InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When strength met speed ❯ the who, the how, and the why ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
When strength met speed
Chapter 2
Disclaimer: I do not own inuyasha or the mystery characters.
Authors note: HIO ALL! This is your favorite half vixen KYUBIIHANYOU! I haven’t gotten any reviews yet. That’s really mean ya know? Maybe I shouldn’t reveal the hidden characters this chapter because of that!
I want to give a special thanks to (insert name here) for being my first reviewer! At least I would if someone gave me a review! Review plz or I won’t reveal the good parts of my story. I’ve rambled on enough, here is chapter 2 of When strength met speed.
“ooooo, my head. What hit me?” “nothing hit you, somehow you’re too fast for that! You hit yourself on a tree when you tried to kick me. Now then! Who the hell are you?” inuyasha demanded. “Tell me who all of you are first!” the creature demanded. While the figures were knocked out kagome demanded that they take off the wet cloaks that inuyasha said smelled of rain. Now that the creature didn’t have his cloak, they could see what he looked like.
A blue hedgehog. And the others looked like a pink hedgehog and a two-tailed yellow fox. (I bet yall know who this is now!)“My name is kagome and this baka is inuyasha. The monk is miroku and the girl over there is Sango. In sangos lap is kirara the demon cat, And this is shippo!” kagome kindly said to the hedgehog. “humph, my name is sonic! Sonic the hedgehog, fastest thing alive! The fox is tails and the pink hedgehog is Amy.” Sonic told them. “Now will you untie me please? These ropes are starting to irritate me.” “Not until you tell us how you have a sacred jewel! And how is it so big? When did it turn blue?” inuyasha questioned “I won’t tell you anything till you untie me.” “fine but just to make sure you won’t run we are keeping your two friends here tied up for now.” Miroku suddenly said. Sonic just nodded and waited for the ropes to fall.
When the ropes fell sonic looked around while brushing himself off. Then he suddenly bolted and was gone before anyone could say anything. “Damn it, I knew that would happen! Now I have to go search for him.” Inuyasha cursed out. Once he made his way to the door, sonic blurred into existence in front of him. “Hey now, I didn’t leave for long. I’ll keep my word of telling you what you asked, after all I’m the good guy! Now then, in order. It’s not a ‘sacred jewel’ as you called it, it’s a chaos emerald. And I have it because I found it! There are 7 chaos emeralds in the world with untold and unlimited power, so that should answer the rest of your questions.” Sonic told them. “I’ve never heard of chaos emeralds, so that must mean you’re not from here. Where are you from?” inuyasha asked. “mobius of course, why? Where is this?” “This is feudal Japan, I’ve never heard of mobius either. Sorry to say, but I think you’re from a different world. If you don’t mind me asking if you know how you got here?” kagome replied.
“I think I do know how. This may take a while, so get comfortable” sonic said
Flashback (Sonics Pov)
“Left, right, Jump! Run faster sonic come on you can do this! You have to get there!” I dodged another rock and finally made it to the mystic ruins, where a purple vortex hovered over the master emerald shrine. Tails and knuckles were already there. “SSSOOOONNNNIIIICCCCC! DON’T FORGET ME!” I looked behind me to find Amy, mallet at ready, charging behind him with her little blue bird with her.
“Amy we don’t know what this is, please stay back!” I pleaded as I pulled back the hood of my new cloak tails gave me. It was like fire proof and stuff so missiles won’t scorch my quills anymore. I thought it was a good gift Tails made one for everyone, even shadow. I don’t know how shadow received his though since no one knows where he is. I then turned back to Amy. I didn’t feel like rescuing Amy from some unknown thing or creature or robot. “No way sonic! I’m going to marry you one day, and I have to be able to face danger too!” Amy replied.
While I argued with Amy, a person inside a pink bubble came from the vortex. At least, what looked like a person at first glance until you have seen the tentacles behind him and the eye in the middle of his chest.
“Are the lovers having a quarrel? If I’m imposing I could just take the jewel shards I sense here and leave” the person said. “Forget it! You’re not taking the chaos emeralds!” tails yelled at the man. “Chaos emeralds? No wonder, they did seem a little…..supercharged. I guess I’ll just have to take them!” and then he shot some tentacle things at me and Amy from his barrier. Knuckles jumped and cut them down with the spikes on his knuckles. Then a purple gaseous substance leaked from them dissolving whatever it touched!
