InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the Bough Brakes ❯ Lost in Translation ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

By the time Sesshoumaru woke, the rooster had just crowed, and for the second time this week, he turned off his alarm so it wouldn't go off later. Quietly slipping out of bed, he walked down to his sister's room to see what she was up to. Presumably still sleeping, he thought. He opened her door only to see a bare room. She left nothing. Slowly he went downstairs and began cooking a large breakfast.
At the sound of a timer going off, InuYasha groggily got up and meandered towards the smell of food.
“God Sessh, who died.” He said as he plopped down on a barstool near the kitchen counter.
“What do you mean InuYasha.” Sesshoumaru's eyes never left the pan.
“I mean pancakes, fresh orange juice, three different styles of eggs, french toast, regular toast, sliced fruit, and who knows what else you made this time.” InuYasha got up and poured himself a cup of coffee. “You only cook when something bad happens, you cooked when my mom died, you cooked when dad died, you cooked when Kaida's mom left us, and you cooked when your first love left you, even though that was bad, god, she left you for a woman. What's the occasion this time?”
“She left.”
“Kagura? But isn't she pregnant?”
“Not her you half-breed. Kaida.”
“What do you mean she left?” InuYasha looked wide-awake.
“Her room is completely empty. She didn't even leave a thumbtack.” Sesshoumaru flipped the hash browns and pressed them into the pan with the spatula.
“Have you called Kagura?”
“No, she needs her sleep. Besides, it's best if she doesn't know. I don't want to worry her.”
“You are going to worry everyone for days by the looks of the food.” InuYasha stuck his finger into the pancake batter and tasted it, “Yep, by the taste of it you're gonna be annoying people to know end about this. God, it's not like you don't know where her boyfriend lives. If you're pissed about it, go tell her.”
Faster than you can blink InuYasha's cheek began to bleed in a streak of where Sesshoumaru's poison whip had struck him. InuYasha ran to the fridge and grabbed the anti-venom from the top. He put his hand to the injury and winced at the amount of blood that was coming out.
“Shit!” he rinsed of his cheek in the sink and applied the anti-venom before heading to the bathroom and finding enough band-aids to cover the wound. “You see what I mean. You're all wound up and you need to calm down.” Sesshoumaru continued cooking. “I'll be back soon, calm down.”
“Who are you to tell me what to do InuYasha? Anytime you and your girlfriend fight I end up having to fix at least one wall and replace furniture.”
InuYasha didn't bother to drive to Kouga's house, instead he ran as fast as he could in attempt to clear his mind and uncloud his vision. The anti-venom was still working it's magic.
Lucky for Kouga, the house was unlocked so InuYasha was able to enter the house and begin his search for his sister. He found her in the kitchen eating an orange.
“What the fuck are you doing here bitch?”
“I should be asking you the same question. Shit, what happened to your face.” Kaida put down her orange and walked over to her brother.
“Thanks to you, Lord High-and-Mighty is in a phase.”
“And you were stupid enough to piss him off.” She smirked. I applaud your efforts.
“You're coming back.” InuYasha grabbed her upper arm by the time Kouga stepped into the room.
“She isn't if she doesn't want to.”
“No you mangy wolf, she doesn't have a choice cause last time he was like this we were both rushed to the hospital due to poison intake. She is coming home and smoothing things over with our ass of a brother.”
“She's my mate and if she wants to stay here then she'll stay here.”
InuYasha's grip on her upper arm tightened.
“God, you fuckin' bastard. Let go of my arm and I'll go. Shit!” InuYasha smirked at Kouga and watched as his sister slowly began to walk back to their house.
“Kaida hurry up.” They both sped up and Kaida nervously opened the door to the house.
“Sesshoumaru?” Kaida said quietly. She silently followed her brother into the kitchen only to find Sesshoumaru slamming dishes down on the table. “Sesshoumaru?”
“What do you want?” he spoke violently, poison laced into ever word yet lingering on `you.'
“I came to apologize for leaving.”
“From the bruise on your arm I'm guessing this is involuntary.” He slammed a glass on the table and it shattered. Kaida rushed for the broom and cleaned it up.
“Sessh. If I knew you'd be like this I wouldn't have left.” She spoke softly and as calm as she could as her brother started putting silverware on the table. To moved to help him, but got pushed away as Sesshoumaru fought to keep in human form his body begged to change, or at least attack something. He kept it in check for now and knew that tonight he would have fun hunting.
“InuYasha, go get her things and put them back in her room, don't bother to put it in any order, just make sure it's all there.”
InuYasha all but ran from the house, it was tense and he knew Sesshoumaru was deadly when mad.
Kaida attempted to do her best as she swept up any other dish he smashed, and washed the dishes he was done with. Anytime she had to turn her back to him, she stood frigidly and was expecting immense pain at any moment.
Once everything was set and clean, he stopped InuYasha in-between a run, and everyone sat down and ate in silence. The two hanyous were especially aware of every noise they made from chewing to making sure their forks didn't scrape the plate.
Disclaimer - I don't own InuYasha and Co.