InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When I have lost my temper ❯ Nervous nerves and too much sake ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When I have lost my temper

Writen by: Onimusha


A/N: I don't own Inu and comp. I own anyone else though. So there!!


Chapter 5 Nervous nerves and too much sake

"Ohh yeah man. This is what I needed." Sighed Kagome while she sunk further down into the hot water of her bath.

"Feh, what you needed, I already took care of. Now, hurry up. The sooner we talk with your grandfather, the sooner we can go back through the well." Inuyasha then leaned over to grab the wash rag. He lathered it up and started to wash Kagome's backside.

"Inuyasha. I am very capable of doing this on my own. Besides, I want to relax a little. I'm sore. I had no idea that you…..ahh were so……big and filling."

"Feh. What did you expect? I am demon. Even if only half. We enjoy big things in life." He smiled down at her when she giggled at his words.

"All right. Have it your way. But……if you're not out soon, I'm coming to get ya. So, don't make me come back and punish you." Kagome looked at his face when he spoke, but the smug smirk on his lips told her there was no threat in his words.

"I'll wait for ya in the kitchen. I'm starving." He lends down and gave her a quick kiss, then left. After about twenty minuets, Kagome climbed out of the tub and headed into her room.

She decided to wear the new sun dress her mom gave her the other day. It was a pale blue that went just past her knees. It had white buttons down the front of it and there was a matching hat. But she didn't want to wear the hat right now. So, she opted to pull her hair back with a white ribbon instead.

When she had herself in order, she headed down stairs to the kitchen. There, Inuyasha was patiently waiting. He already knew what he wanted to eat. The ramen packages were on the counter, but since he didn't now how to work the any of this strange contraptions, he waited. Kagome was proud of him for not ripping apart any of the appliances. She rewarded him with a deep kiss and then proceeded to make breakfast. A short while later they headed out the Shrine to talk with grandfather.

"Good morning Grandpa." She whispered when they found him. "Is it…..ahh true you saw……us?"

"Yes Kagome-chan. It is. I really no idea the well was being `occupied at the time.'"

"Oh Kami-sama." Now that it's been confirmed, Kagome's beautiful face was graced with many different lovely shades of red, which she buried into Inuyasha's shoulder. He softly laughed when he spoke with her grandfather.

"So, old man. Since it's obvious you aren't going to do anything drastic to me, what do you want to talk to us about?"

"Have you discussed with her as to what she wants to do young man?" Her grandfather had a stern, yet gentle look about him, being that he was just a little concerned for his granddaughter.

"Hai. I have. And Kagome feels it's best to do your traditional marriage. So I will not object."

"Is this so, Kagome?"

Kagome, still quite embarrassed, nodded her head as she slowly looks to her grandfather.

"Yes. It is. I would like it done this evening after I tell Mama. I think it would be good. Tonight is the New moon, so Inuyasha will be human in case Mama wants any of her friends to come over."

"Ahhh……yes. I would suppose your mother would like that."

"You don't mind if Mama has her friends over for it, do you Inuyasha?" Kagome asked nervously.

"If it is what my mate wishes. Then so be it-" Inuyasha stopped a moment and scented the air. A slight frown was on his lips. He pulled Kagome closer when he spoke again.

"Your mothers home early Kagome. Are you ready?"

"Oh Gods. I don't think I can do this yet." Kagome turned and buried her face into his chest. She was hoping to have more time to prepare before talking with her mother.

"Kagome-chan. There's nothing to worry about. Inuyasha and I will be with you through the whole thing. There is nothing to fear. Especially from your mother."

"That's what worries me. I'm not sure how Mama's going to take this." Kagome still had her face in Inuyasha's chest when she spoke. Inuyahsa, for the most part, was sensing his mate's distress again. He frowned and held her closer. An encouraging rumble sounded in his chest as he lazily stroked her back in an effort to calm her.


Mrs. Higurashi had just finished putting the groceries away and was about to start on making lunch when Kagome entered the kitchen.

"Oh, hello dear. When did you get home?" Kagome's mother wore a bright and warm smile as she regarded her daughter, then resumed her task in making miso soup.

"Lunch will be done in a little bit dear. I'll call for you when it's ready."

"Uhh, no thanks mama. Could I talk with you in the living room please?" Kagome was trying her best to remain calm. But it was hard. Mrs. Higurashi, being the gentle mother she was, sensed something was not right. She could see it in her daughter's eyes. She reached out and put her hand onto Kagomes shoulder.

