InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Love Awaits ❯ From the Flames ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When Love Awaits
By Forgotten Tennyo
Chapter 7 - From the Flames
Rin has spent her life far from any human contact. So when floods of women arrive to bath, dress, and arrange her hair she reacted with a stunned silence. Rin breathed deeply in relief that it was over. She turned at Amaya's insistence to face the women who bowed humbly before her.
“Please.” Rin motioned for then to rise. Although it was much harder to move in the large flowing robes she had been settled into. “It makes me uncomfortable.”
“They believe that you are a heavenly maiden that came from the stars to protect us.” Amaya whispered as she gently patted Rin's hand. “They are honored to attend you.”
Rin frowned and shook her head. “I have told you that I am not a tennyo.” The dark eyes bored into the ground with exasperation.
Amaya smiled and put her hand up over her mouth. “I have told my brother as much, and he has informed the people of your statements and desires, but it seems not many believe that lovely women just fall from the sky.”
Rin blinked at the word woman. It was the first time anyone had used that word to describe her.
“Come, my brother wishes to speak to you.” Amaya walked to the door motioning for Rin to follow.
It slid open and Rin stepped into the light of the sun. For a moment she was blinded, but slowly the world began to take form. There had been two guards stationed by the door and the front courtyard was filled with people. They all seemed to waiting for her arrival.
More armed men kept vigil at the gate and towers. It was an imposing force to witness. Rin swallowed hard as worry turned her stomach. No wonder Amaya felt so secure in her brother's ability to protect his castle. Rin sighed know that when Sesshomaru arrived it would do little good and that the more men that apposed him was just more men that would meet their fate at his hands.
“You seemed upset over the guards I have placed around the gate.” Yoshiro walked over to Rin from out of nowhere. She had not been expecting him waiting with the rest of his people. Surely he out of everyone knew by now she wasn't an angel. “I assure you that these men are only here to protect you from the demons, and are not meant to frighten you.”
Amaya beamed at her brother. The smile was returned in kind. Amaya looked over at Rin and said, “Lord Yoshiro, this is Rin. The girl who fell from the sky last night.”
The dark eyes that meet Rin's were warm and kind, so unlike the amber eyes of her Lord. Rin could see immediately why people would want to be lead by this man. He was tall, but not nearly as tall as Lord Sesshomaru. Yoshiro was handsome, much more so then any human male Rin had seen before. No doubt he would stun most women to silence, but after years of being graced by Sesshomaru's unearthly beauty Rin was found impervious to this charm.
Yoshiro nodded his head at Rin, “I don't think I will ever forget the sight of you dropping from the heavens Rin.” Yoshiro looked over to his sister and added. “I would like to speak with her alone for a moment.”
Amaya frowned slightly. “I don't think it would be appropriate too allow…”
“There are guards around very turn and on the walls. Few things would go unnoticed, so you don't need to worry I will try anything with the lovely angel that has stolen the heart of every person in the land.” Yoshiro motioned to the courtyard.
Amaya nodded as she thought it over and turned to Rin, “I will await you in the tea room. Yoshiro knows where it is. He can bring you by when he is done talking with you.” She turned and motioned the guard to follow her.
Yoshiro looked after his sister and sighed. “She has not been the same since our parents passed away. Our mother was her only steady companion, since there was no one around that would forget their station long enough to befriend her. I think you being here has brought her great joy and I thank you for your kindness to her.”
“Lord Yoshiro,” Rin grabbed the cuff of his sleeve trying to pull his attention to her situation. “Please, I am not what your people believe me to be. I am merely a mortal girl. This entire mess is on huge misunderstanding. I have tried to explain it to Amaya, but I think she has come to the wrong conclusions.”
Yoshiro looked at her hand clinching the soft material of shi shirt, and motioned her to walk with him. “If you are a mere mortal girl, then could you tell me why you were with those demons?”
Rin bit her lower lip and looked forward. “They raised me. The demons you saw are Jaken and Ah-Un, both are servants to my Lord Sesshomaru, who saved my life years ago.”
“So you are a remarkable creature.” Yoshiro looked forward and continued his slow pace.
“Haven't you been listening to me? I am a mortal girl like every other one in your village.” Rin glanced over at Yoshiro and saw an amused smile play across his face. “You are not taking me seriously are you?”
“Normal girls are not raised by demons in the wild.” Yoshiro informed her in a calm voice. The stride he used while walking her toward a lovely garden full of hydrangea and iris in bloom. “Even though you claim you are not a Tennyo, I have to admit that is what I thought at first myself. From the moment I brushed the hair from your face, I knew that you were someone I would never forget. A woman of unmatched beauty that I want to know.”
Rin stopped in her footsteps. Had this man just called her beautiful?
“I am sorry if I have shocked you with my bluntness.” Yoshiro stopped a few steps away and added, “It is just that I can not imagine returning you to live among demons, when it is imminently clear that you belong with your own people.”
“But that is not my wish.” Rin whispered.
“You leave me in a terrible situation, Rin.” Yoshiro glanced around and moved closer. When he spoke it was in a soft tone for her ears alone. “My people are not going to allow me to just let you leave unprotected knowing that you will just go straight into the hands of demons. The fear demons, and now they believe despite anyone's words otherwise that you are a Tennyo. The believe that you are merely trying to protect them with the claim that you are a mortal girl.”
“Why would they think something like that?” Rin clinched her fists in frustration.
“Because, my dear Rin, you dropped out of the sky on the night of the Tennyo's festival. Rumor is that long ago a Tennyo married a mortal man here in this area. She gifted the man with great knowledge and tended to the sick. People gathered to the couple and that is how this village was formed.”
