InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the Black Widow Bites ❯ First Impressions of the Worst Kind ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Disclaimer: Don't own Inuyasha!
Just had this pop up in my little brain! ^^ So please tell me what you think!
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Inuyasha stormily walked through the hallways of the police office carrying a pile of finished paperwork in his arms.
“First she makes me take an intern and now she made me fill all this out. I'm gonna kill whoever invented paperwork. Slowly,” he muttered as he made his way through the corridor.
“But, sir, I need to get through!”
“Not with that you aren't.”
Inuyasha's ear twitched slightly as an argument came to his ears. “Eh?” He silently crept to the corner ahead of him and peeked around it. A girl with long black hair, brown eyes, and wearing a suit that looked far too formal on her though it fit to the curves of her small figure well. She was flushed from arguing with the security guard, Shippo, who basically stood there all day and did a search on random people that came through. He was too small, even though he worked hard, to really work outside the office. Inuyasha always wondered how the `random people' he searched were always either people in a hurry or attractive women. And this particular girl seemed to be both.
“But I'm going to be late!” she huffed putting her hands on her hips as she impatiently tapped the ground with her red high heel.
“You had a pocket knife. What's a sweet little girl like you doing with a weapon?” Shippo asked, his accent as thick as his red orange hair. Inuyasha saw the item in question being tossed back and forth between his small hands. He was taunting, playing with the `sweet little girl's head.
“A weapon? The thing's barely sharp enough to cut! And it's so rusty I don't even think the knife will come out anymore!” The girl rubbed her forehead and sighed, finally allowing her back to comfortably slump instead of being ramrod straight. “Anyway, I don't use it for the knife. There's also a screw driver, a nail file, a cork screw, a pair of tweezers and a pair of scissors in there.”
“Scissors?” Shippo raised thin a red eyebrow.
“Scissors aren't considered a weapon, sir,” she replied, almost spitting out the last word.
Inuyasha chuckled silently. Shippo was definitely giving this one a hard time. He had to admit, she was attractive… but not that attractive. More like pretty. Like she should be in high school chatting it up with her little high school pals.
“You'd be surprised at how many calls we get reporting attacks with scissors.”
Inuyasha could only think of one and that involved a mentally deranged man and a woman who'd been the cause of his psychotic breakdown. After interviewing the woman he'd found himself wishing the man hadn't missed.
“Oh, come on…” She checked her small watch. “Great. I'm five minutes late.”
Wait… Late? Does that mean she works here? Inuyasha couldn't remember ever seeing her before… Maybe a meeting with someone?
“Not my problem, kid.”
“I'm not a kid!”
Ooh… Shippo had hit a soft spot…
Inuyasha continued to laugh silently. Then something began to nag at his brain. What was making him feel like he'd suddenly forgotten something? It was only a little twinge of memory so… maybe it was only a little something. He could only hope. `Crap…'
“Ah, Kagome, you're here at last,” came an aged and familiar voice.
“Kaede?” Inuyasha mumbled, remembering to keep his voice low so he wouldn't be caught by the girl, now presumably Kagome. `At last? So she was expected at least…'
Kagome's face turned a red color as she smiled crookedly. “I'm sorry I'm late, Chief Kiroi. There was traffic and then I ran into this guy,” she jerkily pointed at Shippo.
Kaede laughed her slightly deep, mirthful laugh. “Yes, Officer Califon likes to do his job well.” She gave Shippo a look that said that she was on to him. The officer had the grace to look innocent and bashful at the same time. Like a kid.
Kagome couldn't help but smile and quickly snatched her pocket knife back from `Officer Califon', replacing in her purse. “I'm sure he does.”
Kaede nodded. “We'd better make haste. Detective Jidai doesn't like to be kept waiting. He doesn't like the idea of an intern very much anyways.”
Kagome laughed politely. “I'll try my best not to annoy him.”
“You're my intern!?”
Kagome looked up, startled by the new voice that seemed to come out of nowhere. What came to her eyes was probably one of the most attractive men that she'd ever encountered. He had long black hair that looked smooth and sleek as silk. His eyes were the picture of hot chocolate. He wore a wrinkled black t-shirt and khaki pants. A stack of thrown together papers rested in has hands. `A bit untidy but gorgeous nonetheless.'
