InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When I have lost my temper ❯ Miroku's challenge and a Promise made ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When I have lost my temper

Written by: Oniusha


A/N I don't own Inu and comp. I don't know who sings this song, but I don't own it so don't sue me ok. I own any one else including this story.


Chapter 8 Miroku's challenge and a Promise is made

Contrary to what Kagome thought she saw Miroku and Sango doing before she run off……. they weren't mating……yet anyways. Just seriously making out on the ground with lots of experimental rubbing. As much as Sango hated to admit it to herself, she really wanted this with Miroku, but she just felt she wasn't quite ready for the next step that Miroku was trying to take them to.

"Miroku…..Onegai……I-I don't feel I'm ready to g-go there yet." Sango panted out.

"I want get to know you better first……though I don't mind the making out part. But…..could we wait on the next step?" Sango whispered as she brushed his bangs out of his eyes. Miroku stared into her beautiful brown eyes and smiled. He then stood up and offered her his hand to get up. Pulling her close to his chest, he whispered into her ear making her shiver.

"As you wish my Lady. I would wait for you forever if need be just so as I know that you would be my one and only." Sango pulled back slightly to look at him.

"Do you really mean it Miroku? That you would wait for me until I'm ready.!?!"

"Hai. I would. I vow to you this night Sango, that these wandering hands of mine shall not wander again onto any other woman, save it be you with your permission." He slowly closed the gape between them and laid a very soft kiss onto her lips, then pulled away.

"That kiss I gave to you Sango, is to seal my promise to you."

"Thank you Miroku. I will hold you to your promise……and you may `wander' your hands on me as long as we are alone. Understood."

"I understand." Miroku softly answered. He was letting himself get lost in her eyes. He was now able to see the love there for him, just like he was sure she could when she looked into his eyes.

"Good. Now I think we better get back. Kagome should be back any time. And I think I need to have a talk with her about what happen today." Miroku nodded his head and gave her a quick kiss.

"Shall we go then, my Lady." Miroku said with a bow.

"In a minuet. There's something you can do to persuade me sooner……" Sango said without looking directly at him. Miroku's eye brows rose up beneath his bangs.

"Ohh…….And what might that be my Lady?"

"Romance me into it of course." Sango then started to walk ahead, leaving Miroku just standing there obviously taking in her words.

"Very well then. I shall do my best." With a very large smile upon his lips, Miroku quickly caught up with her and slipped his hand into hers. Together they made their way slowly back to the village. All the while Miroku was deep in thought.

`But `how' should I romance her……hmmmm this is going to take some thought. Flowers don't quite suit her, and I am no poet…….hmmmmm….of course!!! I've got it. Its going to take a little time, but it will be worth it in the end.'


"And that brings us to where we are now. I know how much Sango means to you, Kagome. I just hope that this misunderstanding doesn't affect that relationship. If Sango returns before the night is through, go and speak with her. She was very distraught when she left. Ohh and keep a close eye on Inuyasha when he awakens. There's no telling what he's going to do. Now, if you'll excuse me child, the old woman needs to go rest. Good evening to you." Kaede stood up and made her way to the door.

"Thank you for telling me Kaede……and don't worry about Sango. She is too dear to me for me to be upset at her. Since this was a terrible accident, and no permanent damage was done……I will tell her all is forgiven. As for Inuyasha, no problem I have the command if I need it. Good night Kaede."

After Kaede left the room, Kagome turned her attention to her hanyou mate.

`No, I will not cry…..I need to concentrate. He needs me right now. I have to be strong.'

Unfortunately, easier said then done. A few tears fell down her cheek, but she did her best not to cry her eyes out.

Carefully and gently, she pulled down the blanket to look at what kind of injuries he had received. When she saw that the only bandages on his gloriously naked body were wrapped around his chest, she breathed a sigh of relief. And an even bigger one when she noted that there was no blood stains on it. She then concluded that the wrappings were there to support broken and bruised ribs probably.

Brushing his bangs out of his eyes, she called to him

"Inuyasha, my mate……open you eyes…….onegai, I'm home now……onegai, open your eyes for me……." Kagome pleaded. She then caressed his cheek, again calling his name. But he still remained unresponsive.

As she was putting the blanket back onto Inuyasha, her tears increased. And this time, she made no effort to stop them. She situated herself next to him on the bed and cried into his chest quietly. Eventually Kagome cried herself to sleep on his chest. The events of the day were taking their toll on her again and she fell into a deep slumber.

