InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When I have lost my temper ❯ I can't get enough...... ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When I have lost my temper


A/N: I don't not own Inu and comp. I do own everything else.


Ch 9 I can't get enough…..

When her mistress didn't come back after leaving with her male, Kirara went to find out why. Carefully, Kirara was able to sneak out of the hut with out anyone seeing. Once outside, Kirara was able to pick up their scent quite easily down the dirt path to the well, then another scent hit her that was on the air. It was the scent of her mistress's arousal. Creeping quietly along, Kirara sat herself behind a bush. In front of her, her mistress and her male were standing in front of the Go-Shingboku. The air around them was heavy with their arousal scent. Kirara was very happy at the sight before her. Maybe now her mistress will settle down and finally be happy. Kirara knew that her mistress's male was an ideal mate for her. So, as their scents became stronger, Kirara decided it was time to go on patrol as it where. She wanted to make sure that when they do mate, nothing will disturb them.

Unknown to Miroku and Sango, they were being protected at their moment of weakness. Miroku pulled back from the heated kiss he gave to Sango to loss himself in her eyes again. He tucked her head into the crook of his neck and held her for a moment.

"Sango, my Lady. Are you sure this is what you want. I must make sure of your decision before I loss myself any farther." Sango pulled away just a little.

"Miroku, my Love. There is no doubt in my mind, heart or soul. I want to love you…..Onegai…….I need you……" She whispered breathlessly.

"I you wish my Lady. Then there is something I must ask of you first…." Sango nodded her head to him and he continued.

"Will you bare me my child?" Miroku asked as he got down on one knee. Sango's eyes teared up. She let them fall as she helped Miroku back up and hugged him.

"As many as you want… many as you want……" Sango cried into his shoulder.

Miroku pulled her closer and held her tight, nuzzling his face into her hair before whispering into her hair.

"Very well my Lady. Do I have your permission to begin then?" Miroku asked as he kissed up and down her neck.

"Yes Miroku. You do."

"Then follow me Lady." Miroku took her hand and lead Sango away from the Go-Shinboku. Just before reaching his destination Miroku stopped.

"Sango, close your eyes. Don't open them until I say ok…….Do you trust me?"

"Hai Miroku. I trust you with my life. Always."

"Good. Now don't move." Miroku whispered as he slid his hands around her waist and undid the obi on Sango's kimono. Slowly Miroku slid off all of her clothes so that she was only clad in her undergarment. Feeling flushed, Sango went to cover her chest when Miroku gently stopped her with his hands.

"Onegai……Don't move Sango….." Keeping her eyes still closed she heard the rustlings of clothes in which in turn made Sango's flustered cheeks hotter.

When Miroku finished disrobing himself, he gently swept Sango up bridle style. She eeped, but still kept her eyes closed. Miroku walk a few steps and then stopped.

"My Lady, you may open your eyes now." Miroku said as he laid a small kiss onto her lips. Sango opened her eyes and looked around. She saw that they were at the hot spring.

"In the hot spring Miroku?" Miroku didn't say anything as he put her back on her feet. He carefully and slowly took off the under garment that Sango wore. He took a step back to take a moment to admire the beauty that was in front of him. Her skin was milky white, smooth and perfect in his mind. Now mind you, there were a few scars from past battles, but… the Gods, she was perfect in every way, from the beautiful blush across her cheeks all the way down to her little toe.

*Darling here I stand, stand before you now* (part of the earlier song)

Sango, on her part, was doing the same thing Miroku was doing, admiring the beauty before here. She saw that his body was gorgeous. Some battle scars were on that chiseled chest and those rock hard abs, but he was utterly perfect. Sango let her eyes trail down a bit further and then immediately averted her gaze as she noticed that he was standing at full attention.

Miroku softly chuckled. He never thought he could get the Demon Exterminator Warrior so flushed as he did now. He made his way back to her. Taking her hands in his, he led her into the spring. Taking hold of her other hand, they stood there and looked into each others eyes. Miroku then slowly started to move her backwards until he had her pushed up against the rocks on the other side, effectively pinning her there. Dipping his head down to her neck, he kissed his way up, under her jaw line and then to her mouth.

"Let me love you Sango." Miroku asked, breathlessly. Numbly, Sango nodded her head, she really had no idea as to what to do or expect, so she decided to let Miroku guide her in their love making.

*Take me as I am, put your heart in mine, stay with me forever* (part of earlier song)

Miroku took Sango's hands again and pulled them up over her head. He held them in his left hand as his right went down to cup her right breast and gently squeezed. Sango's gasp was like music to his ears. So he did it again. This time Sango closed her eyes and gave out a low moan. Starting from her neck, Miroku kissed his way down it and to the breast he was squeezing. He slowly flicked his tongue over the rosy peek and then blew on it, watching it harden.