Kagome's cheeks blossomed into a rosy red. `He's your boss, you moron!' her head screeched. She quickly walked over to him and extended her hand. “I'm Kagome Higurashi. You are Detective Jidai I presume?” she asked.
Inuyasha looked at the girl's hand for a moment and then back up at her. Was this girl crazy? He couldn't shake her hand if he wanted to with all these papers.
“Yeah. So?” He looked back down at her hand.
Kagome followed his gaze down to her hand and quickly pulled it away. “Sorry about that.” She gave him her best smile. “I'm the new intern.”
“Yeah, I pretty much figured that out already,” Inuyasha said as he looked at her face. How fake could a smile get? Really fake apparently… Was she blushing? `Like a cherry.' This was going to be a long year.
`Well, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.' Kagome forced herself to keep up her smile. `Must keep up the good impression.' “It's nice to meet you, Detective Jidai.”
“Wish I could say the same,” Inuyasha mumbled as he shifted the papers' weight from one arm to the other.
Kagome's eye twitched slightly. This guy was definitely getting on her nerves. She'd even put on her best smile for him and he'd just blown it off as nothing. `Jerk.'
Kaede looked from the man to the woman and then back again. “Oh, my,” she said to herself. “They certainly seem hell-bent on disliking one another…” Shippo laughed quietly behind her. Kaede turned to him and smiled before returning her attention to the detective and his intern.
“Well, let's go to my office. No sense in having a lover's spat in the middle of my station,” she said as she shooed the two down the hallway to her office.
“Lover's spat? What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Inuyasha snapped as he was pushed down the hall by the elderly chief of police, trying to keep the pile of papers in his hands from scattering all over the place.
Kagome blushed more deeply as she was urged gently into the largish office. “L-Lover's spat?”
Shippo freed his laugh from behind his hand as the three disappeared from his sight.
Kaede moved to her desk and sat down in the brown leather cushion of the chair behind it. “Now,” she said as she pulled herself closer to the oak desk, “I believe you have some paperwork for me, Inuyasha?”
“Yeah, but I should just burn it and make you do it all,” Inuyasha grouched as he placed the papers on her desk, freeing his numbed arms from their workload.
“You do that and I'll make you write every single word that was so much as scorched,” Kaede said as she picked up a paper and scanned over it to check that he'd filled it out properly.
Inuyasha grumbled incoherently.
“Care to say something, Detective Jidai?” Kaede asked as she looked up at him over the paper.
“No, Chief,” he said as he shoved his hands deeply into the pockets of his pants. There was something about that woman that really made Inuyasha not want to test her half as much as he would anyone else.
Kaede replaced the paper back on its respective pile. “Very good. Miss Higurashi, it pleases me to welcome you to the force. You're a very smart girl and I'm sure we'll all benefit from your delightful presence. I would also like to welcome you to New York. I trust that all has been well for you so far?”
“Of course. This is a beautiful place. I'm glad to be here,” Kagome replied, the back of her mind returning to her earlier bout with Officer Califon.
The other woman smiled at her. It was a relief that she hadn't yet been exposed to the darker side of a large city like New York. She would be neck deep in it soon enough.
“That's very good, Miss Higurashi. I hope you continue to feel that way. As you know you and Detective Jidai,” Inuyasha, hearing his name, turned his attention back from the window behind the chief's desk and to her face, “will be working together. I hope that you get along.”
She gave the man a sharp glance, one that warned him to stay on his best behavior.
“He is to treat you as a student as well as a partner. He will give me bi-weekly reports on what you have done, from helping with paperwork to getting clues on cases to catching the bad guys.”
Inuyasha groaned inwardly. More paperwork… why did these people insist on killing him slowly? And when did he ask for a partner? What did it matter? He didn't ask for an intern either and look where he was now.
“… sure you'll do well together. Dismissed.”
Inuyasha gave a mock salute before turning to the door. Kagome, seeing the detective do this immediately imitated, sending Kaede from anger with Jidai to quiet laughter that she could barely control.
R and R meh loves! ^^ More to come soon!