InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When I have lost my temper ❯ An unexpected visitor ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When I have lost my temper


A/N: I don't own Inu and comp. I do own anything else.


Ch 10 An unexpected visitor

Now, we all know that Inuyasha can be grumpy at times, and since mating with Kagome, he has been getting better with his temper. But……when someone is screaming your name at the top of their lungs while your deep in sleep……tends to make any one into a very grumpy person. Inuyash is no exception. Growling in his throat, Inuyasha sat up in bed and rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"*yawn*…..hmmmmm……Inuyasha, what's the matter? *yawn* why are you growling?" A sleepy Kagome asked.

"Hush now…..there's something wrong." Inuyasha whispered as his cute little puppy ears swiveled around.

"Kagome…..stay in bed and don't move. Someone's calling me…'s a desperate call for help….." Inuyasha got out of bed and pulled his pants on. A second later he gave out a low bark. As he was putting on the rest of his clothes, Shippou came in.

"Do you hear it too Shippou?" Inuyasha said.

"Hai Inu-papa. It's scaring me. She's crying…..a lot." Shippou said as he perched himself on to Inuyasha's shoulder.

"I know pup. Now listen to me…..I don't know what's going on yet, but I want you to stay with your mama. Understood. Help keep her safe."

"You got." Shippou piped as he jumped into Kagome's lap and snuggled into her chest.

"With my life Inu-papa."

Inuyasha grabbed Tetsusaiga and left their room. Walking into the main room, Inuyasha stopped.

"Going into a possible battle isn't a good idea by myself…….I better get the other two up to come with me." Inuyasha said out loud to himself. Nodding his head, he turned around and went back down the hall.

Inuyasha knocked on the door, but he didn't wait for an answer before walking in. He smiled at what he saw.

Miroku and Sango must have kicked the blanket off during the night. The Monk was on his back with Sango's head on his chest. She had her left leg draped over his thigh and her arm was around his mid-section. Miroku's left hand was flexing on Sango's naked butt. Inuyasha just shook his head and chuckled to himself.

`Damn Monk. Even in his sleep he's groping.'

Inuyasha walked to the bed and turned around. Clearing his throat he lightly back kicked their bed to get their attention.

"Huh!?! Wha!?! Inuyasha…….*yawn* What's the big idea?" Miroku asked as he covered Sango's naked sleeping form.

"Get up Miroku. Something's going-" Inuyasha didn't get a chance to finish as Kagome came running down the hall calling to him.

"INUYAHA……" Kagome yelled as she came into the room. Inuyasha snapped to attention when he heard her distressed call as well a Miroku and now Sango.

"Kagome!! What's wrong!?!" Inuyasha called out as he prepared to unsheathe the Tetsusaiga.

Kagome was fully dressed with bow in hand and her quiver slung over her shoulder.

"My Lord. Quickly….we must hurry." Squeaked the tiny voice of Inuyasha's retainer, Myouga. Inuyasha was losing patients fast.

"What the hell is going on old man?" Inuyasha nearly yelled.

"Inuyasha…come on….its Rin. Something's horribly wrong." Kagome said as she grabbed his hand and nearly dragged him out of the room.

Inuyasha let Kagome drag him down the hall just as a villager brought in Rin's worn out and tired body.

"RIN!! What happened to you?" Kagome let go of Inuyasha's hand and ran to the little girl as the villager laid her down on a spare futon Kaede had. Kaede looked to Kagome.

"Kagome…..bring the child some water and a cloth rag…..Sango, please go fetch a warm blanket and a spare kimono…..Miroku, Inuyasha, please leave so that we can get the child changed and cleaned."

"Kagome…..isn't this little girl the one that follows my half brother around every where?" Inuyasha asked when he saw Kagome return with the requested items. Kagome laid the water and the cloth rag down and then looked in to his eyes.

"Yes Inuyasha. She is the same one. I have a bad feeling about this…..wait for me outside ok. When we are done, I'll get you." The guys were a little weary at first to leave, but did so anyways.

About an hour later or so, Kagome finally came out. She called to Miroku and Inuyasha, and then they all went back inside. Kaede had Rin propped up a little against the wall as she spoon fed the child some warm broth. When Rin had eaten all of the broth, Kaede excused herself.

Kagome came to the side of the bed and sat down on it taking hold of her small hand. Sango sat down next to Kagome while Miroku and Inuyasha stood on the other side of the bed. Shippou, was being his cute self, snuggled into Rin's lap.

"Rin….Please tell us what happen? How attacked you and where is Sesshoumaru?" Kagome ask in a soft voice. Rin just looked at her. It was then that Kagome noticed that Rin had a mild case of shock.

"It's ok now Rin…..we're your friends. We will help you, but we need to know what happened first ok." Rin looked at Kagome, then to Inuyasha before starting to speak.

"I-…we….." Rin started to say. Kagome squeezed her hand a little for reassurance and nodded her head. Rin continued to gaze into Inuyashas eyes, never breaking eye contact.