Sometime during the night, Inuyasha finally awoke. Without opening his eyes, due to the pounding he was feeling in his head, he scented the air. Kagome's distinctive scent filling his whole being. Deeply inhaling her intoxicating aroma, he was rewarded with sharp shooting pains in his chest. He hissed through clenched teeth. Broken bones always took a little long in healing. Slowly, ohh so slowly, Inuyasha opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling. They quickly adjusted to the darkened room and a few seconds later he was able to look down and see Kagome, his mate, fast asleep on his chest.

Still exhausted from trying to mend his broken and battered body, he was still able to carefully situated them so that he was now spooned up against Kagome's back. Nuzzling into her neck, taking comfort in her scent, he let his eyes drift closed.


Miroku and Sango's midnight stroll finally came to an end when they reached Kaede's hut. They slowly and quietly entered as to not wake anyone.

"Miroku……I'm going to check on Inuyasha before retiring to bed. Good night……" Sango was hesitant at first, but pulled all of her courage together and cupped his cheek. She looked into his eyes and placed a soft kiss onto his cheek.

"I-I… you Miroku. Sleep well." With that said and done, she picked up a candle and lit it. Miroku just stood there with his mouth hanging open and his finger tips touching the kissed piece of flesh.

Sango stopped in front of the door to the room that the badly beaten hanyou laid. Taking a deep breath she quietly opened the door all the way.

Immediately a threatening low growl was heard. When Sango took a few steps in to shine what little light the candle offered, the growling rose in volume. Sango instantly knew what that threatening growl meant. It meant `come any closer and your dead.' It was as simple as that and she understood it.

Sango took a deep shaky breath and readied herself to speak.

"Inuyasha…….there's was and is no excuse for my actions today. I will understand if you are not to forgive me. And if you wish it of me to leave the group, I will. I have dishonored my family's code and honor. I am no longer worthy of my Demon Exterminators title."

With a low bow, Sango made for the door to leave. She made ready to open the door when Inuyasha spoke. He sat himself up against the wall to look at her better. The growl lowered in volume, but was still there as he bared his fangs to her.

"Nothing would pacify me more then to rip you a part where you stand…….but, because of your closeness to Kagome, I know she would never forgive me for it." Inuyasha then looked down at Kagome and stroked her hair. She mumbled something in her sleep and turned over so that she now wrapped her left arm across is chest. It was then that Sango noticed that her friend was back.

"When did Kagome come," Sango started to say.

"Don't fucking change the subject Sango." Inuyahsa growled out just under a yell.

"Tomorrow morning, you are to be in here so that the three of us can talk. You are to make absolutely surethat no one disturbs us. Got it!!" Sango nodded her head in reply.

"Now get out of my sight." Sango did as she was told. Closing the door, she went straight to her bed and cried.

** (the last part in my poem)

I have learned by sad experience that when my temper flies, I never do a worthy thing, a decent deed or wise.


Miroku deeply sighed to himself. As much as he wanted to comfort Sango again, he knew it best for her to be alone for a while. He had inadvertently over heard the conversation while sitting in his bed, being that the door was all the way opened. For a minuet there he thought that he would have to knock down the hanyou because usually Inuyasha's yells like that are accompanied by physical contact. But when he saw Sango come out and close the door, he put down his staff, picked up his brush and resumed working on his project he had as part of his `romancing' plan.

* *

An hour or so after dawn, Inuyasha opened his golden eyes only to be greeted by to chocolate eyes. Kagome smiled one of her bright smiles and kissed his soft lips. Inuyasha didn't waste any time in deepening the morning kiss. But, unfortunately for him, he couldn't do anymore then that because there came a knock at the door. Sniffing the air, Inuyasha knew who it was and a low growl started to rise in his chest and throat.

"Kagome, its Sango at the door. I want to talk with her, but I would appreciate it for you did not to say anything until I am done, ok." She nodded her head and kissed his cheek.

"I understand. When you are done, then can I talk with her?"

"Hai mate. That you can." Inuyasha then placed a gently kiss to her temple

"ENTER." Inuyasha barked out. He sat up against the wall again as he had done before. Kagome too, was sitting up a long side him. Sango entered slowly and closed the door behind her.

"Sit." He ordered as he pointed his clawed finger at the end of the bed. Sango sat Indian style on the floor, but kept her head bowed down. Sango was at the point beyond ashamed. She would never be able to look at either of them again.

