InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When I have lost my temper ❯ To face an Exterminators wrath ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When I have lost my temper

Written by Onimusha


A/N: I don't own Inu and comp. I own anyone everyone else.


Chapter 6 To face an Exterminator's wrath

The next morning was incredible for Inuyasha. He had awoken at dawn with such happiness in his heart; he felt that he would burst from it. But he opted to hold Kagome just a little tighter. He had no more worries in his life for now since they were mated in both times and pregnant to boot. Not even that wimpy wolf, Koga, could burst his happy bubble. But…..for some reason, as he laid there, there was this nagging in the back of his mind. `Ohhh well,' he thought and just shrugged it off in favor of nuzzling his nose into Kagomes hair and slowly drifting back to sleep.

Mrs. Higurashi was a bit reluctant at first, as she stood in her daughters' doorway watching the pair sleep, but breakfast was getting cold.

"Inuyasha," She quietly called. His right ear swiveled around to listen, but he didn't move.

"Breakfast is ready and waiting ok." This time, he rose up his head while trying to blink out the last of sleep in his eyes. He nodded his answer when a rather large yawn escaped his mouth. Mrs. Higurashi giggled softly when she saw how his tongue curled when he yawned.

"We'll be down in a few." She nodded back and slowly closed the door when she left.

Inuyasha let go his hold on Kagome so he could fully stretch out. Kagome didn't like that and tried to snuggle back into him, putting her arm across his chest so he couldn't get up. Inuyasha grinned from ear to ear when her naked chest rubbed against his side. As much as he wanted to stay put and `play' some more, he was getting hungry. The smell of breakfast was assaulting his nose.

"Kaogme. Time to get up." He softly whispered into her ear.

"Hmmmmm. Don't wana get up…..sleep more….." She mumbled out. Inuyashas grin turned into a smirk when he thought of a way to get her moving. Gently, he slipped a clawed hand up her night shirt and cupped her breast. He needed it a few times until Kagome started to react. Now that he sort of had her attention, he bent his head down for a lingering passionate kiss to her soft lips. Lightly squeezing again, he was able to draw out a light moan from her throat. Inuyasha broke the kiss but stayed nose to nose with her. Kagome slowly opened her eyes only to be greeted by two golden ones.

"Inuyasha, don't stop…." A sleepy Kagome said. His touch was setting her body on fire again. She moved her hand up to gently stroke his right ear that would help start what she was starting to crave again. But, to her disappointment, he pulled her hand away and placed a tender kiss to her palm.

"Sorry koi. But your mother says it's time for breakfast. So you need to get up." He nuzzled her neck, inhaling deeply on her intoxicating scent and got up off the bed.

"Oh fine." Kagome mumbled, and then added a few choice words under her breath. Inuyasha was a bit surprised, then laughed.

Smirking he added "I think I'm starting to rub off on you, koi."

"Ha ha ha. Very funny, Inuyasha." Kagome said dryly.

Soon though, after a hot shower and a little `play' time, they finally headed down the stairs to a hot breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes and crisp bacon. This was a new experience for Inuyasha with the pancakes. But after a little bit of encouragement on Kagome's mom's part, Inuyasha almost ate the entire batch.

"Thank you Kagomes mother for breakfast. It was great." Inuyasha flashed her a toothy smile and she nodded in return.

"Inuyasha, dear. Please, just call me mom, ok. Your part of this family now and it would make me very happy if you did. I've always considered you my son." Inuyasha didn't know what to say. He opened and closed his mouth, but nothing came out. Kagome saw his confession/distress. She took hold of his hand and give it a gently squeeze.

"Ok……mom…." It sounded a bit weird as he said `mom' but he could defiantly get use to it. Inuyasha missed his mother deeply. He was truly grateful that Kagomes mother accepted him enough to allow him to call her mom.

"Kagome, are you ready to go now?" Mrs. Higurashi asked her daughter.

"Going……where do ya think your going? We need to get back. The others are worried about you." Inuyasha said as he stood up from his chair.

"I know they are. But I want to go shopping with mama. Tell the others I'll be there for dinner. And besides, I need to restock on ramen." She knew that that last part would do it. He has such a soft spot for the stuff.

"Oh ok. You talked me into it. I'll wait for ya at the God tree, my mate." He picked her up and gave to her a very passionate kiss, then whispered into her ear.

