InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When I have lost my temper ❯ A walk with Keade ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When I have lost my temper

Wrote by Onimusha

A/N…I don't own Inu and comp.


Chapter 2 A walk with Keade


Inuyasha was still sitting in his tree, so lost in thought that he didn't hear, see or smell Keade walking towards the tree trunk and stop. He still didn't know she was present until she called to him. This combination is not good when one is in a forest full of other demons.

"Inuyasha," She called softly to the hanyou. "Come walk with me."

He peered down at her and jumped to the ground onto his feet. And so, they left the God tree in favor of walking in each others company into the forest around them. Neither really caring were their feet took them.

"When Shippou told us of what happened, I was able to get to her before she left down the well. She told me the whole tale. When she finished speaking, she left. I, myself, I'm grateful for what she has done. Now my sister can rest in peace once again. She was not meant to walk this earth again. You know this. I have no doubt that you will kill Naraku when the time comes Inuyasha, but what Kagome did was for the best. She loves you that much. She wanted to ease your suffering as well by putting her to rest, so that you may move on in your life." Keade didn't look at Inuyasha while she spoke, but just kept on walking.

Inuyasha didn't say a word while they walked and Keade talked through the peaceful forest. His head was still filled with the images of Kagomes bloodied cheek and shocked face. He wasn't really listening to what she was saying, but still heard enough. She was right. How could he have been so foolish enough to loss his temper? He definitely stepped of the line with Kagome in striking her.

"Inuyasha, this is a most serious matter. She does not wish to return here, despite her promise to complete the jewel. The world is at a loss if it is not completed and Naraku killed. I am not sure how you are going to fix this Inuyasha, but something needs to be done quickly." This time she looked directly at him when she spoke.

"But I don't know how to fix this." Inuyasha whispered, just barely audible to Keades ears. He simply was at a total loss.

She stopped and turned to face him cupping his cheek in her small frail hand and turned him to look at her. She immediately saw the immense remorse and sorrow in the depths of his golden eyes instead of the usual burning fire of life and wild spirit.

"Inuyasha, do you love Kagome as she loves you?" The tears that he so desperately tried to keep back, finally spilled over down his cheeks. Yes. In fact, he's always known he has.

"Yes baba. I love her with all of my being. But now she hates me and I don't blame her. I deserve her hate for what I did."

"Not so young one. She does not hate you as you would think. But, none the less, she has been deeply wounded by thee, though it is not the physical wound its self, but an emotional wound. These types of wounds run deep Inuyasha and only time well tell if she is to be emotionally scared forever, but I think, just maybe, that if you were to tell her of your love for her, only then praytell, can she be healed of this wound. That is why it is very important for you to do something. The longer you remain quiet……. she might not ever be healed of it."

"I understand baba. But will she forgive me if I do confess my love to her?" His head bent down, ears dropping again at this new thought.

"I do not know Inuyasha. But you must bring her back now matter what. The Shikon no Tama must be completed at all and any costs, if need be. Do you understand Inuyasha?"

"Yes, I know…Uhh, baba!?" He questioned. "What of the others? Do they know what happened?" Inuyasha kept his head down still while he spoke. He kind of knew what her answer would be, but asked anyways.

"Let us just say, it would not be wise for you to return until you have her back Inuyasha."

"Ohhhh…O.K." He said, slightly shaking at the idea of what Sango, herself, might do to him alone because of what he did to her best friend if he didn't apologize and bring her back.


With everything said, mainly from Keade, they decided to head off to the Well. About an hour or so, they reached it. Inuyasha was a little hesitant to go through. He was very scared. Especially since she might `sit' him into oblivion if she didn't want to see him at the moment. With a little encouragement from the old lady, the hanyou with silver/white hair and golden eyes was finally ready to jump through space and time to accept the consequences of his earlier actions with the younger miko whom he loved dearly. As he prepared to jump, Keade caught his arm.

"Inuyasha, you will be needing to return this to Kagome. She handed it to me before she left."

