InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ when my heart can't choose ❯ painful memories ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

When my Heart can't choose

By: I am loved by friends


My first fanficy, yah! This is the first one I will actually work on, so I will try to post a chapter at least every other day, K! And the rating may go up.

Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko, lucky bastard.


I watched the sun out my window as it was setting in the sky. I admire the way every day it can look so beautiful with it's colors' of blue, pink, and orange. The way it can lift my spirit when I am mad, sad, or scared. The way it can cheer me up after I have a fight with him. Inuyasha. It's just too bad it won't work today. Nothing can save me from this depressing pain in my heart. I can't change the past, and even if I could it won't take away the pain of those memories I have in my mind.


Kagome was searching for inuyasha in the forest. He disappeared strangely a few hours ago and no ones heard from him since. The moon didn't shine brightly like usually, so it was dark. Kagome herd a snap and started running. But she slowed down when she saw an opening. She took on look in the opening and hid behind a tree. Inuyasha was in the clearing with kikyou. Kikyou! This wasn't good. She wanted to turn back and run. Run to the well and never return, but she couldn't move, it was like her feet were glued to the ground. All she could do was watch and hope it will end without her in tears. But she knew that would never happen, because she was already in tears. To make it worse, they just kissed. Kagome tried to move her feet so inuyasha won't hurt her heart more. Finally! Her feet moved! She ran as quietly as possible to the well and jumped in.

*End flashback*

I don't know why but I just can't forget about him and move on with my life. It could be because I know I have a duty in the feudal era, or it could be the fact I love him. Inuyasha should realize im gone and come for me. Sleepiness got to her at that moment. Before she knew it she was fast asleep.

Iv decided to not add another chapter until I get 5 reviews k. the longer it takes you to review, the longer I'll have you waiting!!!