InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Plushies Get Bored ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the InuYasha characters.
Chapter 2
Perhaps going to the mall was a very bad idea.
“Just don't look.” Raven muttered to herself as she covered her face in embarrassment.
“Whose idea was this again?” Jen asked quietly as they walked ahead of the two trailing males who seemed to be the objects of their embarrassment.
“Don't remind me.” Raven snapped before she calmed herself. “I need to get another cell phone anyway.” Jen eyed her friend as they walked through the mall. It didn't help the girls' that other women would blatantly stop and stare at the two males following them.
“They act like they have never seen a guy before.” Jen mumbled as they stopped outside Jen's favorite store.
“Might as well split up.” Raven grumbled as she eyed the punk and goth store. Mister high and mighty behind her didn't seem like the type to wear those kinds of clothes. Jen nodded at her friend and grabbed InuYasha by the arm before dragging him into the store. Raven huffed and ran her fingers through her hair. It was going to be a long night.
Jen had InuYasha by the arm as they entered the store. She took a quick glance around before pulling him to the clothes section. Her fingers were quick as she ran over the racks before pulling things out and throwing them at the hanyou.
“Here.” Jen chirped as the clothes pilled in his arms. She then gave him a shove into the dressing room. “Hurry up and put something on. I'm going to look around.” If she was spending the money on a new wardrobe then she might as well get something for herself while she was at it. “Oh!” Jen exclaimed. “InuYasha stuff.”
InuYasha was left to dress as Jen headed over to the little corner reserved for anime merchandise. He grumbled with the snaps and zippers, his claws making things very difficult. Finally he got on the baggy black pants that hung on his hips before pulling on a red band shirt. He eyed the shoes warily before putting those on too. He stepped out of the dressing room looking for Jen.
He found her cooing over a keychain. Upon closer inspection, it was revealed to be some red head anime character.
“Who the fuck is that?” he demanded causing her to jump. She spun around, intent of giving the hanyou a scolding of a lifetime when she came short.
`Damn' she thought to herself. He looked great in those clothes. And she wasn't the only one who thought so by the look on the cashier. She huffed at him anyway and quickly changed the sheriff hat to something else.
“May I help you?” the cashier slid up to InuYasha. Jen laughed.
“I need a new wardrobe for him.” She patted InuYasha's arm. He sent her a scolding stare. “Have fun!” Jen skipped off back to the anime section as InuYasha was dragged back to the clothing.
“Jen! Damnit woman! It's a man!” Obviously InuYasha wasn't use to being hit on by a guy.
Raven walked through the men's clothing department with the six foot tall male beside her. She just wanted to get out of the store and go home. Perhaps then she would wake up from this nightmare, because that was what this was. A nightmare. There was no chance she was in the mall with a live anime character racking up the money on her credit card.
“Can I help you?” Obviously not. The busty female stepped in Sesshomaru's path as she eyed him like a starving woman. Raven huffed irritably at being ignored. Damnit, it was her money.
Sesshomaru ignored the busty blonde female before him and looked over at Raven who looked murderous. By the gleam in her eye, he could only imagine the painful scenarios going on in her head.
“Fuck it.” She grumbled. “Get him decent clothes.” She glared at the female who glared back. “Now.” The sales lady huffed and spun on her heel towards the dress shirts. She glared at Sesshomaru who glared back. She gave him a shove towards the woman.
“Just remember.” She said as she turned and left. “The first grab is accidental but any after that is planned.” She left the fuming demon lord as her laughter echoed in the
Raven walked through the clothing racks as she tapped her chin.
“Maybe I shouldn't left him with that woman…she might rape him.” Raven slapped herself, “What am I saying? He can take of himself.” Now on to more pressing issues, Raven thought to herself, time to buy me something! She glanced around at the clothes and huffed in irritation. Of course the kind of clothing she needed wouldn't even exist in this forsaken store. No! Sometimes she hated being so short. She gave an indignant huff as she stormed over to the lingerie. She needed bras and what not anyway.
It couldn't have been much later when she felt holes being burnt in the back of her head. Raven resisted the urge to squirm as she twirled around on her assailant.
