InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When one door closes... ❯ The Kitsune's Discovery ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

*Disclaimer* I do not own Inuyasha!, Inuyasha & co. belong to the illustrious Rumiko Takahashi and I am just borrowing them for your reading enjoyment.
Chapter 2
The Kitsune's Discovery
Kaede was pulled out of her memories when she felt something pulling on her sleeve, looking down she saw big green eyes looking up at her.
“Kaede?” Shippo yawned out. “Can I go play outside?”
“Aye little one, go play, just make sure to stay close to the village.” She said. “Just make sure to come back to the hut shortly for your breakfast.”
“THANKS!” He squealed happily. “I'll be back in a little while.” He called out as he ran out of the hut in nothing more than an orange blur.
`hmm'…'well at least he seems some what happy when he is awake; mayhap he doesn't feel as lost with out his mother as I thought he did.' The old miko thought.
Shippo ran out of the hut so quickly he knew that if any one saw him it would just look like a blur.
`I'll go see if any of the other children in the village are awake yet, hopefully someone is up this early, its no fun to play by myself.' He thought. Though sadly after checking throughout the village he found that he was the only one awake.
“Man…now what should I do?” The little kitsune mumbled to himself. `Maybe I'll just go sit by the well for a little while and color something pretty for momma.' It was the only place he still felt close to her. He always missed her but knew that he had to act grown up and not let anyone see how he felt.
As he walked back into Kaede's hut, he looked up to see her staring at him.
“Why are ye back so soon Shippo?” She asked
“No one else is awake yet.” He said. “So I thought I would come get my colors and paper, and um go sit by the well and make a picture for momma.” He mumbled as bit quieter, as he walked over to his colors and paper. `I only have three colors left and two pieces of the paper momma gave me' he thought sadly. Then he looked up two the dusty brown wrapped package in the corner. `That's the package that momma brought back for me the day she died.' He thought as a single tear rolled down his cheek. Hurriedly wiping it away, he turned and scooped up the colors and one piece of the paper and walked out of the hut.
“Just be careful Shippo!” yelled Kaede as he walked out of the hut. `Poor boy, every time he looks at that package I can see his heart break a little more.' She thought as she looked at it. `Maybe I should try to talk him into opening it again sometime. It might help him to move on.' Shaking her head sadly, she turned back to the stew she was cooking for their breakfast.
Crayons and paper clutched in his hand he set off towards the well. `I wonder if momma can still see me sometimes.' He wondered to himself. “I miss you momma” he whispered.
As he started to approach the meadow where the well was located he felt a shiver run though his body from the back of his neck all the way to the tip of his tail. He started to look around somewhat nervous, `it feels like…something is near by, but I don't know exactly what.' He thought. Shrugging his little shoulders he continued to destination, as he drew closer he could feel a strange aura and could smell traces of blood. `What is that???' he wondered. `I think its coming from momma's meadow.'
As he cautiously walked though the tree line out into the meadow he looked around and at first didn't see anything. But as he walked closer to the well, what he saw startled him and made him curious. In front out in the open leaning with her back against the well was a very pretty woman. `That's strange, why anyone would just set out in the open like that, it could be dangerous, especially for a human.' He thought as he drew closer to the woman to get a better look at her. It was then when he noticed. `There's some kind of barrier around her and she smells of…blood.'
He looked at her for a moment trying to see where she was injured. As he looked her over noticing how pretty she was, her skin was like porcelain; her hair was dark black like his mothers had been except hers had a slightly red tint to it. As he continued to look her over he noticed blood seeping out of both of her shoulders and a few places along her sides and chest. She also had what looked like a couple of large deep cuts on her right leg and the blood from that wound was forming in a pool underneath her. Her kimono was shredded; it looked to have been white with a black obi before she was injured though now it was stained red from the blood. It still covered a good deal of her body but the silk had been torn off below her injured leg and there was also a few sections ripped away on her left shoulder and left side. Next to her in the grass were two blood stained katana's and both were still gripped in her hands.
