InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When I have lost my temper ❯ What took place in the well house ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When I have lost my temper

Wrote by Onimusha

A/N…I don't own inu and comp, but I own anything else.


Chapter 3 What took place in the well house


"Oh Kaimi….What I have done!? Inuyasha….talk to me….Onigai." At this point she was frantic. She didn't know what to think.

When the spells finally wore off, he just laid there, taking his punishment like a good puppy should. But when he heard the worry seeping into her voice when she spoke, he didn't want it. He needed her to keep doing this to him, so he held up his head a little and spoke.

"Thank you Kagome. I deserved that. Now do it again." He called up to her, but not looking at her.


"You heard me….do it again and again until it makes you feel better, Kagome."



Inuyasha didn't get up, but continued to speak to her. He finally grew up enough to swallow his pride and hoped for the best with his apology.


So I struggle to be patient, for I have reached a wiser age. I don't do a thing or speak a word in rage. I have learned by sad experience that when my temper flies, I never do a worthy thing, a decent deed or wise.


"Kagome….I-I want to apologize for my actions earlier. You were right Kagome. Right about it all. Yes….I am grateful and happy for what you did. I am so sorry I turned on you. I-I guess that I felt cheated. I wanted to be the one who would put her at rest when I killed Naraku….but I guess I was being a selfish basterd. But listen to me….never doubt my loyalty again….or my love."

With his head bowed down, ears drooping, he rose out of his crater and walked to the stairs.

"I….uh….I'm sorry Kagome. I will understand if you never forgive me. I'm going to go back now. But….um….so, it you need….um sometime to yourself….I not going to object. Infact when you think or what to go home, I won't say anything about it. You have my word on my mother's soul. Here, this belongs with you, not Keade."

He handed her the Shikon no Tama back. Inuyasha never looked into her eyes when he spoke, then he made his way up the stairs to the door.

Kagome, for the most part, was about to shed a new set of tears. Not at what happened, but at the fact that she can feel the waves of sorrow and remorse coming off of him.

`He is genuinely upset and sorry for what he did to me….*gasp* what was it he said….oh yeah….never doubt my loyalty or my love. *gasp* Can it be true? Can he love me for me? And not because I look like Kikyou. Oh Inuyasha, please let it be true.'

"Inuyasha," Kagome spoke in a very soft voice that pretty no one else would have been able to hear, but she knew he could. He paused half way out the door. Those cute triangular ears twitched backwards to listen, but he didn't turn around. She coninoued in a whispered tone.

"I have all ready forgiven you Inuyasha. Yes, I do except your apology. And I too never want you to doubt my loyalty or…." She paused here for a moment as she wasn't quiet sure how to phrase it to him. But, ohh well. She needs him to know she loves him as well.

"Or my love for you as well. And no, I won't sit you again. It's good enough for me to know that you sincerely regret what happened." Kagome kept her head as well when she was speaking while still kneeling on the ground.

`She forgives me!? She actually forgave me for striking her. Holy shit, wait a tic….did she just say what I think she said.' His mind was racing a mile a minuet as he re-thought her words over again. Inuyasha turned around and looked down at where Kagome was at. Her head was still bowed down.

He effortlessly leapt up, landing behind her with out a sound. Then crouched down and leaned towards her ear and whispered.

"Say it again Kagome."


"Onigai….I need to hear it again from your mouth."

"I forgive you-" She started to say, but couldn't finish because he had put a clawed finger to her soft lips, thus silencing her as he turned her around.

"No, not that part…."

Silence was all that was heard for what seemed like an eternity. But then he moved closer to her, where their noses almost touched.

"The part you said about how to never doubt your loyalty or….or your love…." Inuyashas husky voice trailed off a little as if still replaying her word in his head.

Silence stole through the well house again in what seemed like the passing of another eternity. Inuyasha then brought his hand to cup under her chin in order to look into her beautiful eyes.

`Oh Kaimi….his eyes. Their so….so intense, so searching it looks like. It's like he's trying to search my soul through his eyes.' Her heart was racing so fast, it would have put the fastest horse to shame. Kagome knew that he could hear her heart thundering away in her chest.