And into his clawed hand, she placed their large chunk of the Shikon no Tama.

"Now, Gods speed to you Inuyasha." And then he was gone in a flash of purple light.


At the same time Inuashas world came crashing down when Kagome left, she exited the Well, but sat down on the well house stairs, crying her eyes out.

What was she going to do? If she went home and her mom saw her face, she would freak. Yeah, she could lie to her and say it was from a battle they just had, but she would still freak out to the point that she may not let her go back.

"Humph, maybe it would be for the best. I knew I would never be loved by him. Damn him, he didn't have to strike me like he did. This hurts, bad. What does he mean by `butting my nose in his business' anyway? It is my business, damn him. He's always made it a point to make it his business to get me time and again to collect the shard pieces. Ohh man. I just don't know what to do anymore. I love him, for him. But I guess that wasn't enough. His precious dead lover was more important to him. I thought he would been happy now that she can rest in peace. Why Inuyasha? Why cant you see I love you? I know it's hard for you to control yourself sometimes, because of the demon blood, but ya know what, I still forgive you. It's my love for you that I can forgive. I always will, not matter what. Even if you don't return it. *sigh* I guess I might go back later, maybe. I just don't know yet."

When she was finished speaking into the nothingness of the well house, she decided to take her chances with her mom. Besides, the cuts need to be cleaned and dressed before they become infected or something.

As she exited the well house for her home, she missed the familiar presents coming from the well. She was just too emotionally traumatized to notice anything else while trying to figure out just what his problem was.


When Inuyasha got to the other side, he was about to jump out when he heard Kagome speaking. The air in the well house was heavy with the scents of blood and tears. He sank to his knees, while listening to her cry/talk. It always broke his heart when she cried. Especially when he knew he was usually the one who caused it. And man, did he blow it this time.

Since she was home know, he thought it would be best to wait until she settled a little and was the only one home. There's no telling what her mom might do to him if Kagome told her. He liked his ears and she just might want to rip them off his head for what he did to her daughter. Yes, it would be best to wait until she was the only one home. Preferably the morning when he knew that he brother would go to that school thingy and then most likely her mom would leave afterwards as well.

He took a peek outside and sniffed. He noted that Kagomes scent was the only one present. The rest of her families scents were at least a day old.

`Good, as long as they stay away, I might be able to talk with her alone and maybe get this fixed. Hum….better wait a little more. She might be taking a bath. That would be very good. She always smelled good when she bathed.' He thought to himself.

And so, he waited till just after dusk, before peeking his head out to scent the air. Good, no one but her. He silently crept to the tree that was close to her window and scaled up it to his branch so he can watch her for a bit to get the feel of her mood before entering. Never in his life has he felt so lost since his mother died. It was on that thought that realization hit him with a force stronger then that damned `sit' command.

He has always known that he loved her, but there was always something in the back of his mind that he couldn't put a clawed finger on till just now. Now he understood why he felt so miserable when she would leave down the well and why he always fought her to stay when she wanted to go. Kagome was more then a shard detector or a reincarnation of his past love, she was something he thought he would never get to have again since his mother.

She was his…home…his soul mate. Never before has he ever experienced this kind of feeling when he was with Kikyou. Sure, they always talked, maybe kiss a little, and yeah there was a point he would have turned human for her…but he never had this feeling he was experiencing with Kagome.

But then, suddenly, he remembered something his mother once said to him after his fathers' death.


"One day my son, you will on day grow up to be just like your father. And in doing so, I am certain you will come across many females as potential mates. But let me tell you of something my son, always search both, your heart and soul. Yes, many will say they love you and you may think you are in love as well…but there will be always be certain feeling missing. You won't know what it is, till if hits you. But believe it or not my child, every being on this planet has a `soul mate.' Someone they can relate to as being their `home,' their missing piece of their soul. So, search diligently and carefully my son and one day you will find her when you least expect it."