"Inuyasha…." Rin whispered very softly. Tears started to well up in her eyes, her mouth opening and closing, but nothing coming out.

Inuyasha always hated to a woman cry. But seeing this little girl with tears in her eyes, really wrenched his heart. He had heard his name and was pretty sure no one else did. Slowly, Inuyasha sat on the edge of the bed and too, took her small hand into his large one. With a small smile, Inuyasha nodded his head.

"Kagome's right Rin. You're safe now. I'm not going to let anything harm you ok."

Rin's tears fell when Inuyasha spoke. He watched as they fell down her cheek before wiping them away. After Inuyasha was done, Rin flung herself to him and held onto his neck with such strength, it surprised Inuyasha.

"He needs you…….he…..he told Rin to hide…..and I did but…..the bad demon is too strong for him……Rin knew he needed help…..Rin came to find you and Kagome-nee-chan. It's his only hope….." Rin sobbed out into Inuyasha's shoulder.

After what seemed like forever, Rin finally calmed down. Inuyasha carefully pulled her away from himself and cupped her chin.

"Rin……What happened to my brother? Who's attacking him and why?" Rin wiped away her remaining tears and settled herself into Inuyasha's lap. She snuggled into his chest before answering his question.

"Rin is not knowing why the bad demon attacked her Sesshoumaru-sama. The bad demon kept saying for Sessshoumaru-sama to give him his pieces. Rin doesn't know what the bad demon is talking about. *sniff* Rin is scared Inuyasha-nii-chan. Onegai……help Sesshoumaru-sama……" Rin then buried her face into Inuyasha's chest and cried again.

Inuyasha wrapped his arms around Rin's small body and held her as she cried her heart out. After a while, Kaeda came in with some food for Rin to eat. She placed the tray of food on the small table and placed her hand onto Rin's shoulder.

"Here child. You need to eat to regain your strength." But Rin wouldn't let go of Inuyasha. As gently as he could, Inuyasha pulled her away, and made her sit so she could eat her food. With a bit more encouragement from Kagome, Inuyasha and Kaede, Rin wasted no time in wolfing down the food. It had been almost three days since she had last eaten. When Rin finally finished, Kaede handed Rin a cup of tea.

"Rin, drink this all down. It will help you rest easy. Know that no harm will be fall you where child." Just before Rin was able to take the cup of tea, Inuyasha intercepted it from Kaede.

"Rin……I need to ask you a question first." Inuyasha said. Rin nodded her head to him and he continued.

"Do you remember what this bad demon looked like? Anything at all?"

Rin got up from her place and resettled herself into Inuyasha's lap as she looked at an image in her minds eye. Taking a few deep breaths, Rin told of what she could remember.

"Rin is sorry Inuyasha-nii-chan. There is not much in describing the bad demon. Rin only saw him wearing some sort of monkey fur. It was white I think."

Clenching and unclenching his fists, Inuasyah was barely able to hand Rin her cup of tea. A low growl started in his chest and was slowly rising in volume.

"Rin……what direction is the battle at?" Inuyasha asked through gritted teeth.

"Rin came from the West. They are battling on Sesshoumaru-sama's land." Rin said as she swallowed the last of her tea. Inuyasha carefully removed Rin from his lap again and placed her under the covers of her bed and tucked her in. Inuyasha then placed a tender kiss to Rin's forehead and pulled away.

"Rin. You are to stay here in the village understood. Promise me that you'll stay here." Inuyasha firmly said. Rin was trying to keep her eyes open as best she could, but was slowly losing.

"Inuyasha-nii-chan has Rin's word. Rin will be here *yawn* when Inuyasha and Kagome-nee-chan come back……" Rin yawned again and then closed her eyes and fell into a deep peaceful slumber. When Inuyasha saw that her breathing slowed and evened out, he took Kagome by the hand and they left. Kaede lit an incent and too, left the room.

Inuyasha led Kagome back out into the main room of the hut where the rest of the group was at. Sango walked up the Inuyasha slowly.

"Well…..What did she say Inuyasha? What's going on?" Questioned Sango.

Inuyasha's had his ears flat against his head and looked to Shippou.

"Shippou….come here." Shippou looked up at Inuyasha and was a bit surprised at how much emotion he saw on Inuyasha's face, but chose not to say anything as he jumped onto his shoulder.

"Hai…Inu-papa." Shippou chirped.

"I need you to stay with Rin while we are gone." Inuyasha said.


"No Shippou. Not this time. Please…..I'm asking you to do this for us. Keep her safe until we come back." Shippou now knew for sure that there was something horribly wrong here. And he didn't like it one bit. Meekly, Shippou placed his tiny hand onto Inuyasha's cheek.

"Inuyasha…..why are you so sad? What did Rin say that made you so sad?"

Inuyasha looked at Shippou, and swallowed hard. Taking a couple of deep breaths, Inuyasha looked over to where Kaede was at.

"Kaede….take good care of Rin Shippou. Miroku….. Sango……pack only what necessities we need, then we are leaving. Myouga, I want you here when I get back. Got it."

