except instead of fingernails they were replaced with black tipped claws at each and every tip. I looked up my arms where she could see black blood course through her veins under her pale smooth skin. Then my eyes traveled to my legs, they had black stripes just above the ankle. Usually this meant one thing. Every full demon with any form of a high status or power had these markings. But that was impossible, my mother was a human. She had no miko powers or anything. She told me that my father had died in a horrific car accident when I was only one. I however saw pictures of him and he looked like any other Japanese business man. Normal and even plain in everyway with a stoic look on his face in every picture. So how could this have come to be? My mind wheeled thinking up reasons. Nothing came to mind. Perhaps I was cursed by naraku. But how could he have made me a full demon when he himself strived to become one at all costs?
Nyoko mewed softly. He was heading back down to land, we dipped below leaving the calming rays of light behind to be met with the mass of grey clouds. I leaned down and hugged nyoko.
“Thank you nyoko! Thank you for staying with me!” I murmured into his thick silky black pelt. I was wetting it with tears as I thought of the dear people I had just lost. I asked nyoko to head towards the bone eaters well. I wanted to go home, to forget the pain I'd suffered here, to ask her mother questions about what had happened.
Nyoko landed gracefully in the clearing about five feet from the well, he transformed into his submissive form and watched me pace for a moment with a questioning expression.
Glancing at him I smiled. “You will come with me right?' he only mewed and lay down on the grass with a bored looking a face, seemly bored now.
I huffed at the thought of leaving him behind. He would be a lovely friend to me. But if he didn't want to come with me then I couldn't very well force him to. I knelt down and petted his silky head, then stood upright to turn to the bone eaters well. I took a deep breath of the clean fresh air, craned my head for one last look at the beautiful landscape before I left for good and jumped down. I waited to be engulfed by the blue light. However the blue light never came and I dropped to the bottom of the well landing on my feet somehow. I looked up to make sure I was home only to be greeted by nyoko's humored look. I growled and jumped up with my new found strength and jumped in again. Nothing. Nothing…
I jumped back up and screamed. This wasn't fair. I'm stuck here? How? Why? Kami must hate me, for he bestows punishment after punishment. Nyoko brushed against my legs again. I chanced a look towards the village, in the distance I could see smoke rise from what I supposed was the village. Worry filled me. I ran without another thought.
Inuyasha was turning demon when I ran. I forgot. Oh kami please let the others be ok!
Her feet pounding the forest floor ripping up bits with her speed. The village wasn't far now, the white kimono slowed her due to the tightness around the legs which is why she had always preferred her school uniform. She cursed and continued on.
I could see the village now. It was in ruins and the smell of blood assaulted her sensitive nose. Dread filled her.
I immediately went to keades hut, it was intact, I could see the shimmer of a holy barrier.
I rushed in without a thought, I pushed open the straw flap and gasped at what I saw. Keade sat in the corner of the hut, her chest rising and falling but she had no response when I called her name. Sango lay unconscious in miroku's arms bleeding profusely. Shippo was shaking in the corner unharmed but terrified. My heart reached out to him as I went to grab to into a hug. To my surprise he struggled and screamed. He bit at me as I released him. He ran to curl up beside miroku. `Shippo?' I asked. He just shoved his face into miroku's blood stained robes and sobbed. Miroku wasn't completely on guard, his eyes searched mine and I willed him to see my sorrow and pain from what I have created. But he showed no mercy, his eyes went cold and he spoke in an icy tone. “I'm sorry kagome but I can not forgive you for this. Go home and don't come back' I choked out into sobs when he finished. `Miroku I'm so very sorry, please let me help her! I can heal her!'
But he wouldn't have it. He stood, his legs shaking as he readied his wind tunnel. I begged but he wouldn't have that either. `The well won't let me go home, PLEASE! I LOVE YOU GUYS!' The beads were off now as I backed up; I realized he got me outside the hut. As if in slow motion his clenched hand slowly unfolded, the air whipped towards him. I gave him one last pained look and bolted into the forest, heading west.
End chapter
You like you like?
Short I know, but my daughter is teething and has very little patience for me…
If you like review please! I want to hear your come back!
Ja' ne