Not wanting to leave the left breast all by it's self, he fully engulfed Sango's tit into his mouth. Swirling the tit around with his tongue. It was then that Sango began to really feel the tingling in her stomach and the warm throbbing, heavy feeling down below.

Miroku lavished attention to both breasts for a few more moments before he decided he couldn't take anymore foreplay.

Grabbing a hold of her knees, Miroku had Sango lock her ankles around his waist as he deeply kissed her. Then, moving his hands to cup her butt he lifted her so he could position himself at her entrance.

Do I want this? Sang asked herself, as he impaled her body onto his own. The pain caught her for only a moment, and then it was gone again. Yes, she decided, as he began moving in and out in the ancient dance of love making. I want this. I want this life with Miroku. Sango closed her eyes and was enjoying the feeling of him inside her.

*Just say you'll love me for the rest of your life*

They rocked against each other, causing small waves in the warm spring water to splash against the sides of the pool. Miroku loved the moans and gasps coming from Sango's mouth. He could tell by her sounds that she was building up, but it wasn't enough. If he didn't bring her to the brink soon, he was going to explode.

"Where Sango….."He groaned out, and then kissed her hard, again. She understood his question and unlocked one leg, so that she was supporting her own weight. Sango took one of his hands and she directed it to the firm nub nestled in her woman's core. With a few hesitant strokes of his fingers, Sang was violently thrown over the edge, and she clamped down onto him with her free leg while her eyes rolled back on the waves of pleasure. Quite Please with himself, Miroku let himself go as well, and roared her name to the heavens as he came, spilling his hot seed deep with in her body.

Miroku stayed as one with Sango while the after glow of their love making flowed through them. But all too soon, Miroku had to pull out of her tight passage because his arms were weakening and he didn't want to fall on to her with his weight.

Being that Sango's legs refused to cooperate, she leaned heavily against Miroku. He held tight to her, and they stayed standing in the spring for a while, just enjoying each other, that is, until some rustling noises alerted them that they were no longer alone. Miroku pushed Sango behind him as he readied the rosary on his hand that contained the Air Rip.

Silence fell for a bit before the intruder showed themselves.

"Meow…..Meow…" called out Kirara. She was in her small form as she walked to the edge of the spring and sat down.

Relief flooded the both of them as neither really wanted to do a battle with a demon in their nothings. (hehehe)

"Kirara. What are you doing out here?" Sango questioned as she picked up the fire-kitty. Kirara purred and nuzzled into Sango's neck. She was quite proud of herself for a job well done in protecting her mistress as her male claimed her as his mate.

"Miroku, I think we should get going now. We don't want the others worrying about us and then having them finding us like this."

"Your right my Lady. Indeed it would be an uncomfortable situation for them to find us like this. Let us go now."


Inuyasha and Kagome didn't say anything when Miroku and Sango got up. They figured the two of them needed some time alone.

"Inuyasha?" Kagome said. The hanyou looked over at his mate as he popped the last piece of meat into his mouth.

"Yes my mate." Kagome flushed a nice shade of red across her cheeks.

`Ohh Gods…..this is so embarrassing. But I'm still hungry and now it's starting to hurt.'

Inuyasha looked at Kagome more closely when he noticed the blush on her cheeks, but then became concerned when he sensed some distress coming from her. Inuyasha gently picked up Kagome and placed her in his lap, nuzzling his face into her hair.

"Kagome. What's the matter? Is something wrong with the pup?"

Kagome turned enough to look into his golden eyes. She gave him a smile that melted his heart. She shook her head and then kissed his cheek.

"No Inu-chan. The pup is doing very well. It's just….." Kagome then averted her gaze to her lap as her blush increased across her cheeks. Inuyasha cupped Kagome's chin and lifted her head up.

"It's just what Kagome? What's wrong?" Inuyasha was now very worried. It's not healthy for a pregnant bitch to worry so much, or so they say in the village.

Slowly, Kagome reached up with her left hand and rubbed Inuyasha's right ear. When she saw his eyes close and his purring start, she whispered her plight to him.


"Hmmmm…….don't stop….." Inuyasha said in a husky voice.

"I-….I'm still hungry." Said Kagome as she buried her face in the crook of his neck. Inuyasha opened his eyes and held her body closer to his.

"Is it normal to be so hungry all the time? I-I'm so hungry right now that it hurts. I'm scared." Inuyasha smiled from ear to ear and chuckled out loud a little. All of his worry melted away in a rush of relief.