**End of Flashback**

`So that's what its been all this time. Feh, I'm so stupid. I've probably blown it with her now. Damn it all to hell. I just don't know how to fix this. Ung…ohh well…might as well go and get this over with so I can crawl under a rock when she rejects me.' He took a step closer and looked in the room.

Kagome was sitting on her bed, back to the wall. She had her cat, Byou, laying in her lap. She was wearing her pajama thingies and was just staring at the other side of the room, absently starching Byou's tummy as he purred away. He could see the play of emotions running across he beautiful face. Inuyasha knew what she was thinking as he saw a few tears fall from her gray/blue eyes.

Then he noticed the cuts on her face. He shudders. `Gods, I could have killed her. Ohh my beautiful Kagome…' His thoughts trailed off as he decided to enter her room.

Kagome looked up as he came into her room. He didn't know how or where to begin to apologize to her, so they just stared at each other. Kagome then removed the kitty from her lap, got off of her bed and left.

Inuyasha just stood there, gapping at where she was sitting. Then he heard the back door open, then close. He looked out the window to she he staring at him in silence. She turned and started to walk to towards the well house. He jumped out the window and flowed her in, closing the door behind them.

Once he got down the stairs, she turned to him and just continued to stare at him. Inuyasha was beginning to get a little unnerved at her constant staring. Then she started to pace back and forth, shaking her head a little. Her mouth was opening and closing, but nothing seemed to be coming out.

Abruptly, she stopped and took a few steps backwards, while she locks eye contact with him. Then, something in her eyes caught his attention. She now was standing there with her fists in balls and her hips, tapping her foot. He then knew what was coming.

`Good girl, Kagome. Give me your worst. Sit me till I'm 10 feet under.' He thought to himself. `I deserve every moment of it as long as it gets you to talk to me again. I don't care.'

He braced himself as best he could for the impending impacted he knew was coming, closing his eyes tightly. The seconds rolled on, but nothing happened. He peek open an eye to look at her. Kagome started to move towards him and stopped about a foot away. Inuyahsa opened both eyes now, confused at what she might be doing. He relaxed a little thinking she just might not `sit' him.

By the time Inuyasha realized what she was doing, it was to late. Kagomes fist connected to his jaw with so much force, he flew back into the wall on the other side of the well house. He couldn't move because his body was tingling. That's when he knew she laced that punch with some of her miko powers. Not enough to kill with, but enough to give him the point that she was beyond mad.

It was a while before he was able to bring himself up to sit against the wall to look over at Kagome. He saw her down on her knees, sobbing into her hands.

"Kag-Kagome…Onegai…don't cry…" Inuyasha didn't think his heart could break anymore, till just then. Kagomes body was shaking almost violently with sobs and there wasn't anything he could do. Her magic immobilized him greater and longer then that damn `sit' spell. So, he was only able to watch her as she sat there.

But when Kagome heard Inuyasha speak, she looked up. Endless tears were still falling down her cheeks.

"Inuyasha?" She whispered as she rose to her feet. He brought up his head to regard her as he was finally able to get to his knees.

"I want you d to do something for me…" Kagome said in a falsely sweet voice that he didn't pick up on at first.

"Anything Kagome…Just name it." The magic finally wore off now to where he was able to rise to his feet brushing himself off. But, it wasn't for long.

"Good! Now…sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit!!" And so he did. 10 feet into the ground infact, just like he wanted. This time he didn't move, get up or make any sounds. This was the most she had ever given him at one time. Usually he would be swearing something fierce, but there came nothing.

She wiped her face clean of tears with a hanky she had and scooted over to the `Inuyasha sizes' crater. She looked in to see that he still wasn't moving.

"Inu-Inuyasha!? Are you ok…talk to me?" Kagome called down.


A/N…Bwhaaaaaaaa….what do you think? Did she really sit him into obliteration and now he's dead? Talk to me ok PLEASE R/R next…Ch 3 `What took place in the well house.'