InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Plushies Get Bored ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the InuYasha characters…but everything else…IS MINE!
Chapter 3
InuYasha crept down the hallway, his feet never making a sound on the plush carpet. Sesshomaru opened the door to Raven's room and arched a brow.
“What are you doing?” he asked the half demon.
“Feh! Its past noon! Don't you think they should be up by now?” InuYasha snapped. Sesshomaru merely looked at him before turning his golden eyes to the other bedroom door. Both males looked at each other before shrugging and heading to the master bedroom.
The two females were blissfully unaware of the plotting males coming into the bedroom. Jenn was on her back, her dark tresses strewn across the pillow, Raven was curled on her side, facing a wall with her hand fisted beneath her chin.
Sesshomaru stopped and stood at the edge of the bed on Raven's side. He had seen her curled in that position before and it was only when she was extremely stressed. A frown marred his face as he pondered the reason. He glanced at InuYasha to see that he was nose to nose with the female Jen. She was going to `sit' him when she woke up, he could feel it.
InuYasha huffed. Here they were, sleeping away while he was starved! That didn't mean he couldn't fix himself something to eat, he wasn't incapable. He wasn't about to admit that he wanted to see Jen awake. So, with his nose almost pressed to hers…..he jabbed her in the side with his claw.
“What the fuck?!” Jen said as she opened her eyes only to be stared down by a pair of amber orbs. “Oh my god! It wasn't a dream!”
“Feh! I told you before, woman! You are not dreaming!” InuYasha crossed his arms over his chest. Jen frowned as her eyes got an evil glint in them.
“Sit! You asshole! Sit!” Jen jumped up from the bed to stand over the face planted male.
“Is there an earthquake?” Raven murmured sleepily. Jen huffed at the delirious girl.
“That would be my brother having his face planted into the floor…again.” Sesshomaru smirked as he took in Raven's disheveled state. He would never tire of seeing her like that.
Raven's dark eyes drifted over to him before she groaned and buried herself under the covers.
“Agh.” She grumbled. “It's a nightmare come true! And I have to work!”
“What time is it?” Jen asked Raven. Raven looked at her dumbly.
“Do I look like a fucking clock?!” she demanded. Jen rolled her eyes. She almost forgot; Raven was unapproachable till she had caffeine. InuYasha's head finally snapped up from the floor.
“It's past noon!” he snapped at her as he pulled his sore body up. Jen paled while Raven cursed.
“Get in the shower Jen. I will make something for loud mouth down there and pack a lunch…dinner…whatever!” she threw back the covers revealing a pair of men's boxers and a tank top. The top had ridden up a bit in her struggle to get out of the bed. She got up and huffed as she pulled it down. But not before Sesshomaru caught sight of the small blue crescent moon on her side.
Jen nodded and went into the guest room to retrieve her stuff before heading into Raven's bathroom. Raven padded down the hallway, bypassing both males and heading towards the kitchen. She grumbled about incompetent males as she pulled stuff from the cabinets. She glanced over at InuYasha to see him seated at the table watching her with interest. Sesshomaru leaned in the doorway; he too was watching her but for different reasons.
“Afraid I am going to poison your food?” she asked them.
“Wouldn't put it by you.” InuYasha murmured. Raven huffed before pulling out a package of ramen. InuYasha's ears immediately perked. She waved him in front of his face, watching as his eyes followed the package.
“Fetch.” Raven said and tossed the package through the window way and into the living room. InuYasha dove after it. Sesshomaru chuckled.
“Was that necessary?” he asked the small female. Raven huffed.
“It got him out of my damn hair.” She mumbled as she pulled out sandwich fixings for herself and Jen. She quickly put together two bags of food for herself and Jen and put on a pot of water to boil for InuYasha. Sure enough, he came back in muttering how he couldn't eat it dry.
Jen came into the kitchen, her hair was up in a towel and she was wearing her black work pants and a black tank. She watched InuYasha wave a ramen packet in front of Raven.
“Uh…hi?” she said. Raven looked at her.
“Fix him his damn ramen so I can have a shower.” She said as she brushed past the occupants. Jen took the package from InuYasha and placed its contents into the boiling water. She looked at the half-demon.
“Feh! I could have done that.” He grumbled.
“Right.” Jen said as she went to get her brush. Raven stepped out of the shower and wrapped her blue towel around herself. She allowed her sopping wet hair to fall freely before it would be confined in a bun for work. She peaked outside in the hallway to see no one around. She had left her work clothes in her room…she just hoped everyone was still in the kitchen.
She made a mad dash to her room threw open the door and breathed a sigh of relief as she leaned against it.