"Don't be too long. I want to pick up where we left off in the shower." Kagome blushed a couple of lovely shades of red. Her mother could only assume what was told to her to make her blush like that, but she wasn't going to ask.

Inuyasha said his goodbyes as he watched them get into that metal contraption thingy. He then turned and headed back towards the well house, but for some reason he couldn't shake this foreboding sense of doom in the pit of his stomach.


"It's been four days Housi-sama. Where can Kagome-chan be? I swear to Kami-sama and any other god for that matter if Inuyasha doesn't bring her back-" She abruptly cut herself off when she felt Inuyasha's presents. She looked over to Miroku and noted he too felt Inuyasha's return.

"Kirara, stay here." Sango ordered her fire-kitty. Quick as lighting, Sango threw her Hiraikotsu on to her back and was gone before Miroku could say or do anything. As she headed to the forest, she made it a point to stay down wind. She was heading to the well to see if Inuyasha had brought Kagome back. If not…..there was going to be nothing to save his sorry but from her wrath.

Sango found a good tree that had strong branches and plenty for concealment. She settled on a branch and watched as Inuyasha exited the well, heading down the dirt path to the village.

`Well I'll be damned. That arrogant, foul mouth jack-ass came back alone.' Sango was seething. She knew she wasn't going to kill him, instead, she was just going to beat him within half an inch of his sorry life, then ask him what happened during the four days he was gone.

As soon as Inuyasha had gotten out of the well, he decided it was best to let every one know as to what was now going on. Then he would head back to the God tree and wait till Kagome, his mate, came back. Unfortunate for Inuyasha, he was so caught up in his thought; he didn't sense anything was amiss until Sango's Hiraikotsu slammed into him. Only at half speed, mind you. Sango doesn't want to kill him……yet anyway.

"What the hell….." Inuyasha finally got out as the initial shock of being attacked left him. He drew Tesusaiga out thinking it was a demon attack, but when it didn't transform into Fang, he was puzzled. But wasn't for long.

"Show yourself, coward. I know your not a demon you lousy human. Inuyasha yelled out.


Inuyasha tried sniffing the air to scent his attacker, but to no avail.

`Damn coward thinks he can hide down wind does he! I'll show him.' Inuyasha thought to himself. But just as he was about to spring, a tremendous force slammed into him again. This time Inuyasha couldn't bring himself up. He laid there; face down in the dirt trying to no avail, to regain his breath that escaped him.

Silence was all that could be heard in the small clearing that the Bone Eaters Well was located at. After several minuets of trying to rise up, he gave up. He figured he had several ribs that were busted and that was going to take some time to heal. Time he doesn't have right now being that someone was out to get him.

Groaning in pain, Inuyasha voiced a couple colorful words towards the cowardly attacker. A swift kick to his side flipped him onto his back. Eyes clenched shut; he curled himself into a ball on his right side. Groaning in even more pain as it sheared through his body.

"Get up!" Inuyasha barely heard the two words when he felt another kick, this time in the middle of his back. The force of the kick winded him badly. He laid there, now on his left side, gasping for air. Inuyasha was seriously starting to panic. His instincts were screaming at him to flee so he could heal, but the energy just wasn't there.

"How could you? How could you do that to her and then dare show yourself back here with out her?"

`That voice. I know that voice.' Inuyasha's head was pounding so hard he couldn't think straight. He uncurled himself just enough to look up to where he was now able to look at his attacker.

"S-Sango…..*cough*stop this…..listen *cough** cough*…."


"Kirara, will you stop that. It's unnerving. We don't like this either. Have patients my friend." Miroku know how Kirara was feeling. But with her pacing back and forth was starting to bug him.

"Let's just hope that Inuyasha isn't going to be at the receiving end of Sango's weapon."

"Meow…..Meow….." Kirara finally stopped her pacing and headed to the huts entrance, then turned to look at Miroku.

"Meow…...Meow….." Miroku got up and made his way over. Kirara hopped outside of the hut and waited. Miroku stopped at the porch.

"What's the matter, Kirara? Is something wrong?"

"Meow" Was all Kirara said as she transformed into her full demon form and leapt away towards the well.

"I'll take that as a `yes' then. Shippou…..lets go. Kirara senses something's amiss."

"Hai. Let's go." Shippou chirped as he hopped onto Miroku's shoulder.


