InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Love and Death Embrace ❯ Daytime Drama ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kagome and Sango entered Kaede's hut, being ushered in rather roughly by Inuyasha. Kagome rolled her eyes but allowed him to all but shove her towards the fire where the stew was being cooked.
“How was your trip home, Kagome?” Kaede asked as she stirred the stew.
Kagome shrugged. “It was rather uneventful.”
“It must have bee in order for you to return a day earlier then you said you would, especially since Inuyasha didn't have to go through the well to fetch you.” Miroku said from where he was lounging with one of her old science text books.
Kagome said nothing, but took the stew that Kaede handed to her. She was aware of Inuyasha's eyes on her, but she refused to make eye contact with him.
The group ate in relative silence except for the occasional slap as Sango tried to intervene Miroku's wandering hand. The rest of the group shook their heads at the sight of Miroku pouting as Sango moved out of groping range.
When they were finished eating, Shippou dug out the work books and scrolls that Kagome and Miroku had made for him. Kagome found it fascinating that learning two different forms of writing didn't confuse the child.
She sat down with him to help him with his writing. Miroku sat down beside them so that he could share the pot of ink with Shippou to write out new sutras. Sango took advantage of Miroku's distraction to clean Hiraikotsu and Inuyasha flung himself down behind them, leaning against the wall.
After a few minutes Kagome could sense someone watching her and she slowly turned her head to glance over her shoulder. Inuyasha had his arms wrapped around Tessaiga, but his head was bowed, making his silver hair cover his eyes. Kagome frowned, but turned her attention back to Shippou, who was waiting for an answer to some question he had just asked her.
Everyone's eyes shifted to the far corner of the hut where Kaede lay as her body shook from the force of a deep rattling cough.
Sango stood and grabbed a cup of water for the elderly woman, “Are you alright Kaede?”
Kaede nodded and swallowed the water slowly. “Aye child, I must have swallowed wrong.”
Kagome heard Inuyasha take a quiet sniff in Kaede's direction and made note to ask him about that later. Her thoughts broke off when Kaede broke into another fit of deep barking coughs. She quickly put Shippou's books aside when she noticed the Kit's face become scrunched with worry and picked him up.
“Why don't we go pick Kaede some flowers to make her feel better?” Kagome suggested to him.
She moved past Inuyasha and heard the shuffle of his clothing which meant he would be following them outside. She walked with Shippou down the well worn path and into the field where the bone eaters well stood.
“Kaede will be okay, right Kagome?” Shippou asked quietly.
Kagome ruffled his hair in a soothing manor. “Of course she will. Remember when I had that nasty cold in the winter? My cough sounded just like that.”
Shippou didn't look like he believed her but chose not to comment as he bounded off to pick the flowers for Kaede. Kagome sighed and sat down in the long grass to watch him as collected random flowers and chased the butterflies he stirred up. Things for him seemed so simple, but she knew that was far from the truth.
She didn't even flinch when Inuyasha suddenly threw himself down next to her. She had sensed his Youki approach. One thing she had learned over the years was to distinguish certain Youki. The fact that Kouga had jewel shards only helped to clarify instantly that it was him. Other Youkai she had to concentrate hard to figure out who they were. Inuyasha, Shippou and Kilala were the exceptions, but that was because she was with them constantly.
“How bad is her sickness?” Kagome asked.
Kagome could see his ears flicking wildly, the only indicator of how upset he truly was. “I can smell death on her. It's faint, but it's there. She'll probably have passed on by the time the leaves fall.”
“It'll be hard.” She said more to herself then to him.
They sat in silence as Shippou continued to collect a large bouquet of flowers. When he deemed that the bouquet was an adequate size he bounded back over to them. “Think Kaede will like these?”
Inuyasha took both Kagome and Shippou by surprise when he reached over and ruffled the kit's hair. “Keh, they'll do runt. Why don't you go take them to her?”
Shippou nodded slowly before running off to do what he was told. Kagome watched Inuyasha, a soft smile on her face. “I bet he really appreciated your opinion on those.”
“Keh, I just wanted the runt gone so I could talk to you.”
His tone was rough, but Kagome could tell that he was only speaking a half truth. “Right.” Kagome said in a tone that clearly stated that she didn't believe him.
Inuyasha growled softly and scooped Kagome up, making her gasp in shock. He ran off towards the trees just as Miroku and Sango came through the clearing. Kagome sighed and settled herself against him, knowing that he was taking her to Goshinboku. She gripped his haori tightly until he found a suitable branch and settled himself down.
“So are you going to tell me the real reason why you came back early?” He asked her.
Kagome sighed and looked down through the branches. “I guess I don't have much choice, you'd probably keep me up here until I told you.”
