InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Love Awaits ❯ Awaking the Dream ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When Love Awaits
By Forgotten Tennyo
Chapter 6 - Awaking the Dream
Rin moaned as her hand fluttered to her head weakly. She tried to open her eyes but the golden light flooding the room was blinding. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to force herself up, but gentle hands latched on to her shoulders and guided her back down.
“Tennyo, you must not move.” A female voice whispered, and Rin tried opening her eyes again. There leaning over her was one of the loveliest women she had ever seen. The black hair was perfectly lifted high on the woman's head with not a strand out of place. The sheen of the kimono attested that it could be nothing but the highest grade of silk. All this and the soft scent of cherry blossoms left Rin bewildered.”
“Who…” Rin couldn't get anything more out because of the pain in her body.
“I am Princess Amaya, and you are safe in the palace of Yoshiro.” The woman sat back and looked over at Rin's face. “My dear brother, Lord Yoshiro, has ordered you under heavy guard so that you do not need fear the demons. He has promised your protection and he is a good man of his word.”
“Demons?” Rin sat up swiftly, and instantly regretted it.
Amaya gasped and put out her hand to steady Rin. “Tennyo, you are severely bruised and only by the grace of your heavenly magic were you saved. You must not try to move like that again. You may injure yourself further, and I will not allow that.”
“Are they alright?” Rin said as soon as the pain abated enough for her to think. “I must know.”
“Is who alright? No one was harmed aside you, my lady.” Amaya blinked. Such display of strength in a woman was foreign to her. Amaya and her mother always took great care to appear soft and demure, as did all the ladies in her service. The will of the angels must be very powerful indeed.
“Jaken and Ah-Un.” Rin looked imploringly at Amaya. “The demons that were with me. Were they hurt in the fall?”
Amaya moved her hand from the girl's shoulder and calmly came to her feet. “They are still alive despite our best efforts. I implore you not to worry about them any more. Lord Yoshiro has sent for demon slayers and called his best men in to defend the palace. No demon can reach you here. You are safe.”
“Safe? These men are going to fight with any demon who comes to get me?” Rin felt ill at the thought. She reached out and grabbed the robes of the princess. “Please!! No. Tell your brother that his men must stand down! If Lord Sesshomaru arrives to reclaim me all the people will be killed!”
“Lord Sesshomaru?” Amaya placed her hands before her. “It does not matter who this Lord Sesshomaru of yours is. Let him come and my brother will deal with him for you.
Rin could clearly see the princess had no idea what she was talking about and sigh. “My name is Rin, Princess Amaya, and I am not a tennyo. I am nothing more then a mortal girl.”
“I see that you are desperate to protect us by saying such things.” Amaya turned and headed to the door. “ I will tell my brother all you have told me and let him decide. He is a wise ruler and very kind. Just rest here and I will have my servants prepare you something to eat. Do not worry, Yoshiro will take care of everything.”
“Thank you.” Rin watched the door slide shut and lowered herself back on to the mat. Looking to left she saw a white folded cloth lying near her things. A flash of darkness and the feel of the material around her body replayed in her mind. The air coursing around her and then… Rin moaned again. She really should learn to stay away from high places. It only made sense that once day Lord Sesshomaru would not be there to catch her. Rin closed her eyes and wondered what he was doing right then, and more importantly how long would she wait until he appeared to reclaim her.
The valley was not how Sesshomaru remembered it. This forest spread before him was shriveled from heat and flame. The trees ranged from burned to charred, while the river that used to flow clean was mudded with ash. It almost hurt to look at it the depth of ruin was so vast. Why any creature would want to cause such destruction was beyond his understanding.
“It's terrible isn't it?” They lynx demon that Sesshomaru had come to know as Anu sighed from behind him. The large green eyes rimmed with tears. “But now that you are here, Lord Sesshomaru, I am sure that the Phoenix wont stand a chance of causing further harm.”
Sesshomaru didn't bother to respond. He was picking up something the others probably had not. The scent of incense and spice tossed on the breeze. A slight smile graced his lips. If Jaken were there Sesshomaru was sure he would tremble with fright. He turned to look at the demons that had amassed around him. All of them had called this land home and not one of them had the look of a promising fighter. Anu lead them well, but Sesshomaru was sure that she had no training in the art of combat. To take them with him was to assure them a quick and grisly death. The decision made he walked past the huddled group and headed toward the scent of smoldering sandalwood.
“Lord Sesshomaru!” Anu rushed after him. “Do you not want to wait for the Phoenix to show it's self? Surely you would have an advantage since it would not know of your arrival.”
“Anu, stay here with your people.” That was all Sesshomaru offered them as he trailed down inot the valley of ruin.
He walked through the charred landscape until he came to the side of a mountain. The scent was strongest here. Looking up he narrowed his eyes.
The brilliant red feathers were like flames as the bird descended to the cliff above him and transformed in a burst of flame. Then standing before him was the Phoenix in human form. The Phoenix tossed back it head and glared down at the White Dog demon below. “Who are you, and why have you dared to come here?”
“I am Sesshomaru, my father ruled this area during his life. Tell me,” Sesshomaru growled, as his golden eyes locked on to his enemy. “Why have you have burned this valley?”
“You say your father ruled these lands?” The Phoenix scoffed. The sound was full of disbelief. “Impossible. This is a holy place and gifted to those of Phoenix decent by the sun it's self at the beginning of time. There is no way a demon such as yourself could lay claim to it.”
“If that is so, where have your people gone?”
“I am not about to divulge such information to you.” A hand waved Sesshomaru away. “Be gone, or I will be forced to kill you.”
Sesshomaru didn't hesitate in his actions once the gauntlet of battle had been thrown. One mighty leap brought him before the Phoenix, and the tip of Tokijin poised at it's throat. “I will tell you this only one time.” The golden eyes narrowed with malice. “Leave my father's lands.”
“Or you will do what? Kill me?” The Phoenix moved like an explosion. Daggers of fire descended on Sesshomaru, which were not easily dodged. The heat sheared his robes in slits of steam. “You may have some skill if you evaded that atteack, but you can't kill me. The Phoenix is immortal.”
“Then I will put that statement to the test.” Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed and he felt the blood coursing through him. Yes this was going to be a great battle.
The Phoenix tossed fire once again, but Sesshomaru was more then ready this time. He lunged to the side and charged his attacker. Toijin arched wide and come in skimming the feathers of its prey.
The Phoniex's eyes widened in shock as he dropped back from the blade. Landing with a sure foot the Phoenix arched an eyebrow at Sesshomaru. “That was close.”
“And this is even closer.” Sesshomaru twisted behind his adversary and in one swift move thrust Tokijin through the Phoenix.
The Phoenix fell from the sky and crashed into the rocks below as Sesshomaru landed carefully on a ledge above it. Sheathing Tokijin he frowned. “Disappointing.”
As if to mock him flames rose from the fallen Phoenix in the air before Sesshomaru and took human form again. “This is not disappointing. In fact it has been a long time since I have had such a sparring partner.”
Sesshomaru glared in silence.
“As I told you before. My kind is immortal. Now fight me like your life depends on it.”
The Phoenix did not have to say those words. Sesshomaru already planned on it.
To Be Continued