InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Love Strikes an Enemy ❯ Author Notes ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: I'm glad that some of you like my story. And trust me, everything that brings questions to mind will be answered in the story eventually. I have the full story written in my head, I'm just having a hard time deciding in what order to put everything out in. As the description says it takes a long time for Sesshoumaru and Kagome to actually realize they have feelings for each other. Plus, I am trying not to have the typical Sess/Kag story lines. If I'm being too typical will someone warn me?? Also as I said before, I want to keep everyone as in character as possible. So if I stray from that, please tell me!

A/N2: Oh and I probably will include a dictionary of Japanese words I use at the end of the chapters from now on. And if anyone wondered where Myoga is, he isn't in this story. Basically because InuYasha died and he was InuYasha's servant. Therefor he no longer has a master and is free to do what he pleases. If I miss out on anyone else let me know. Rin will be in the story eventually, so no I didn't forget her. Ah and Un (is that right?) might even make an appearance.

A/N3: If anyone wants to be put on an update list, go right ahead and put your email in your review and i'll add ya. I made a pic to go along with the story.. if anyone is interested in seeing it let me know.

Review Responses:



Sesshoumaru_lover1~~ Of course I'm going to continue the story. And you'll see why Sesshoumaru went to Kagome ... be patient :)

Nuala ~~ Thank you for helping me with the spelling of Tetsusaiga... that is the spelling I see the most, so I'll go with it.

Nankinmai ~~ Thanks a bunches for telling me how to spell Sango's weapon, Hiraikotsu!

Joyleaf ~~ Thank you so much for reviewing .. and I'll keep the story going don't you worry. :)

XP-DarkAngel ~~ Yes of course it will be Sesshoumaru. And the update will be soon, no worries!


Majin Vegetto ~~ Aww thank you honey.. love ya!

unknown critic ~~ never said i expected ya to know if my story was good from the prologue

Lady Kaiba ~~ I know, I want to write longer chapters, but it seems like when I'm done with a chapter I look at how long it is.. and they're always short :( I'll try though

Starkitty ~~ Thanks for the Review!

Jammincat9 ~~ Glad to hear you like the story. updates will be made as soon as possible, i promise

orenjipanda ~~ you'll see how they get together soon enough :)

thracia1313 ~~ I'm glad that your hooked since this is my first fan fic, i'm excited to see people like it

TigerPrincess ~~ aww don't worry, i'll update at least once a week, probably a lot more than that though

Rini13 ~~ i'm happy you enjoyed my story.. hope you like the rest of it too!

Sailor Panda ~~ thanks for the advice, i hope i can fix the problem, it's how i write naturally, so it'll take awhile to get adjusted

MarsMoonStar ~~ thanks for the review

XP-DarkAngel ~~ yep, I'm rusty. well in my opinion I am

caley ~~ glad you like it, and yes i'll continue

laura ~~ i love sess/kag fics too! i just had to write one of my own, so here it is!

Majin Vegetto ~~ aww honey, thanks for another review

munchkin ~~ no problem... and if anyone else wants to be on an update list let me know

Me.. ~~ thanks for the review and the correct spellings

caley ~~ i'll definitely write more.. :)

Netgal ~~ i'm so glad you like it

Majin Vegetto ~~ you love me don't you? :)

Rini13 ~~ sorry if i'm confusing you, this story is meant to be confusing at first but in the end it wont be anymore

Nenriel ~~ well, it'll take him maybe another chapter to find out InuYasha is dead

Arella ~~ my update will be on it's way in the next few days, hope you enjoy it!