Inuyasha sniffed the air and noted the heavy scent of sorrow around her. He inwardly smiled at Sango. She was genuinely sorry for her actions. He knew just how much of her pride she had to swallow to tell him all that she had said last night. He would never throw her out of the group or anything like that. But, she was still going to need to be punished. This is his pack. And group member are to act accordingly; protect when needed, hunt for food ECT. So, if a member of the pack misbehaves or what not, discipline is in order. And this definitely called for discipline.

"Sango, look at me when I am speaking to you." He chide to her.

Obediently, Sango looked up and locked on to his eyes. Her mouth went dry and her throat tightened.

"First off……have you made sure that there will be no interruptions?"

"Yes Inuyasha. Miroku took Kirara and Shippou out get some more parchment and Kaede is assisting in a birth somewhere in the village." Said Sango with out breaking eye contact with Inuyasha. She then noticed that the scowl Inuyasha was wearing, had a strange resemblance to the one Sesshoumaru is always wearing.

"Very good. Now, on to what is at hand. Under no circumstances are you to leave this pack. I will not make you leave. As for your actions, I can see why you did what you did. You were only worried for Kagome's well being. But you should have been more reasonable when I was trying to talk to you. And no. I don't see were you have dishonored your family. The incident was an unfortunate mistake. But I know with out a doubt that you are genuinely sorry for what you did. I want you to know that I'm sure you family is proud of you. You are unfortunately the last of a proud race of Demon Exterminators. In my minds eye, you are very worthy of that title: Demon Exterminator. Never second guess yourself again. You're an important member of this pack because of you special skills. Kagome and I are grateful for it too. Now, it is time to tell you your punishment……..for the next two weeks you are to hunt, clean the kill, cook it and then clean up afterwards. Kagome will get track on paper and I want a re-match with you, so for one week we will be sparing partners, again Kagome will keep track on paper. I don't want you to hold out on anything, because I won't be. Is this punishment agreeable with you?"

"Yes Inuyasha. I understand completely. Do you wish for me to start a hunt now for breakfast?" Questioned Sango.

"Hai. And one more thing, when you are hunting, you are not to take Kirara with you. You are on your own, understand."

"Yes, I do."

"Good. There is one last thing I need to tell you Sango before we are through talking and Kagome startes. It is very difficult for me to say, but I know you need to hear this……..You know how hard it is for me to swallow my pride and say things, but this time I will because you are my friend…….I-I forgive you. Just make sure that it doesn't happened again" Inuyasha said what he wanted to say and looked to Kagome. He leaned down a little to capture her soft lips with his.

"I am very proud of you my mate. Now it's my turn." Kagome whispered into Inuyashas ear. He nodded his head slightly and hugged her closer.

Sango bowed her head down again when Inuyasha broke eye contact. She knew that the hardest part was still to come. What will Kagome say to her? What will she do with her now since she betrayed her?

"Sango, look at me please." Kagome said in a firm, yet gentle tone. It was the same tone her mother would give her when she wasn't happy. Kagome never thought she would be having to use it on her best friend, future pups, yeah, but not Sango.

"I agree with all that Inuyasha has said. And I stand beside him with the punishment. When I came back, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The rage that built up in me was enormous. But then Kaede explained to me everything that had happened that led up to your actions. Then the rage left me. And I must admit that I too don't blame you. I am just relieved that nothing was permanently damaged. You're my dearest friend. My big sister if you will. I have always looked up to you and I always will. I too am sorry that this had happened. If I had listened to Inuyasha when he said come with him, this wouldn't have happened. But ohh well, I may be able to pass through time, but I can't undo past events. So, in wrapping up this conversation in favor for some breakfast, I want you to know that I also forgive you and the only time I want to see that type of anger from you again, is when all of us are shredding Naraku a part." Kagome laughed as well as Inuyasha, but Sango's face remained in a frown.

Kagome hugged Inuyasha around the neck and gave him one-hell-of-a kiss, before talking to him.

"Inuyasha……how about the punishment start tomorrow. I think she's had enough for one day. And besides I want to soak in the hot spring, but I don't want to go by myself. And also there's that little something that she needs to know as well." Inuyasha thought on it for a minuet before answering with a very wide grin.

"OK. You win. I'll get breakfast. But Sango, as of tomorrow you start ok."

"Yes Inuyasha."

Kagome got up from the bed and straight to her back. She pulled out her toiletry bag and towel. She walked over to Sango and helped her to her feet. With a big hug, the two girls were off to the hot spring.