She in turn brought her hand to his cheek and stroked it with her thumb as she spoke.

"What….gulp….What I said is true. I….I love you too….Inuyasha. And I want you too." As she said the last part, she put her other hand to cup the other cheek as she drew them into their first kiss.

Inuyasha eyes grew huge for a brief second before closing them. One arm encircled her waist to bring her in closer while the other sunk deep into her silky black mane. He turned his head slightly to deepen the kiss, then ran his toung across her soft lips, begging to be let in. She complied. Inuyasha was lost into a world of sweetness as he explored her mouth. He was right. She tasted just as sweet and delicious as her scent always ways.

They didn't know how long they stood there as time and the rest of the world went by them. But the lack of air forced them a part, panting heavily. They still clung to each other as though their lives depended on it. Inuyasha kept murmuring `I'm sorry' over and over again to her while nuzzling her neck and crying.

`Wait a tic….Inuyashas crying?? This is new.' She thought to herself.

"Shhh….hush now….everythings ok now." Kagome whispered comforting things into his cute ear to help comfort the distressed hanyou.

After a while, his whimpering subsided, he looked into her gray/blue eyes. He decided then and there that he would spend the rest of his life, if need be, to make it up to her. But first things first, he needed to take care of those cuts on her beautiful face.

He placed both hands on her cheeks, saying.

"Close your eyes Kagome. And trust me."

"I will always trust you Inuyasha."

Then he dipped his head down, closing his eyes as well, while he slowly dragged his toung over the first of her four cuts. Kagome was slightly taken aback as to why he would be licking her like this. Inuyasha repeated his movments until there was no more evidence of that horrible injury on her beautiful face. Kagome was so relaxed by this one act that she was sure she would have fallen if he wasn't holding her like he was. All too soon, he was done and went back to nuzzling her neck.

"What….What did you do?" She asked, breathlessly. It seems that that one act alone sent fire into her whole body. It felt incredible.

Inuyasha chuckled to himself as he responded.

"I am dog-demon. I have healing properties in my saliva. It is opposite of what Sesshomaur can do."

`Wow, if his toung can do that to my body, I wonder what else his touch can do to me.' She thought to herself. Kagome was pulled from her thoughts, though, when she felt his toung on her skin again. This time he dragged it from her collarbone, up the side of her neck and stopped at her earlobe, which he nibbled a little to see how she would react. An audible gasp confirmed she enjoyed that little of his, which made him wonder what kind of other noises he can get from her.

She hugged him closer to her body as if thinking if she were to let go, she might awake from this wonderful dream.

Little by little, her excitement level was growing in her scent, which Inuyasha wasn't to surprised to smell. This just told him that, just maybe, she wanted him as much as he wanted her and that she wasn't disgusted by taking a half-breed as a mate like Kikyou did. That's why she wanted him to turn human so bad.

`Kikyou.' He thought, `Why couldn't you accept me as what I am like Kagome?' Then he shook his head to clear it. No, never again will he think on her, especially now that he was about to take Kagome as his mate. The only female to accept him as him, with the exception of Sango of course.

"Kagome," Inuyasha started to say in a husky voice. "I want to taste you."

"Hmm….Was about all Kagome could because now he was licking up the other side of her neck now and all thought went out the window. When he stopped to look at her, she spoke.

"Then taste all you want."

"Kagome, listen to me," When he made sure she was looking at him in the eyes, he continued.

"I want to be able to taste you as only your mate could. I-gulp….Kagome….would you be my mate?" He buried his face in the crook of he neck, inhaling her scent.

`Oh gods, she's in heat….ohhh….her scent….. but there's no way I can stop now. If she agrees to be my mate, then I don't care. Our pup will grow loved and protected, always.'

The silence continued as she was still trying to gather her thoughts back from the sensations his touch was doing to her. Finally after getting her mind together, she gave him her answer by whispering it into his ear.

"I love you Inu-chan and I want you too. For so long I have been loving you."

Inuyasha pulled back to look deep into her eyes. The deep emotions he saw there confirmed her words to him and that she was in no way disgusted at the idea of him as her mate.