Inuyasha smirked, “Damn rights I would, now spill. I know for a fact that you had two of those test things. One of which is tomorrow.” He stopped and eyed her suspiciously. “You're just going to run off later tonight aren't you?”
Kagome looked at him and rubbed her arms against the chill that was settling at the higher altitude. Inuyasha rolled his eyes and shrugged out of his haori and dropped it over her shoulders. “Thanks.”
“Keh, so is that your plan, to sit me and run through the well?”
“It would be kind of pointless, considering I dropped out of school.”
Inuyasha blinked several times at her. “You, dropped out?”
“Yeah, it means I quit school.” Kagome told him, not wanting to meet his eye.
The sharp whine that escaped Inuyasha made Kagome snap her head towards him. His ears were flat against his head and another whine came from his throat. “Your mother is going to hate me, isn't she?”
“Why would she hate you?” Kagome asked him.
“Well I always complained when you had to go back for those tests, she's going to blame me for you dropping out of school.” Inuyasha said, the panic in his voice becoming more evident by the minute. “What if she tells you that you can't come back here? What if she seals the well to keep you away from me?!”
Kagome was surprised by his admission, and probably would have asked him to repeat himself if the panic on his face wasn't so evident. She sighed and reached over and took his hand.
“First of all, mama wouldn't keep me from coming to see you. If she still let me come through after almost failing middle school, I don't think she minds about this. She supports my decision; she knows how hard all of this was on me.” Kagome told him.
“But she could still seal the well!”
Kagome sighed and dropped his hand, “Inuyasha don't be stupid. In order to seal the well my mom would have to have spiritual powers, and guess what, she doesn't.”
“Well who knows what your freaky family has and doesn't have?” Inuyasha yelled at her, “You're grandfather is supposed to have powers and he don't!”
“Inuyasha, sit!” Kagome said in reflex to her family being insulted.
She gasped when Inuyasha let out a loud yip and was hauled off the branch to the forest floor. She buried her face in her hands and thanked every God of every religion that Inuyasha couldn't be hurt from the fall. She refused to look back up when the branch shook from Inuyasha climbing back up onto it.
“What the fuck was that for?”
Kagome's head shot up. Sure she knew that curse words went well back, she just wasn't aware that they said them in this era. “What did you just say?”
“I asked what that was for!” Inuyasha repeated.
“Not that, the other word.”
Inuyasha gave her a confused look. “What, fuck?”
“Yes!” Kagome exclaimed, “Where did you learn that?”
“Keh, Souta taught me a bunch of things when I had to watch him.”
Kagome groaned and once more buried her face in her hands. A few months earlier Souta had been really sick while Kagome's mother and Grandfather were out of town seeking money to help restore parts of the shrine. At one point Kagome had to run to the store to retrieve some more medicine for her brother, and refusing to leave him alone when he was really sick, had asked Inuyasha to take care of him for her.
“I knew that was a bad idea,” She muttered, “I'm corrupting history.”
“Keh, it ain't that big of a deal.”
Kagome's eyes turned to him and Inuyasha braced himself for another subjugation command. “Not a big deal?” She yelled at him, “How can you say that it's not a big deal? Do you not understand what could happen?”
Before Inuyasha could respond Sango's scent drifted up to him. He scowled and wrapped an arm around Kagome's waist before slipping off the branch. His ears slammed back against his head at the sound of her surprised squeal and he staggered away once they were on the ground, rubbing the offended appendage.
“Oi, did you have to do that right in my ear?”
“Did you have to suddenly jump off the branch?!” Kagome snapped.
Sango politely cleared her throat, “I just thought I should tell you that we've just received word of a hoard of demons not to far south from us. Looks like Naraku are up to something.”
Inuyasha sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. “Well it's too late to leave now; we'll head out at first light.”
Sango nodded and turned to leave. Kagome sighed and slipped off the haori, holding it out to him. Inuyasha took it, but instead of sliding it on, he wrapped it back around Kagome.
“Keh, you keep it wench, it looks better on you anyway.”
Kagome stared after him as he followed Sango, before pulling the haori tighter to her, a small smile on her face.
I swear I tried to update sooner than this, I really did…Inuyasha was just being an insensitive bastard and not working well with me. Surprise, surprise.
Be prepared for an overdose of sadness in the next chapter, it's been one of those weeks, that and I've been listening to No Bravery by James Blunt a lot….I would definitely suggest listening to it before you read my next chapter or listen to it while reading it.
I hope to get the next chapter up before the weekend since I'm house sitting for my sister and I won't have a computer.
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or the characters of Rumiko Takahashi. I do own the plot of this story along with any original characters that may make an appearance.