“Was that necessary?” a voice asked as Raven squealed. She turned around and looked at Sesshomaru as he sat on her mattress. She clutched the towel closer as she cursed everything under the sun.
“Why are you in here?” she hissed at him. He raised a brow.
“I sleep in here.” He answered her calmly. He saw she had the urge to hit herself but that meant letting go of the towel. It wasn't like he hadn't seen it before…
“I just need my work clothes.” She mumbled as she went to her closet. She pulled out a pair of black pants and her uniform long sleeve blue shirt. Throwing each over an arm, she went to her dresser and found another white tank top. Pulling open another drawer, she tried to innocently grab a bra and underwear…
“What is that mark upon your back?” he said behind here. Raven squealed again as she threw her clothes up. She spun around on him, her black lace thong clutched to her chest like a lifeline as she glared at him.
“What is your problem?!” she demanded as she clutched her towel closer. “Don't sneak up on me like that! Make some noise here!” his eyes were trained to the black thong in her hand, his mind going to the other undergarments he had seen her wear. That black one with the strawberries was still his favorite. Raven seemed to know his mind was in the gutter because she only huffed and picked up her discarded clothes. She stuffed the thong in the stack and scooped out a bra from her drawer.
“You didn't answer my question.” He finally said to her.
“Well, you should stop ogling me!” she snapped at him. He sighed.
“This Sesshomaru does not `ogle'.” He said tartly. She laughed. “Now, what is that marking upon your back?” Raven frowned. What in the world was he talking about, a mark upon her back? She pondered a moment before it dawned on her.
“Oh, you mean my tattoo?” she said. He looked at her. She shrugged. “It's sort of like the ones you have only I paid money to have my placed there.” With that said she opened the door to head out. He wasn't quite done with his questions and went to follow her out when he almost ran into her. He could easily see over her small frame and was confused as to why his brother and the other girl Jen were on the floor in a heap.
“Oh! Sorry about that…uh…I tripped!” Jen said as she laughed nervously up at the couple. Raven did a very good impression of a growl.
“Slipped my ass, you were listening!” she demanded. Jen looked ashamed as InuYasha's eyes flattened.
“Feh, it wasn't like you two were doing anything, I would have smelled it.” He grumbled. Raven felt herself blush and Sesshomaru noted that it spread to her back. Jen sputtered at InuYasha's brashness.
“Get out of my way!” Raven screamed causing those with demon blood to cringe. She jumped over the crumpled duo in the floor and slammed the door shut in the master bedroom.
“You really are a fool.” Sesshomaru told his brother. InuYasha didn't say anything as he helped Jen up and the two left. Sesshomaru looked back into the room to find the drawer that contained undergarments still open. The temptation was almost too great and with a sigh he closed the bedroom door and headed to the living room.
The drawer was shut.
Both girls were dressed and standing in the living room. Jen's black tresses were down, covering her cartilage piercing. Her blue work shirt was untucked and open. She wore a pair of black vans as she stood there. Raven was the exact opposite of the rebel next to her. Her dark hair was pulled back into a tight bun, the look making her look older and mature. She wore no jewelry. Her shirt was tucked in and buttoned with her name tag in place. Her black pants were a little rough but looked comfortable along with the black work shoes.
“Alright, here's the deal.” Jen said. “We are going to work. We won't be back until late. There's food in the fridge so you won't go hungry, Inu.” InuYasha grumbled at her.
“Do not leave the house.” Raven said. “Don't do anything to conspicuous. My grandmother lives behind us and if she sees something she will come over. Behave.” With that said, both females grabbed up the bags and lunches. They opened the kitchen door, with a good yank from Raven, and headed out to Jen's car. The males watched from the kitchen window as both girls got in, rolled down the windows, and cranked the music.
“How can they listen to that loud shit?” InuYasha demanded, his furry ears plastering to his head even all the way in the kitchen. Sesshomaru said nothing as he watched the red Cobolt leave the driveway.
Sesshomaru turned from the window the moment the car was out of sight. He needed to find something to entertain himself for the several hours they would be gone. He had found an interesting book collection in Raven's room. He knew she loved to read and was curious as to what kind of books she liked.
InuYasha watched his brother start to head down the hallway. He didn't like the fact that Jen had left him there with no one but his anti-social brother.
“I hope that guy that punched Raven isn't there.” He said off handly. He watched as Sesshomaru stiffened and looked back at him. His golden eyes narrowed.
“What did you say?” he asked the half-demon. InuYasha shrugged.
