InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the Black Widow Bites ❯ Enter the Dreaded Intern ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Disclaimer: Don't own Inuyasha!
Just had this pop up in my little brain! ^^ So please tell me what you think!
Inu: How could you make me human?
Mika: I thought making you a hanyou would be unfair to all the other detectives…
Inu: Not my problem…
Mika: You're such a dork, you know that?
Inu: -blink- Dork? Where did that come from?
Mika: You just are… -waves to readers- Wave to the readers, Inuyasha!
Inu: Feh… -slowly waves-
_________________________________________________________________ _______
`Creep… two… three… four…' Inuyasha counted out the paces he took as he scuttled on his hands and knees across the floor. The damn cold floor, he thought with a shudder.
Other detectives in his department looked upon the ridiculous sight and laughed quietly, talking amongst themselves at the not-so-unusual behavior of their fellow detective.
“Shut up,” he muttered as he stealthily made his way to his little office… and to the evil female that should be on her coffee break if his watch was right. God, let his watch be right…
“… two… three… four…”
Finally he'd made it to the door and, after peeking into the bullet proof glass that was the door's window, found that no one was there.
“Thank God,” he breathed as he stood up. Or at least attempted to. Something was pressing down on the edge of his slightly baggy and a little more than slightly wrinkled pants. Slowly and with more fear than hope in his heart, he looked around.
An elderly woman, dressed in a brown tweed suit that almost matched the color of her single visible eye while the other lay behind an eye patch, had her low black heel driven firmly into the excess material of his khakis.
“Hello, Detective Jidai,” she said in a manner that was far too calm for Inuyasha's comfort.
“H-Hey, Chief Okiroi. What's up?”
“Not you obviously. Mind explaining why you're on the floor?” she asked, crossing her arms impatiently.
“Looking for a penny?” he searched for an answer pathetically.
“Really? You know that you're an hour late don't you? Would that have anything to do with it?” she asked, still not letting her anger seep into the coolness of her aged voice.
“You sure about that time, Kaede? I'm getting more like,” he checked the watch on his wrist, “fifty seven minutes and fifty two seconds.” He laughed nervously, tugging hopelessly at his pant leg.
“Now is no time to be smart,” Kaede chastised, a small and unwanted smile creeping onto her wrinkled face. She just couldn't help it. As stupid as he was sometimes you just had to laugh. Or at least smile. “You do things like this all the time, Jidai.”
She slowly lifted her foot. “I don't know what to do with you anymore.”
Inuyasha jumped up when he was freed and quickly disappeared into his office.
“Jidai, I wasn't done talking to you,” Kaede said calmly as she pushed open his door and entered the somewhat messy place. Okay… maybe somewhat was too nice a word for it…
Papers were scattered across the floor, mostly in messy piles all around Inuyasha's desk which portrayed dents and nicks in its dark veneer. Books were lying dusty and on their sides on the small bookshelf against the lightly colored wall behind the scarred desk.
“How do you work in this… pig sty?” Kaede asked as she stepped over a half-eaten banana, wrinkling her nose at the forgotten fruit.
Inuyasha plopped down in his well worn desk chair and looked around at his humble abode. The room reminded him of his bedroom the clothes on the floor replaced by the papers strewn all over the place. Even the smell was the same, he thought as he took a deep breath of the very homey aroma.
“I like it,” he finally decided.
“It's awfully… hard to imagine being in here and working…” With this much clutter around them how could anyone even think about anything let alone concentrate on one thing at a time?
“It's broken in,” the detective insisted, feeling that at all costs his space, because it was his and his alone, must be defended at all costs.
Kaede rubbed her forehead. “When are you going to be responsible?”
Inuyasha smirked and placed his hands behind his head, leaning back in a relaxed position in his chair. “Whenever I damn well feel like it.”
The old woman sighed, running her fingers through the top of her white hair which had been pulled back into a ponytail. Why, oh, why had she ever hired this rude, messy, smart-assed boy?
“I'm getting too old for this…” she took a deep breath, nearly choking on the terrible smell that tickled her nose. “Your intern will be here soon so you should really consider freshening up this place. You want to make a good first impression and-”
Inuyasha stood up straight, suddenly alert.
“Intern?” he asked, his dark eyes wide in confusion. “What intern?”
Kaede nodded. “Aye, don't you remember?”
Inuyasha's blank stare told her that indeed he hadn't.
“Lt. Kagen said he told you she was coming in,” Kaede said, giving the boy that she considered one of her own grandchildren a sympathetic look. “He didn't tell you?”
“No!” Inuyasha slumped in his chair. “I can't believe he'd go this low…” In his mind, Inuyasha began to think of all the things that Kagen had done to him. He sunk lower into his chair, his eyes beginning to flick with a dangerous golden brown color. “Never mind… Yes I can…”
“Jidai, I'm sure he had the best of intentions,” Kaede said, refusing to believe that, though he was cold and a bit distant Lt. Kagen would purposefully make Inuyasha miserable. He was a good worker. He solved almost every case that came his way. He was neat and almost obsessively organized. He'd never do something just to make Detective Jidai's life tougher…
“No way.” How was he going to get out of this one? “The bastard did this on purpose just to get on my nerves. There's no way I'm taking an intern, Chief. No way in hell.”
Kaede sighed and turned back to the door before opening it. “Inuyasha she'll be here later. I'll talk to Lt. Kagen so don't get angry and do anything rash.”
“I already told you. I am not taking that stupid intern.” his eyes continued to flicker. “Find some other poor jackass to do it.”
Kaede gave a stern look and crossed her arms. “No. I believe you happen to be the perfect jackass for the job.”
`Sesshoumaru, you bastard… I'll get you back for this...' Inuyasha mentally growled.
R and R meh loves! ^^ More to come soon! 7590211