InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When I have lost my temper ❯ An End for a new Begining ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When I have lost my temper

Written by: Onimusha


A/N: I don't own Inu and comp.


Ch 11 An End for a new Beginning

It was well into the night when Inuyasha decided to stop and make camp. Inuyasha knew his mate was very tired and hungry to boot. If he wanted to get to the battle as soon as possible, there was to be as few stops as possible. But with two pregnant females, that's was near impossible to do.

Miroku and Sango were very grateful for Inuyasha finally stopping. Ridding Kirara all day and into the night made them very saddle sore, to say the least. After settling Kagome onto her sleeping bag, Inuyasha turned to Miroku.

"Your mate is hungry as is mine. Here…..use this thingy to gather some firewood ok. I'll be as quick as possible." Inuyasha was gone in a blink of an eye. Miroku looked at the strange thing in his hand until he felt a small hand on his shoulder.

"Here, let me have it." Miroku heard Kagome say from behind him. He handed her the thingy and then heard a small click was heard the same time light shown on the ground. Miroku was at a loss for words at Kagome's light stick. Kagome then handed it back to him and then made her way back to where Sango was standing next to a still transformed Kirara.

In no time at all, Miroku had a nice fire crackling as it cooked the rabbit meat that Inuyasha brought back. Inuyasha made sure that he ate in the woods because Kagome knows that he really doesn't like his meat cooked.

When all the meat had been consumed, mainly by the two pregnant females of the group, it was finally time to settle into bed. They were now about a half a day away from Sesshoumaru's Palace. Inuyasha growled lowly in his throat as a night breeze bore a very tiny trace amount of scent from Naraku and Sesshoumaru's battle.

Inuyasha was so lost with in himself that when he felt the small hand on his shoulder; he nearly jumped out of his skin.

"Inuyasha…..What is it?" Kagome meekly asked her mate. Inuyasha turned around and looked deeply into Kagome's blue/gray eyes. Shaking his head, Inuyasha pulled Kagome close to his chest and held her.

"Don't worry about it for now…..right now, I want it to be just us." Inuyasha whispered as he picked Kagome up bridle style. Inuyasha took a quick look over at where Miroku and Sango were sleeping at. Once he noted that they were fast a sleep, he then took off into the trees.

Kagome held tightly to his neck as he ran, but after a bit, she loosened up. After a bit of running, Inuyasha stopped all together. Kagome didn't want to open here eyes at all. She was comfortable in Inuyasha's arms and his movements were putting her to sleep fast. When he came to a stop, Kagome snuggled more into his chest.

After Inuyasha made sure his senses couldn't pick up any signs of a threat, he shrugged out of his coat and laid it on the ground. Nuzzling into her neck, Inuyasha laid them on to the ground as well.

"Kagome…." Inuyasha's voice was husky as he said her name. Caressing his cheek with her right hand, she rubbed his ear with her left. Kagome closed her eyes as Inuyasha began to purr and nuzzle into her neck.

"My mate……onegai….I need you….." Kagome said as her voice began to crack and her eyes began to tear up.

Inuyasha pulled away a little and wiped a stray tear from her cheek with his thumb. He then frowned when he noticed that her intoxicating scent was laced with fear and sadness.

"Kagome…..My mate, why are you crying?" Said Inuyasha as he cupped her cheek with his clawed hand. His heart wrenched in his chest every time he saw her tears and he hated that feeling. Placing a soft kiss to her forehead, his chest began to rumble in an attempt to comfort her.

"I'm scared Inuyasha." Whispered Kagome.

"Koi…..I will never let anything happen to you……"Inuyasha trailed off a bit as he placed his hand upon her belly. "Or to our pup. I am stronger now then I have ever been Kagome. And it's all because of you. It was your stubbornness in caring for me that I fell in love with you."

Looking deeply into Kagome's teary eyes, Inuyasha slowly undressed her, never once breaking the eye contact. Once all the clothing was removed, Inuyasha sat back and just admired his mate's naked beauty.