“Jen told me of some guy that punched Raven in her tattoo and made it bleed. I just hoped he wasn't working with them cause the guy sounds like an ass.” The comment got the desired effect because Sesshomaru disappeared and then reappeared with a coat and a hat. He tossed the cap to InuYasha and put on the coat.
“Come. We are leaving.” He said as he opened the front door. InuYasha smirked.
“It's about damn time.”
After much whining about traffic and singing along to the CD player, the girls made it to work. Jen parked the car and got out. While Raven grabbed their things Jen straightens out her shit and puts her name tag on.
The girls clock in, grab the banks of cash and head into the gift shop. Jimmy watched them walk in.
“Sup my hoes?” he asked them as they walked in. They both rolled their eyes as Jen took her place behind the counter. She opened a drawer to a register and proceeded to place the cash inside. Raven mumbled something about ringing her up a soda while she went to fetch said soda.
“Oh fuck.” Jen mumbled as she watched the two giggling hyenas come to the front. The two dubbed as `hyenas' were Fran and Terry, two other females who worked in the shop. Raven just liked to refer to them as sluts. Fran was a younger girl, just turned 18 and on her way to college. Surprise there, the airhead. Terry was much older woman who couldn't seem to get it through her head that her good years were gone and younger men didn't want it.
“Jimmy!” Fran whined. “I don't want to fold shirts. Can you do it for me and I will run the register?”
“I am sure you can do it, Fran. In fact, I am sure Terry will help you. I'm up here now.” Jen made her presence known with a snap. Both females looked at her in disgust for a moment.
“Get the fuck out of my way. I would like to work, unlike some people around here.” Raven snapped at the two girls in front of her, causing them to move out of her way. They watch her put her drink on the counter and hand Jimmy a single bill. He gave her change and she signed her receipt.
“Actually paying for a soda, Raven?” Terry asked her. Raven stiffened.
“I always pay for my merchandise, Terry. I don't have sticky fingers.” She looked over at the two girls. “Unlike some people who will remain anonymous.” She said her goodbyes to Jimmy and Jen and headed downstairs to her stand, anything to get away from the two cackling hens behind her.
Jen felt jealous that Raven got to get away. Usually she was in the arcade but today she was in the shop to pick up hours. At least Jimmy was going to be there with her tonight. Hopefully the hyenas were leaving soon. She let her mind drift as she got into her `work mode' and began what was going to be a long night.
Raven headed down the flights of stairs and rounded the corner. Her stand loomed ahead of her and she waved the girl away who was already there. She didn't care to remember her name because it was just another 15 year bimbo who thought that having a job meant socializing. It didn't help the fact that the other two stands around her were occupied by nothing but men.
She said her hellos to the guys and they all welcomed her back heartily. She got along great with the guys downstairs even though they were from a different company that specialized in portraits and hair stuff. She straightened her stand from its disaster, aka bimbo while chatting with the guys. They hung on the sides of the stands asking her about non sense things. She answered in kind, laughing along with them. This was when she could really laugh and have fun. She was just one of the guys with them and it showed in the way they treated her.
She glanced up and looked into the arcade through the tinted windows. She felt her heart drop. Of course he would be working tonight. That he was Spiky. What kind of name that was she had no clue. But the ass had better keep his distance. She should have floored him when she had the chance. But that was then and now he was a damn stalker who couldn't take a hint. Hopefully he wouldn't notice she was working tonight.
Jen felt the hours crawl by. The two hyenas were closing with them and she clenched her teeth just listening to them.
“Oh my god! Do you seem them? They are so hot! What I wouldn't do to get me a piece of that fine ass!” Fran squealed as she eyed some guests. Jen never turned around from her place at the back counter folding shirts.
“Oh yea.” Terry said breathlessly. “It's almost a pity they color their hair that way. But I must say…that silver color is sexy.” Jen stopped what she was doing and felt her heart drop. Silver…hair?
“Oh no…” She said to herself.
InuYasha huffed as he tried to discreetly take in the scents around him and find Jen. Raven's lead off somewhere else and with some coaxing he convinced his brother to find Jen first since she was on the entry level of the building. His nose led him to a shop of sorts and he could tell out of the corner of his eye that Sesshomaru was uncomfortable with all the attention they were getting.
“…get me a piece of that fine ass!” InuYasha's ears twitched under the baseball cap as he smirked at his brother. The females here were very interested in them.
“Hey…you.” InuYasha saw a guy wearing a shirt like the one Jen and Raven wore. The guy stopped and looked at him for a moment, his face clearing saying to hurry up. “We are looking for Jen and Raven. Have you seen them?”