"Yes Lord Inuyasha. I shall await your return here." Squeaked Inuyasha's retainer as he jumped his way onto Shippou's ear. Kaede took a step forward and looked at Inuyasha more closely.

"Inuyasha, where are you going? I am sensing much sadness from you. Why?" Kaede said firmly, yet gently. Again, Inuyasha swallows hard. He tried to speak, but no word would come from his mouth.

Kagome immediately saw his distress. She cupped his cheek and made him look at her as she spoke in a gently voice.

"Inuyasha, why don't you take a rest in your tree for a bit? I'll come get you when we're ready to leave ok." Placing a tender kiss to his lips, Inuyasha nodded to Kagome and quietly left the hut to sit in his tree.

When Kagome no longer felt Inuyasha's aura, she proceeded to the others of what Rin had said. Kagome took in a deep breath and sat down. The others sat as well when they notice the grave look upon Kagome's face.

"Rin told us that Sesshoumaru is now fighting Naraku as we speak. He is after the pieces of the Jewel that Sesshoumaru has. This is to be our final battle everyone." Kagome lowers her head and eyes.

"There is something I need to tell you all. Please don't be angry with me for not saying anything before now. Ever since the return of my stolen piece of soul, I have always known where all of the shard pieces were. But I chose not to say anything to Inuyasha or you. I don't want him to know just yet, if at all. I wanted to get Kouga's pieces first before the final battle took place, but that's not going to happened it looks like. You guys, our mission is nearly completed. There are no more shards in all of Feudal Japan, except for what I have around my neck and what pieces Kouga, Sesshoumaru and Naraku posses. Inuyash is very worried right now. There is no way in foretelling the out come of this battle. But… mater what though…..we must win this at any and all costs. And besides…..Naraku is in for a big surprise when he sees that I now posses my full Miko power and strength." Kagome smirks at the thought of what Naraku's face might look like when he is hit with her full power.

"Come on guys. I am fully confident that that basterd is going down for good." Every one in the room has a shocked look on their faces. It was so unlike Kagome to use such language. And then when Kagome flashed them a smirk that was dangerously similar to Inuyasha, their mouths dropped to the floor.

"I think Inuyasha has rubbed off on her too much." Whispered Miroku to Sango. She nodes her head in agreement.

"You know Miroku, Kagome is right. I know we'll beat him. Come on, lets get ready ok" Sango said as she stood up.

With in a few minutes time, Kagome, Miroku and Sango were all equipped with their weapons. Kagome had some how produced a smaller pack from some where in her bigger one. She backed it as best she could with bottles of water and all of her first-aid stuff.

"Ok guys……I'm ready to go now. Are you?" At the nod of their heads they said their good byes to Kaede and left the hut.

When they exited the hut, they went straight to the Go-Shinboku to where Inuyasha was at. Miroku and Sango stopped short of the tree so that Kagome could approach him by herself. Kagome was grateful to her friends for stopping without her having to say some thing. Kagome stopped at the base and looked up in to the branches.

"My mate……it's time to go now." Kagome whispers just enough for only his ears to hear. Inuyash could hear the words and silently dropped in front of Kagome. Inuyasha places his hand on to her belly where their pup was growing at.

"Kagome……I've been thinking……I want you to stay here. I can't risk losing you with this battle or our pup. Its one thing to fight Naraku or Sesshoumaru by themselves. But I ……….." Inuyash trailed off as he looked deeply into Kagome's eyes. Kagome herself was a tad bit shocked when she beheld a single tear fall from his golden eyes. She never wanted to see tears in those golden depths again since that day where everything changed.

Kagome placed her left hand on to his cheek and wiped the single tear away with her right. She then pulled him into a fierce hug, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck.

"Hush now……. I am not and will not stay here. I know that this is going to be a very difficult battle for us, but I will see to it that it is put to an end now and forever. We will live in peace as will every one else in this world will once it is rid of the horrid evil. Our pup will be raised with both parents in love and joy. Do you hear me?" Kagome whispered to him.

Inuyasha pulled away a little from Kagome to fully look at her. He already could sense just how powerful she was ever since that tiny piece of her soul returned to her. Maybe they stood a chance this time he wondered.

Inuyasha looked at Kagome and then to his friends and nodded to them. When they came over close enough, Inuyasha reached out and pulled them all into a big group hug. Miroku and Sango weren't quite expecting this from their hanyou friend, but gladly returned it to him.

"Well, this is it." Inuyasha said as he released everyone. He turned his back to Kagome and knelt down on one knee. When she was settled on his back, Inuyasha took off into the trees.

"Kirara." Called Sango. When her faithful demon companion came, she looked to Miroku.

"Are you ready?" Sango asked. Miroku nodded his head and gave her a kiss onto her forehead.

"Let's go Kirara." Kirara meowed to her mistress and transformed into her full fire cat form. Once Sango and Miroku settled into place, Kirara took off to catch up with Inuyasha and Kagome.

A/N: I'm sorry this took a while guys. I promise the final chapter will be up soon ok. Then I can start working on my other fic. ^-^