His emotions over ran him again as the tears fell down his cheeks once more that day. He was overjoyed at the fact that he found a female to love him no matter what breed he was. He drew her up into a very passionate kiss. After a while, they had to break for air.

"So, is that a `yes' then." He needed to positive about her answer before they did anything. She cupped one of his cheeks in her small, soft hand to answer him.

"Hai….Inuchan. I will be you mate in truth and for a life-time if you'll have me. I never want to let you go." That was what he needed to hear. He all but crashed into her lips in a very long and drugging kiss. Pouring all of his emotions into it the kiss, to let her know how he was feeling. When it ended, they were lightly panting for breath.

"Hai, Kagome-chan. I shall always be your mate in truth and for a life-time. I too, will never let you go."

Inuyashas blood was boiling at this point. He wanted her now!! But there was something he needed to do to her first. It was the `mark.' A simple bite to the back of the neck that would signify to all others; whether they be human or demon, that if they touched her or anything, in a way he didn't see fit, he'll be the one to let the know that that's not acceptable.

"Kagome, there's something I need to do first." He said, kissing her again.

"Hai Inuyasha. I trust you more then anything." She was looking right into his golden eyes.

"There's a bit mark….that I need to give you first."

"Is that all. Where?" Kagome said.

"It is to be given on the back of your neck." Kagome frowned a bit at this.

"Will it hurt?" He nodded his head to her. `I don't like the idea of pain if I can help it, but this must be important to him. I love him trust him.' She thought to herself.

"It's ok with me. I trust you." She then got up, turned around and flipped her hair over her shoulder to expose her neck to him.

`Ohh Gods I love her so much.'

"Don't move ok. This will only hurt for a second."

He got behind her, tilting her head down a little. Then hooked his left arm around her waist, snug like to keep her from moving, slipped his right hand up her shirt to her breast and squeezed as he bit into her neck. The pain/pleasure she experienced was incredible, but it was over as soon as it started. He continued to knead her breast as he ran his toung over fresh mark on her neck.

"My mate." Inuyasha purred into her ear.


Inuyasha turned Kagome around to face him. It was time to claim her as his.

Kagomes eyes were glazed over as he peered into their endless depths of gray/blue. He raised her arms over her head as he slipped her shirt up and off. After a few moments of trying to figure out her breast restraint, he growled at it and then sliced it with a clawed finger. Kagome didn't seem to notice it as he gazed at her so far. He wanted her so bad, his manhood ached and throbbed. But this is to be their first and he wanted it to be unforgettable in their minds forever.

Inuyasha brought up his clawed hands to her milky orbs, brushing his thumbs over her rosy peaks. When they hardened under his touch, he dipped his head and suckled the right erect peak. Kagome saw flashes of light behind her eyes when Inuyasha cupped her breasts and teased the peaks, but when his mouth latched on to her, she fell against him because her legs buckled out from under her. He held tight to her while shrugging out of his fire-rat coat. He laid it on the ground, and then lowered them to it.

Inuyasha brought up her hand above her head, securing them into his left hand as he began to kiss, lick and caress her chest and face. Kagome couldn't fight back the moan that escaped her throat. So, she didn't try and stop the rest of them coming out. His glorious mouth was doing wicked things to her body. The heat in her lower region and stomach erupted into a roaring blaze.

When he was satisfied equal treatment was placed on to each of her breasts, he straightened himself up to take off her skirt. After he fumbled around a bit, he growled again. Kagome sensed what was about to happen, so she reached behind her and unzipped it. He put her hands back up above her head into his one left hand as he slid her skirt off. He intoxicating scent nearly over whelmed him from her being in heat. Inuyasha took a moment to admire natural beauty. Then, ever so slowly, he slid a clawed finger into her panties. Kagomes gasp was very audible.


As they continued on, the lovers didn't sense, due to the fact that they were very occupied at the moment, was that they had an on-looker at the door. The person watching smiled and was able to gently close the door that was left open when the couple started. The person stood by the door for a minuet, listening, then left to go make sure that no one disturbed them until they were ready to come out themselves.

A/N….uhoh….this can't be good!! Who do you think it is that was watching them?? Tell me when you review. When I get enough guesses….I'll post up Chapter 4. So, PLZ R/R