InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When I have lost my temper ❯ The fall and rise of a Warrior ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When I have lost my temper

Written by:Onimusha


A/N: I don't own Inu and comp or Enya's song `Hope has a place'. I do own any other persons.


Chapter 7 The fall and rise of a Warrior

With Inuyasha lying motionless on the ground, Sango slowly made her way over to Shippou. Be a Demon Exterminator, she knows that the demon sense of smell is not one to question. She picked Shippou and rubbed the bump on his head. Sango was increasingly beginning to worry. Never before has Inuyasha ever said anything like that. Not the Koga always did anyway. So this was quite the shock for everyone when Inuyasha point blankly said Kagome was now his mate.

"Shippou…..Are you positive about the scents on Inuyasha? I need…..gulp… know without a doubt that what he said is true." Sango didn't take her eyes off Inuyasha's prone body when she spoke to Shippou.

"Of course I'm positive about what I smell. And I smell a lot of Kagome on him. It's never been this strong before. They smell like what my parents use to smell like."

Sango sank to her knees, shaking.

`Oh Kami-sama……What have I done?.....He's my friend and I didn't listen to him, let alone believe him….What am I going to do….gasp….ohh no….What will Kagome think of me know…..' As strong as Sango always seemed to be on the outside, inside, she was crying. She let her anger get the best of her. Never before has she ever done anything like this. She always made it a point to keep her anger in check, even when dealing with the lecherous monk.

So how could she have done something like this? No one deserves that kind of punishment. Well, except maybe a demon with a shard. Besides, Kagome probably already gave him his punishment, if Inuyasha is telling the truth.

Sango couldn't take it anymore. She sat back onto her rump and cried into her hands. Kirara, sensing her Masters distress, rubbed herself against Sango and purred. Shippou, too, sensed it and put his small arms around her neck and just hugged her. Miroku then came over as well and crouched in front of her. He cupped her chin softly and brought her tear stained face upward.

"I think it best if we take Inuyasha to Keade. He is in need of medical attention now, ok." She gave him a small nod, move Shippou off of her and got up. She wiped the tears away as best she could before talking, but they were still falling.

"Miroku…..I don't know what to do…..sniff….He's going to kill me…..And if he doesn't, Kagome will….." Sango continued to ramble on her half sentences even as Miroku pulled her into a hug. He, himself, was in a bit of shock also as to what has happened up to this point. But when Sango called him by his name, he was a little more then dumbfounded. Of all the time that they have spent together hunting shards, it's always been Houshi-sama or lecher or Monk or something along that nature. But oh well. He really liked the way his name sounds when Sango says it.

Miroku laid his head on to her shoulder when he spoke to her in a whispered tone.

"Hush now Sango…..Everything will be fine. I'm sure Inuyasha will be mad at you, but let's face it, if he did any harm to you, Kagome would probably `sit' him till his back almost broke. And besides, I care too much about you for him to harm you in anyway."

They just stood there for a while, enjoying each others embrace. But Miroku was having a hard time trying to keep his hands from wondering and ruining the moment. He gently pulled a little away from her.

"Shippou, please run ahead and inform Keade as to what has happened here and to have her prepare for our arrival with Inuyasha."

"Hai!! You got it." And then Shippou was gone in the blink of an eye.

"Sango, we need to go now." Miroku said. He tried to pull all the way away, but her grip on him tightened more around his waist. Gently he cupped her chin and made her look at him. Slowly, as to not spook her, he brushed his lips over hers in a chaste kiss, then pulled back and awaited what he knew was about to come. Sango, on the other hand, brought her hands to her lips.

`My first kiss…..Miroku kissed me…Me of all people. And not once has he attempted to cop a feel the whole time we've been holding each other. Just maybe….no…..I don't dare get my hopes up.' Sango thought to herself.

"Miroku, your right. We better go. Could we…… later? I uhh would like that."

Miroku smiled down at her as he brushed his thumb over her cheek to wipe away a falling tear. Sango unwrapped her arms from his waist and smiled back to him.

"When you are ready to talk with me, let me know. I would like it as well."

"Thank you."

Carefully they made their way back to Keades hut carrying the unconscious hanyou. Keade was a bit taken back when she saw just how bad the young man was. Keade asked if it was a demon attack. Miroku and Sango shook their heads. It seems that Shippou didn't quite tell the old woman `who' attacked Inuyasha. But at least every thing was in order to treat Inuyasha.

