InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When I have lost my temper ❯ Caught, but not busted ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When I have lost me temper

Wrote by Onimusha

A/N….I don't own Inu and comp. But I own any other persons.


Chapter 4 Caught, but not busted


Kagome sighed in her sleep as Inuysha lazily stroked her back. His body was tired, yet he could sleep. He was deeply in thought because as the scent of their mating cleared away, he picked up on a new fresh scent. He knew exactly who it belonged to. The question now is, will the family accept their joining.

Inuyasha gently removed his arms from Kagomes waist, noting that it was already evening. He scooped her up gently, picking up his coat and headed out the door to the tree that was next to Kagome window.

In one quick jump, he was at his branch that went straight to her window. When he opened it and walked in, he wasn't surprised to see the same person he had scented earlier, sitting on her bed. Luckily, he had her wrapped in his coat, so it had saved himself a little embarrassment. The person moved off the bed so Inuyasha could tuck her in to keep her warm.

"Inuyasha, I would like to have a word with you, if you would please." He was lead down stairs and was motioned to sit on the couch. To say Inuyasha was scared, would be an understatement. There was no telling what this person is going to say, not to mention, might do. This is not how he wanted the family to know.

"Inuyasha, what do you think you were doing in there?"

Their gazes locked on to each other for a few moments before Inuyasha answered. He decided he needed to start from the beginning that led up to that particular moment in the well house. It ended up taking about an hour for the story because Inuyasha had to keep answering different questions through out it by the person in front of him.

"So, after I apologized, I asked her to become my mate. She accepted. I claimed my mate as it is done in my time and traditions. It wasn't meant for you to see. We were going to tell the family later, but I guess they know now. I'm sorry."

"No Inuyasha. They do not know yet. I am the only one, but this won't settle to well with them. You will need to marry her according to our traditions."

"With all do respect, I am not agreeing to anything. Kagome is the one to make that decision. She has accepted our mating, that's good enough. But, if she wants to do your traditional way, then I won't object to it."

"Very well then. We will continuo this conversation when Kagome awakens in the morning. Now, off to bed. It's much too late to remain awake."

Inuyasha just sat there completely puzzled as to what was just said. He was expecting to be yelled and screamed at, or worse. But it didn't happen. Why!? Now this person is sending him to bed!? Yeap….he was one confused puppy.

When Inuyasha didn't get off the couch to follow, the person stopped at the stairs and looked over to him, to see a very confused hanyou.

With a soft chuckle, they went back over to him, setting their hand on his shoulder.

"Inuyasha, come, go to your `mate' and keep her warm. All you need to do is make sure to lock the door so that on one else accidentally finds out until we are ready to tell the rest of the family. Now go on."

Still hesitant, Inuaysha slowly got to his and followed up the stairs. He stopped at Kagomes door and looked over at the person he was talking with.

"Goodnight, Inuyasha. And make sure the door is locked."

"Yes, I will. And goodnight to you too, sir."

When the door was securely locked, he made his way to his slumbering mate and crawled into bed. Major relief flooded his face as he realized how so very wrong the situation could have gone tonight.

He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and kissed her gently. She sighed, murmuring his name and snuggling into his chest. Now all of his weariness was catching up with him from all of the day's events. Slumber came quickly and he fully embraced it. And with the comforting scent of Kagome all around him, he was one happy dog-demon.

Tomorrow will be the start of a new day for them as mates.


As dawn presented its self over the Higurashi shrine, its rays filtered through the window and onto a couple still asleep. Inuyasha could see the little rays of light dancing inside his eyes before he buried his face into Kagomes hair, grumbling as he pulled the covers over their heads.

Eventually, the morning moved into early afternoon when Kagome stated to awaken. Slowly she opened her sleepy eyes, only to be greeted with two very bright golden eyes. A small smile played on her lips as she remembered the events in the well house, then she blushed all the way to the roots of her hair. Inuyasha just smirked. He knew what she was seeing in her minds eye.

Just then he remembered something. He sat up in bed and looked over at his blushing mate.

