InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When strength met speed ❯ speedy little thing ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
When speed met strength
Chapter 1
Disclaimer: will be put at bottom of this chapter so that I don’t spoil the surprise of the characters. But I do not own in any way inuyasha! He and his adorable group (*cough*shippo and Sango *cough*) belong to someone else. I don’t remember their name lol.
Authors note: hio all! This is your favorite adorable half vixen kyubiihanyou! This is my second fan fiction. My other one didn’t go over so well… didn’t get a single review! Some people are so mean! Plz don’t be like them!!! Be kind and review me. Tell me what I’m doing wrong or what u think I’m doing right so I know what to improve on and what to drop altogether. Anyways, I’ve rambled on too much. Off to the story! This story will be in 3rd person pov. I will do a sequel in the ‘alternate’ characters world next if I get good reviews.
“Where the hell is she?” inuyasha asked no one in particular. Inuyasha was nervous because kagome left and hasn’t been seen since yesterday. “Relax inuyasha. Lady Kagome left a note. She went back to her time to catch up with her family and relax a little.” Answered miroku. But inuyasha was getting annoyed. She should be back by now! It’s been more than one day, I’m going to get her if she is not back by sunset. Inuyasha said to himself as he walked back to kaedes hut. He arrived a couple minutes later and walked in without a word.
“Inuyasha, have ye seen kagome? I need some herbs from a field not too far from here. One of the women is ill and I need to fix a remedy.” Said kaede never looking up from her brewing food.
“Feh, kagomes is still not back from her time yet old hag. I’m going to get her if she is not back before sunset.” Inuyasha replied
“Would you mind getting them for me inuyasha? I need these herbs quickly and who knows, you might find a demon or two while there.” Asked kaede, knowing that would spark his interest. “Fine, but I’m doing this for the jewel shards, not for your stupid plants.” And with his statement he jumped out of the hut. “INUYASHA! YE FORGOT to find out what the herbs look like…” kaede sighed and turned back to her pot of broth prepared for the ill woman.
“Damn it!” inuyasha had just reached the bone eaters well, when he forgot what herbs he needed to grab for the hag. Inuyasha turned back to leave for kaedes house when he heard, “stupid backpack, why do we have to pack so much? Oh yes, because inuyasha eats like a pig!” inuyasha looked over the edge of the well to find kagome staring up at him, heaving her heavy backpack over her shoulder. “Oi! Kagome! The hag kaede needs some herbs for some ill woman in the village! We need to go find some herbs. I forgot to ask what they look like so you’re coming with me.” Inuyasha said to her as he lifted the backpack out of the well. “Fine inuyasha, let’s go.” Kagome replied with a sigh.
Inuyasha and kagome were running through the forest when kagome told inuyasha, “I sense a sacred jewel shard!” inuyasha stopped dead in his tracks. “It is around 200 meters to the west.” Kagome told him. Inuyasha readjusted without a word and took off toward the jewel shard.

Authors note
: ! I know I said I would reveal who the new characters were this chapter, but I had an idea! I will reveal next chapter (I promise) and those of you who can guess who at least 3/4 of the ‘figures’ are, I’m going to dedicate the next chapter to you! I will list you all by name (or username) at the beginning and end of my next chapter! Maybe even in the middle since some people don’t read the last part, which is why this is right here. Sry for butting in, enjoy the rest.