Running his claws gently down Kagome's body from her neck to her junction and back up again, a solitary tear fell down his cheek and his voice cracked a bit when he spoke.

"How is it that such a beautiful human ever became my mate? How-" Inuyasha stopped talking when Kagome took his hand and placed onto her right breast where her heart is.

"Inuyasha…..I fell in love with the whole of you. Now that I have my stolen piece of soul back, I am able to truly see into your heart and soul. And because of that, I love you more now, then ever before because I can now see that you love me for who I am as well." Kagome then gave Inuyasha one of her beautiful smiles as she just stared in to his golden eyes.

Lightly squeezing the breast his hand was covering; Inuyasha leaned back down till they were nose to nose with each other. Squeezing a bit more, Kagome's eyes closed and her mouth parted in a silent gasp which Inuyasha promptly captured with his own mouth and slowly slid in his tongue to caress hers.

When the lack of air finally forced them to part, Inuyasha sat up again and disrobed himself. Kagome was about to say something, but Inuyasha placed a clawed finger to her soft lips.

"Shh…….my mate. I know you need me as much as I need you, but I want to slowly memorize your body again before I mate you."

With a nod of her head, Inuyasha removed his finger from her lips and trailed his claws down her neck, pausing briefly at her breasts and squeezing them, then continued to drag his claws downward till he cupped her heat with his hand.

Kagome's eyes fluttered when she felt Inuyasha's thumb start to rub her clit. Immediately upon doing that movement, Kagome's arousal scent spiked high. Pleased with himself for getting the desired reaction from her, he leaned down and captured a tit in his mouth and suckled like a puppy would, all the while continuing his slow torcher until Kagome's body was finally pushed into a powerful orgasm.

After Kagome got her breath back, she reached up and rubbed his left ear. In a voice no louder then a whisper, Kagome spoke.

"Please my mate…..I need you now….."

Inuyasha smiled down as his mate. He could tell that her need for him was as great as his need was for her. But he wasn't done yet. Placing a clawed finger to her soft lips once again, Inuyasha shook his head no. leaning down to her ear he whispered.

"I want to make love to you tonight Kagome, not just pleasure you." With that one sentence, shivers up and down her spine. Kagome nodded her head again, and Inuyasha removed his finger from her mouth so that his own could capture them. Inuyasha's kiss was passionate and demanding, yet slow and soft as he poured his whole self into that kiss. When Inuyasha finished, he pulled back a bit a little, but only enough so that he was able to slowly drag his tongue across her jaw line and down her neck.

Kagome had kept her eyes closed when Inuyasha had finished his kiss. And when she felt his slightly rough tongue slid across her jaw line and then down her neck, she moaned out his name.

Inuyasha was nearly knocked off balance as he licked her jaw line and neck. Kagome's was evident enough through his nose, but was nothing compared to the actual taste of her arousal and pleasure combined. He enjoyed that drunken feeling so much that he bathed her whole body with his tongue, paying close attention to the jaw line and the valley between her breasts where the taste is more potent.

When at last Inuyasha couldn't take it anymore, he leaned over to her ear.

"Kagome…..look at me koi." He whispered. As Kagome slowly opened her eyes to him, she drew him into a gentle kiss. As the kiss ended, Inuyasha cupped Kagome's cheek and looked deeply into her eyes.

"I'm not sure what's going to happen in the morning mate…..but I want to do something special with you. Though I am a half breed, I choose to take you every time as the human males do…..but this time I want to take you in the dog demon way." Kagome propped herself up on to her elbows with a puzzled look on her face.

"You can take me anyway you wish Inuyasha. I would never deny you anything." Kagome responded as she caressed his cheek.