When Sango and Miroku were done in helping Keade attend to his injuries, Sango sat beside Inuyasha and told the old woman what had happened. At the end of the story, Keade to be only a little surprised as to Sango's behavior. She knows that Kagome and Sangos relationship is stronger then best friends; more like Big sister looking out for little sister.

"I'm so scared Keade. I just know he's going to hate me now…..sniff…..and I don't even know how to begin to explain my actions to Kagome when she comes back and sees her

mate like this…..sniff……" She then buried her face into her hands and cried.

"Come now child. I'll make you a cup of tea. Fear not the Halfling. Yes, he will probably be angry, but he will not hate you. And as for Kagome, she has a very understanding and loving heart. When everything is explained to her, I am confident enough to say this will not interfere with the relationship you two share. Now, no worries. Inuyasha is healing nicely. He'll be as good as new by morning."

Sango stood up on shaky legs and headed to exit the room. She turned around when she reached the door.

"Thank you for the offer on the tea……but right now I just need some time by myself. I'll see you all for supper."

Quickly she left the hut and ran down the familiarly dirt road that leads to the well and the Go-Shinboku. Sango ran past the well and straight to raised root of the tree, sat upon it and cried her eyes out.


"Mama….could we stop? I'm feeling hungry again and it's making me feel a little sick." Mrs. Higurashi looked over at her daughter.

"Kagome dear, we just ate an hour ago. How can you be hungry again so soon? Ohhh well, no matter. My feet are killing me anyways. It must from all of your adventures on the other side. Come on, let's go. My treat."

`Ohh man, she's right. This isn't normal. I shouldn't feel this hungry so soon. It feels like I haven't eaten in days. But then again, I am caring a quarter demon baby. Gestation and functions of a demon baby are probably different then a human baby. I'm going to need to talk with Kaede when I get back. She would know.'

Slowly they made their way back through the mall to the food court area. This time they went to the Panda Express. Mrs. Higurashi just sat back and watched her daughter all but inhaled a second full lunch. She chuckled softly to herself, sipping away on her diet Pepsi. When the meal was done, Kagome made sure that this time she carried with herself some extra snacks with incase she got some serious munchies again.

As they headed out of the food court area, Mrs. Higurashi was thinking to herself.

`It's only been a few days since they got married….I wonder though…..being the Inuyasha is half demon, it might be different…….' Turning her head to look at Kagome, she decided that it was time to speak her mind.

"Kagome dear, let's sit down for a bit." She pulled her daughter over to a near by bench. They sat in silence for a while as they watched the people of the city go about their shopping.

Kagome was feeling quite content and happy right now. She pulled out an egg roll and started to munch on it, off in her own little world. A warm hand gently grasped her hand made her come out of her little world. Kagome looked at her mother and noticed a warm smile gracing her lips.

"Kagome, my infamous motherly instincts are telling me that you are pregnant."

Kagome knew her mother wanted to talk with her because she always had certain look on her face and her mother had been wearing it for a little while, but this wasn't what she was expecting from her mother. What was she suppose to say? Kagome didn't like keeping things from her especially the pregnancy. They didn't want to say anything yet to her about it, but ohh well, since she brought it up first, might as well tell her. Then she'll feel better. Kagome took a deep breath and spoke.

"Yes Mama. I am. Inu-chan said I conceived the first night since I was in heat at that time." Mrs. Higurashi then embraced Kagome in a gentle but firm hug.

"I knew it. Ohh Kagome-chan, I'm so happy for you two. I finally get to be a grandmother. Hey……what do you say we go check out that baby store there across the walk way, then we can head home and I'll fix up a really good dinner with some Oden."

"That sounds great Mama. I'd really like that."


Just as the last rays of sunlight left the earth, Miroku's worry started to grow. He knew that Sango is quite capable of taking care of herself, but this time she didn't take her Hiraikotsu with her. And that has him on edge.

"Kaede, I'm really starting to worry about Sango. She's been gone too long. What if something-" Miroku cut himself off and firmly shook his head.

"No…thinking like that is not good. I need to be strong…" Miroku was about to say more when Kaede spoke.