"Damn it wench. What the hell*cough *cough* are you doing *gasp* attacking me for. *cough* Listen to me will-" Inuyasha froze when he saw her attempting to kick him again.

"Oh no you don't wench!!" Inuyasha was able to move out of the way and to his feet, but from much protesting from his body. With her kick diverted, Sango made ready her weapon to fly.

"You're going down Inuyasha. I'm going to pay you back for what you did to Kagome-chan. Know this though; I'm not going to kill you, all though you do deserve it."

Inuyasha couldn't stand any more and crumbled to his knees, clutching his sides. Breathing was becoming very difficult to do now. He began to pant.

"Sango,*cough* please listen to me- *cough gasp *cough* " the last thing Inuyasha saw before succumbing to the darkness from the sheer pain he was in, was a fully transformed Kirara tackling Sango before she left loose her weapon on him. Then he blacked out.

"Kirara!?! What are you doing? Get off me!" Kirara voiced a low roar. She shifted off Sango, but placed her huge paw on to her chest, preventing Sango from rising.

"Get off of me, Kirara!!" Sango insisted. She tried pushing at her paw, but Kirara growled, letting Sango know she wasn't going to move.

"Kirara, Sango!? What's going on here? Sango heard Miroku speak, but couldn't see him because of Kirara.

"I think you can let her up now Kirara. I don't think Inuyasha will be going anywhere any time soon." Miroku looked over at Inuyashas prone form while he spoke. Kirara bent her head down and nuzzled her muzzle into Sango's neck before removing her paw. She reverted back into her smaller self and made her way over to Inuyasha. She nuzzled his head, purring, in an attempt to stir him.

"Meow…..Meow, Meow"

"What is it Kirara?" Miroku knelt down beside Inuyasha's body. Resting his hand on his back, he breathed a sigh of relieve as he noted he was still breathing. Even if it wasn't very much.

"Well, at least his not dead."

"But where's Kagome at. He should have brought her back, right." Shippou whined. He missed his adopted mother. After what he had known what had happened, he was anxious to see how she was doing.

"I'll chomp his ears for the rest of his life if she doesn't come back-"

"Meow…..Meow, Meow." Kirara was finally getting inpatient with her companions. There was something important she was trying to tell them, but they weren't listening. Growling to herself, she started to hop up and down to get their attention again. Then went back to nuzzling Inuyasha's head, this time licking his cheek as well.

"Ohhhhh." A low moan was heard from Inuyasha. Kirara continued to bath his cheek, even as he slowly turned onto his back.

"You only got what you deserved, jerk. You shouldn't have done what ya-" Unfortunate for Shippou, he made a very bad mistake as he was yelling by jumping on to Inuyasha's chest to do it. Inuyasha's breath caught in his throat at the white hot pain that shot through him because of his broken ribs. Inuyasha grabbed Shippou by the neck and squeezed.

"Damn you fox. Have you any idea how much that hurts?" Inuyasha said in a faint whisper. After a couple of deep breaths, the pain eased a little. Still holding on to Shippou, Inuyasha slowly sat up and turned to face Sango. He want nothing more then to scream and yell at her. But, unfortunely, the pain in his chest won't let him talk more the whisper.

"No. I didn't deserve this beating. And I demand to know why." Just talking that much winded him.

"What do you mean Inuyasha?" Sango's eyes narrowed at him.

"I apologized to her *cough* gasp" Inuyasha whispered.

"No you didn't you big jerk. Now let go of me." Inuyash tightened his hold on Shippou's neck.

"You stupid fox……use your nose……then tell me." Inuyasha groaned as he threw the fox over his shoulder and laid back down.

Shippou came wandering back over, rubbing his head.

"OI!! What do ya mean use my nose?" Inuyasha could feel the blackness tugging at him again, but he fought it off. Shippou was confused, along with every one else. Except Kirara, of cource. She already knew what Shippou was going to find. She hopped on to Sango's shoulder and nuzzled her neck.

Shippou cautiously walked back over to Inuyasha. He closed his eyes and sniffed over Inuyashs body.

"OI!! Why the hell do you smell like Kagome!?!" He yelled.

"Because she's my mate now." He whispered. And that was the last Inuyasha saw of the world as he finally gave up on fighting the blackness off. There for, he didn't see the look on his companions faces.

A/N: uh oh…..I think Sango goofed really badly. Stay tuned, another chappie soon. PLZ R/R ok.