Inuyasha was so over joyed that a low growl started in his chest as he slowly turned Kagome over and positioned her onto her hands and knees. Placing his hands onto her hips, Inuyasha slowly dragged his tongue from her tail bone to the nape of her neck. Resting his chin on her shoulder, he ran his hands up her sides to cup her breasts. Kagome moaned when Inuyasha gentle squeezed her breasts as he began to nibble and lick her nape.

"This may hurt a bit." He whispered as he pushed himself in and bit down onto her nape at the same time.

Kagome arched her back and screamed at the amount of pain/pleasure she was experiencing. Inuyasha held himself still for a moment so that Kagome could catch her breath. When she then started to slowly move her hips back and forth, Inuyasha got the hint that she was ready.

Pulling out slowly and pushing back in, Inuyasha lapped at the newest bite mark on Kagome's skin. Growling louder this time, Inuyasha slide his hands back down her sides to rest them on her hips. Gently gripping them as to not bruise her skin, Inuyasha picked up the pace with their mating.

It didn't take long for Inuyasha to feel Kagome's fast approaching climax. As her walls closed around his hardened member, Inuyasha roared her name to the heavens as he spilled his seed into her womb again.

After the pulsing of Kagome's walls had ceased, Inuyasha pulled out and laid her down onto her back. Covering her with his fire-rat coat, Inuyasha then laid his right ear onto Kagome's belly. Smiling from ear to ear, Inuyasha started purring as he listened to his pups heart beat.

After sometime had gone by, Inuyasha noticed that Kagome's breathing had evened out. Placing a gentle kiss to her belly, Inuyasha spooned himself to her back. Once he was comfortable, he placed his hand onto her belly and slipped off into sleep where he would dream of about his new family and about the new life they that would start when the evil is gone from the world.

As the start of a new day dawned on the horizon, the birds awoke from their nests to fill the sky with their music, just as some of the nightly creatures were starting to bed down for the day. And in a small forest glade, an Inuyoukai started to stir awake as the morning light danced on his eye lids.

Grumbling about how bright the light was on his sensitive eyes, Inuyasha stretched his lean body out and sat up. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Inuyasha automatically started scenting the air with his nose. Upon doing so, Inuyasha chest started to vibrate with a loud growl.

Quickly jumping to his feet, Inuyasha threw his pants on and then gently wrapped Kagome in his coat. Once he had her securely in his arms, Inuyasha run with all his might back to where Miroku and Sango where.

When Kagome started to feel the wind on her face from Inuyasha's running, she slowly opened her eyes. When her foggy mind started to process what it was seeing, she tried to move but found she couldn't. She then looked to his face and didn't like what she saw.

"Inuyasha….where are we going?" Kagome meekly asked. The look she was seeing on Inuyasha's face was now starting to worry her.

"Inuyasha…put me down. Now. What's going on? Answer me." Kagome sternly said.

Inuyasha gave Kagome no answer, instead though, he tightened his hold on her and ran faster. With in minuets, they were back at their camp. Miroku and Sango were still sleeping.

Setting Kagome to her feet, he instructed her to get dressed as quickly as possible. Inuyasha then went over to where the Monk and Exterminator slept.

"Miroku….Sango, get up now. We're leaving as soon as you're ready."

"Huh…..*yawn*……Inuyasha ….there is no need to be impatient-" Miroku started to say, but the look on Inuyasha's face and the loud growl he was making, made whatever words that were still in Miroku's mouth, die away.

When Kagome saw what had just taken place, she could feel the fear starting to seep into her body. She could tell just by Inuyasha's stance that he knew something was not right. Slowly walking to her mate, she wrapped her arms around his waist from behind.

"Inuyasha….what is it?"

Inuyasha didn't respond at first, but scented the air instead. He was starting to get a little edgy with what the scents on the breeze were telling him. Quickly slinging the backpack on to his shoulder and then scooping up Kagome onto his back, Inuyasha looked to the others.

"We need to hurry. Now."

With that said, Inuyasha took off to the West, in the direction of where the battle of his half brother and Naraku was taking place at. After a few moments of staring off in the direction that Inuyasha went in, Miroku and Sango got on Kirara and followed.

