InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Love Awaits ❯ Moonlight's Tennyo ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Sadly I don't own InuYasha. I don't own Sesshomaru or Miroku either, more the pity because the things I would do with them. I really wouldn't mind Lord Taisho for that matter…dreams…. Wait, this is a disclaimer so that everyone knows I don't have any rights to the characters in the series InuYasha. *blushes* sorry got a little carried away there. So now you know I don't own these characters or claim to own any of them.
When Love Awaits
Chapter 1 - Moonlight's Angel
The girl in question flinched as her hand clinched at her sides. She knew what was coming. “Yes, Lord Sesshomaru?” Rin rushed forward to stand at his side, her dark eyes scanning each feature of his face.
“I am going to be gone for a while. Stay here until I return for you.” Sesshomaru started to leave the small clearing they stood in. He hesitated, but only to toss back, “Jaken.”
“Aye my Lord?” The ever present imp offered quickly.
“Stay with Rin, and see to her care.” With that the Demon Lord faded from sight into the thigh foliage at the forest's edge. .
Jaken sighed and turned to Rin. “I will start the fire for us.” This had become a common occurrence in their lives. Enough so that each one know instinctively what to do. Jaken would build a fire and Rin would gather food them. Not that Jaken needed to eat her human food any more then Lord Sesshomaru did.
“Thank you, Jaken.” Rin looked down at the little demon as he moved past her. “Where do you suppose he is of to now?”
Jaken shrugged. It has been years since Narku's defeat and Sesshomaru had continued to wander in his search for power. Jaken and Rin remained at his side, both as loyal as ever. The imp looked over at the girl staring in the direction their master had gone. Although Sesshomaru and he had not changed at all, it was not the case with Rin. She was a human girl after all. Changes were bound to occur.
The hair had gotten longer, the deep brown was sun streaked from life out of doors. She stood much taller as well. Jaken barely came to her knees, but she was still considerably shorter Sesshomaru. The top of her head wouldn't even reach his chin, even if she were to stand tip toed. The size her chest had expanded as well as the delicate curve of her hips. Still the trim waist was still defined by the green sash of her kimono.
“Jaken?” The soft voice floated in the air. “We have been here before, haven't we?”
Jaken puzzled only a moment. The girl was right. They had been to this area in the past. It was surprising that she realized it before he had. “If you knew it already, why did you bother me with your silly question, Rin?”
“There is a hot spring near here.”
“Lord Sesshomaru told us to wait here. He would be most displeased if we…” Jaken was shaking his head, but the large brown eyes turned on his with such childish delight.
“Oh please, Jaken?” Rin knelt before him and clasped her hands together. “We can camp there for the night. It's not far and Lord Sesshomaru will be able to detected us easily.”
“That is true.” Jaken muttered.
“I am sure that Ah-Un would like to go as well.” As if to further Rin's goals, Ah and Un shook their heads and looked around expectantly.
“Oh very well.” Jaken grumbled. “If only so that I can get a little piece from your nagging.” Then he turned his back on Rin and added,” Besides if I had refused your idea there would have been constant complaining the entire time until Lord Sesshomaru's return.” Jaken was broken from his lecture at the sound of the grass brushing against Ah-Un's legs as Rin lead them past.
“Come on Jaken.” Rin chuckled. “There isn't much time until dark, and I don't want to get lost on the way!”
Steam rose from the spring like great white veils offering themselves up to the star filled sky. Rin left the fire's glow and her sleeping companions in silence. She tugged at the sash the held her kimono in pace. Attentively she tested the tempting waters. Slipping off her kimono she tossed it and her sash on to a rock and waded into the pool. The pool it's self was secluded by large boulders that formed a few trickling waterfalls. High grasses concealed it from random view. To Rin it was like a heaven on earth. Holding her breath she submerged herself in the liquid heat. It had been a while since they had been near a hot spring. Most of her baths were in lakes and streams with fridge waters. That wasn't very pleasant experiences, and often left her shaken for hours afterwards. Still it was better then being caked with dirt and grim.
With a sigh of delight she moved under one of the tiny falls and stood up. She reached out her hand to test the trickling waters. She watched the droplets diving into her palm. Some trailed down her arm while others merely bounced off and landed in the waters below. Pushing her hair back she slipped under the fall and allowed it to wash over her. Water and moonlight shone off her skin as she bathed.
Unknown to her, two young local men crept in from the darkness of the forest. One stunned to silence at the sight. While the other whispered carefully so he was sure the girl could not hear, “See, I told you I heard something.” His friend nodded without removing his gaze. When the other man still remained silently fixated on the vision before them the awed words came forth, “Do you think she is a Tennyo?”
“A heavenly maiden?” The silent man finally spoke up with a nod, “What else would she be? I have never seen her before, and the village is very remote. This place isn't even well known to those that live around here. Why would some stranger be so far off the road?”
“Don't be so matter of fact about it.” Came a stiff reply. “It's not like either of us has seen one before.”
“Nor will you ever see one again if you don't leave now.” The calm voice startled the two men, who turned to see a man clad in white emerging from the darkness of the forest. It didn't take long before the men realized that this wasn't just an ordinary man. He was a demon.
Sesshomaru watched as one man jumped up intending to flee, while pulling on the arm of the other.
The hesitate one glared and refused to be budged. He snarled to his friend. “But what about the Tennyo?”
“She can take care of herself.” With those words both men bolted off into the darkness with nothing more then a story to tell generations. The night they saw the Tennyo bathed in the silvery light of the moon and the white demon who had come and chased them off with out so much as a scrap of evidence.
Sesshomaru walked around the rocks and the pool until he came to the place where Rin had tossed her clothing. “Rin.”
A shocked gasp escaped the girl as she spun around and faced her lord. “You are back already, Lord Sesshomaru?” She moved her hands over her breasts as she made her way to the edge of the pool.
“Yes.” Sesshomary stared down at Rin with near emotionless expression. “What I seek is not here, so there was no reason to linger.”
Rin reached out and pulled her kimono on as she stepped from the water. “I am sorry, Lord Sesshomaru.”
“You didn't remain where I left you.” Sesshomaru turned from herwith one swift motion. “But I see why.” He looked over at Jaken curled against a content Ah-Un. It was clear they were all extremely exhausted from the pace he had set over the last few weeks.
Rin swallowed hard waiting to see what Sesshomaru would say or do.
In the end he sat down and looked to the sky. “Sleep now, Rin. I think we will stay here a few days.”
To Be Continued