Knowing there was a barrier around her, Shippo knew that he probably wouldn't be able to get much closer to her, but he wanted to make sure she was still alive. So walking closer towards her he reached out a hand and felt himself slowly pass right though the barrier. `Wow…it must have been a pretty weak one for me to just walk right though it' he thought. As he reached up he touched her arm lightly and shook it a little. He could tell that she was still alive he could still hear her heart beating, weakly, but it was there. After shaking her arm he still got no response from her so he decided it would be best to go and get Kaede to help him.
“Please don't die, I'm going to go and get help, I'll be right back.” He whispered into the woman's ear before turning and running as quickly as possible back to the village. His precious crayons and paper forgotten on the ground next to the injured woman, because his only thoughts were to get help for the woman.
When Shippo raced back into the hut, He saw Kaede just finishing up their breakfast.
“Well you're back just in time Shippo, breakfast….” She started to say just as the ever energetic kitsune jumped into her lap and interrupted her.
“KAEDE! I need your help, there is a lady that is hurt really badly up by the well and I can get her to wake up. PLEASE KAEDE. HELP!!!” He cried out to her.
Picking up the scared little boy she started to walk quickly towards the well. As she started to approach the well, she felt a very strong aura start to surround her thoughts; it almost felt like a strong youkai, almost comparable to Lord Sesshomaru though it did feel slightly weakened. “Shippo, the woman at the well was she youkai?” She asked quietly.
“No, at least I don't think she was, she looked human, I couldn't really smell her though, I could only smell blood and poison. But her blood smelled like a human, but it was different somehow.”
“Well I think we should be cautious around her, I feel a strong aura, and it feels that of a youkai.” She stated.
“OH…and she had a barrier around herself, but it must have been really weak because I could walk right though it.”
As they approached the woman, Kaede could feel the power coming off of the barrier, `this is no weak barrier, if anything it's almost as strong as some of the ones that Naraku put up to protect himself.' She thought to herself.
Shippo jumped from the old miko's shoulder as the came closer to the injured woman, and ran straight up to her and right though the barrier.
`How is it possible that the kitsune could walk though it?' She asked herself in amazement. He is not a strong demon by any means though he went though it as if it was nothing more than a sheet of paper.
Shippo reached out and started to shake the woman's arm again, and once again he got no response. Looking up to Kaede he wondered, `why isn't she coming to help.'
“Come on, she needs help!” He yelled to her.
“I can't come though the barrier, it's too strong.” She replied. Though I don't know why I cannot go though, though the young child can.
When Shippo looked back to the woman, he decided to try touching her face and see if that would wake her up. Just as he was about to touch the skin on her cheek, the woman's eyes shot open. In surprise he jumped away from her, her eyes were a startling shade of pale lavender. “…are you ok?” he stuttered out in no more than a whisper.
Sitting there she let her eyes come back into focus. `Where am I' she wondered. Then the memories of the battle with the demon came back to her, as well as the events that led up to her sitting against this well. She looked up and saw a young kitsune standing next to her and also saw behind him was what appeared to be a human miko. Her eyes widened in surprise, one: how did that little kitsune get though my barrier and two: what is that human doing here and what does she intend to do to me.
Looking back to the kit to answer his question and ask a few of her own, “I shall be fine little one.” she stated firmly. “How did you get though my barrier?” She fairly growled out in frustration that she couldn't even hold out this small weak kit.
At her growl the young kit jumped back. Looking back to the miko while she waited on the kit to answer guessing that the miko was looking to get rid of the small kitsune, she fairly ground out “Leave the kit alone miko! Come any closer and I'll have no remorse in killing you.” After she stated this she could hardly believe herself, why do I feel the need to protect this kit, he isn't mine. It was then that the small child spoke up.
Taking up a defiant stance he stood between the two women, looking at the injured woman. “You can't hurt Kaede; she is only here because I asked her to come and help you!” He cried out. “Please let us help, I don't want you to die.” He whispered out so quietly that only the injured woman could hear as another tear ran down his face.
Hearing that the woman on the ground could barely comprehend what was happening. `A miko helping a youkai? I wonder why she would do that they were sworn enemies after all.' Wondering if she should accept the help being offered, she decided that it would probably be best if she did, she knew that she had lost a lot of blood, and in need of somewhere safer to rest from her injures.