"Inuyasha….what is it? Why are you shaking so much?" Kagome queried. Instead of an answer, Inuyasha tightened his hold on Kagome and ran faster.

Sometime later, Inuyasha had to stop. Gently putting Kagome down, Inuyasha dropped to one knee and vomited. The air was extremely heavy with blood and the scent of it has been turning his stomach until finally he could no longer take it. Slowly, however, Inuyasha began to realize just who's blood it was. It was that of his half brother, Sesshoumaru.

Inuyasha bowed his head down in sadness. With the amount of blood that was in the air, that only meant one thing, Sesshoumaru was now dead. They may have hated each other, but there was still a very small something inside of him that grieved the loss of his brother. Throwing back his head, Inuyasha roared out into the heaves and started to cry.

Kagome for the most part, didn't know what to make of Inuyasha's behavior. All she knew was that she needed to comfort him. So, slowly walking up behind him, she wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him tightly as he sobbed. Miroku and Sango took some steps away to give the pair some room.

"My mate….Why are you crying? Why is it that I am feeling such sorrow coming from you?" Kagome said into his back.

Drying his eyes with the back of his hand, Inuyasha slowly stood up with Kagome. Turning her around to face him, Inuyasha looked into her eyes and spoke.

"Kagome….I want you to stay here. You and Sang must stay here, no matter what. Don't follow any farther. Miroku…..come with me."

"What do you mean you want me to stay here? I am not going to let you battle them alone Inuyasha. I-" Kagome was cut off when Inuyasha placed a clawed finger to her lips.

"There is no `them' Kagome. Now there is only Naraku. I will not have my mate and pup in danger. You are my home Kagome. If anything happened to you, it would surely kill me." Cupping her cheek, Inuyasha leaned down and kissed her soft lips, and then kneeled down in front of her belly.

"Kagome….promise me that if anything happens to me, that you will go back to your time and seal the well. Please……promise me that you will do this so that if I should die, I will die knowing that you and our pup will be safe." Inuyasha then nuzzled into her belly and kissed it.

Kagome slowly got down on her knees and hugged Inuyasha. As her tears freely fell down her cheek, she whispered into his ear.

"I will do as you ask my mate. But I am still coming with you to fight Naraku. I must see to it that our world is forever more purged of his evil. If not, then our pup as no future. Now come. The sooner we get there, the sooner this will be over." Kagome said as she took his hand and helped him stand. Kissing him softly, she turned to her friends.

"Let's do this and forever more have peace in our world."

As Kagome was adjusting her bow and quivers, Inuyasha gently cupped her chin to look up at him.

"I guess there's no way I can convince you to stay here….is there mate."

"No Inuyasha. But I do promise that if anything happens to you, I will go and seal the well like you ask. Just try and not let it come to that ok I don't want our pup to be with out a father."

Kissing her softly on the forehead, Inuyasha scooped Kagome onto his back and looked to Miroku and Sango. With a nod of their heads, they jumped onto Kirara and took off. Inuyasha lead the way to the battle scene.

With in a few minuets, Inuyasha came to a stop in a large clearing. Growling quite loudly, Inuyasha surveyed the scene in front of him. It was horrifying to say the least. Blood and pieces where everywhere in the clearing. All of which belonged to Sesshoumaru.

"Kagome…..go and hide with Sango….." Inuyasha whispered as he let her off his back.

"Wha-" She started to say, but couldn't finish when Inuyasha put his finger onto her lips.

"Please……I don't want you two involved unless it is necessary that you come into battle. Now go" And with that, Inuyasha gave her a small push towards Sango and watched as they ran off. He and Miruko looked on as the two most important people in their lives disappeared into the surrounding forest. It was only when they heard an evil and most familiar laugh echo through the clearing.