She stifled the giggle.
“What the hell happened to you?” she asked Sesshomaru. He gave her a cold glare in response.
“You will never ever do that again, do you understand me?” he ground out. Raven snorted as she held in her laughter.
“You looked like you've been mauled…oh.” She suddenly remembered the sales lady. She burst into laughter, holding on the racks next to her as she couldn't contain herself anymore. Sesshomaru watched in with indifference while silently he was fuming at her. No one could infuriate him like she could. Only she found amusement in this sort of humiliation.
He gave an inaudible sigh. He should have just killed that damn female for touching him. It was amazing how vile humans were. Well…not all of them. He watched as Raven tried to catch her breath. He could always release his frustration on her, a good verbal spar sounded well.
“I haven't laughed like that in a long time.” Raven sighed as her hand clutched a thong tighter.
“Do you always wave your undergarments around like a flag?” he asked her. Raven stiffened and he smirked.
“What?” she asked quietly.
“I don't think pink is your color.” He tilted his head towards the frilly pink thong in her hand. Raven glanced down and felt her face heat up.
“I…what would you know about what my color is?” she demanded. He smirked again.
“I personally like the black pair with little strawberries on it.” Oh, if she could, she would kill him.
“Oh my god!” she screamed.
Jen's sounds of irritation made people storm out of her way. InuYasha walked next to her, his arms covered in bags from the store. At least he got away from that damn male. The guy had actually squeezed his ass…not that Jen was any help.
“Where in the hell is she?” Jen snapped. InuYasha snorted at her.
“You knew she didn't have a cell phone and you didn't come up with a meeting place.” The scolding look sent his way told him that it would be in his best interest to stay quiet.
A scream of fury echoed through the mall.
“Ah!” Jen chirped. “There she is.” InuYasha's ears flattened beneath his hat. The scream making him wince.
“What the fuck is her problem?” InuYasha demanded. Jen shrugged.
“By the sounds of it…she's pissed. I haven't heard her that mad since that ass at work punched her tattoo right after she got it.”
“What?” InuYasha stopped and stared at her. Jen looked at him.
“What what?” she asked. His amber eyes glared at her.
“Some male hit her?” he asked. Jen nodded. “On her tattoo.”
“Yea!” Jen said. “I was sure she was going to lay him out too. But she didn't. She had just gotten it too. Bled like a bitch.” Raven stormed out of the store, in her hands several bags. Sesshomaru trailed behind her, looking for the entire world, smug.
“What's your problem?” InuYasha asked her. Raven snapped a glare his way as she walked by. He cringed. Jen hurried past them and caught up with Raven. “What did you do to her?” he asked his brother. Sesshomaru looked at the hanyou out of the corner of his eye.
“Revenge.” He said smoothly. InuYasha looked over his brother and stifled a laugh.
“You look like you got mauled.” He snorted. Sesshomaru sighed and ran his hand through his hair.
“Indeed. She finds humor in leaving me with a hormonal driven female.”
“At least yours was female.” InuYasha grumbled. Sesshomaru coughed.
“I beg your pardon?” he asked as they both watched the two females in front of them.
“You heard me.” InuYasha snapped. “I got hit on by a guy. The bastard fondled me!”
“I take it you were to his liking?” Sesshomaru asked innocently.
“He told Jen she was one lucky female.” He grumbled again. “Where the hell are they going?”
“I believe to replace Raven's cell phone.”
“You mean the one you destroyed?” to that, Sesshomaru had nothing to say.
They came upon a stand with the logo of Raven's cell phone. An eager male quickly came up to help her.
“What may I do today for you, ma'am?” he asked as he leered at her. Both girls were oblivious to the male's advances as Raven dug around in her purse.
“Ah ha!” she said. “I need to replace my old phone. It uh…had an accident.”
“Battery damage?” he asked.
“No.” she answered.
“Water damage?”
“May I acquire as to what?”
“It corroded.”
“I beg your pardon?” he stuttered as Raven dropped the pile of goop that was once her cell phone. The man stared at it dumbly for a moment.
“Ma'am, there is no way we can tell if this is a cell phone.” He found a number key. “Or if it is actually one of ours.”