"Is that all!?!" Kagome nodded her head into his shoulder, fisting her hands in to his fire rat coat. Pulling her away a little and planting a chaste kiss on her soft lips, he placed his clawed hand onto her belly, and spoke.

"There is nothing to be scared of my mate. That's just a good sign that there's a strong pup growing in you. The pup takes a lot from the mother. More so then human pups do. That's why the bitch eats so much all the time. Kagome…..for now on, you need to tell me when you're hungry, before it hurts you ok. It's not only my duty to protect you, but it's my duty to provide you with fresh meat all the time for our growing pup. So……do you want some more meat to eat?" Kagome slowly nodded her head to him.

"Ok then. How much more do you think?" Inuyasha asked.

"I-I don't know Inuyasha. Just make the pain stop ok."

"OI!! Shippou!!" Inuyasha called out.

"Hai Inuyasha. I'm right here." Shippou chirped.

"How are your hunting skills?" Asked Inuyasha as he got to his feet with Kagome still in his arms.

"Ok I guess. Why?"

"Kagome is still hungry. You're coming with me to hunt. While I take down something large, I want you to catch a few rabbits. Until the pup is born, Kagome needs a steady supply of fresh meat to eat through out the day ok." Shippou climbed into Kagome's arms and then nuzzled into her neck.

"You got it Inu-Papa. I don't want my baby brother or sister to be hungry either. I'll get some berries too. I know where there's a good bush full of them." Kissing Kagome on the cheek, Shippou hopped off Kagome and on to Inuyasha's shoulder.

"All right. Ready to go when you are." Piped Shippou.

"I'll be back as soon as I can ok Kagome." Inuyasha said as he too gave her a kiss, only on the lips.

"Ok." Kagome replied. Then the two demons were gone in the blink of an eye as it were. Once Kagome was sure they left, she went in search of Kaede. She still had some questions that need answers to. After a minuet or so, Kagome found Kaede in one of the back rooms.

"Kaede. Do you know anything about demon gestation?" Kagome asked. Kaede gave Kagome a funny look when she said the foreign word. Kagome giggled a little.

"What I mean is, do you know how long I'll be with child."

"No child. I do not know that. I do know that when a full demon female is pregnant, it is for about six months. But, since you are pregnant with a quarter demon, I am not sure."

"Do you like Inuyasha would know?" Said Kagome.

"There would have been a great deal more information provided to Inuyasha had his father not died when he did. Demon pregnancies were one of them. So for now, we can only wait and see what happens. I do know one thing however, your pregnancy will not be more then six months, that is for sure. Kagome…..lay down so I can see how you are doing." Kagome laid down on one of the mats on the floor got comfortable.

Kaede lifted up Kagome's shirt and pulled her skirt down a little. She then firmly, but gently pushed around Kagome's belly. Being a miko has its benefits.

"Hmmm……I see…." Kaede mumbled more so to herself then Kagome. After a few more moments of gentle pushing, Kaede helped Kagome back up to her feet.

"What were you feeling Kaede?" Kagome questioned as they made their way back into the main room of the hut.

"Kagome…..when did the two of you mate and became pregnant?"

"Umm….hmmm….." Kagome cheeks flushed a bright red at the unexpected question, but she still answered Kaede.

"I think it's been about a week. Why do you ask? Is something wrong with the pup" Kaede laughed a little, but then reassured her.

"No child. It seems that everything's going to be just fine. Tell me though; can you quench your appetite?" Kaede asked as she brought forth ingredients for the stew she would make out of the meat Inuyasha will be bringing. Together the two of them began to chop the veggies.

"No Kaede. I'm always hungry and I don't understand why. It is starting to scare me."

"Just as Inuyasha had said Kagome, make sure you tell him when you are hungry. It is important that you eat when ever you can. And there is nothing to fear child. It seems to me that even though Inuyasha is only half demon and you are human, it looks like you will be delivering in just less than six months from now. Have you been able to feel the pup kick yet?" asked Kaede.

"Umm….when I lay on my back…..I can kind of feel something there….. *gasp* Is that the pup moving? Already!? Wow, you mean I don't have to go through nine long months of being pregnant!?" Kagome for the most part, was just a little shocked to hear this. Usually the baby can't be felt until about five months along and pregnancies are about nine months, but then again, this isn't a human baby we're talking about either.

Shortly after all the veggies were all cut and readied, Miroku and Sango walked in. Kagome immediately noticed that a pinkish blush tint was on Sango's cheeks and Miroku was sporting a full blown smile that looked suspicious. But the thing that really got Kagome's attention was that when ever the two of them looked like that, Miroku usually wore a nice bright hand print on one of his cheeks. But he wasn't this time.