The hot spring was just what the doctor ordered, you could say. Kagome and Sango washed their bodies and hair before leaning back against the rocks.

"Kagome, I-I am happy to hear that you and Inuyasha forgave me. I," Sango was saying but got cut off by Kagome.

"Sango, from now on, that subject is behind us. Understand. What's done is done ok." Kagome said firmly.


"No buts Sango. Now…….do you want to hear the good news or what?"


"Good, because there's a question I want to ask you……will you be the Godmother to our pup??" Sango gasped in surprise.

"You mean that Kagome!!"

"Of course I do silly. You're my best friend. It would make me very happy."

About an hour later or so later of talking, the girls got out and dressed. They were much happier now that they had some time to themselves to talk over things. Sango tried to bring up the `incident' again and Kagome nearly all most had to threaten her to make her promise not to talk of it again. So Sango promised and all was well.

Back at the hut Inuyasha had just finished cooking the rabbit meat when Kagome and Sango walked.

"That smells great Inu-chan. Can we eat now?" Kagome asked, kissing his cheek.

"Of course. Dig in."

In the middle of breakfast, Miroku, Shippou and Kirara arrived back. Miroku wanted to ask how everything went, but didn't. He decided that if Sango wanted to talk, he would listen. So, in the mean time, he got some breakfast for himself and ate. In no time at all, the meal was finished.

"Sango, could I have a word with you outside?" Miroku said.

"Of cource." Sango looked over at Inuyasha to see if it was ok to leave, being that part of her punishment was clean up duty. Inuyasha nodded his head to her.

"It starts tomorrow Sango. Just go and enjoy the day."

"Hai. Let's go Miroku."

Together they walked out of the hut, down the old dirt path to the well and went straight to the Go-Shinboku tree. Miroku had Sango sit up against the tree and he sat himself down in front of her.

"Sango……first I want to say I will not ask what you talked about with Inuyasha and Kagome, but if you want to tell me, then it's ok with me. Now I brought you here because this is were I want us to be when I give you this." Miroku pulled out a blood red rose, free of thorns and rolled up piece of parchment. He handed the rose to Sango, and then untied the parchment.

"This is my first step in romancing you. It is my gift to you. I wrote a song for you and you alone. May your heart never forget these words."

Miroku then cleared his throat and began to sing in a rich baritone voice that had Sango's heart melting on the spot. These were the word:


Take me as I am; put your hand in mine, now and forever

Darling here I stand, stand before you now, deep inside I always knew

It was you, you and me, two hearts thrown together, bound by destiny.

It was you and you for me, every road lead to your door, every step I'll take forever more.


Just say you'll love me for the rest of your life.

I gata lot of love and I don't want to let go.

Will you still love me for the rest of my life?

Well I can't go on, no, I can't go on. I can't go on if I'm on my own.


Take me as I am, put your heart in mine, stay with me forever

Because I am just a man, never understood, I never had a thing to prove.

There was you, you and me, and it all came so suddenly,

I'm close to you that I want to be.


Just say you'll love me for the rest of your life.

I gata lot of love and I don't want to let go.

Will you still love me for the rest of my life?

Because I can't go on, no, I can't go on, I can't go on if I'm on my own.


Do you believe that love can run so strong?

Do you believe that love can pass you by?

There was no one special for me,

I was the lonely one you see.

But then my heart lost all control,

Now you're all that I know.


Just say you'll love me for the rest of your life.

I've gata lot of love, I don't want to let go.

Will you still love me for the rest of my life?

Because I can't go on, no, I can't go on, I can't go on, if I'm on my own.

Because I can't go on, if I don't have someone to call my own.


When Miroku finished his singing, Sango flung herself onto his neck and cried. She now knew that his love for her was genuine and she would never doubt it again, ever. That thought alone made her cry in sheer happiness. Miroku hugged her to him tightly and whispered to her.

"I guess you like my song Sango?" Miroku said.

"Very much so." Sango sniffed a couple times and let go of Miroku's neck.

"I want you to keep this ok, so that you will always know of my love for you." Miroku handed the parchment to Sango.

"Miroku……I……I think I am ready now. I know it's too soon, but I have no doubts about us anymore. I want you to take me here." Sango looked into his eyes and he looked back into hers.

"If this is what you wish, then who I'm I to deny what my Lady wishes." Miroku said, pulling her into a very heated kiss.

A/N: My next chappie is for all of you Miroku and Sango lovers out there. Big Lemon coming ok. PLZ R/R