“One of yours?” Raven snapped. “I have been with you people for three freaking years, of course its one of your cell phones. I just need a new one.”
“You could buy a new one. We have many new phones out now.” He said to her.
“I don't have the money to buy a new phone!” Raven shouted.
“Obviously.” The man bit out at he eyed Raven's bags. She stiffened.
“How dare you!” she went to hit the man but Jen pulled her back. Jen tugged her back to help her cool off. The males watched the smoldering female and looked at the sales rep.
“Are you going to give her a new phone or what?” InuYasha demanded. The man huffed.
“If gave every girl who threw herself at me wanted a free phone we would be out of business.” He replied. InuYasha took a step back. Did this bastard just call Raven a hussy?
“I believe that is where you are wrong.” Sesshomaru towered over the man. “You see, she is out a phone. You will give her one.”
“You can't make me do anything.” the man snapped. InuYasha starred at him. Yep, the guy had a death wish.
“What makes you think I won't hunt you down after everything is said and done with.” Sesshomaru leaned down and met the man eye to eye. The sales rep took a step back at those cold unfeeling gold eyes. This guy was inhuman. It was like he could see his death in this freak's eyes. The sales rep shook his head as the tall man looked calm as ever. The two females were back.
Raven slapped her hands down on the counter.
“Are you going to give me a phone or not?” she demanded. The sales rep looked at the tall man and could have sworn that those cold gold eyes flashed scarlet red. He scrambled away and came back with another phone package.
“Here you go…have a nice day.” He said a little shaky. Raven raised a brow.
“Not that I'm complaining but how much.” She asked suspiciously.
“No charge.” He answered, his eyes never leaving the male behind her. Raven shrugged her shoulders.
“Thanks. But don't think your boss won't hear about this.” She snapped as Jen dragged her away.
“Don't push it Raven. He might change his mind.” Jen said. Raven shrugged again.
“Hey! This phone is better than my last one!” she exclaimed. “I always wanted a camera phone…I just couldn't afford it.”
A couple hours later found the two girls dragging their selves back into Raven's home. The bags were thrown in the middle of the living room while each threw their self on a couch.
“I can't feel my legs.” Raven mumbled into the love seat.
“We weren't even shopping that long! But I'm still exhausted from work.” Jen stared at the ceiling from her place on the couch. Raven groaned from her place as she slowly sat up.
“I still need to make dinner. I haven't eaten since break.” Raven grumbled as she stretched.
“It's about fucking time!” InuYasha snapped as he stormed into the living room. “I'm starved!”
“Then fix your own damn meal!” Raven snapped back. Jen rolled her eyes as she grabbed InuYasha.
“Be nice or Raven will put something in your food.” She said.
“Yea.” Raven said as she went in the kitchen. “Like Kibbles.”
“Feh! I don't eat that shit.” He mumbled.
“Why? You are a dog.” Raven answered.
“Half.” Sesshomaru said from behind her causing her to drop the pot she was holding and clutch her chest.
“Damnit! Go in the living room and find my fucking heart! Sheesh.” Raven panted as she bent over to pick up the pot.
“What do you want to do about sleeping arrangements?” Jen asked she help get out the utensils.
“I don't know, I guess we can put InuYasha in the spare bedroom. Both of us can sleep in my Mum's room. She's got a queen that can easily hold both of us.”
“What about Sesshomaru?” Jen asked.
“He can crash in my room.” She glanced over to the demon lord. “You better stay out of my underwear drawer you fucking pervert.” Sesshomaru raised a brow to her comment before walking down the hallway with the bags.
“What the hell was that suppose to mean?” InuYasha leaned over to Jen.
“I don't even want to know.” She answered.
Dinner was a quiet affair. The only commotion that occurred was when InuYasha grumbled about the food. Raven retaliated with a pan effectively shutting the half demon up.
“I don't know why you are complaining.” Jen had said. “Raven is a great cook.”
“Feh.” InuYasha answered as he turned his attention to his food. He wouldn't admit it either, but she was a good cook.
