InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When One Door Closes Another Opens ❯ The Betrayal and the Meeting ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
When One Door Closes Another Opens

Lady of Fate: Hey people. This is a Sesshomaru/Kagome story.
Fate:Yeah this one is Sess/Kag.
Fate:Because you're usually an ass to Kag.
Kagome:Yeah. You are an ass.
Sesshomaru:*watching from behind scenes chuckling at the name calling.*
Fate:What the hell ever I don't have time for you. I will not add a new chapter until I get three
reviews. I have had too many people read my stories and then just not review until I threatened
them. Also I think it is plainly obvious that I do not own Inuyasha. If I did I would not be writing
this, I would be in Florida spending the billions I made.

Kagome ran with tears streaming down her face. She ran from everything. Ran from the
past. Ran from her heart. Ran from the pain. But mostly she ran from him. Once again he
had managed to hurt her, make her cry from the horrid pain that intrapped her soul.

She had been a happy girl. She had had a life and something worth living for. Now that was
gone. He had just broken her and she doubted if anyone could ever mend the pieces of her
shatered heart.

'Inuyasha how could you? I know you love her and I expected you to run off with her, but to
say those things... How could I have stuck around? I knew this was going to happen.
Everytime he looks at me all he sees is her! That's all he's ever seen!'

Kagome suddenly felt her knees buckle and she fell face first into the ground. She lay
there panting and crying making wet dirt smudges down her face.

Sobbing into the ground Kagome remembered all that had transpired only a mere half an
hour ago.

~Flash Back~
Kagome walked down the path to the hotspring with Sango right beside her. Both girls were
chatting happily and giggling when a yell echoed around the forest. "KIKYO!!" Both girls
immediatly recognized it as Inuyasha and took off running in the direction of his voice.

When they got there Kagome and Sango were stunned into a silence. Inuyasha lay in a
clearing naked with Kikyo beside him just as naked as he was.

"Inuyasha..." Kikyo said a devious look on her face, not like Inuyasha could see it. "Yes my
love?" He asked. "Tell me. What does my reincarnation mean to you?" Kikyo asked.
"Kikyo you are my one and only. Kagome means nothing to me."

Kagome gasped and stood there in shock. The gasp got the attention of both of the lovebirds.
Kikyo looked to Kagome with an evil smirk playing on her lips, but Inuyasha was looking

"Kagome..." Inuyasha said quickly standing up. Sango looked away but Kagome was too
numb to even register what was happening until he took a step toward her. Kagome
insatantly turned and ran ignoring Inuyasha as he yelled after her.
~End flash back~

So here she was, Laying on the ground, a pathetic sobbing heap in the middle of the night.
"Priestess." Came a cold voice off to the left. Kagome's head shot up and she looked around
wildly for the bearer of the voice.

A tall figure suddenly stepped out of the trees and Kagome gasped. "Sesshomaru..." He
stood there like a god dressed in his normal clothing with the fluffy thing on his shoulder. His
amber eyes glowed molten in the night, his strong features accented by the glow of the
full moon.

"Why are you crying?" His voice was soft and not at all like the normal Sesshomaru. "Why do
you care?" Kagome asked stiffly. Sesshomaru who had been standing a few feet away was
now right in front of Kagome.

He reached foreward and gently wiped a tear from her cheek. "I care because Rin cares for

'That's right. Rin.'

Kagome had met Rin on one of the many times Inuyasha and Sesshomaru had fought. The
little girl had been attacked by a spider demon and was almost killed but Kagome had tapped
into her powers at just the right time and saved the child from being eaten. After that
everytime the boys had fought Kagome would go watch Rin.

One time Sesshomaru had caught her there with Rin and had tried to kill her but Rin had
jumpped in the way and nearly got struck down for her. Rin had told him about how Kagome
had saved her life and it was obvious that Sesshomaru was confused.

He had questioned her as to why a human, especially a priestess would save the ward of a
demon. Kagome had simply responded "No innocent life deserves to be taken." That said
Kagome had stood up and left Sesshomaru there to ponder over the mystery that was

Ever since then neither of them had been able to get the other out of their head. Kagome had
wondered why Sesshomaru would take a human ward and Sesshomaru had wondered how
any human could be so different.

Sesshomaru had soon become obsessed with the young priestess. He thought about her
every waking moment. At first it disgusted him to realize he liked a human.But she had
proven occasion after occasion that she could be just as strong and independant as any
demoness if not more so. It was then that he realized he didn't just like her. She wasn't just
some phase. He was in love with her.

Kagome watched as emotions flickered in his eyes. That was the only place he would ever
show emotions. She watched confusion turn to pure un-adultarated love. Kagome gasped in
shock at the stength of the emotions playing on the now fromer ice prince.

~Lemon Warning~

Sesshomaru heard her gasp and he couldn't take it anymore. His loins had begun to burn and
he was craving her. He had to taste Kagome's soft lips. Leaning down he claimed her lips in a
soul shattering passionate kiss.

Kagome couldn't believe what was happening the Lord of the Western lands, Inuyasha's
older half brother was kissing her... and she loved it. His lips were warm and slightly
calloused. He was giving everything he had and demanding everything from her.