"Miroku, I know that you care deeply for Sango, is this not the truth?" Miroku nodded his head and she continued.

"Since you are genuinely concerned for her well being, might I suggest that you take Shippou with you when you go to search for her?"

"NANI!!! Why should I go? It's too creepy to go out into the forest at night. No telling what would come out and jump on you!!" A freaked out Shippou squeaked.

"Exactly Shippou, which is why you are going. You are the only one to smell her out, being that Inuyasha is still recovering." Replied Kaede calmly. Shippou `hmphed' and then jumped onto Miroku's shoulder.

"Ohh all right. I'll go."

"Thank you Shippou. Now, Miroku, make sure to grab her weapon on your way out. No telling if you might be in need of it." Kaede said, stroking the fire.

"Yes, I will."

Miroku stepped out side with the Hiraikotsu strapped onto his back.

"Ok Shippou which way do we go?" Shippou hopped down and sniffed around. After a few minuets, he hopped back on to Miroku's shoulder.

"It looks like she took off towards the well Miroku. I don't know why though, but let's hurry and bring her back safely ok." Miroku nodded his head and was about to start walking.

"Meow, Meow" Call Kirara.

The Monk looked down to see Kirara looking up at him.

"Meow, Meow." She called again, rubbing his leg.

"So my little friend. You wish to help us find your Mistress?"

Kirara nodded her head and `meowed' again.

"Very well then. Let's go." Kirara perched herself onto Miroku's other shoulder and then they were off.

About twenty minuets later, they reached the well. But no Sango. Just then Shippou jumped off his perch and onto the lip of the well. He sniffed a couple times.

"She's nearby Miroku……there…….at the Go-Shinboku……but for some reason I'm hearing singing from the same direction." Shippou said as he point towards where the great tree is located at.

"Singing!?! Can you tell who or what even, is singing Shippou?" Asked Miroku.

"Yeah……it's really beautiful, but it's strange……Sango is the one singing."

"Thank you Shippou. Would you and Kirara please go back and inform Kaede that Sango has been found and is all right."

"You got it." And the two of them scampered away.

Very slowly and cautiously, Miroku made his way over to where he could see Sango, but not be seen by her.

Miroku was at a loss of words at the music he was hearing. Her voice…….that beautiful voice was smoother then silk. And the words……ohhh the words pierced straight into his heart and soul, making him love her even more so now then before. He sat himself down quietly as he listened to Sango's beautiful melody…..

One look at love

And you may see

It weaves a web

Over mystery,

All raveled threads

Can rend apart

For hope has a place in the love's heart.

Hope has place in the love's heart.

Whispering world,

A sigh of sighs,

The ebb and the flow

Of the ocean tides.

One breath, one word

May end or may start

A hope in a place of the love's heart.

Hope has a place in the love's heart.

Look to love

You may dream,

And if it should leave

Then give it wings.

But if such a love

Is meant to be:

Hope is home, and the heart is free.

Under the heavens

We journey far,

On roads of life

We're the wanders,

So let love rise,

So let love depart,

Let hope have a place in the love's heart.

Hope has a place in the love's heart.

Look to love

And you may dream,

And if it should leave

Then give it wings.

But if such a love

Is meant to be;

Hope is home, and the heart is free.

Hope is home, and the heart is free.

When Sango finished her song, she stood up to leave and sighed to herself. When ever in times of distress, that melody always helped make her feel at easy. It was her most precious and cherished gift. Even more so then her Hiraikotsu her father gave to her.

"I think I better get back before they send out a search party." But before she was about to leave, she heard some rustling sounds nearby.

"Kosu. And here I am with out my Hiraikotsu. Well at least I'm not completely with out a weapon." She growled. She pulled out her small sword and went into her defense stance.

"Who's out there!!! Show yourselves now!!!" Sango yelled.

Silence rang through out the air for a minuet before Miroku came into view.

"Calm your self Sango, it is only me."

Sango relaxed he stance as Miroku walked towards her. He stopped about half afoot from her.

"That melody was beautiful. May I ask as to how you learned it?" Sango blushed a bright red at the thought of Miroku hearing her sing. At this point in time, the full moon was coming into view, casting an eerie silver glow on the landscape.