"Kagome, about last night," He started to say. Kagome looked into his eyes to see something there she couldn't quite put her finger on. She was about to say something, but he put a clawed finger to her lips indicating he wasn't finished yet.

"Before you say anything, no, I don't regret any of it."

She let out her breath she didn't know she was holding and he continued.

"I have a question for," She nodded her head to say she was still listening. "Now that we are mated by the terms of my time, would you be willing to marry me by the terms of your time?"

She stared at him for a while, a little more the confused as to what could have brought this up.

"Of course I would in time. When we do tell my family, they will of course expect that to happen. But why are you asking now?" She didn't like the look on his face. It was a look of extreme nervousness. But she couldn't understand as to why he would be like this. It's not like her family knows or anything.

"Uh….well….last night, in the well….uh….someone was….uh watching us." He shuddered the sentence out because he just didn't know how to word it to her.

Kagomes face then drained of all blood and life while she sat there as the concept of what he just said sunk into her sleepy mind. She was so still, you could have picked her up and put her on the lawn as an ornament.

"But….But….Who….Oh gods, please don't say it was my Mama!?" She stuttered out as she fainted away. Inuyasha put his arm around her waist when he saw her starting to pass out. He folded his legs Indian style and placed her in the cradle of his lap. He soothingly rubbed her back as he called to her. When she finally came back around, she was shaking uncontrollably. He held her closely.

"Oh Kami. What am I going to do? What I'm I going to say?" she cried into his shoulder for a few moments before he pulled away.

"Kagome," Inuyasha said as he lapped away her falling tears.

"Please….don`t cry. Everything's going to be all right. Shhhh….I'm here." He held her closer as he inhaled her scent deeply.

`Oh Kami, she still has that heat scent about her.' He thought to himself. The dog-demon couldn't restrain himself. His mate is in distress and being in heat isn't helping any, there was and is only one thing he knew to help relieve his mate's distress.

Starting from her ear, he started to lick/kiss his way down her neck, slowly. Kagome threw her head back when he reached her collarbone. Then more slowly, went back up the other side to her ear, nibbling it. He slid his hands down to cup each breast and squeezed as he kissed his way across her jaw line back to her mouth. Their tongues battled for dominance while he slid his right hand farther down till he cupped her heated flesh. She moaned into his mouth when he rubbed his thumb over her buried jewel. His instincts were riding him hard. His man-hood was screaming at him to take his mate now. But….his human side wanted to draw it out. Make her beg for release.

He gently laid her back down onto her pillow and smirked at her. He squeezed both breast again as he rolled her rosy peeks between his fingers. She closed her eyes when a ragged moan escaped her throat. He dipped his head to suckle he left breast while still rolling the right peak in his fingers.

"That's it….Moan for me mate…." He grunted out, then started to kiss/lick his way downward. He stopped at her junction and looked up into her face. Kagomes eyes were still closed and she was panting lightly. Inuyasha dipped his head back down and rested his tongue at her junction. She began to thrust her hips in a silent plea for him to do more then just rest his tongue there. He gently, but firmly, pushed her hips back down to the bed. He then smirked into her heated flesh as he darted his tongue into her passage.

She arched her back as her moans grew in volume. At this point, Inuyasha knew it was clear and safe to continuo until finished because his youkai hearing told him that Sota and Kagomes mom have left and her grandfather was sweeping out the shrine.

Again, he gently pushed down her hips as he pushed his tongue into her passage. Darting it in and out a few times, her then rested it on her hidden nub, inhaling her scent, which at the moment, was more enticing then ever, since it is now mixed with her excitement.

His man-hood was throbbing and aching for release at this point, but he still ignored it in favor for teasing her a little more. He gave her nub another flick of his tongue as he inserted his finger this time, mindful of his claw. He pumped it in and out in an imitation of what his throbbing member would be doing soon. After a few moments of doing this, she arched her back again in a silent scream as she climaxed, spilling her hot juices, which he full-heartedly lapped up. When the flooding ebbed and he was sure not a drop was missed, he stalked back up her body and peered down into her face. He waited a moment as she rode out her crest. When she finally caught her breath, she looked in his eyes.

