InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Love Strikes an Enemy ❯ Answers ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: No I do not own Inu Yasha and No I do not receive money from my writing. I am merely doing this for entertainment of others. As well I do not own Ranma. Rumiko Takahashi is the owner and is acknowledged as such. I also do not own Dragon Ball Z. Title was created by my sister-in-law Michelle Lahah.

Pairings: Sess/Kag

A/N: Well, I didn't receive as many reviews for Chapter One as I did the Prologue. I'm not going to base my updating on how many reviews I get though. To be honest I can't promise updates in an even pattern. I'll update every time I have the next chapter ready. Not much else to say, but I want to remind everyone, if you see any errors, tell me! Special Note: I had not intended to, but I am using a character name from the series Dragon Ball Z. I am only using the name and not the character qualities.

Chapter Two



"Sesshoumaru! What.. uh .. what do you want?"

"What makes you think I want something wench."

"Well, I .. well, then what are you doing here?" She didn't feel threatened by his presence but she hadn't been expecting anyone to be there either.

"None of your business human!" With that he took to the sky leaving a very perplexed Kagome behind. Her mind was bombarded with questions, but she turned around and decided to go back into the hut. She snuggled up with Shippou and realized just how tired she was. After all, she could always worry about what Sesshoumaru wanted tomorrow. Kagome drifted to sleep and hugged Shippou closer.


A warm gust of wind blew through Sesshoumaru's study. 'The mornings aren't proving to be as cool as they usually are at this time of year.' He looked around the surface of his desk. 'I wonder why I have been receiving so many messages?' He saw one in particular that caught his eye. Picking up the message and opening it, he read the words:

I, Vegetto, Lord of the Northern Lands,

Declare War with

You, Sesshoumaru, Lord of the Western Lands.

'I wonder why he would want to do that. We've never had any problems.' He stood then and walked to the door of his study. "Jaken."

"Hai Sesshoumaru-sama?"

"Send a message to Vegetto, the Lord of the Northern Lands, immediately. Ask him what his reason to declare war is."

"Hai, of course Sesshoumaru-sama."

Sesshoumaru walked back to his desk as Jaken scurried away to do his masters deed. Something that had been plaguing his mind immediately came back to him. 'I wonder why my worthless Hanyou brother wasn't with his wench last night. I could not smell him anywhere. Why was she able to come up next to me without me even noticing?' He sat there in deep thought. He didn't even notice as his servant, Akame, came into the room.

"Sesshoumaru-sama?" Her voice was shaky and filled with concern.


"Would you like to have dinner brought to you tonight or would you like to eat in the dining hall?" Her throat felt dry and her nerves tugged at her skin as she felt on overwhelming urge to shudder.

"Here." Akame bowed and then left the room. She couldn't understand what had made her feel that way around him. Better yet, she didn't want to understand or even think about it. Akame shook the thoughts out of her head and continued to her work.

'My servant was able to enter the room without my noticing as well. My senses could not be dulling, surely not. Then what is wrong with me?' He felt as if he was not himself at that moment. Not the same person he remembered for so long. Quickly kicking that feeling off he thought to himself, 'It's all because of my brother and his wench. Or is it just the wench?'


The crackle of a fire outside the hut signaled that breakfast was now being made. Kagome decided to wake now and take a bath before breakfast was ready. She moved out of her sleeping bag and grabbed for her bathing sack. The sun caused her to quickly cover her eyes as she stepped out of the hut. Yet another warm day was ahead of her. "Sango-chan?" As Kagome looked towards the fire she noticed that no one was around. 'This is very strange.'

"Sango-chan?" She called again even louder.

"Hai! Kagome-chan we were justing getting more wood for the fire." Sango smiled brightly at Kagome. She was always trying to stay as positive as possible around Kagome. Trying to help her feel her usual self again.

"Would you like to go with me to the hot spring, Sango-chan?"


"Shippou-chan, please make sure Miroku-sama stays here at the hut." Kagome smiled down at the kitsune.