Sesshomaru was losing himself in this kiss. Her lips were soft and hot. He pulled her onto
his lap in a sitting position and Kagome wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him
further into her reach. Sesshomaru licked Kagome's bottom lip begging for enterance and
Kagome happily obliged while moaning in bliss.

Kagome and Sesshomaru fought for dominance but in the end Kagome allowed Sesshomaru
free reign in her mouth. His hot tounge searched every cavern of her mouth leaving nothing

All thoughts had left their minds as the burning sensations of desire filled the two.
Sesshomaru pulled his lips from hers and moved to kiss down her jawline and then further
down to her neck.

Heat billowed in Kagome's stomach as he teasingly ran his fangs over her skin. A smell hit his
nose and he grinned against her neck. This girl was undoubtably aroused.

Sesshomaru pulled Kagome's shirt up over her head. He then saw a strange white
contraption covering Kagome's breasts.

"What is this?" he asked his voice thick with desire. "It's called a bra." Kagome answered her
voice low. "What is the purpose of this 'bra'?" He asked while tracing the outline of her
breast. "It... It's a ahhh..." Kagome gasped as he then gripped her breast and gently
squeezed while rubbling his index finger over her nipple.

"Sesshomaru..." She moaned in a low voice. "Take this off." He whispered huskily in her
ears. Kagome leaned so she was partially out of his lap and took the bra off revealing her
pert milky white breasts with rosey pink nipples in the middle.

Sesshomaru stared at her cheast with a perverted gaze until Kagome couldn't take it
anymore. She raised her arms so they covered her cheast and started to get off of his lap
when he tackled her to the ground.

His strong athletic body covered hers in a powerful embrace as his mouth covered her right
nipple. Kagome moaned loudly as Sesshomaru's warm breath covered her sensitive nipple.
She could feel his tounge running over the pink swelling pebble.

Sesshomaru releshed in the sounds Kagome was making. Sesshomaru lifted his head and
stared at Kagome fully enjoying torturing this beautiful maiden

She was panting heavily and her eyes were only half open showing all of her lust in them.
He felt his loins tense up to the point of pain and he didn't know how much longer he
could go with out feeling her slick caverns around himself.

Sesshomaru edged himself down her body and lifted her skirt reveiling a pair of silky black
panties. He gripped Kagome's thighs right above her knees and spread her legs. He then
leaned in and gripped the inner edge of her panties with his fangs and began to pull them
down her shapely thighs.

Kagome bit her lip so she wouldn't moan at the feel of his breath on her lower lips. This
demon was awakening urges in her that she had never before expereanced and it was driving
her crazy with the need to feel his member pumping inside of herself, bringing her to her

Sesshomaru rose until his face was right by her unattended breast at the same time he
placed his hand on her right thigh and slowly began to massage it while he lightly blew on her

Kagome gasped and arched her back while grabbing the back of Sesshomaru's head and
attempting to pull him to her breast. Sesshomaru grinned a mischevious grin and allowed her
to pull his head to her. As soon as his mouth touched her cheast he took his hand off her
thigh extended two clawed fingers and inserted them inside of her already writhing form.

"SESSHOMARU!!" Kagome moaned loudly as his fingers began to set a steady rythm inside of
her. Sesshomaru felt Kagome's slick walls tighten deliciously around his digits as she
became wet with desire. Liquid seeped down out of Kagome, down her thighs and onto
Sesshomaru's forearm.

It was then that Sesshomaru decided that he had to taste her. He gave her mound one last
nip before he raised his head and pulled his fingers out all at once. Kagome groaned in
frustration with the loss of his ministrations and opened her eyes to see a panting
Sesshomaru smirking down at her.

Sesshomaru brought his fingers up to his lips and licked her necter from them. His
eyes immediatly bled red from the sweet honey taste that was Kagome. He could hardly
contain his demonic urges to simpy throw her on her stomach force her to knees and
fuck her like a demoness until his dick was sore.

Kagome became frightened as the sanity that had fled her before began to come back. His
eyes, a now erie red, showed his lust through the starlit night.

Sesshomaru smelled her fear and though it served to arouse him even more he got a tighter
reign on himself. He did not want her to fear him. Actually it was quite the opposite, he
wanted her to lust after him the same way he did her, and he was going to be damned if he
was going to ruin it by making her fear him.

He lowered his face down to hers and gave her a firey kiss. Kagome didn't respond at first
and he started to think that he had already ruined his chances with her when she bagan to
kiss him with so much emotion that he froze a minute.

Sesshomaru immediatly regained his senses and kissed her back in a slow seductive way. He
then pulled away and went down her sensuous body leaving kisses. When he got to her waist
he latched onto her skirt and pulled it off of her.

Sesshomaru then raised himself back up to her wetness. Sesshomaru shivered at the sight
that welcomed him. She was drenched in her own inner fluids.

Sesshomaru licked from her upper thigh to the begining of her soaked lips. Taking in the
beautiful scent of her arousal he lightly tapped his tounge against her teasingly.