"My turn." She whispered in her own husky voice.

"As you wish, my mate." Then he flipped on to his back.

The last time they did this, she didn't get a good look at his body like he did hers. So, she took a moment to look him over from top to, what should have been bottom, but her gaze stopped in the middle. She blushed a bright red all the way to the roots of her hair. But continued to gaze at his member. Inuyasha grinned from ear to ear.

"Like what you see huh?"

Now Kagome may be naïve, shy and innocent on the outside, but….there is a side of her that even her mother doesn't even know about. She has a secret passion in reading romance novels. And I'm talking the really steamy one here. And Kagome has always fantasized about trying some of those `techniques' she's read about on a guy.

Well now that she is mated, married, she wants to experiment. Find out what he likes, what she likes. She was quite surprised when she laid eyes on his member. She didn't get to see it the first time, only feel. And boy…..did it fill her. Now she knows why. His member was at least 9 inches long, about 2 inches wide.

She reverently held his member in her hand. It was silky soft to the touch. She slid her hand down to his hilt. Inuyasha's sharply inhaled gasp was very good to hear.

`Hmmm…, that felt good hn?' she thought. This time she squeezed more firmly when she slid her hand back up. He threw his head back into the pillow when a loud moan escaped his throat. She repeated this a few more times, delighted at the fact that only she has the power to do this to him.

Dipping her head down, she slowly licked the tip of his shaft. He shuddered with a loud moan/gasp. Now it was her turn to smirk.

`So, this is what my puppy likes. Well, then, that's what my puppy gets.' She thought again.

This time when she dipped her head down again, she engulfed his member as far as it would go into her mouth. She set to work to create a rhythm bobbing her head up and down. Inuyasha was completely powerless to stop her. She knew that the best place on a man is at the tip. She suckled it like he suckled her breast. He arched his back as his body went taunt. Then he filled her mouth with his seed. She greedily sucked him dry. Inuyasha never knew it was possibly to become even harder then when he watched her swallow his seed like she did.

Kagome was quite pleased with herself at being able to give her mate such pleaser. She wanted to do it again but Inuyasha had different plans. Before she knew how or even when, he had her flipped onto her hands and knees. He came up behind her, pressing his erect and very hard member against her thigh. He leaned over to her ear and whispered.

"Beg me, Kagome. Beg me to ram you in your tight passage, over and over again until you scream my name." He emphasized his whispered sentence by squeezing her breast with his left hand and teasing her hidden nub with his right.

"Please….Inu-chan….Please, I need you," She panted out. "Please….release me."

He planted his clawed hands onto her hips to steady her, then proceeded to tease her entrance with the tip of his shaft for moments. Kagome couldn't take it anymore with the teasing.

"Inu-chan…..Please…..Just fuck me damn it!!"

"You got it bitch." And he was good to his word. He rammed her over and over again.

At first he thought he could drag it out slowly, but the passion soon proved too much for him, so he opened up all the way at full speed. He knew when she climaxed because of her internal muscles clamping down on him at the same time screaming his name. He rammed into her a couple more times, and then reached his climax, calling out her name as he filled her womb with his seed.

He flopped down onto his side spooning himself against her back when there came a knock at the door.

"Ok you two. Keep it down in there. It's a good thing your mothers not here, Kagome. Kami-sama only knows what your mothers would do to us if she was." Called Kagomes grandfather to them from on the other side of the door.

"Hurry and pull yourselves together. We have something's to discuss before your mother gets home ok you two. I'll wait for ya in the shrine." Then he turned to head back to the shrine softly chuckling to himself. He always knew they were meant for each other.

"I guess we got a little loud hn!?" Kagome nervously laughed.

"Ya think. Don't worry. Like I said, it's going to be ok.ok" he said nuzzling into her neck.

She nodded while blushing a deeper shade of red at being caught a second time, but relieved at not getting busted.