“SONIC! The portal is closing! We have to get him back in there!” “But tails, won’t he just open another portal and come back? We would just buy ourselves time! We need to beat him here and now!” I said while dodging. As I ended my speech, I charged at him and punched the barrier to no avail. The figure chuckled. “my my, you are much faster than those pathetic demons from my world, you might be of some use if you decide to come with me.” “I would never join you!” “sonic! The portal will be closed in 2 minutes! We need to get him in and seal it closed!” “but how tails? I can’t even get close to breaking that barrier and how would we seal it?” I asked him while dodging tetacles. “when the black aliens invaded I saw that they were coming from portals, so I developed a portal sealer to close the portals they entered through to help stop the invasion. Granted you and shadow defeated them before I could use it though.”
“Ok tails, it’s time to end this!” I blurred over to tails and knuckles and took the chaos emeralds from them. Using their power I turned into supersonic! It’s pretty much the same thing as now but I am golden with a golden aura around me, my speed and power skyrocket past what they are now. With my new power I rammed into the man with enough force that even though his barrier held, he was forced back. I continued to push until we were through the vortex. “NO! such power! I won’t let this slip through my grasp!” then his tentacles reached back through the vortex and pulled tails, Amy, and knuckles through with me. When I woke up I found you and you know the story from there.
End flashback. (normal Pov)
“I still don’t know what happened to knuckles…” sonic looked sad when he told his tale.
“Naraku! He was in your world?! Damn it! This is bad.” Inuyasha said. “ouchies, my head” everyone looked over to see Amy stir. “Amy! Are you ok?” sonic rushed over to her. “sonic? O sonic it’s you! Umm, why am I tied up?” “because we aren’t on mobius anymore, and these people didn’t trust us. I mean we did start a fight and all” sonic lightly chuckled. Sonic then turned to the Inu group and asked to untie his friends. Kagome said he could. “Hey sonic, why don’t you and your friends join our group to fight Naraku? Almost everyone here wants revenge on Naraku for something anyways.” but before sonic or Amy could answer there was a BOOM! And a yell. “INUYASHA! NARAKU HAS SENT ME TO TAKE THE JEWEL SHADRS FROM YOU!” “no….it can’t be! Not with him! No no no no no!” sonic chanted as he rushed outside. The Inu gang soon followed. There they saw a red creature with big spiked gloves and sonic in a stare down.
“come on sonic! If we complete the jewel, then we can wish to go home! Not even the chaos emeralds can grant wishes!”
“knuckles, you have been tricked! Naraku is only using you! He won’t let you use the wish if there is one! He will kill you once he has the full jewel.” The on lookers looked at knuckles, So this way knuckles….seemed powerful but not terribly fast or smart. I mean how smart can you be if you teamed up with the person who stranded you in a alien world? Besides, even if he was more than he looked, sonics speed should be more than a match for it.. “sonic I won’t be deterred from getting home. I came to offer you, tails, and Amy a chance to come with me, if you stand in my way then I must do what I must.” Then he took off. Everyone gasped, he was as fast as inuyasha! Then sonic took off at his usual fast pace before knuckles could hit him. Everyone was taken aback as they saw the giant crater that appeared when he hit the ground, he was as strong as demon inuyasha as least, and who were these people? How were they so strong?
“come on knuckles! Turn back! Come to us, let us help you!” sonic yelled to knuckles from a tree 20 yards away. Suddenly knuckles was right in Sonics face with his knuckles cocked, ready to hit him in the face. Sonic was never so close to death in his eyes. The worst way to die, from your best friend in a world unknown to you. Sonic closed his eyes just as knuckles swung his fist at sonic.
Authors note: ha-ha, cliffy! If you want to know what happens, then read my third chapter, review!! And trust me when I say that you won’t expect the next thing that happens, I hope. Review for me please!!
ANYWAYS!! I have some jobs I need done! If you would like one just send an email to
Jobs are as follows:
Beta reader-to read my chapters before anyone else to help me make corrections and help me make sure the story stays on track and such
Translator-to translate some words I will be using in my story from English to Japanese, if you want this job and beta reader, ALL THE BETTER! (If you take this plz know what you are doing)
Artist-make some pictures I will be wanting later in the story. This is a very important job! If you are interested in this please send me an email with 1 or 2 of your drawings for me to judge, don’t worry I’m not an art critic or anything so I’m not going to like flame it (unless you are like two years old trying to get this job) and say you suck. You will probly be better than me if you try for this.
Alright that’s all I have to say, review and e-mail me for those jobs! All characters of inuyasha and sonic the hedgehog don’t belong to me! They belong to other people! If I owned them, sonic would be dating rouge and shadow dating Amy. I always thought they would make great couples. And inuyasha would be with Sango, sesshomaru with kagome. Don’t ask why I just like those 4 pairs. I just like to mix it up and pick the combos that would probly never happen. Plus think of a mini shadow with pink bits of fur, or little amy with black quills! Emo amy! Lol anyways. next chapter up soon.