“What happened to the couple?” Rin blinked.
“They became the rulers of this village and had many children. It is believed that their descendants rule the land to this day.” Yoshiro smiled. Rin's eyes widened in surprise and she looked closely at Yohsiro. “Do I look like the descendant of a Tennyo?”
“You look like a mortal man to me.”
Yoshire sighed and shrugged. “I have always thought so to. But the fact remains that my people believe in this legend very strongly. So when you dropped from the sky…”
Rin cut him off, “They assumed that their history had repeated itself.”
“Pretty much.”
No matter the attack, no matter how much damage the Phoniex always regenerated itself. Sesshomaru was starting to understand the certain kind of immortality granted the fire birds. Although Demons could live for an extended period of time that tettered on the very edge of mortality it was not the same thing at all. Sesshomaru dove out of the way of a new wave of flame and rolled behind the cover of a rock. The blade of Tokijin reflecting his calculating eyes, the grim set of his mouth, and the droplet of sweat that rolled down his face. It could very well be possible that Sesshomaru had finally picked a fight he had no chance of winning.
“Oh come now, Demon of Dogs. You aren't done playing with me yet, are you?” The mocking voice of his foe caused Sesshomaru to gnash his teeth. Hiding wasn't his style. He was used to easily subduing his enemy before they realized that game was even over. This battle had already gone on for far to long. Sesshomaru had no way of kowing exactly how much time had pasted but the burning in his muscles suggested he wouldn't have much more to spare.
A quick roll to the side and a clean throw sent Tokijin right into the chest of the Phoenix. Sesshomaru knew it wasn't going to do any good, but he had to keep looking for the slight dent in the Phoenix's armor.
The Phoenix exploded in flames only to reform once more. “Haven't we tried that before? Come now your tricks are getting old.”
The words were hardly out before Sesshomaru's whip lashed out encircling the Phonenix. It closed in around the fire bird cutting in until once again the geyser of flames shot into the air. This time instead of reforming into human form the fire surround Sesshomaru. The intense heat was burning the oxygen in the air and stealing the breath from Sesshomaru's lungs.
Fiery pillars of inescapable flame lifted the dog demons hair in waves of heat as the white cloth rippled against Sesshomaru's body. Narrowing his eyes Sesshomaru realized that he had tossed away his only hope of escape with Tokijin. Transformation was the last chance he had, but did he dare play his trump card?
Little choice was to be given as rock lifted from the ground turning to molten projectiles that flew at Sesshomaru from every angel. Their stinging force living charred marks on his clothing and skin.
“CEASE!” A familiar voice cried, but to Sesshomaru it was hardly a faint murmur over the sound of crackling flames and hissing rocks. “That is enough!”
The Phoenix pulled back and resumed human form at good distance from the wavering dog demon. “Who dare to command me?”
Sesshomaru looked up to see Anu rushing over to him. She reached out to steady him, but he shrugged it off. Only to crumple to his knees from the force of his labored breath. Had he truly been so long without air?
“I do not seek to command you to do anything, you of the Fire Bird's decent.” Tsubasaka walked between the two combatants. The brilliant blue eyes slits of anger. “Every demon knows the futility of battling an immortal such as yourself.” She glanced at Sesshomaru, and then back to the Phoenix. “What I do demand to know is why you have attack Lord Sesshomaru!”
“The Dog Demon claimed that his father was ruler of this land!” The Phoenix shouted back at Tsubasaka. “The nerve of him claiming something like that is outrageous!”
“Fool.” Tsubasaka spat out.
“What did you say?” The Phoenix shot back, it's flame wings appearing in a threatening gesture.
“You are a fool. You're people do hold rights to this land. This land of the Pyre, where your people come to renew your immortality. Don't look so stunned, Phoenix. I am older then I look.” Tsubasaka spoke softly. “But as you can see none of the Phoenix aside you is here to watch it. The last one in my memory left this land long ago and when he did…” Tsubasaka pointed at Sesshomaru, “He left this demon's father Inu no Taisho to watch over it and care for it as he saw fit.”
There was a long silence before the Phoenix spoke, “I had not been informed of this.”
“I should hope not. The dishonor you have heaped upon your benevolent race is disgusting. To think, a Phoenix attacking innocents, and destroying a forest with out justification, this is a sad day.”
“I don't care what he has done.” Sesshomaru growled coming to his feet. “I will see him destroyed. So stay out of my fight Tsubasaka.”
The Phoenix shook his head. “You will see my destruction, demon. That is why I have come to the lands of the Pyre.”
“Of course we will see his rebirth as well…” Tsubasaka sighed and turned to Sesshomaru, “Lord Sesshomaru, I mean no disrespect but you were not fairing so well. I know I over stepped by interfering but I only meant to help.”
Sesshomaru growled deep in his throat. Tsubasaka insinuated that he would have lost this battle. Rage blinded him for a moment as he stood up intending to resume his battle. Then the world swirled before his eyes and exhaustion from hours of constant fighting took its toll.
Anu cried out and dropped to her knees next to her Lord.
The Phoenix looked down in guilty silence before raising his eyes to Tsubasaka. “Have I truly dishonored my people?”
“You want my answer?” Tsubasaka snapped back. “I'd tell you to burn in hell if it would do a damn bit of good.”
Sorry for the delay in writing. I had a little trip and wasn't able to write.
Next time Sesshomaru gets that news about Rin. Everyone get your stopwatches ready. It's time to play see how fast Jaken can run!