"Hey Kagome-sama. Where are Inuyasha and Shippou?" Miroku asked as he sat down. Sango didn't want to sit at the moment. In fact, the truth was that she was too sore at the moment to sit any, and way too excited to anyways.

"They'll be back shortly Miroku-sama. They went hunting. It seems that since I am with pup, even if it is only a quarter demon, I can't seem to quench my appetite. Inuyasha says it's quite normal for the `bitch' to be hungry all the time. He says that the pup is taking a lot from me, there for I am always hungry. And it hurts too. So, he and Shippou are out hunting to make sure that I have enough to eat through out the day so that my tummy doesn't hurt." Kagome giggled a little as she picked up a carrot to munch on.

"Sango. Why aren't you sitting with us?" Kagome asked. Sango look to Kagome and her blush brightened a lot. Kagome noticed and decided it was time for a walk. She was very curious as to what had taken place between her best friend and Miroku.

"Sango. Want to take a walk with me before Inuyasha comes back?" Kagome couldn't help the smirk on her lips when she asked Sango. Sango took a deep breath and sighed. She knew she needed to tell Kagome, especially if it turns out that she might be pregnant now as well. Sango nodded her head.

"Ok. Let's go."

Unfortunately for the two of them, Inuyasha and Shippou returned before Kagome even got to her feet. Inuyasha did well on his word in providing plenty of meat for Kagome. He had two very nice looking deer's cleaned and ready to be cooked. And Shippou really looked proud of himself. Kagome giggled at the sight of him.

"Kagome…..what do you think? Will this be enough for my brother or sister?" Shippou handed Kagome one of Kaede's herb baskets full of blackberries and then pointed out the three fat rabbits Inuyasha was cutting into strips.

"Ohhh Shippou-chan. You caught those rabbits all by yourself?" Kagome giggled a little and gave him a big hug.

"Thank you very much." In about a half an hour later lunch was ready.

Inuyasha was in a state of bewilderment as he sat and watched Kagome eat the last pieces of rabbit meat, as was everyone else. Kagome kind of even surprised herself. She had eaten all three of the rabbits and the basket of berries. With a big yawn, Kagome stood up. Inuyasha got over it quickly and packed away the rest of the meats he had for her so that it didn't spoil.

"Inuyasha… you want to lay down with me. It seems that now that I am actually full, I am very *yawn* tired." Kagome yawned again and stretched a little. Before Kagome could say any ting eles, Inuyasha picked her up bridle style. But, just before heading to their room, Inuyasha spoke to Mirkou and Sango.

"Miroku……I assume you will perform the human ceremony soon…..." Inuyasha smirked when he saw both of them blushing brightly. More so Sango really then Miroku. They knew that Inuyasha could smell what they were up to earlier that morning.

"I-….ummm… soon as my Lady permits it……the of cource." Miroku said as he looked to Sango. Sango couldn't seem to bring her gaze up from her lap when Miroku looked at her.

"Well, just to take too long you hear me Monk…..ohhh and by the way. Congratulations." Inuyasha said as he nodded his head towards Sango.

"And Sango, as far as your punishment is concerned……." Inuyasha started to say, then paused a moment. "Don't worry about it any more. But…..I still want a re-match with you later."

"You- you mean I'm……" Gasped Sango, looking over at Miroku. Inuyasha just nodded his head and left the main room for their bedroom. Quietly Inuyasha closed their and placed the now sleeping Kagome on futon. Carefully he took off her clothes and left her only in her pink panties. Disrobing himself a second later, he had himself spooned up against Kagomes back, nuzzling her neck and purring as he too, drifted off to sleep the day away with his pregnant mate.

Miroku was the first to recover from Inuyasha's news. He wore a smile you have seen a mile away. Turning to face Sango, he drew her into a sheering kiss before he too, picked Sango up bridle style and made their way to one of the back rooms.

"My Lady…….let me love you again." Miroku said in a husky voice. Sango giggled as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"And why should I?" Sango giggled out.

"Because……..I can't get enough."

"Well Kirara, it looks like it's just you and me. Come on; let's go see if Kaede needs any help with anything." Said Shippou.

"Meow…..Meow…." Kirara said as she chased after Shippou. The rest of the afternoon in to evening went by quietly.

At least until the dawning of the following day.


"INUYAHSA!!!! *pant…..pant…gasp…* INUYASHA!!!! *gasp…..* WHERE ARE YOU!!!" Screamed a young child of twelve or so through Kaede's village.

A/N: I do love a good cliff hanger…..don't you?? MUAHAHAHAHA *Cackles evilly*