"I-I-I don't know w-where the song c-came from, but my mother use to sing it to me every night before I went to bed. It's the only thing my mother gave to me before……before she d-died that day." Sango's bottom lip began to quiver. Miroku looked into her eyes and saw the tears threatening to fall. Gently he pulled her into a soft embrace.

"I think it is the most beautiful gift your mother could have given to you."

Sango then started crying again at his words. He was right though and she knew it. She will always cherish it.

"You really think so Miroku. I miss her terribly. But yet, when I sing it, I can feel her arms around me, comforting me in times of distress." She sniffled a few times before nuzzling into his toned chest.

Miroku the cupped her chin and tilted her head to look into her eyes again.

"Yes I do. Your melody is just a beautiful as you are Sango." He then closed the gap between them and placed his lips onto her soft ones. Sango instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck. Pleased with this reaction from her, Miroku took a chance to deepen the kiss, running his tongue along her bottom lip. She complied.

As the kiss continued to deepen further, the pair didn't take note to Kirara being nearby. She went back to the hut like Miroku had asked of her and Shippou, but after a bit of time went by and they hadn't returned, she snuck out to find them. When she watched as Miroku lowered them to the ground, she scented the air. She noted that the arousal scent was quite high. And even she knew what was about to happen. But she was still worried. Since they were about to mate, she took it upon herself to keep guard until they were done. So, transforming out of their view, she kept watch over her mistress and new mate.


When Kagome and her mother got back from the mall and enjoyed a nice dinner together, Kagome unfortunately fell a sleep on the couch. Shopping and eating all day made her very tired. It was about 11 pm when Mrs. Higurashi shook her daughter awake.

"Kagome, I think it's time for you to go to bed. It's been quite a day." She gave Kagome a hug and then made her way up stairs to bed.

Kagome stretched out before standing. She took a look at the clock and nearly shrieked at the time.

"Ohhh no. I was supposed to meet Inu-chan at the tree when I got back. Ohhhh he's probable furious with me right now……but why hasn't he come for me…..ohhhh well, might as well get going." With a quick nod of her head, she darted up the stairs and grabbed her bag. When she came back down, she went to the kitchen a grabbed a lot of ramen and stuff it into her bag. After writing a quick note for her mother, she was back on the other side in the snap of a finger.

When Kagome came out of the well, see did a bee line for the great tree. She was able to do a full out run thanks to the full moons light. In a matter of minuets, Kagome came to a near crash halt when a full transformed Kirara blocked her way.

"Kirara!!! Ohhh for Kami sakes….you damn near scared the life out of me. What's going on? Why are you out here and transformed for that matter?" Kagome was answered with a kind of purr/growl from the fire cat demon. Kirara then started to nudge Kagome in a certain direction.

"Ok, ok…I get the idea. I'll follow you."

A few moments later of walking, Kagome started to hear some familiar sounds. An all too familiar sound actually. Sounds that Inuyasha and herself would make when they were mating……but who would be out here in the middle of the night doing that. Kagome was a little too caught up in her musings to see that Kirara had stopped. So, she walked right into her. Standing back on her feet while rubbing her rump, Kagome looked over at where Kirara was staring at.

"Ohh Gods!!! I can't believe it…….their finally going to be together. Ohhh Kirara, I get now. Your just protecting them while their…… their……umm doing it huh. Well, since Inu-chan isn't here, I better get to the hut. Take good care of them Kirara ok." With that she left.

When Kagome walked into the hut, a familiar russet fur-ball drove into her arms.

"Hello to you too, Shippou. Have you seen Inuyasha anywhere?" Kagome asked. Shippou didn't say anything to her except cling to her, shaking a little bit.

"Kagome, child, come with me. An unfortunate misunderstanding occurred while you were away." Kaede gently grabbed Kagomes hand and lead her to their room. When Kaede opened the door, Kagome couldn't believe what she saw.

"Kagome, despite what this looks like, Inuyasha is nearly healed already."

"What happened to my mate……Was it a demon attack?" Kagome quickly made her way to Inuyasha's side. She brushed some of his bangs out of his eyes and placed a soft kiss on to his lips. Kaede made her way over to the other side of Inuyasha and the proceeded to tell Kagome what had taken place in Inuyasha came back through the well.

A/N WOW……finally I'm done with another chapter. Tell me what ya think ok PLZ R/R Stay tuned……. Next chappie will have some lemonade.