Smiling up at the little kit “I wont hurt her little one as long as she isn't a threat to me, please don't cry, and I'm not planning on dieing any time soon, though I suppose some help would be appreciated.” She said as she started to stand, after standing she winced in pain, while she sheathed her swords. The wound on her back was starting to bleed again because of her movement; it had opened her wound again.
After her swords were sheathed, she dropped her barrier and turned to the little kit. “Know, how did you get though my barrier?” She questioned.
“I'm not sure, when I saw you sitting there bleeding I just walked up to you to see if you were ok. I guess it just let me through.” The kit answered.
“Well, I guess that will have to do for now. Now do you think you or your friend could help me with these wounds?” She asked the kitsune while looking at the old miko who was now approaching.
“YEAH! You can come back to Kaede's hut and we'll take care of you.” Said the little kit smiling up at her.
“Alright little one, but first I need to know the name of my little savior.” She said while ruffling up the hair on the top of his head.
He blushed slightly before answering her. “My name is Shippo, and that is Kaede, she's taken care of me ever since my momma died.”
“Well Shippo, how about we go to that hut now, as long as that is ok with you miko?” She asked while looking at the old woman.
“It is fine with me child, though when we get there I would like to ask you a few questions of my own while I tend to your wounds.” Answered Kaede.
“Due to circumstances I suppose that is acceptable.” The woman replied
At which they turned and headed back to the village. On the way there the little kitsune reached up and held the younger woman's and smiled up at her almost like he knew her. `That is a smile that I have seen since Kagome what alive, maybe this woman will be able to help him to heal.' Thought the old miko.
Once they reached the hut, Shippo ran over to the corner and lifted his momma's old sleeping bag. `I think that momma would want this pretty lady to use it.' He thought. Then ran back over to where the lady was now standing in the hut, and laid it out between their blankets. “Here sit on this, it's really comfy.” He said while smiling up at her.
Kaede's eyes widened when she saw him walking over to them with Kagome's old sleeping bag and they widened even further when she heard him tell her to use it. `Shippo hasn't even used it since she died, there must be something about this woman that he feels connected to.' She thought.
Kaede went ahead and sat down on her own blanket as did Shippo, who then looked up at the lady as she slowly seated herself on the sleeping bag that the kit had laid out for her. The silence was almost deafening, until the old miko spoke up.
“So tell me, why is it that you appear to be completely human, but it is obvious that you are a full blooded youkai?” She asked as she started to bandage the woman's injures.
After the words were out of her mouth both Shippo's and the stranger's heads popped up to look at her. “How could you tell old woman??! My ability to appear human is perfect, not even other youkai can detect what I am, until I drop the concealment spell!”
“Well as you already know I'm a miko, I don't depend upon scent, or vision to tell what or who someone is. I'm sure that your concealment doesn't work against all stronger and upper level youkai either and for the same reason. My dear I can feel the power roll of your body though you do seem to have control over how much is show to some point, but due to your injuries I'm sure your not only physically weakened but your also having trouble concealing your true self as well.”
“Its true that some stronger demons can tell I'm not what I appear but they don't know what exactly I am until it is either too late and they are lying at my feel in a pool of their own blood, or until I reveal myself to them. How is it that you knew exactly what I was?” She asked calmer this time.
“I guessed. I happen to know another very strong youkai and your aura felt somewhat similar to his though weakened which I'm sure has something to do with your concealment spell.” She stated. “Now, on to my next question” She said as she tied the bandage around the girl's leg. “What is your name child? You know ours I think it's only fair that we have something we can call you.”
“My name is Kyoko” She told them while smiling down at the little kit at her side.
Shippo who had been quite until now decided to speak up and ask a few questions of his own. “That's a pretty name Kyoko.” He said while flashing a big smile that showed off his little fangs. “So how did you get hurt? What are you doing around here? Will you show us what you really look like? Do you want me to draw you a picture?” He asked while still grinning up at her.