"Kukukukukkukuk…….now there is nothing you can do to stop me half breed. I now own all the Shikon no Tamma but the piece your wench possesses. That stupid wolf didn't put up much of a fight as your dear brother did hanyou……And when I finish with you, I will take my time in getting what I want from your wench….. in more ways then one." Taunted Naraku.

"NEVER!!! Your will never win Naraku. Come out and fight me." Inuyasha screamed as he drew out Tetsusaiga.

"Kukukukuk…Are you in that much of a hurry to meet your end hanyou?"

"AARRGGHH!!!!' Screamed Inuyasha as he lunged at Naraku. Miruko was at a loss as to what to do. He wanted to help Inuyasha, but at the same time, protect the girls. He just stood there and watched on as two demons battled on in what he hoped to be the final battle.

Silently chanting to himself for Inuyasha's protection, Miroku cut himself off when one of Naraku's tentacles went through Inuyasha's stomach and lifted him up, then threw him into a nearby tree which effectively knocked him out.

Kagome's eyes went wide with fear as she looked down at Inuyasha's stilled form. Her hands instinctively going to her mouth to hide their concealment when a scream tried to claw its way out of her throat. Sango had to do the same when she witnessed a tentacle going through Miruko's shoulder and effortlessly threw him as well.

A very cold chill went through the two females when Naraku looked right at them and grinned.

"No….." Whispered out Kagome. "I must not allow it to end this way."

With her hands and body shaking severely with fear and rage, she took off her bow and notched an arrow. Sango fell to her knees and wept as she watched as Kagome fill her arrow with her miko powers.

"Kukukukukuku…… my little miko, angry are you? Kukuku….. Why do you be a good little girl and bring me the rest of the Shikon no Tamma."

All of a sudden, Sango saw Kagome go very still. Her body had stopped its trembling when Naraku started to talk. Taking a deep breath and then letting it out again, Kagome spoke in a calm voice that held no trace of her fear or rage that was there a moment ago.

"Naraku……I am willing to let you live provided you hand over the jewel piece to its right full guardian. If not, you will force me to end your life here."

"Kukukuku……you can never destroy me miko. My powers are far greater now then yours….Kukukuku."

Kagome arched a brow and pulled her bows string taught.

"So I take it your answer is no then, Naraku."

Naraku looked at Kagome for a second before he started to move. But he didn't get a chance to being that Kagome pretty much knew that now he was coming for her. It happened so fast that Sango didn't see Kagome move or ever twitched a muscle. All Sango heard was a horrifying scream coming from Naraku as Kagome's purifying miko powers slowly started to turn him into dust.

When a breeze came along and blew the dust away, Kagome collapsed to the ground from fatigue in using so much power in that one arrow to make sure that that evil never came back to the earth. Sango simply stared at the place that Naraku once stood just a moment ago.

`It's finally over. Now my family has been avenged and I can now live a life I have always wanted.' Sango thought to herself as she checked on Kagome.

Once Sango was sure that Kagome was ok and peacefully resting, she went over to where Miroku was sitting against a tree trunk, staring at his right hand that use to contain the Air Rip. Looking from his hand to his wife, Miroku stood up and embraced Sango. The family curse that had killed his father and his fathers' father is finally no more.

"Sango….where is Kagome. Is she alright?" Miroku whispered. With a slight nod of her head, Sango pointed to where Kagome laid.

"Go back and stay with her Sango. I'll be Inuyasha over."

Sango let Miroku go. And as he watched her return to Kagome's side, he went over to where Inuyasha was laying at. Unfortunately for Miroku, Inuyasha was still out cold. After a few moments of shaking Inuyasha's shoulders, Miroku was finally able to wake him up. And the first thing out of his mouth was where Kagome is.

After a little bit of a struggle, Mirkou was able to help Inuyasha onto Kirara and then on to where Kagome and Sango where. Once everyone was on board, they carefully made their way back to the Kaedes village.

A/N: argh…Im done with this chapter. Last one coming soon. It's the Epilogue. PLZ R/R