Kagome moaned and bucked her hips toward his face in a desperate attempt for release.
Sesshomaru thrust his tounge into her outer folds tasting her sweetness before he pushed
his tounge the rest of the way in as Kagome screamed in ecstasy.

Sesshomaru began thrust his tounge in and out like what he would do with his penis shortly.
Spasms of pleasure began to over take Kagome's body. She wrapped her legs around him
and started rocking into his tounge. She gripped his hair and pushed him deeper all the while
screaming out his name over and over again.

Sesshomaru growled in approval as she did these things. He could tell that she was very
close to coming. He forceably pulled her legs and arms away from him and stood up.

Kagome looked at him with a confused and sex hungry look in her eyes that made
Sesshomaru crave her even more. He started removing his clothing with swift fingers. Finally
he finished letting his pants pool in a heap around his ankles showing himself fully.

Kagome gasped him. He stood at full attention and was larger than could possibly be normal.

'Got to be the dog demon in him.'

Sesshomaru smirked as he watched her openly gape at him. He knew that he was a lot larger
than humans, most demons were. Sesshomaru walked over to her so that he was standing
right in front of her.

Kagome looked up to his face and got onto her knees so that her face came right up to his
dick. Sesshomaru grabbed the back of her head and held her. He allowed her to move

Kagome gently licked the tip of his dick and smiled as it got larger at that simple act. She
then violently took half of him in her mouth. Sesshomaru moaned and gripped her hair tightly
while pulling her tightly to him.

Kagome wrapped her arms around his lower body and started bobbing her head on throbbing

Heaven was the only word Sesshomaru could use to describe what was happening. The
warmth of her moist mouth carressing him was driving him over the edge and he began to
cum in her mouth.

Both of them moaned as he hit the back of her throat. She scrapped her nails down the back
of his thighs as the rythm got to her.

Sesshomaru suddenly flung her back so she was lying on the ground flat on her back. He was
instantly ontop of her and kissing her.

He pulled away and whispered hoarsely into her ear "Kagome if I finish this you will be mine
forever. You won't be able to go back to Inuyasha ever again. You will be my mate until one
of us dies. Tell me now and I'll stop, but if you carry this on any further I will never let you

"Do it." Kagome whispered back. "Inuyasha doesn't want me anyways and I am not about to
waste my life waiting for him to get over the clay pot." Kagome stopped and then said in an
even lower voice. "Beside's I think I love you."

Sesshomaru smiled a true smile against her neck and said. "Very well Kagome. You are mine
now." Sesshomaru possioned himself at her enterence and moved his face so that he was at
the juncture between her neck and shoulder.

"This will hurt." Sesshomaru said warningly. "Go ahead." Kagome breathed in anticipation.

Sesshomaru pushed into Kagome and bit down on her shoulder at the same time. Kagome bit
down on her lip to keep from screaming in pain. Sesshomaru pulled his fangs out of her and
started lapping up her blood.

By the time Sesshomaru was done Kagome had long since gotten over the pain and was tired
of waiting for him to act. She jerked herself up and drove Sesshomaru deep inside of her.

Sesshomaru moaned at her unexpected action and then pulled out of her and drove himself
in again starting a fast and hard rythm. Kagome felt her walls ajusting to fit his large self in
and it was amazing.

Kagome wrapped her arms and legs around him filling the space left between them so that
they were pressed as tight as they could be.

Sesshomaru felt Kagome arch her back so that her cheast was pressed against his and he
pushed her roughly to the ground. His dick pushed into her again and again and each time
her slick walls tightened around him even more than the last time.

Sesshomaru was hitting a spot in Kagome that she didn't even know existed. It sent pleasure
vibrating through her system.

Sesshomaru clenched his teeth trying to hold back as he pounded into her useing his demon
speed. Kagome was digging her nails into his back holding tight as he hit that spot over and
over again, creating a friction in Kagome that she wanted more of.

By this time both Kagome and Sesshomaru were doing nothing to hold back any of their
moans. It would have been pointless. The tension began to build and Sesshomaru increased
his thrusts.

When Kagome's orgasm over took her body it was a mind boggling experiance. Ecstasy filled
her being and Kagome felt herself spasm around her lovers large erection. Kagome
screamed Sesshomaru's name in the last of her oragasm.

When Kagome screamed his name that was all Sesshomaru could take. He started thrusting
irratically inside of her as his eyes bled red again. He rode wave after wave of pleasure until
finally his seed shot deep into the young priestess.

Sesshomaru collapsed at an angle so that he would not crush Kagome. Both of them lay
there panting compleatly spent after the experaince. Sesshomaru rolled over onto his back
and pulled Kagome onto him. He grabbed the top part of his clothing and covered Kagome
and himself.

Kagome sighed contently and looked up at her lovers eyes. They had a gentleness in them
that she had never seen before. "Kagome you should get some sleep." He said leaning down
and nuzzling her neck where the mark claiming her as his lay.

"Good night Sesshomaru." Kagome whispered falling asleep instantly. "Good night my mate
and pup." Sesshomaru whipered to Kagome and her stomach where the soon to be new
Lord of the Western Lands resided.

Fate: If that was horrible I am very sorry. It was my first lemon ever posted. I'll see ya in three