“Well I got hurt because I got into a fight with a panther youkai, I'm not entirely sure exactly where I am so I the only reason I'm here is because of you little one, I might show you what I look like sometime soon as long as I don't sense any other youkai or people who may seem a threat to me near by, and finally I would love for you to draw a picture for me.” She said while smiling back.
“Ok, just let me go grab my colors and paper.” He said as he ran from the hut.
While all of this had been going on the old miko had just sat back and listened somewhat in awe of how nice this demoness was being to Shippo and at the fact that he hadn't colored a picture for anyone since Kagome passed except for the ones he made for her and laid at the bottom of the well. Then after the little fox had run to get his colors, she was pulled from her musings by none other than the new comer.
“Lady Kaede, thank you for your hospitality, I never thought that a Miko would be accepting of Youkai, but I suppose there is a first for everything. I would like to apologize for the way I acted towards you earlier, I'm not sure why but I feel very protective of that kit. I also was wondering if you happened to have a kimono that I could borrow.” She asked while bowing her head slightly.
“Do not worry on it child, I can understand your reservations about trusting me. As for the kit, I'm not sure what it is, but since his mother died he has well… different In this past day he has done and said things that I never thought I would see again. Ye may be exactly what the kit needs.” Kaede stated. “As for that kimono, I will go fetch ye one of Kagome's old ones.” She said as she stood and walked over to the corner where there was a stack of clothes. Looking though she found one of the nicer ones, It was made out of a deep blue silk with cherry blossoms stitched into it in a deep red thread, the obi was silver silk that looked like moonbeams on water, it also had cherry blossoms stitched into it though with blue thread.
“Here ye are child.” She said as she handed the garment to Kyoko. “I believe this one will fit you.”
Slightly bowing her head again Kyoko replied “Thank you”
After handing the clothing to Kyoko, Kaede walked out of the hut and stopped Shippo from running it. “Lady Kyoko is changing, wait here with me until she comes out.”
“Ok Kaede” he said with a little pout. `I guess I'll just start coloring a picture for her.' And with that he promptly sat down on the ground and started to draw a picture.
After having dressed, Kyoko joined them outside. She looked stunning in the kimono, though she also looked fierce. She once again had her two katana's they were now sheathed and were though slid though her obi. She had pulled her long hair back into a high ponytail except for a piece on each side of her face. Looking up at her from where he was drawing he saw her smiling down at him. “Wanna see the picture I'm drawing for you?” He asked.
“Sure.” Bending down next to him she saw a drawing of two people walking hand in hand though a meadow. She took a guess. “Let me guess, that is you” she said pointing to the child in the picture “and that is me?” pointing to the woman in the picture.
“YUP! How did you guess?” Shippo asked.
“Well I figured that it looked like the meadow we were in earlier and I could tell by how they looked.” She said smiling down at him.
The moment was interrupted however when Kyoko felt a demon approaching the little village fast. Taking up a defensive position in front of the kit and the old woman, she drew her katana's and they started to glow a faint lavender color. “Get the kit inside Kaede! There is a demon coming into the village.” She stated as she prepared to defend her new found friends.
“Kyoko, calm yourself please, that is only Inuyasha, he lives here as well. I figured that he and the others would be getting back soon.” Kaede stated evenly.
Shippo, sitting down his colors, jumped up on Kyoko shoulder. “Inuyasha's ok, though kinda hot-headed. So try not to hold it against him.” Shippo said. But just as soon as the words were out of his mouth, in front of Kyoko stood the very person he had just been speaking of and he looked like steam was going to come out of his ears.
“WHO ARE YOU?!? And what do you think your doing in THAT kimono!!!!!” He yelled. That was one of the kimonos that he had given to Kagome, how dare this strange woman be wearing it.
“Inuyasha, this is Kyo…” Started Kaede but was interrupted by the person she was trying to introduce.
“How dare you insult me you HALFBREED! And how dare you insult the woman who gave me this kimono to wear! I should teach you a lesson for your insolence!” She said while seething.