Inuyasha and kagome reached the clearing where the jewel was. It was a normal clearing. Flowers, trees, grass, a giant smoking crater, a stream, wait a minute….giant smoking crater? Both of their eyes returned to the crater as they ventured to the edge. As they reached the edge, they saw three figures in the bottom of the hole. Kagome yelled “the one in the middle! He has it!” At the sound of her voice, the three figures jumped up into a battle stance. The one with the jewel shard yelled at them, “Who are you and where are we?! This doesn’t look like our city!” then the one on the right said “please just tell us if you mean to harm us.” “Not unless you don’t give us that sacred jewel shard!” inuyasha yelled at them. “Sacred? Powerful maybe, but I’ve never heard of it being sacred to anyone. Doesn’t matter its ours!” the one on the left said. Kagome noticed the middle and right figure were male while the figure on the left was female, hopefully, because it was wearing a lot of pink. As soon as the words left her mouth kagome shot two arrows in rapid succession at the left and right creatures effectively knocking them out leaving the one in the middle.
“Well nice shot miss, but I’m a little tougher than that!” and then he disappeared in a blur. “Shit, he is fast!” inuyasha yelled as he drew tetsaiga. “Kagome! Get to safety!” then inuyasha was punched into the ground. The fight continued like this for some time. Inuyasha would try to find where he is but once u found him he was punched into the ground or in to the air. Inuyasha launched wind scars in random locations to try and hit the figure but with little luck.
“Come on kitty boy! I could do this all day!” the figure yelled as it disappeared from sight. “I’M NOT A FUCKING CAT! I’M A DOG!!” inuyasha bellowed. “Fine, since you can’t seem to hit me give me your best shot dog boy.” Then the figured blurred into existence in front of inuyasha 30 feet away. Inuyasha still didn’t get a good look at him, he was wearing a black cloak, and it was wet. He had white gloves and red shoes, other than that he couldn’t tell what he looked like underneath the cloak. Shit, this guy is faster than sesshomaru, I have to be careful. He isn’t that powerful with attacks though, guess you can’t have everything. Unless your sesshomaru… inuyasha thought bitterly.
“BACKLASH WAVE!” inuyasha yelled as he swiped his sword at the ground and the greenish blue vortex spiraled towards our mysterious figure. It was a direct hit! But when the dust cleared, the figure wasn’t scratched! “What the hell? How could the backlash wave not affect him?” inuyasha asked the thin air. The figure then laughs “is that the best you got? Now it’s my turn!” and as he said that he ran at inuyasha with speeds unattainable from any being inuyasha has seen. The creature jumped to kick him, when all of a sudden, “SIT BOY!” and inuyasha dropped face first into the ground and the figure sailed over him and knocked himself out on a tree. Kagome went to check inuyashas wounds as he dragged himself out of the crater he made, cursing kagome all the while. After finding out it was nothing serious, kagome went to get the figures from the crater, while inuyasha went for the other figure in case he woke up early. Inuyashas reasoning was that no one that strong could get beat in a fight from a tree that was still in the ground. I mean, who knocks themselves out on a tree? Its unheard of. Once the beings were gathered up, tied up, and put on inuyashas back to carry, they set out for the village. Once the figures woke up they would find out who they were. They never noticed the black figure that watched them the whole time in the shadows. He was a black creature with red streaks in his hair. He chuckled, something he hasn’t done in a while, at the antics of the two combatants in the fight he just observed. He would rescue his ‘friends’ then try to find their way back to their city. This he swore. And with his pledge made, he ventured through the trees to inuyashas campsite.

Authors note: so what did you think? Not too shabby if I do say so myself! But it’s not what I THINK! It’s what YOU THINK! So review so I KNOW WHAT YOU THINK! I know I said I would reveal who the new characters were this chapter, but I had an idea! I will reveal next chapter (I promise) and those of you who can guess who at least 3/4 of the ‘figures’ are, I’m going to dedicate the next chapter to you! I will list you all by name (or username) at the beginning and end of my next chapter! Maybe even in the middle since some people don’t read this last part here. ANYWAYS!! I have some jobs I need done! If you would like one just send an email to
Jobs are as follows:
Beta reader-to read my chapters before anyone else to help me make corrections and help me make sure the story stays on track and such
Translator-to translate some words I will be using in my story from English to Japanese, if you want this job and beta reader, ALL THE BETTER! (If you take this plz know what you are doing)
Artist-make some pictures I will be wanting later in the story. This is a very important job! If you are interested in this please send me an email with 1 or 2 of your drawings for me to judge, don’t worry I’m not an art critic or anything so I’m not going to like flame it (unless you are like two years old trying to get this job) and say you suck. You will probly be better than me if you try for this.
Alright that’s all I have to say, review and e-mail me for those jobs! All characters of inuyasha and those mysterious figures don’t belong to me. Don’t sue me, in fact you can’t sue me about the mysterious figures until I reveal them…..I hope.