InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Love Strikes an Enemy ❯ Aftermath ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: No I do not own Inu Yasha and No I do not receive money from my writing. I am merely doing this for entertainment of others. As well I do not own Ranma. Rumiko Takahashi is the owner and is acknowledged as such. Title was created by my sister-in-law Michelle Lahah.

Pairings: Sess/Kag

A/N: As I said before I haven't written in a long time, so I am not expecting this story to be great. I do however expect to learn from my mistakes. So that I am able to write my next story and make it better. Thank you to those who said they liked it. :) On with the story!

Chapter One


A warm breeze floats through the field that now holds five weary Youkai, one agitated Hanyou, and three relieved Ningen. The mixture of emotions slithering around the group that has just defeated Naraku. A small purple light emitting it's soft glow against the face of it's holder. All time stops around the group as the light explodes past them and through them until it turns a bright white and then fades back to tiny purple. The holder looks up at everyone. "The Jewel is purified and now InuYasha, you may make your wish."


Kagome looks around the camp at her companions. The warm grass beneath her sleeping bag and the enchanting orange light enveloping the group made her senses feel just too calm. A tense feeling exploded inside of her and all her power surged forth, something bad was coming and her powers were awakening. Sango was the first to notice the translucent pink emanating from her friend. With worry written all over her face she went over to Kagome to find out what was wrong. "Kagome-chan what's happening to you?"

With that said all attention found it's way to the strange translucent light surrounding Kagome and expanding over them. "I .. I don't know Sango-chan. This has never happened to me before, but I can feel that something is coming."

"It seems to me maybe Kagome-sama is erecting a barrier to protect us all." Miroku stared at the light as if the knowledge had been just that natural to him. No worry written on his face, just a look of knowing. The light continued to expand until a perfect dome was surrounding the group. InuYasha and Shippou stared wide eyed at Kagome. Everyone with the uneasy feeling of disbelief plaguing their senses just waited and wondered what was coming. Kirara sat upon Sango's lap waiting to transform at the first sign of trouble. Shippou in turn held a death grip to Miroku's robe. Just as it seemed things couldn't get any quieter a loud thudding could be heard. A rather large object was coming at them at a very intense speed. In the blink of an eye they watched as an Oni ran straight into the barrier and was thrown clear over the tree line and out of sight.

"What the hell was that?!" InuYasha jerked from his speechless state fumed at the attacker. Outstretched his claws as he waited ready to make his counter attack. One hand still on the hilt of the waiting Tetsusaiga, ready to transform if it was needed. His ears twitched and he moved into action as the Oni came back for his second attempt. He extended his claws and moved his arm up to strike and just as his muscles twitched into the swipe InuYasha hit the pink barrier and flew backwards.

"Kagome-sama your barrier wont let anyone pass." Miroku turned around in time to see Kagome almost in a state of panic.

"InuYasha! Are you okay?" Her eyes began to turn glassy as her tears were ready to fall. InuYasha was merely laying on the ground unmoving. Slowly his chest started to move up and down and his eyes fluttered open.

"What the hell! Wench why couldn't I go through!" He wreathed with anger as the pain was rolling over him in sickening waves. None of them understood what was going on but they all knew why the Oni was fervently attacking the barrier. Even though they killed Naraku, many other Youkai have been coming after them for the Shikon no Tama.

"I can't hold the barrier anymore, I can feel all my energy leaving me!" Kagome stood and faced her friends. Her tears spilled as her legs gave way under her and she fell unconscious to the ground. The barrier dissipated and the Oni came charging forward. Sango moved into action on pure reflex alone and threw her faithful weapon. It connected painfully with the Oni's face as he fell off balance and landed on the ground. He stood as if nothing had hit him and advanced again. InuYasha pulled out the Tetsusaiga and used the Kaze no Kizu and waited for the dust to clear. The Oni came back into view and a triumphant smirk crossed InuYasha's lips.

"That was easy." A very arrogant and proud Hanyou stalked up to the Oni. He barely heard the Monk whisper about it being too easy when at the same time the Oni's eye opened. The next thing he knew he was in the Oni's mouth. He felt a tooth drive straight through his side as a few more poked into his skin threatening to go through him as well. By this time Sango had retrieved her weapon and she lined up her shot and fired it straight at him. The Oni was knocked off balance once more and as he fell to the ground InuYasha flew from his mouth and landed with a hard thud to the ground. His blood stained body sounding off a sickening crack. Sango in position fired her weapon one more time and this time her hit was fatal. The Oni collapsed to the ground and all life left his decaying body.

Sango ran to Kagome's side attempting to wake her. Miroku kneeled by InuYasha's still form. Kagome woke to the continuous shaking and as her vision cleared she could see a frightened Sango griping her arms. "What... What happened?"

"Oh Kagome-chan! You're okay!" Tears slid down Sango's face. "I thought you were dead." She hugged Kagome close and then was jerked back to reality when she heard an ear splitting howl. Her and Kagome turned their full attention to the destination of such a horrible sound. InuYasha lay next to Miroku, Shippou and Kirara, body shaking and tears falling from his face. Kagome ran to InuYasha. Everything seemed to move in slow motion as she kneeled next to InuYasha trying to ready herself to heal him. Her heart felt like it was going to explode inside of her chest. Her nerves all waiting on edge and when she made to concentrate her power nothing happened. She stared at her hands in disbelief, she couldn't save InuYasha. Tears erupted from her eyes as she clung to him.

"NO! InuYasha! Don't leave me. Please don't. I.. I ... I love you!" Her voice was the only noise that could be heard as everyone stared in horror while InuYasha's eyes slowly closed and his body went still.


Kagome woke to the light pattering of rain on the roof of the hut. It had been a month since InuYasha's death and she still had the nightmares. Almost every night she re-lived the incident. It still hurt that she couldn't save him. Miroku and Sango had been telling her that it wasn't her fault he died. She thought about the battle with Naraku. It soothed her to remember what InuYasha had said to her after they had finally defeated Naraku.


"Kagome, I want you to keep the Jewel. You are it's guardian. I no longer need my wish. You have showed me that it doesn't matter if I'm not all human or all Youkai, that being me is all I need to be." InuYasha hugged her lightly and then rose to his feet. The relief was evident on his face now that their battle was over.

~--End Flashback--~

Feeling a little better Kagome stood and decided to go outside. The rain had stopped and she wanted to get some fresh air. She walked out of the hut and looked up at the sky. The stars were bright and it caught her attention immediately. She was so lost in awe that she didn't sense someone behind her. A twig snapped and she spun around to see who was behind her. Sesshoumaru stood before her. A rather bored expression graced his face. He looked in her direction now that she was facing him.

"Sesshoumaru! What.. uh .. what do you want?"

"What makes you think I want something wench."

"Well, I .. well, then what are you doing here?" She didn't feel threatened by his presence but she hadn't been expecting anyone to be there either.

"None of your business human!" With that he took to the sky leaving a very perplexed Kagome behind. Her mind was bombarded with questions, but she turned around and decided to go back into the hut. She snuggled up with Shippou and realized just how tired she was. After all, she could always worry about what Sesshoumaru wanted tomorrow. Kagome drifted to sleep and hugged Shippou closer.

~ Well, here's the first chapter. I'm not sure if the formating will work or not, it didn't on the prologue. Also, I am not sure if I spelled Tetsusaiga right. I don't have a clue how to spell out that thing Sango carries around either. I know how to say it, but not a single clue how to spell it, so if someone could tell me that would be great! If this was too short for you as well I am sorry. I plan to make the next chapter longer.