He stood there slack jawed; he couldn't believe some human wench was speaking to him like this. Looking down he saw that she had two katana's drawn and she looked like she was ready for a fight. `Hmm maybe I'll teach HER a lesson for acting like some high and lofty bitch; she needs to be shown her place.' Decided on his course of action he reached for the hilt of his Tetsusaiga but just as he began to pull it from its sheath he saw Kaede stomping up to him. “Get out of the way Kaede I need to teach this little bitch a lesson.”
“Inuyasha, stop this foolishness at once. This woman is my guest and Shippo's as well, just leave well enough alone. NOW! Could we try these introductions again?” she asked looking at both Inuyahsa and the now seething Kyoko.
“Hmph, fine” Inuyasha said almost in a pout.
Kyoko looked towards the old miko, knowing that this moment in time was not the best to reveal herself for what she really was decided to concede for now, but intended on making this whelp eat his words and know his place soon. “Of course Lady Kaede.” She said slightly bowing her head and then sheathing her swords.
“So Inuyasha, where is Miroku and Songo?” Shippo piped up now that the adults had calmed down.
“They should be here in a few minutes; they said they wanted to scout around the village because Miroku felt a demonic aura nearby.” He snorted. “I didn't feel anything so I'm not worried about it.” At that he turned and headed to the tree closest to Kaede's hut and jumped up into it.
“What's with that half-breed?” Kyoko asked Shippo.
“Oh don't mind him, I think he's just upset cause you're wearing one of momma's kimono's. He doesn't tell anyone, but I know he misses her just like I do.” He said quietly.
“oh.” She said in no more than a whisper. “I guess I can understand why it would upset him then. But why doesn't it upset you kiddo?”
“I miss momma sure, but I like you and think you're nice. So I can't think of a better Lady to have one of her kimonos.” He said smiling. Though Kyoko could see the sadness in the little kit's eyes, upon seeing this she had an urge to pull him in her arms and hug him. She decided to follow though with that urge.
She pulled him up to her chest and gave him a hug and kissed him lightly on the top of his head. “It'll be all right little one.” She cooed. “How about you show me some of your things and then we can play until your other friends get here.”
“OK!” he said happily while jumping out of her arms and raced into the hut and was slowly followed by Kyoko.
Up in the tree Inuyasha was steaming. `Why did she have to smell like her?!? It wouldn't be so bad if she didn't smell like her' he mused sadly. A few minutes later he noticed that that girl and Shippo had gone back in the hut, and he also noticed that Miroku and Songo were just about to the village. `I wonder what they will think of all of this. Songo will probably be as mad as I am and Miroku…that lecher will probably try to grab her butt.' Jumping down out of the tree he ran over to them just as they were about to go into Kaede's hut.
“Hey guys.” Inuyasha said. “I just thought I would let ya know that the old hag and the little runt have a new friend.”
“Really? Who is it Inuyasha?” asked Songo.
“Some girl named Kyoko, that's about all I know, maybe you guys should go meet her, oh and just to warn you, the old hag gave her one of Kagome's kimonos's to wear.” He said hoping the last would cause Songo to blow up. But he was surprised at what happened.
“Wow, well she must be nice for Shippo to let anyone touch Kagome's things. I'm gonna go in and introduce myself. See ya later Inuyasha.” She said while waving and walking away.
“I know what you were trying to do Inuyasha.” Said Miroku disapprovingly. “Maybe someone new around here is just what we all need, I know you miss her, we all do, but you can't take it out on someone that has nothing to do with it. So just play nice huh?”
“I guess…” he said while hanging his head lower with his ears flat against the top of his head. He looked like a puppy who had just been scolded for doing something naughty.
“So what's her name?”
“Huh? Oh. Um.” His ears went back down. “I guess I wasn't paying enough attention when Kaede told me…I um don't remember.” He stated almost ashamed of himself.
Miroku just stared at his friend for a moment and let out a loud chuckle. “Well my friend, how about we go in and you and this mystery girl and get re-introduced.” He said while leading Inuyasha into the hut.
Well there you go, Hope you enjoy. I'll try to have another chapter up sometime later in the week. Review, I want to hear what people think. Until next time.