"You can always talk with me about anything dear. You know I love you and I have complete faith in any and all you do." That's exactly what Kagome needed to hear. She wrapped her arms around her mother's neck and just hugged her with all her might.

Kagome was praying to any and all gods that this conversation wouldn't end up in having a certain hanyou banished. It was at that moment that grandpa walked into the kitchen.

"Kagome-chan. Are you ready now?" he gently asked. She nodded her head and released her mother.

"Very good then. Inuyasha is waiting on the couch for you two. I'm going to start some tea…..this is going to take a while. And, just to be on the safe side……a bottle of sake. I have a feeling it's going to be needed."

Kagome took a quick look at the clock on the wall just before leaving the kitchen.

'12:37pm. Hum…..Souta's going to be home in about tree hours or so. It wouldn't be good for him to be here while I am telling mama.' She thought.

"Mama," She started to say as she caught hold of her mothers arm before she left. "This is going to take quite some time and because of the seriousness of this conversation we're going to have, I think its best that Souta stay the night at Lee's house. This isn't going to be appropriate for young ears."

Mrs. Higurashi was now worried. Kagome has never spoken in such a serious tone of voice before. She now knew something was very wrong. But no matter what it was, she will always stand and support her daughter through anything.

"Does this have anything to do with you and Inuyasha? You know I am very fond of him. He takes such good care of you when you're on the other side."

Mrs. Higurashi gave her daughter another her daughter another one of her warm smiles and walked out to the living room.

`Oh great……there goes my self confidence right out the window.' She sighed.

When Kagome was done picking up the pieces of her confidence, she made her way into the room where everyone else was at. At first she had to choke back her giggles at the sight she was seeing before her.

Her mother was practically sitting on Inuyasha lap as she was tweaking and petting his ears. Inuyasha, for the most part, though he loved it to no end when Kagome did it, had his usual scowl on. But he knew if he made her mother happy this way, she just might not rip his ears off during any part of their up coming conversation.

"A-hem……mama, could you please stop. He doesn't really like it when others touch his ears like that." Kagome really did try to suppress her giggles when she talked, but a few had escaped her.

"Ohhh……of course dear. It's just that their so adorable-" She was cut off from her rambling when grandpa came back in from the kitchen.

"Well now. I think we are ready to begin Kagome-chan. I think it would be a good idea to start at the very beginning." Kagome nodded her head and sat down on the other side of Inuyasha, taking hold of his hand.

"Mama. I need you to promise me something two things first." She looked straight into her mother's eyes as she spoke.

"Of course dear." She responded, again with a warm smile on her lips. Kagome gulped, tightened her grip on Inuyasha's hand and continued.

"First: I don't want you to interrupt at all until I'm done. Second: no ripping off Inuyasha's ears at what you are about to be told. Understand."

"I understand dear. But why would I want to do such a thing to such adorable ears?"


About half way through the reenactment of what had taken place, Souta walked in from school right at 3:30pm. At this point, Mrs. Higurashi was glad for the interruption. She was starting to get a little over whelmed. After about an hour or so, since Souta wanted a little time to admire his hero, he was finally off to Lee's house.

Once Mrs. Higurashi saw her son off, she sat back down and poured herself a cup of sake, then taking it down in only two gulps. As promised though, she hasn't said or done anything. But as the tale was being told, it was becoming difficult not to.

As the story finally ended, she still remained speechless. In a state of shock, if you will. Luckily, Kagome made a good judgment call during the story, for her mother's sake anyhow, about leaving out the part about how grandpa stumbled across them during their time together in the well house.

Instead, she opted to tell her mother about how Inuyasha proposed to her about becoming his mate. Kagomes mother poured herself another cup of sake as she was still trying to absorb in everything she was told, but this time she drank it more slowly. It was obvious she was having a problem trying to form words, being her mouth opened and closed but nothing came out. When her cup was empty, she looked to her father. He sat there for a moment and watched as her emotions played across her face.

"Daughter, I see you are just as speechless as I was when they told me. Despite Inuyasha's earlier actions my dear, consider how well he has protected her so far-" He was saying, but Mrs. Higurashi interrupted him.

"But dad……" She started to say.