"Sure Kagome-chan!" Big bright smiling eyes starred up at her. Shippou looked at Kagome as if she were his mother. Thinking to himself, 'I'd do anything for you Kagome, if you'd be my mom'

"Kagome-sama, you think so low of me as to think I would do something so perverted?" Miroku put on one of his most innocent looking faces. At least he tried.

"Baka, you know you would look if you thought you could get away with it!" Sango practically screamed at the Houshi.

"Come on Sango-chan, I want to get back before breakfast is ready." Kagome's heart warmed a little as she looked at Miroku and Sango. She knew that they were in love, but of course neither would admit it. 'I hope that someday I can find love again myself.'

Sango went into the hut to get her bathing supplies. Her and Kagome continued to the hot spring. They looked around to make sure no one was there before they slipped into the water. "Even on a warm day, a hot spring is still wonderful to relax in."

"Hai, I agree Sango-chan." The day felt as though it were going by ever so slowly. She still wondered why Sesshoumaru had shown up and even so wondered if she should tell Sango. "Sango-chan? I uh, need to tell you something."


"Sesshoumaru was here last night. He barely said anything to me and then he left. I don't know why he was here, but we should probably keep our guard up today."

"Hai. I wonder what he wanted. Do you think that he doesn't know InuYasha has passed?"

"I never thought about it. How would he know." She was lost in thought at that. When InuYasha died they went back to Kaede's village and they held, what they had all hoped was, a proper burial. So, now that she thought about it, there wasn't anyone there who would have been likely to go and tell Sesshoumaru. "No, I don't think he knows. Maybe we should go there and tell him. He deserves to know that his own brother has passed."

"Hai. I agree. Let's go back now and talk this over with Miroku." With that Sango and Kagome finished bathing and went back to the hut.


Colors, a full myriad of which, are being created by the sun. 'Right before this Sesshoumaru's eyes nature has decided to show me it's art. That of which none can compare.' He moved from the window to sit back down at his desk. He heard a noise in the hallway and looked up. Jaken then came in through the door.

"Sesshoumaru-sama, I have sent the message. Also sir, I have heard rumors about InuYasha that I think would interest you."



"Rumors? You think this Sesshoumaru wants to hear rumors?"

" I, uh, I .. Sess.. Sess.. hou.. maru-sama please don't be angry with this lowly Jaken!" He bowed low and coward in front of his master. Fear clung to him and the scent reached Sesshoumaru's nose. A disgusted look graced his face for only a second as his usual stoic mask replaced it. "It's just that if they're true then they'd be of importance to you." He looked up to see his masters golden eyes staring at him and with all the power that was held in the gaze, he shuddered and coward lower.

"Jaken. leave."

"Hai!" He turned and left through the door. Thankful that Sesshoumaru had spared his life again.


The path felt hard against tired feet. The dirt was so dry that if the wind hit it just right, it would get carried away. Warm dusty breezes came through the path to meet the parched travelers. The setting sun putting in it's last glances to the world. Painting the sky as it did. A small clearing came into vision.

"How about we make camp here. I don't think we should pass up this spot." Miroku looked at his lady companions. Both of which had turned to face him.

"Hai. Houshi-sama. You and Shippou-chan get the fire wood and Kagome-chan and I will set up the sleeping bags." Sango and Kagome took all the camping supplies and began to set them up as Miroku and Shippou went to get enough wood to last through the night.

Kagome looked at her friends as they lay sleeping peacefully in front of her. Their even breathing mixing with the sound of the light breeze blowing through the clearing. She felt an odd presence tugging at her senses. She knew someone was nearby, but couldn't tell who. All she could feel was that there was no threat in the visitor. Perplexed by this, she decided to go find out who it was. Kagome stood and carefully walked past her friends. Trying not to wake anyone she focused on her senses and reached out to find her way to the visitor.

~Thanks to those who reviewed by the way. :) I have to say this chapter didn't come to me easily, so I don't know if I'm happy with it. I'll wait to see your responses before I decide if I need to revise this chapter. Thanks again to those who reviewed!

Oh yes and by the way, to those who are reading on, they wont accept my formating, but if you want to read my story on, they do accept my format. The story reads better in original format.