Sesshomaru had refused to eat with them but Raven left him out a plate anyway as she and Jen cleaned the kitchen. Both girls laughed and joked about the happenings at work earlier that day. InuYasha was seated in the living room watching the television.
“Move!” Raven said as she flopped down on the couch. InuYasha grumbled as he moved over only to bump into Jen who was snuggled in her `InuYasha' blanket.
“What the hell is up with that thing?” InuYasha demanded. Jen blushed.
“It's soft!” she snapped. Raven looked at her and rolled her eyes as she grabbed the remote from InuYasha.
“Marathon time!” she chirped to the grumpy hanyou. InuYasha rolled his eyes as his elder brother came in. He raised a brow at the trio situated on the couch before making himself comfortable on the love seat.
……three hours later….
“Turn it off!” InuYasha yelled. Raven and Jen looked at him in shock.
“He keeps flinching everytime he hears `sit'.” Raven said as she watched him.
“Why in the world would you want to watch this?” Sesshomaru motioned towards the ongoing episodes of the anime show `InuYasha'.
“You're right.” Raven said and Sesshomaru gave her an odd look. “What should I listen to you be an ass on the television when you're sitting right there.” Jen jumped up, already knowing where it was going. She quickly changed the discs in the DVD player and made herself comfortable on the couch again. Raven emerged from the kitchen and looked disgruntled.
Jen was taking up the entire couch and InuYasha wasn't making any qualms about moving.
“Damn you.” She hissed as she went over to the love seat. She gave Sesshomaru a growl of her own before plopping beside him. Both ignored the snickers coming from the couch. “Just remember, if it gets too heated over there, take it in the bedroom.” Raven said as she watched them from the corner of her eye.
“Shut up!” Jen screamed as she turned bright red. InuYasha sputtered.
“Yea yea.” Raven mumbled as she hit the button on the remote.
“Now what the hell are we watching?” InuYasha asked. Raven looked at him and grinned.
“Yu Yu Hakusho.” Jen said and sighed.
“Yo Yo what?” InuYasha asked. Raven rolled her eyes and then squealed.
“Kurama!” both girls cheered in unison as a male anime character came on the screen. Both males rolled their eyes.
“Hell…he's more girly than you.” InuYasha said towards Sesshomaru. His elder brother merely rolled his eyes. “Wait a minute! That's the guy on the keychain you were looking at. What's so great about him?” The two drooling girls ignored him for a moment.
“Watch.” Raven fast forwarded and stopped at a scene where the red head anime character, now known as `Kurama' was engulfed in a silver smoke. Raven let out a low whistle. “Tail and ears, babe”
The two males never thought they would be jealous over an anime character.
“Gold eyes, green eyes.” Jen said.
“Silver hair, red hair.” Raven said back. Both sighed and then giggled.
“Two in one package!” Jen laughed. Raven nodded. Throughout the night the two males were forced to endure several seasons of `Yu Yu Hakusho' and a couple more hours of `InuYasha'.
“We can't go without watching some of the third movie.” Raven said as they watched the opening scene. “Eh…flower boy?” She looked over at Sesshomaru who merely ignored her while inwardly seething. How easy it would be to smother her in her sleep. Damn the woman for being a light sleeper.
Much to the girls' displeasure, they did have to work the next night. They both disappeared to shower leaving the males to their selves for a while.
“That was worse than torture.” InuYasha said as he eyed Jen's blanket.
“Indeed.” Sesshomaru said as he contemplating just melting the DVDs with his poison. Unfortunately, that would lead to two very angry females. His ears couldn't take much more abuse. InuYasha gave a snort before standing and stretching.
“I'm calling it a night.” He said as he strolled down the hallway. “What the fuck?!”
“You fucking pervert!” Raven's voice squealed followed by a slap.
“Damnit! Don't fucking walk around in a damn towel!” InuYasha yelled back. Sesshomaru arched a brow at the argument.
“It's my damn bathroom! Go to hell!” Several angry stomps and a two slamming doors later Sesshomaru chuckled.
Yes, being here was defiantly amusing.
A/N: Now, this is just a humorous thing. I'm not really hoping for it to go anywhere, its mostly to my close friend `Jen' since she loves my writings. I don't mind reviews though!