"No buts about it. What Inuyasha did was wrong, that much is true. But unlike some people in this world, he realized his mistake and apologized for it. And…..he was man enough to except his punishment when Kagome gave it to him. In the end, she forgave him. I know beyond any doubt that they honestly love each other. Therefore, I see no reason why they can not be married."

Kagomes mothers sat back against the couch, as the effects of the sake started to hit her. She felt her father's words to be true. And she never doubts what he says in important matters such as these. She looked over at Kagome and smiled.

"I will always trust and believe in you, Kagome. You judgment of people amazes me sometimes. You have my blessings to marry this young man, my daughter." She paused, and then looked over at Inuaysha. Now it was his turn to be nervous. He didn't say word the entire time Kagome was telling the story. Instead, he concentrated on helping Kagome calm enough to get through this without breaking down.

Silence consumed the room as Kagomes mother seemed to be studying Inuyasha. After what seemed like a century of his life went by, she finally spoke.

"Inuyasha, I love my daughter very much. And I will be honest. This story has saddened me and has angered me as well……but I am proud of how you two have handled the whole situation so far. I pray now that you have learned to control you temper, Inuyasha. I can understand that it is difficult for you, but I am confidante you are able do it. Now……as much as I would like to invite some of the family and friends over for the ceremony, I don't think I could handle it right now. I think I shouldn't have had that second cup of sake."

"Ohh mama. Thank you for understanding……" This was about all Kagome could get out before slapping her hand over her mouth and flying up the stairs, slamming the bathroom door. The two humans and one dog-demon were a little speechless for a bit as to what could have happened to Kagome.

Inuyasha was the first to snap out of it. Thanks to his hearing, he knew what was going on, but this only worried him. The sounds he was hearing told him that Kagome was vomiting. But why though. He waited a few more minuets before standing up.

"I think I better go find out what happened." Then in one leap, he was at the top of the stairs and in the bathroom. As soon as he walked in, he began to feel the familiar sensation accompanied by his transformation to human.

"Damn new moon. Now I won't be able to tell what's going with her with out my sense of smell." He grumbled to himself and sat down beside Kagome.

Mean while, down stairs, Kagomes grandpa started to speak.

"Daughter, if you would like, I don't think the children would mind if we postponed the ceremony until you feel better."

"No dad. I'm ok. I think I need to eat something. Drinking sake on an empty stomach isn't very good. Excuse me." He nodded his head to her as she left for the kitchen. It was at that moment that Inuyasha quietly came down the stairs. He was watching for a bit till he was able to talk to Kagomes grandpa alone. Now was his chance.

"Excuse me, sir."

"Oh, hello there young man. Is everything alright up there." He whispered.

"I'm not sure. She asked me to tell you that she needs something call a `pregnancy test' thingy." Inuyasha whispered back.

"Ohh……how could `that' have happened so fast!? Well, no matter. I'll go. Kagomes mother is eating right now. Go back up stairs and wait. I'll come to you when I get back." He silently left through the front door so he wouldn't disturber his daughter. Inuyasha then quietly went back up to the bathroom.

"It's done, Kagome. He said he'll bring it to us when he gets back." Kagome slowly nodded her head.

"Do you really think that I am pregnant after only two days Inuyasha?"

"Yes, I do. You were in heat when I took you both times. My demon side made sure that you were impregnated quickly."

"Ohh, I….." Kagome was cut off abruptly as she made a dive for the toilet again. Inuaysha decided then and there that maybe being human wasn't so bad after all. The smells he was smelling right now were turning even his stomach. Imagine if he had his demon sense of smell right now.

About a half an hour later, grandpa walked in to the bathroom

"Here ya go, Kagome. Take your time ok. I'm going to start preparing for the ceremony." He turned and walked out, closing the door behind him.

As 8:00pm rolled around, everything was in order. Kagomes was feeling much better. Mrs. Higurashi was also feeling much better. And when her mother questioned about what had happened, she just said it was nerves. (They decided not to say anything about her being pregnant just yet.)

Kagomes grandfather decided to make the ceremony short because he was able to tell that the two women in his life were ready to go to bed soon. There're no rings exchanged that night; for they really hadn't any need for them, maybe later, only their promised vows to each other as husband and wife. When the time came, when it was said `you may kiss your bride,' Mrs. Higurashi cried like any other mother would at her daughters wedding.

A/N……Finally I am done with this chapter. PLEASE REVIEW ok. Next chapter is `To face an exterminators wrath.'