Jimmy's eyes narrowed at the two odd looking guys before him. He had never seen them before in his life and he knew that the girls hadn't spoken of anyone like them.
“What do you want with my hoes?” he demanded of them. The males' eyes widened.
“Jimmy!” Jen's voice shrieked across the store as she almost cleared the counter to get to him. “Don't say that to people!” She pushed him away to the counter where she had been folding shirts before rounding on the two males.
“What are you two doing here?” she demanded in an angry whisper. Sesshomaru's eyes never looked at her as he continued to scan the store for Raven. He almost growled when he found her scent was old meaning she hadn't been there for hours.
“Feh! Wench, we are looking for you!” he said as he glared at the girl before him. Jen rolled her eyes at him.
“We have to work you know!” she told him. “If I am going to pay for the clothes on your back then I am going to have to work.” That made InuYasha wince, he had forgotten about that. But that didn't give her an excuse to leave him cooped up in that house.
“Where is Raven?” Sesshomaru asked her. Jen sighed as she rubbed her forehead.
“She's downstairs working.” She looked at the two males before sighing. “Fine. Stay here while I tell my boss I will be right back.” Jen shot Jimmy a warning look to which he laughed at. Terry and Fran continue to eye to two male specimens before them, murmuring amongst their selves. They approached. Sesshomaru and InuYasha stiffened at the sight.
“So,” Fran began. “What are two guys like you doing with Raven and Jen?”
“Yea, you know they aren't much to look at. They could never satisfy a man…they are into each other anyway.” Terry piped in. By this time Jen had return.
“Shut your trap Terry. No one wants to hear it.” She snapped. Damn, it felt good to snap at her. She pulled InuYasha along and Sesshomaru followed along silently. Terry and Fran watched them go.
“That is just so wrong.” Fran whined. Terry agreed.
Jen tugged them down the flight of stairs while mumbling how far she was going to `sit' InuYasha into the ground when they got home. Sesshomaru ignored her and InuYasha's whimpers as Raven's smell became stronger. He almost gagged in fury when he smelt her surrounded by males.
When they rounded a corner they were greeted with quite the sight. Raven was standing at her stand looking for the entire world like she swallowed a lemon. Standing besides her was a lanky rough looking male. He wore khaki pants and a yellow collared shirt marking his as an arcade technician.
“Oh shit…” Jen mumbled. “I really had hoped he wasn't working.” She said. InuYasha looked at the guy hovering over Raven as the smaller female shifted uneasily. He could clearly smell the attraction and lust coming from the guy from this distance. He could only imagine what his brother was feeling.
“Is that the guy that hit her?” InuYasha asked and was answered with a growl. Jen spun around to see Sesshomaru growling at Spiky. Her blue eyes widened in fear and lunged forward to restrain the pissed off demon. She grunted against him as he pushed himself forward, intent on killing the bastard.
“Some help here!” Jen hissed at InuYasha. He turned to see Jen trying to restrain his enraged brother. His amber eyes widened.
“Are you trying to get yourself killed!” he hissed at her. Jen narrowed her eyes.
“No! Trying to make sure he doesn't get himself arrested for murder!” The reason sounded good enough to InuYasha and between the two of them they were able to drag the growling demon lord around the corner.
Raven had heard the growling and looked up in time to see Jen and InuYasha restraining Sesshomaru. Her eyes widened at the sight. Damn, how the hell did they get here? She thought to herself. She moved away from Spiky but the guy couldn't take a hint.
“Jen is calling for me!” she said as she dashed around the corner. Spiky watched her go, wondering where the hell she had seen Jen. Raven rounded the corner and all at once Sesshomaru was calmed again. Raven on the other hand, was far from it.
“What the hell are you doing here?” she demanded, her eyes flashing angrily. Jen huffed.
“I already asked that. According to InuYasha, they were bored.” She said.
“Bored?!” Raven almost shrieked. They could have lost their jobs over this!
“You are to remain away from all males.” Sesshomaru's voice was icy as he spoke to her, his golden eyes boring into her. Raven stiffened.
“Who do you think you are telling me to stay away from men? For your information, those are my co-workers and my friends!” she snapped.
“Yea, and what about that guy hanging all over you? Smelt like he wanted to be more than friends to me.” InuYasha said to her. Jen hit him in the arm and hissed at him to be quiet. Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed on Raven.
“I want nothing to do with him! He is a jerk who can't take a hint.” Raven snapped back at InuYasha. “You two better head home and pray that by the time we get there I am in a better mood.” Sesshomaru merely snorted at her comment and turned around. InuYasha looked at the two females before sighing and following after his brother. Judging by the way Sesshomaru walked, this confrontation was far from over.
Sometime later both males made their way into the dark house. InuYasha sat on the sofa and watched as his brother furiously paced the living room floor.
“That was interesting.” InuYasha murmured. Sesshomaru stopped and looked at him.
“Don't say a thing.” He hissed. InuYasha shrugged.
“What? She said so herself she didn't want the guy. Have some faith in the girl. She doesn't want any of those guys. Though they were all around her…” InuYasha trailed off as his brother growled. “So, what are you going to do?” Sesshomaru didn't say anything as he glanced at the clock. Hopefully the girls would be back soon. InuYasha would have to take Jen off somewhere while he and Raven talked. The woman had trouble flocking to her everywhere she went. She always returned home smelling of other males and frustrated to no end.
Both males looked towards the kitchen when they heard a car pulling into the driveway. InuYasha's ears flattened to his head as he heard the slamming of a car door. Jen might forgive him but Raven seemed to type not to forgive and forget. One thing was certain; the girls were hard workers and would not tolerate anyone disturbing their jobs.
Jen watched as Raven stomped her way to the kitchen door. While she had personally cooled off after the guys had left, Raven just stewed in her anger all night.
“Raven, don't you think you should calm down?” Jen asked lightly. Her friend said nothing but Jen could see her dark eyes flash under the porch light as she fumbled with her keys. She didn't get the chance to unlock the door before it was rudely thrown open. Both girls blinked owlishly at the open doorway before settling on the almost seven feet of pissed of demon male. Jen blinked. She couldn't tell who was more pissed, Raven or Sesshomaru.
She loved her friend but she had her money on Sesshomaru. Judging by the way they glared at each other it was going to be an interesting confrontation. Too bad Sesshomaru wasn't going to let her watch because at that moment his arms snaked out and grabbed Raven. She shrieked at the harsh treatment as she was dragged down the hallway. Jen watched with wide eyes as her friend disappeared with the demon lord.
“Woman! Close the door and get in here!” InuYasha shouted from the couch. Jen blinked again before walking in and locking the door behind her.
“So,” Jen began as she joined him on the couch. “Care to explain yourself?”
“Feh,” InuYasha said as he looked away, his furry ear twitching towards the muffled shouts of Raven. Jen looked down the hall and silently wonder what in the world they were fighting about.
“Uh…what's their problem?” Jen asked as she heard a crash. InuYasha looked over her shoulder and down the hallway. He shrugged.
“Your guess is as good as mind. I don't know what goes through my brother's head.” Jen nodded at him before thinking a moment.
“You want to watch some Yu Yu Hakusho?” she grinned. He stifled a groan as she left the room and returned with a blanket and DVD's. Well, InuYasha thought to himself, a little snuggling on the couch might make her forget she's mad at me. He glanced at the television as Jen pulled the blanket around both of them. He threw his arm on the back of the couch causing the girl to lean into him. At least this anime has lots of fights in it.
This is nice. Jen thought to herself as she snuggled up next to the half demon while watching the television. I could get use to this.
Sesshomaru dragged the helpless female behind him as he opened the bedroom door and tossed her in. He closed the door behind him, his golden eyes narrowed in irritation as quickly stood up and glared defiantly at him.
“What is your problem?” she demanded as she angrily ran her fingers through her hair. Some time on the way home she had taken her hair down from the confining bun and allowed the dark tendrils to fall about her shoulders.
“I could ask you the same.” Sesshomaru said as his golden eyes traced her angry form. Raven let out a growl.
“You had no right to come to my work and make a scene like that. You were lucky no one saw you.” She snapped. In her agitation she threw her work shirt at him. He side stepped it easily, watching her as she crossed her bare arms across the white tank top.
“That male had no right to be near you.” Sesshomaru growled as he stalked towards her. She refused to show her fear as he came towards her.
“I agree with you on that.” Raven said softly. “But there is nothing I can do about it. He is a co-worker and everything he has done has happened outside work. Thus, there is nothing I can do about it. As to the other men, you need to trust me. They are my companions nothing more.” He narrowed his eyes at her. He believed her, he didn't want to but he knew she was right.
“If he knows what is good for him he will stay away.” He snarled as he pulled her towards him. Raven sighed as she met his hard frame. She pressed her forehead against his chest as his clawed hand came up to tangle in her hair. The position should have startled her, but right now she was taking comfort in his presence.
A/N: Okay, here's chapter 3! Remember, flames are not tolerated. They will be read, laughed at, and then used to make s'mores. This is a humorous thing for me and my friend.